After half a day, Lu Kun's body returned to its original state. He formed a claw with one hand, and a strong treasure light flashed on it, and he waved forward with a whistling sound.

With a click, the incomparably hard purple-black scales were easily shattered by terrifying power, and a purple-black golden pill mixed with a strong gloomy and cold atmosphere fell into Lu Kun's hands.

This Nether Demon Pill has fluctuations in the late stage of the formation of the pill, as well as the thoughts of hunger, thirst and greed.

Lu Kun's eyes flickered with golden light, and he swallowed the magic pill without hesitation, and then his body quickly withered, and the essence of flesh and blood merged into the magic of blood and blood.

The incomparably thick golden-red liquid magic power in the body immediately wrapped the Nether Demon Pill, and the purple-black liquid was swallowed up unwillingly.

At this time, the chaotic mana in Lu Kun's bones took the lead and merged with the purple-black liquid, and the powerful annihilation force stirred in him.

Lu Kun opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of dark red blood, which fell on the ground in front of him, exuding a rancid smell.

The Qi-Blood-Night Demon Pill was cultivated by the body refiners. It possesses the essence of the body refiners. Although it is also a human race, there are still many impurities that cannot be merged with Lu Kun. , is suitable for purification.

Lu Kun still remembered the strangely shaped beasts in the Warcraft Garden. He didn't want his body to change due to absorbing the essence of other people's bodies.

As the impurity was spit out, the golden-red blood magic power took the opportunity to absorb the weakened ghost magic essence and devoured the energy of the same source.

One day, two days, until the third day, Lu Kun stopped casting spells. A large pool of dark red blood essence accumulated in front of him, and the rich rotten smell filled the cave.

In three days, the blood and magic power in his body increased by more than 10%, and there was a gloomy and cold aura. As expected by Lu Kun, his attributes changed.

After Lu Kun recovered his mana, he then looked at the other demon, and slammed it three times with the same technique, breaking its abdomen, taking out the Qi-Blood Demon Pill of Great Perfection, and swallowing it in one mouthful.

Unexpectedly, as soon as this qi and blood demon pill entered the body, it turned into a liquid state, escaped Lu Kun's qi and blood magic power, and rushed towards the crystal clear bone treasure.

"What a cunning energy."

Lu Kun was a little surprised. This top-level demonic qi and blood demon pill seemed to know the power of his qi and blood magic. In order not to be assimilated, he wanted to devour his bones first.

This purple-black liquid ghost magic power quickly spread outside the bones, turning into tiny energy points, trying to swallow the bones, making a harsh friction sound.

There was a sneer at the corner of Lu Kun's mouth, and the chaotic mana quickly poured out, which merged with these turbulent magical powers.

One after another, more powerful annihilation breaths stirred up, blasting Lu Kun's shriveled skin out of blood holes, and the filthy, rancid blood essence flowed out from it.

The golden-red qi and blood magic power attacked from behind, tightly wrapped outside the bones, echoing the chaos magic power.

The purple-black magic power has no way forward and backward, and can only be slowly eaten away by the two.

During this process of devouring, a bloodthirsty thought that was not weak gradually appeared in his blood and magic power, but when he operated the hidden bone of consciousness, this thought could not affect him.

The devouring speed this time was very fast. In just one day, all the energy of the Qi and Blood Pill was completely absorbed, and there were a lot of rancid blood essence residues around.

Lu Kun fired a real fire, burned these flesh and blood impurities, and then operated the method of concentrating flesh and blood, so that the flesh body was transformed back and forth between the bones and the human body.

According to his understanding of the fleshly body, in the rebirth of flesh and blood, the impurities of the flesh and blood of the alien species will emerge, and he can use the blood and chaotic magic power to expel them from the body.

Repeatedly for more than ten days, with the discharge of a little flesh and blood impurities, Lu Kun, who was re-turned into a body of white bones, exuded an incomparably thick and cold magical breath.

At this time, the qi and blood magic power has a more gloomy and cold attribute, and it contains a bloodthirsty meaning. Compared with the original, its thickness is 50% more. Lu Kun's bones are filled with golden red liquid gas. blood magic.

