The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 863 The Biggest Winner

Shi Jingtian felt the breath of the demon, his expression was a little unnatural, and his consciousness locked the storage bag secretly.

At this time, Qian Jingshan seemed to have lifted some restraints in his body, opened his mouth slightly, and a nine-inch Nascent Soul with a somewhat illusory color flew out.

This Nascent Soul's eyes were tightly closed, and three mini swords were inserted into his body. The huge blood demon power lingered outside the Nascent Soul, and it seemed to contain a special kind of coercion.

Mo Zong opened his mouth and swallowed it, and then strong magical fluctuations came out of Mo Zong's body.

After about a few hours, Qian Jingshan's Nascent Soul floated out of Mo Zong's mouth again. Except for it was a little dim, the three mini swords had disappeared.

Xiao Yuanying stretched out his hand, and the triangular spiritual mirror that fell on the ground turned into a light, was caught by its small hand, and then fell into Qian Jingshan's body together.

Seeing this scene, Shi Jingtian's expression changed slightly: "Brother Qian, you lifted the ban on the Gorefiend Sword so quickly?"

Qian Jingshan's face turned pale, and he said slowly, "Relying on the supernatural powers of the Phantom Demon's Son-Mother Gong, Qian reluctantly transferred the Blood Demon Sword into the Demon Zong's body."

"At the end of the battle just now, Old Demon Pang's consciousness increased in vain, causing his supernatural powers to soar. Qian's Nascent Soul will probably take a long time to conceive before he can fully recover."

Shi Jingtian recalled the power of the last Gorefiend hand and Gorefiend sword, with a strong fear in his eyes: "Pang Laomo is worthy of being the No. 1 Demon Cultivator in Qi, to actually be able to add so much demonic energy to the magic weapon, it's amazing. It has reached the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul period."

While speaking, Shi Jingtian also had some magical fluctuations in his body, and the black and white jade ruler that had been blown away by the Gorefiend's hand flew back into his body.

A look of surprise flashed across Qian Jingshan's eyes, as if he did not expect Shi Jingtian to regain some Nascent Soul's control so quickly.

He turned to look at the corner of the secret room: "Although we were not seriously injured, Old Demon Pang died in our hands."

Qian Jingshan made a move with one hand, and the jade-bone demon in the corner of the secret room slowly floated over.

Shi Jingtian looked greedily at this crystal clear jade bone, then glanced at Qian Jingshan and said, "Brother Qian, according to our agreement, this jade bone human demon..."

Qian Jingshan was stunned for a moment, and then said in a relaxed tone: "Of course, we used the blood oath magic board to make a covenant. Besides, if there is a refining magic decision, Qian does not need a jade bone demon."

After speaking, Qian Jingshan took off the bracelet on the rib of the Jade Bone Human Demon, and threw the seemingly breathless human bone to Shi Jingtian, as if he really didn't care about this top treasure.

Shi Jingtian immediately took the Jade Bone Demon in front of him, and while using his divine sense to look at every inch of the Jade Bone Demon's bones, he said: "Speaking of the covenant, Brother Qian should also have the prohibition of the Stone of Oath, which killed Pang. Old Demon, the ban doesn't seem to respond..."

Qian Jingshan sneered and said, "When this old guy was getting started, he played tricks on the restriction of the Stone of Oath, so that he could do something to me, but he didn't expect that I would kill him without any effect."

Shi Jingtian stroked the Jade Bone Demon and felt more and more uneasy in his heart. Qian Jingshan was hiding too many things.

He only knew that the Demon Zombie had the function of assisting breakthroughs, but he didn't expect that the Demon Zombie could also enhance its strength by refining the Nascent Soul. If he swallowed his rock-shattering Nascent Soul, wouldn't he have the strength of a top silver-armored corpse?

And he doesn't believe it, this friend really can't use the Jade Bone Demon, the magic treasure.

While Shi Jingtian's mind was turning, he shot out a magic light, but as a result, the jade-bone man's magic treasure light flickered slightly and remained in place.

"What's the matter, the Jade Bone Demon can't be put in the storage bag?"

Qian Jingshan was also a little strange, looked at it a few times and said, "The Jade Bone Human Demon is the rumored treasure of the magic way, and this one was modified and refined by Pang Laomo, maybe this is the characteristic of the Jade Bone Human Demon. "

Shi Jingtian heard the words, and checked it carefully with his divine sense. Except that he found that every bone contained silver dragon meteorite iron, he couldn't find any other reason, so he reluctantly took out a black command flag.

The flag exudes a dark aura, wrapping the body of the Jade Bone Demon and Shi Jingtian together.

