The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 869 Too powerful bone treasure

Lu Kun sat cross-legged in the magic stone magic circle, concentrated part of the essence of flesh and blood, and blessed the qi and blood magic power deep in the blood, while releasing a little chaotic magic power, so that the two merged in the bones.

But it is a little strange that the two opposing energies, magic and mana, did not produce a strong repulsion, and even had a tendency to merge somewhat.

Lu Kun showed a thoughtful look.

The mana of body cultivation in the bone treasure period grows with the bone treasure as the dantian, and is one with the bone treasure.

So magic can refine bone treasure.

Lu Kun had shown signs of fusion of blood magic power and thunder attribute magic power during his cultivation in the middle stage of Gubao.

Looking at it now, this phenomenon shows that the magic has the opportunity to refine the bone treasure.

Before the middle stage of Gubao, the blood magic power was still at the level of foundation building. Naturally, this phenomenon could not occur. After the middle stage of Gubao, with the help of his nine-star physique, he forcibly cultivated the blood magic power of the middle stage of forming core, which is similar to the lightning magic power of Gubao. After a long time, the opportunity to refine the bone treasure naturally arose, reminding Lu Kun of the direction of self-refining.

Now his blood and magic power has surpassed the Great Perfection of Forming Pill, and the mana in Gubao not only has the level of Great Perfection of Pilling Pill, but also the chaotic attribute of the Five Elements.

Moreover, the source of Qi and blood magic power is the essence of flesh and blood, and the source of chaotic magic power is bone treasure. Both are Lu Kun's fleshly bodies. With the characteristics of blood and blood magic power devouring the fleshly body, the magic power can completely refine bone treasures.

Lu Kun took a deep breath, adjusted the chaotic mana, turned it into a mana crystal and integrated it into the bone treasure, and then operated the method of concentrating flesh and blood to concentrate the essence of the flesh and combine it with the magic of blood and blood.

Gradually, Lu Kun turned into a crystal clear jade bone again, and an incomparably thick magical aura that far surpassed the Great Perfection of Pill Formation emerged in this cave.

Lu Kun's spiritual sense was stored in the bone treasure, and he ran a treasure-refining technique that any cultivator in the formation stage would use. The huge blood and magic power began to surge in the bones, and a large amount of magic energy converged on his bones.

What he wants to refine is not one or two magic weapons, but two hundred and six inlaid mature magic weapons, which will definitely consume a lot of time and magic.

One day...five days...twenty days.

For ten days, Lu Kun's bone treasure remained unchanged, blood and magic power surged in vain, as if even if there was a treasure refining technique, it could not help this crystal clear bone treasure, and even a trace of refining signs. nothing.

Suddenly, a layer of five-color halo appeared outside the bone treasure, and deep black spots lit up at the same time in the depths of the bone treasure.

Lu Kun's soul was fluctuating.

"What's the matter, the blood and blood magic power has not yet refined the bone treasure, it must first be fused with the chaotic mana, then the magic power is not the bone treasure mana, and it is even more impossible to refine the bone treasure!"

He hurriedly stopped the treasure refining magic, and forcibly pressed back the chaotic mana and blood magic.

"The magic power of blood and blood is so huge that it takes ten days to refine a trace of bone treasure. Is it because the bone treasure is integrated into the silver dragon meteorite, and the material is too strong?"

"The five-color halo and magic spot that just appeared, causing the rapid convergence of blood and chaotic magic power, is it because of the attributes of the jade-bone human demon?"

After a little thought, Lu Kun guessed the reason.

The Jade Bone Human Demon was refined by the One Yuan Sect by combining the power of the Great Five Elements with the essence of the Demon Race in order to resist the true demon.

The chaotic mana in Lu Kun's body is equivalent to the power of the five elements, and the blood and blood magic power is equivalent to the essence of the demons. Under the influence of the demon attributes of the jade bone, the fusion is accelerated.

Lu Kun was a little dumbfounded.

Pang Laomo, the great cultivator, "helped" him to refine the five-element chaotic demon bones that he worked so hard to refine. Not only was it extremely difficult to refine, but it also accelerated the fusion of magic and mana, which became the biggest obstacle to his self-refining.

According to Lu Kun's derivation, self-refining is the last step to generate the source power of the flesh!

"If I use my own cultivation method to enter the normal state of bone treasure, without the silver dragon meteorite, the difficulty of refining the bone treasure will definitely be reduced a lot, without the attributes of the jade bone human demon, the magic power and mana will not be. If they merge so quickly and refine themselves, there will be no such difficulties."

Lu Kun calmed down and forced himself to calm down.

The so-called things have pros and cons. Although the breakthrough obstacles at this time are huge, but after the fusion of his great bone treasure with the Silver Dragon Meteorite Iron, the defensive power completely surpassed his current state, and he was able to survive the aftermath of the Nascent Soul's late battle unscathed.

The attributes of the Jade Bone Human Demon seem to be related to the breakthrough of the God Transformation Stage. He vaguely heard Old Demon Pang say that the conflict between Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi and Demon Yuan Qi might not be of great use in the future.

When you encounter a problem, you have to find a way to solve it. There is always the worst way.

Lu Kun pondered endlessly: "The chaotic mana and the bone treasure are one, and the blood and blood magic is the other part. Now the bone treasure is too powerful, which makes the blood and magic power weak, and we need a balance between the two."

"But under the influence of Jiuxing's physique, the magic power of blood and blood has surpassed the Great Perfection of Formation Pill, and the total amount is even close to the initial stage of Nascent Soul. This amount can't be increased at all. Besides, its magic power attribute has been finalized."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun was suddenly shocked: "By the way, magic attribute! Hong Yuntian's blood and magic power!"

With a wave of Lu Kun's bone claws, two demon zombie bodies exuding a strong corpse aura appeared in front of him. One of them was a demon zombie at the outermost periphery of the demon refining cave, with the aura of the late stage of the formation of pills, and the other end was a top level in the middle. Demonic.

A faint golden glow flashed in Lu Kun's skeleton's eye sockets: "These two demons are formed by the fusion of the demonic body refiner's failure to break through the Nascent Soul stage, and the fusion of the Qi and blood magic at the peak of the core and the demonic body."

"After tens of thousands of years, the qi and blood magic power has been extremely weakened. This top-level demon relies on the body of the demon general in the middle stage, and the qi and blood magic power maintains the peak of the formation of the dan. "

His soul trembled.

"The qi and blood magic power in my body, if I devour these two qi and blood magic pills, I don't know how strong it will be."

"It will also integrate the cold and cold attributes of the Underworld Zerg. Even if it has the effect of the Jade Bone Demon, the blood and blood magic will not merge with the chaotic magic so quickly!"

Thinking of this, Lu Kun began to absorb the rich spiritual energy around him, operating the method of concentrating flesh and blood, and slowly recovering his body.

"According to Hong Yuntian's handwritten records, there is a huge hidden danger in the underworld magic power, and it will have bloodthirsty thoughts on the consciousness. I, Lu Kun, are not afraid of the meaning of the real devil. What can I do with this underworld magic power."

"In the one-element secret realm, Hong Yuntian, who incarnated as the leader of the demon zombie, had a clear mind after waking up. The other demon zombies were also blessed by his physical source, and his consciousness increased greatly. Obviously, the physical source is the solution to the magic power."

"As long as the body's source power is generated, with the astonishing defensive power of my Lu Kun Gubao and the blessing of my supernatural powers, my strength will surge to a terrifying level."

Lu Kun's face, which was gradually wrapped in muscle fibers, showed a cruel and sinister smile. In the slightly empty eye sockets, there seemed to be hot flames burning.

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