Such a huge magic power, in addition to having no power of the Nascent Soul, even surpassed the magic cultivator who had just entered the Nascent Soul stage.

Lu Kun sat silently, adjusted the magic power to the best state, and restarted the art of refining treasures.

Unlike the last time, it didn't take long for the treasure refining technique to activate, the bone treasure flashed countless treasure lights, and all the bones trembled slightly, making a creaking sound.

"Gubao is subconsciously resisting refining, and it really works!"

Lu Kun was overjoyed in his heart, and quickly suppressed the chaotic mana, restrained Baoguang, and controlled Gubao to actively cater to the refining of qi and blood magic.

A large amount of pure magic energy poured out of the magic stone circle, supplementing the consumption of blood and magic power.

As the refining progressed, there was no pain in the bones, instead, there were bursts of numbness. Lu Kun seemed to be in his mother's embryo, extremely comfortable, and waves of sleepiness invaded his consciousness.

"not good!"

Lu Kun shuddered, his mind moved, and a thick wooden bead necklace was hung on the cervical spine, and there were waves of coolness in the wooden beads of the demon soul, which eliminated most of the sleepiness.

Lu Kun felt scared for a while.

"The divine consciousness and the bone treasure are integrated. When the qi and blood magic power refines the bone treasure, it also refines the spiritual consciousness. If I fell asleep just now, wouldn't it be refined by the qi and blood magic power together and lose my self-consciousness?"

"By the way, the bone treasure is refined step by step, and I can transfer a small part of my spiritual knowledge to the refined bone treasure."

Lu Kun did what he thought of, separated a little bit of spiritual consciousness, entered the magic power of blood and blood, resisted the bloodthirsty thoughts, and quickly transferred, these few strands of spiritual thoughts entered the refined bone treasure, and suddenly felt extremely awake.

After finding a way, Lu Kun took advantage of the cool breath of Demon Soul Wood to gradually transfer his spiritual sense with the progress of refining. I don't know if it was because of the transfer, Lu Kun's spiritual sense strength also began to increase steadily.

And in the process of transferring his consciousness, he could feel that some of the bone treasures that had been refined had a special connection with the blood and magic power, as if the cells were fused.

Lu Kun felt this wonderful physical condition carefully, and at the same time recalled the feeling that the source of his physical body brought him back then.

Ten days...twenty month...

Three months passed, nearly 100,000 magic stones were spent, and the entire skeleton magic weapon was finally completely refined by the blood and magic power.

At the moment when the refining was successful, Lu Kun's spiritual sense seemed to have been sublimated in some way, and trembled violently.

The spiritual energy in the entire Demon Spirit Island was also strongly attracted, forming a large number of spiritual energy vortexes, with a huge spiritual energy coercion, madly pouring into Lu Kun's cave.

All the remaining magic stones on the ground shattered at the same time, turning into a vortex of rich magic energy, surrounding Lu Kun.

The qi and blood magic power and chaotic magic power in the bone treasure are integrated with each other under the injection of a large amount of spiritual qi and magic qi. Although the qi and blood magic power is much richer, the chaotic magic power attribute is special, and there are endless pure spiritual qi to help. There is no downside in the fusion process.

With the fusion of the two, a trace of silver energy suddenly appeared in the bones.

The surface of the crystal clear jade bones also suddenly lit up with complex lines.

These lines are the most important circles in the psychic puppets, the Yuanling circles!

A strange and strange aura was generated in the Yuanling array, and Lu Kun's jade bones trembled, as if it had lost its weight, and floated lightly.

Gradually, the fusion energy of silver became more and more, and the strange aura in the primordial spirit formation became stronger and stronger, and the surrounding spiritual vortex and rich magical energy were unnaturally distorted.

After a while, the entire cave began to vibrate rumblingly, and the restrictions shrouded in the surrounding walls flickered, as if under some kind of attack.

A large number of magic stone fragments and formation materials on the ground floated strangely in the shaking of the cave, and seemed to be attracted to Lu Kun's jade bones.

But when they were three feet away from the jade bones, they were crushed into powder by an invisible terrifying force...

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