After Shi Jingtian cast the spell, he calmly took two steps away from Qian Jingshan. He said in a steady voice, "Brother Qian, the matter is over now, please send Shi to leave the Blood Refinement Sect."

An imperceptible color flashed in Qian Jingshan's eyes. He smiled and said, "That's natural, but we must first get rid of the traces of battle in the secret room."

Then he swept his consciousness towards the storage bracelet, raised his brows, and sighed, "I didn't expect Old Demon Pang to spend so many resources for the refining of the Jade Bone Demon."

He took out a few prohibition tokens, threw the storage bracelet, and landed near Old Demon Pang's broken body.

Shi Jingtian eliminated his own magical aura, took back the umbrella-shaped magic weapon with a little distress, looked at what Qian Jingshan did, and said with some admiration:

"Brother Qian is a good planner. In this way, the elders of the Blood Refining Sect will think that Pang Laomo has failed to break through the spirit transformation stage, and if Brother Qian reveals his late Nascent Soul cultivation base, plus his identity as a disciple of Pang Laomo, he will be able to become a logical person. The new elder of the Blood Refining Sect is in charge of the Blood Refining Sect."

Qian Jingshan shook his head and sighed, "It's not that easy to be the Great Elder of the Blood Refining Sect."

Then he put away the demon, and threw the prohibition token in his hand, and said with a chuckle: "Brother Shi, don't have to guard against Qian, have you forgotten that there is a prohibition of the blood oath magic board, and our relationship It is impossible to move.”

Shi Jingtian took the prohibition token from Dongfu, and Pi Xiaorou said without a smile: "I naturally believe in Brother Qian."

While trying to open the ban on the secret room, he said intentionally or unintentionally: "Brother Qian, Pang Laomo's longevity is about to expire, and the news of trying to impact the Spirit Transformation Stage may not be able to hide the Qisha Gate and the Yin-Yang Sacred Sect."

"If there is no Pang Laomo, these two sects, maybe they will start the blood refining sect."

Qian Jingshan's expression changed slightly and said, "Brother Shi, please keep the secret first, if you can delay it, if the two factions really want to do it, I'm afraid I hope the Demon Sect will help."

Shi Jingtian nodded secretly. If Pang Laomo died, causing the three major demon gates in Qi to fight, then the Demon Gate next to Xizhou in Qi state would naturally be a great help for the Blood Refinement Sect. Unfavorable.

Gradually, the restrictions of Dongfu were opened one by one, and just as the magic circle at the entrance of Dongfu dissipated, Shi Jingtian suddenly changed his face.

A small jade figure appeared out of thin air in his hand, slapped it into his dantian, and then the tyrannical power of Nascent Soul flashed away in a flash, and the whole person turned into an invisible figure, rushing towards the outside of the cave.

Qian Jingshan didn't seem to be surprised. The magic light flashed outside his body and appeared like a phantom on the mountain outside the cave. With a flash of both hands, the rich magic energy around him quickly turned into a thick black magic fog.

At the same time, a weak voice came from Shi Jingtian's ear in the distance: "Brother Shi, hurry up, Qian will help you resist for a while."

Shi Jingtian looked stunned for a moment. The moment the cave house was opened, he noticed two powerful auras lurking. He thought it was an ambush arranged by Qian Jingshan, but now Qian Jingshan helped him stop it, but it didn't seem to be the case.

"Qian Jingshan's injuries are not light. Those two people's magic power is much stronger than the average Nascent Soul middle stage. It is very likely that they are Situ Lao Mo and Le Fairy. It won't be too long."

While thinking about it, Shi Jingtian bypassed the restrictions one after another and fled quickly into the distance. It seemed that he was very familiar with the formation restrictions in the Blood Refinement Sect.

At the same time, there were two blood-colored escaping lights in the black mist of the mountain peak, as if they had lost their way, they could only spin back and forth, but could not fly out.

A female voice with a questioning tone came out: "Senior Brother Qian, what do you mean, I didn't say it before, why did you give it to Shi Jingtian?"

Two figures appeared in front of Qian Jingshan, one was a middle-aged man with a sallow complexion, and the other was a young woman wearing a dark red dress with a baby-fat face.

Their Nascent Soul power aura is very similar to Pang Laomo's Gorefiend power, but the depth is much worse.

Shi Jingtian guessed right, these two people are strong practitioners of blood magic, Situ Hao and Le Yanjun, they are not only the middle stage of Nascent Soul, they are also dual cultivators.

Situ Hao looked at Qian Jingshan, his face changed slightly: "Senior Brother Qian, you actually entered the late Nascent Soul."

Qian Jingshan said lightly: "Junior Brother Situ, Junior Sister Le, if you set up the magic circle in advance and take action immediately, Shi Jingtian will not be able to escape."

