The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 878 Horrible bone transformation

Daojun Sanyang was stunned when he heard the words. Lieyang Sect had been in Chu State for tens of thousands of years. Even if he was a sect in the ancient times of Chu State, he had an impression, but he had never heard of this Refinement Pavilion.

"Training Pavilion, is it a sect that cultivates the flesh? It should be right, this guy named Lu Kun has an absurdly strong flesh. Not to mention the calcination of the Three Yangs with his head, he can recover quickly, as if he is not body of death."

When Tu Tiancheng heard the body training pavilion, his face changed slightly, and he suddenly remembered that the devil cave that Tian Renjie was looking for was in the Dead Sea not far away.

All the disciples of Chi Lianzong in the devil's cave died, and even Tian Renjie had no news, and this sect called Lianti Pavilion was hidden in the sea of ​​chaos.

The physical body of this person in front of him is terrifying, and his disciples must be full of qi and blood, and they are completely mortal enemies with their red-cultivation magic arts.

Could it be the hands of the Body Refinement Pavilion?

Lu Kun looked at the expressions of the two of them, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and an invisible force field appeared outside the body in vain.

Everyone present, including the two Nascent Soul monks, felt a shudder in their bodies, as if they had encountered some kind of terrifying natural enemy.

Suddenly, a burst of air exploded, and Lu Kun shot towards Tu Tiancheng. Due to the speed, a harsh sonic boom sounded.

Tu Tiancheng's face changed greatly, he quickly took out a broken jade talisman and stuck it on his body, a thick layer of yellow aura wrapped around him, exuding astonishing fluctuations.

At this time, Lu Kun had already come to Tu Tiancheng's side, his left hand squeezed his fist, the fire of Sanyang was bound to the surface of his fist by the source of his flesh, and he shot out several flames.

The right fist held Tu Tiancheng's green long sword, and this magic weapon turned into a sword light and fell like a torrential rain.

The offensive that Lu Kun burst out was extremely astonishing. The surrounding air was distorted by the huge force, but due to the shackles of the physical source, there was no residual prestige.

At this moment, Tu Tiancheng seemed to feel that he was being besieged by several powerhouses in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Every attack contained strange powers, causing the power of Nascent Soul in his body to oscillate, and he was unable to lift his mana for a while. .

In just one breath, Tu Tiancheng's thick yellow aura was completely smashed together with the mana shield, and the incomplete jade talisman was even broken.

A flash of light flashed, and Tu Tiancheng's Nascent Soul was wrapped in a storage bag, and instantly disappeared from his body, appearing seven or eight feet away.

This is Nascent Soul's unique teleportation supernatural power. With this supernatural power, even if the cultivator is defeated, it is difficult to be killed. The escape speed of Nascent Soul's successive teleportation is more than twice as fast as the ordinary escape light.

Tu Tiancheng's Nascent Soul's small eyes were filled with resentment. He didn't expect that the master of the Body Refinement Pavilion had such amazing magical powers, and his fighting style was even more unheard of. His dharma body was almost exploded in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, without the magic weapon of life, even if the old man takes the body, his strength will be greatly reduced!" The thought in his heart flashed, and he urged the magic to continue to use the teleportation technique.

But at this moment, Tu Tiancheng suddenly felt an endless terrifying force coming from the surrounding void, squeezing around Nascent Soul, the air suddenly became sticky, and his teleportation magical power could not be activated!

"What kind of magical power is this? Ah, fellow Daoist forgive me!"

The next moment, the terrifying power in the void directly crushed his fragile Nascent Soul, and the huge spiritual power overflowed, turning into a vortex of spiritual energy, returning to the heaven and earth, and the storage bag was invisible. He grabbed it with the strength and floated towards Lu Kun.

When Tu Tiancheng's Nascent Soul dissipated, the Sanyang True Monarch in the distance was enveloped by a huge flame, and the whole person turned into a flame of escape light, which shot towards the distance.

Sanyang Daojun saw that Lu Kun raised his hand and killed Tu Tiancheng, and was so frightened that his soul was scattered.

Just kidding, the flesh body that can't be burned by different fire, the speed as fast as a magic weapon, the attack like a storm, and the supernatural ability to prevent the Nascent Soul from teleporting, how can this be done!

