The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 862 Demon Refinement

After half an hour, the blood demon hands outside Qian Jingshan and Shi Jingtian gradually dimmed, turning into pure demonic energy and dissipating in the air.

Without the Gorefiend's hand, Shi Jingtian and Qian Jingshan were still standing still, the power of the Nascent Soul within their bodies was surging, as if they were fighting against something.

After a while, Qian Jingshan slowly opened his eyes, looking at the surging breath in the demon zombie, with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes: "Old Demon Pang, don't struggle anymore, in your weak state, It is impossible to resist this demonic rigidity."

Old Demon Pang listened to Qian Jingshan's voice, but did not make a sound. The fluctuation of Nascent Soul's power became stronger and stronger, fighting against the strange magic power and bloodthirsty thoughts in the demon zombie.

Qian Jingshan said lightly: "Old Demon Pang, you are probably still wondering why you will die in my hands in the end. For the sake of providing you with massive resources, Qian will let you die and understand."

Regardless of whether Pang Laomo listened or not, he said with a hint of memory in his eyes: "When you announced that you accepted me as your apprentice, all the disciples in the sect were very envious, but who knows that Qian is just you It's just a tool for planting blood demons."

He squeezed his fist and said, "At that time, I couldn't resist at all. I could only accept everything on the surface, and swear in my heart that I must get rid of the shackles of the blood demon."

"This sect's Phantom Demon Child-Mother Art is fast in cultivation and easy to break through. The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of resources, and there are no means of attack, only illusion is acceptable."

"So after I built the foundation, you chose this technique for me, but it was this phantom demon technique that gave me the opportunity to resist!"

Qian Jingshan said to himself: "In the middle stage of foundation building, you let me enter the first floor of the one-yuan secret realm and seize a large number of magic stones for future cultivation."

"I'm afraid you would never have imagined that this has never been on the first floor of the Immortal Cultivator's Cave. There is actually a hidden mystery. The breath of the Magical Son and Mother Art accidentally activated a magic circle in the Magic Stone Land."

"Teleport me to a mysterious cave in the ground. Apart from a dead bone and a large number of magic stones, there is only a jade slip of cultivation technique."

"Written in the jade slip is the orthodox Illusory Demon Child-Mother Gong of the One Yuan Sect."

Qian Jingshan sighed: "The orthodox Phantom Demon Child-Mother Technique is ten times more sophisticated than that of this sect, and there are countless secret techniques. The secret technique of exchanging Jindan Yuanying between the child and the mother can help me convert the blood demon. kind."

"And the magical powers of the Nascent Soul period are more able to cover up the fluctuations of the blood demon species."

Qian Jingshan looked at Mo Zong's ferocious face covered with scales, and said slowly: "The most important thing is that this practice contains an extremely amazing secret technique, which is hidden in the center of the second floor!"

Hearing this, Pang Laomo's soul finally fluctuated, and the old voice slowly came out: "Is it the secret technique of sealing the old man's Nascent Soul with a demon?"

Qian Jingshan showed a bit of sneer: "Old Demon Pang, you underestimate the Refining Demon Jue, and imprisoning your Nascent Soul is just a supernatural power attached to the Refining Demon Jue."

"Actually, it is a secret technique that means resisting true demons, using the water of true demons to assist the demons of the Nascent Soul period to break through the bottleneck!"

"What! The meaning of resisting true demons! Impossible!"

Old Demon Pang's tone changed drastically, full of disbelief. It took him so long to refine the fake jade bone human demon at a great price, so that he could be sure to resist the real demon.

But Qian Jingshan actually said that this magic refining art can also resist the meaning of true demons, how is this possible!

Qian Jingshan ignored Old Demon Pang's question and continued:

"The orthodox Illusory Demon Child-Mother Art can shield the blood demons. If I get the magic art, I have the opportunity to secretly break through to a higher realm. As long as my cultivation base is similar to your Pang Laomo, I will have the possibility of freedom!"

Then he sighed: "Unfortunately, I am unlucky. The next time the Secret Realm of One Yuan is opened, I have already entered the Nascent Soul Stage, and I cannot enter the second floor in person."

"So I took the boring practice as an excuse and recruited a few disciples who practiced the Phantom Devil Child-Mother Technique. Although only Rong Zhengqi entered the stage of forming a pill, under the care of God, he really got the magic trick. ."

Qian Jingshan said with great emotion: "The Magic Refinement Art was created by a fairy named Han Ting. This secret technique, combined with the Phantom Devil Child-Mother Technique, can refine the devil's body into the child's body. The body is the medium, soaking in the water of true demons to make breakthroughs."

Shi Jingtian showed a bit of emotion next to him. At the beginning, Qian Jingshan lived in Nascent Soul in the Demon Zombie to visit him, and then borrowed the water from the Demon Sect's True Demon Pool to break through to the late Nascent Soul in one fell swoop.