Le Yanjun also felt Qian Jingshan's breath, a bit of unwillingness flashed in her eyes, and her tone calmed down: "Senior Brother Qian's plan is too risky, we can't believe it completely, if the first elder finds us to cooperate with you... …”

She didn't finish her sentence, but the meaning was obvious.

Qian Jingshan said lightly, "Old Demon Pang is dead, and Shi Jingtian was locked by three Gorefiend swords, and most of his Nascent Soul was locked by three Gorefiend swords. It was only temporarily suppressed by secret techniques. You can use the Gorefiend Sword's induction to lock his escape direction. , as long as the secret technique is over, the Jade Bone Human Demon is not easily available."

Le Yanjun said solemnly, "If that's the case, why did Senior Brother Qian stop us?"

Qian Jingshan didn't answer, but gave Situ Hao a meaningful look.

At this time, Situ Hao was making a magic decision, and he seemed to be sensing the blood demon sword in Shi Jingtian's body. After a while, he raised his head and said decisively:

"Senior Brother Qian wants us to support you and take the position of the Great Elder. We made a verbal promise before, but now we have made an oath, so that Senior Brother Qian can be completely at ease, Yanjun, take out a piece of the stone of the oath!"

Qian Jingshan smiled and said, "With the support of the two of you, I will be able to sit firmly in the position of the Great Elder, and then I will naturally assist the two of them to enter the depths of the Gorefiend's Cave and obtain the most complete Gorefiend Art."

After a cup of tea, all the black fog near the mountain dissipated, and a large amount of blood-colored magic light surged from the bodies of Situ Hao and the two of them, forming an obscure escaping light, lasing in the direction of Shi Jingtian's escape.

Like Shi Jingtian, they suppressed the magic power fluctuations, and they didn't seem to want people to find out.

Watching the two leave, Qian Jingshan whispered, "The fluctuation just now may have been sensed by a few old guys. I, Qian Jingshan, should move around."

"Only by sitting on the position of the Great Elder, can I obtain all the inheritance of this sect and truly know the mystery of the God Transformation Stage. Only then can I, Qian Jingshan, enter the God Transformation Stage!"


Outside the Gorefiend Mountains, Shi Jingtian's face was extremely ugly. As soon as he escaped from the Blood Refinement Sect, he sensed the two Situ Hao who were chasing after him.

The joint escape of these two people is no less than that of the late Nascent Soul cultivator, and even a little faster than his escape speed at this time.

"The range of their consciousness is up to seventy miles, so why can they identify my direction? Could it be the blood demon sword in my body?"

Shi Jingtian immediately thought of the reason and felt a headache.

If he was in a complete state, he would not be afraid of these two people at all, but at this time, he was seriously injured, and the Gorefiend Sword was only temporarily suppressed by him with a magical power called Yuying for Jade.

The duration of the supernatural power is limited, and it is not enough to escape back to the Demon Spirit Gate. If it fails for Jie Yuying, he who has been imprisoned for most of the Yuan Ying will definitely be caught up by Situ Hao and the two, and then it will be dangerous.

With the current plan, Shi Jingtian had a chance only if he repelled Situ Hao and the two during the continuation of the robbery of Jade Infant.

Shi Jingtian felt the jade-bone demon behind him, and his eyes flashed with helplessness. This kind of precious treasure that cannot be stored in a storage bag is completely a burden in battle.

Thinking of this, he probed for the nearby mountains and rivers with his spiritual sense, and then flashed and landed on an inconspicuous mountain top. He moved the magic art in his hand slightly, and used magic to bury the jade bone demon into the depths of the rock.

"This jade bone man is very strange, and it doesn't reveal its breath at all. Even with my divine sense, I can find the mystery in my hand and carefully investigate it."

"Situ Hao is still 80 miles away, and his spiritual sense cannot detect it. The Jade Bone Demon hides deep in the rocks, just like burying an ordinary dead bone. Unless it climbs out by itself, it will not be lost at all."

Thinking of this, Shi Jingtian turned into a black and white escaping light, and fled in a different direction.

After sensing that Situ Hao and the two also changed directions, he was completely relieved.

Shi Jingtian's eyes flashed fiercely, if he did not hesitate to lose Yuan Ying's origin, even if he couldn't kill Situ Hao and the others, he could seriously injure them.

Then he will spread the news of Pang Laomo's death. The Blood Refinement Sect is concerned about the Seven Demons and the Yin-Yang Holy Sect, and naturally does not dare to deal with him lightly.

After the seal of the Blood Demon Sword is lifted, he will return here to take away the Jade Bone Human Demon. With this legendary treasure of the magic way, then Shi Jingtian will have the opportunity to become a god!

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