Lu Kun snorted coldly, a chaotic magic energy was forcibly injected into the green long sword in his hand, and an invisible force field appeared outside it, and then his right arm skyrocketed and turned into a huge deformed arm.

Lu Kun violently threw Tu Tiancheng's long sword magic weapon into the distance. With the blessing of 1.2 million jins of terrifying brute force and physical power, the speed of the long sword was extremely fast, and the sharp piercing sound was extremely harsh.

Afterwards, his whole body shined brightly, his legs shook, and a sonic boom cloud exploded in place, like a human-shaped magic weapon, lasing away into the distance.

After entering the period of bone transformation, although Mana can't use the technique of flying in the sky, it can mobilize Gubao. Gubao's power in the sky, combined with the power of the void, is much faster than Sanyang Zhenjun's escape light.

The green long sword was even faster, catching up with True Monarch Sanyang's escape in an instant.


With a loud bang, True Monarch Sanyang's flame escaped light was directly hit by the blue-green long sword, and a terrifying arc-shaped wave radiated in all directions, and the sea water below was pressed out of huge potholes by invisible forces.

The flames escaped and scattered, and a small fiery red circular shield flashed with intense three-color firelight, blocking the front of True Monarch Sanyang. The power of Nascent Soul rolled in his body, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, which seemed to have been injured. .

The emerald green long sword was wrapped by an invisible force field, and its spiritual light was very dim. With just one breath, the magic energy inside was completely consumed, and the physical source power was completely dissipated, and then the long sword was ejected by the small shield.

Seeing this, True Monarch Sanyang didn't have the slightest hint of joy. His face was pale, and he quickly moved the magic art in his hand. The power of Nascent Soul and the fire of Sanyang in his body produced a strange fluctuation.

Lu Kun's burly figure appeared in front of True Monarch Sanyang like a huge shadow, and two huge fists emitting a dazzling silver light slammed down.

At this moment, the fire of the Three Yangs on his fist suddenly exploded, causing his body to stagger, and the flesh and blood on his fist was blown away, revealing the white jade hand bones inside.

Taking advantage of this gap, True Monarch Sanyang released three-colored flames from his body, disappeared on the spot, and instantly appeared ten feet away.

Lu Kun's reaction was not slow. He held one hand empty, and the power of the void containing 800,000 kilograms surged out, and a huge brute force immediately emerged in the air, squeezing inward.

A look of determination flashed in True Monarch Sanyang's eyes, and the power of the Nascent Soul in his body was suddenly reduced by a large amount.

True Monarch Sanyang had a happy expression on his face, and hurriedly urged the secret technique to teleport out, and fled to the distance at a more terrifying speed.

Lu Kun felt the sparse magical energy in his body, and there was a hint of amazement in his eyes: "The Divine Ability of Different Fire is really powerful, and this person's strength is probably comparable to the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

Lu Kun did not continue to track, he just broke through to the bone transformation stage, and in this time, the magic energy did not recover much.

He took the green long sword into his hand, looked at the dim aura, and said with some regret: "Magic energy and physical source power are too domineering, and the magic weapon of the cultivator is simply unbearable. This magic weapon is destroyed."

Then he took out a sledgehammer with a dim magic pattern. It was the Heavenly Hammer that helped him through the last calamity. I don't know if the power of the thunder tribulation was too great, and this magic weapon was completely damaged.

If he attacked with the Heavenly Hammer, True Monarch Sanyang would not be so easy to resist.

"The weapons of the bone transformation period are completely different from the traditional cultivators. It is best to re-refine them with reference to the magic weapon."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun had a headache again. After the energy in his body has turned into magic energy, not to mention the mana at the Nascent Soul level is really hot.

Putting away the weapon, Lu Kun turned and flew towards Yaoling Island. After this phenomenon of body repairing thunder tribulation, immortal cultivators in a radius of hundreds of miles probably felt a little bit, and Yaoling Island was no longer safe.

Moreover, the ancient prohibition of Yaoling Island was completely destroyed by Lei Jie, and the spiritual energy would gradually be mixed with demonic energy and demonic energy, and it could not be used as a sect station.

"Physical training in the Bone Treasure period began to use demonic energy, and the bone transformation period has a greater demand for demonic energy. Only places filled with demonic energy and spiritual energy are suitable for the mountain gate of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

A cold look flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, and he already had a suitable place in his heart, that is the Yunling Mountains where the Demon Gate is located!

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