If he hadn't seen such secret techniques with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it, but unfortunately, the Demon Refinement Jue can only be performed by relying on the Phantom Demon Son-Mother Technique. How can a normal Nascent Soul cultivator and Nascent Soul leave the body easily.

Hearing this, Old Demon Pang said in a dry voice: "So it is, in the one-yuan secret realm decades ago, you not only obtained the magic artifact, but also the magic zombie brought back by Ma Jie."

"Refining it into a new sub-body, borrowing the real magic pool of the magic spirit gate, and completing the breakthrough in the late Nascent Soul!"

"Relying on the magical powers of the phantom demons and mothers in the later period, he covered his breath and helped Shi Jingtian sneak into this place."

Old Demon Pang's tone showed a dead gray color: "And the Demon Zombie clone is your second hand. If the old man is attacked and killed by you, it will be fine."

"But if you are defeated by this old man, then I, who will be at the end of my life, will naturally seize the host of the blood demon seed in the late Nascent Soul to prolong my life, and you can take the opportunity to transfer the blood demon seed into the body of the demon."

"The devil is covered with the robes and illusions, and the old man's eagerness to seize the family finally stepped into your trap."

There was an unwilling look in Pang Laomo's tone: "This old man wasted hundreds of years, collected countless materials, and then made the Jade Bone Demon, but I didn't expect you, Qian Jingshan, to be able to make it into a real defense so easily. The magic of the devil's will."

Qian Jingshan shook his head and sighed: "Pang Laomo, you are wrong, the original magic refining method has a lot of flaws, although it can resist the meaning of the real devil, it will be infected by the magic power in the demon zombie's body, and the consciousness will be infected by bloodthirsty thoughts. erosion."

"Although Fairy Han finally perfected the Demon Refinement Art, she still couldn't succeed in her cultivation."

Hearing Qian Jingshan's words, Shi Jingtian on the side was extremely curious and couldn't help asking, "Brother Qian, why is this?"

Qian Jingshan didn't answer, but looked at the demon in front of him, his eyes were like treasures, he said, "Because of the perfect magic refining art, Han Xianzi needs to refine the same sect of Yuanzong into a child!"

Shi Jingtian was even more puzzled: "Isn't refining demons refining demons? Could it be that there are immortal practitioners in the One Yuan Sect who are demons?"

Qian Jingshan said: "According to the record in the Refinement of Demons, there was a group of cultivators in the One Yuan Sect at that time who were studying physical exercises, trying to train the human body to be comparable to that of demons and demons. Devil's Body Refinement."

Pang Lao's consciousness moved, and he immediately recalled that the leader of the Demon Zong that Ma Jie said practiced was the Demon Zong Body Refinement Jutsu, and Lu Kun, who was killed by him, seemed to have inherited the Yi Yuan Sect's Body Refinement Jue.

"These body-refining cultivators also practise the Illusory Demon Child-Mother Technique, refining the demon corpse, and using the special energy in the demon corpse to temper the flesh. The cultivation process is extremely bloody and cruel."

"Unfortunately, this Demonic Body Refinement is definitely a wrong technique. When finally breaking through the Nascent Soul, the practitioners had to integrate with the Demonic Master-level Demonic Zombie, and then their minds would be eroded by bloodthirsty thoughts. It's like being a zombie, even though he has a demon-level body, his cultivation is stuck at the level of a pseudo-native infant."

Shi Jingtian glanced at the demon in front of him, and his pupils shrank: "Could it be that the demon in the refining magic must be..."

Qian Jingshan nodded and said, "Yes, it must be the demonic stiffness left by these body refiners after they failed to break through the Nascent Soul."

"These body refiners used to practice the Magical Demon Child-Mother Art, which is very compatible with the Demon Refinement Jue. The underworld magic in their bodies also contains powerful blood and energy.

Qian Jingshan said with some regret: "Fairy Han is amazingly talented. She managed to seal the demons in the one-yuan secret realm. Unfortunately, for some reason, she didn't use them in the end."

"After I obtained the six demon zombies that Ma Jie brought back, I fused the weakened golden pills in their bodies, and formed a special liquid underworld magic power in a demon zombie, which was barely successful."

Old Demon Pang was silent for a while, and his voice became weaker and weaker: "Since the Demon Refining Art is a secret technique to resist the true demon, why is it still refining the old man's Nascent Soul?"

Qian Jingshan chuckled lightly: "Because the demonic zombies cultivated through magic can not only assist in training, but also improve their combat effectiveness by swallowing up the primordial infant, absorbing your great cultivator's primordial infant, the strength of this demonic stiffening is at least equivalent. In the middle-level silver armor corpse."

Old Demon Pang's soul trembled, and could no longer resist the invasion of the cold magic power and bloodthirsty thoughts, and completely dissipated.

A faint coercion appeared on Mo Zong's body, and Shi Jingtian next to him felt a little trembling.

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