The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 879 Mysterious Woman

A cloud in the sky above Yaoling Island was shrouded in a faint blue halo.

Above the cloud stood a man and a woman. The cloud was not too high from the sea. Strangely, neither Lu Kun nor Xiao Jin noticed their existence.

This man was Fang Xiaobo who had escaped from Daoist corpse before, the elder of the Core Formation Stage of the Spirit Transformation Sect. He bowed slightly and stood respectfully behind the fat middle-aged woman.

Fang Xiaobo's eyes flashed with fear, if it wasn't for the legendary ancestor beside him, he would have been directly killed by that top-level bronze armored corpse, and there was no chance for him to escape.

Looking at the middle-aged woman beside him, Fang Xiaobo was a little excited. This old ancestor liked to hang out with the disciples of the Foundation Establishment period, and for so many years, he had been staying on Abyss Island and never went out. He didn't expect to come out this time. .

Does the ancestor plan to officially come out and vigorously develop Hualing Sect?

The middle-aged woman ignored Fang Xiaobo's excited expression, and she murmured, "It's actually a supernatural power that can only be possessed by demon kings, Lu Kun, the master of the Body Refinement Pavilion? This kid actually did what the One Yuan Sect didn't do. "

"When I was in Abyss City, I vaguely noticed that he had some kind of demon king bloodline, but I didn't expect it to be the famous Tong-arm Demon Ape."

She looked inexplicable, and she didn't know whether the other party Xiaobo was talking, or if she was talking to herself.

"It is said that the monster race completed its transformation back then, from the body of a beast to a human form, freed from the restrictions of the monster's meridians, and can use the magical powers of the cultivator, and this is the shape-changing thunder tribulation."

"Now the transformation of this little guy's body has completely broken the limitation of the weak body of the immortal cultivator, which is why such a terrifying thunder tribulation has been triggered!"

She looked up at the sky: "Is it the will of God in the dark that brought a glimmer of hope to the people?"

Fang Xiaobo was a bit baffled. They were at an altitude of dozens of miles away, and he couldn't see the scene below with his divine sense. However, in the last thunder calamity, he could feel the terrifying power contained in it. Xiu can't resist it.

Can listen to the meaning of the ancestors, not some monster, but a human race? Body Refinement Pavilion? Could it be the immortal cultivator who cultivated the physical body, resisting the thunder calamity with the physical body?

Fang Xiaobo didn't dare to ask this ancestor in the wild thoughts in his heart.

The middle-aged woman was silent for a while, then took out a green turtle shell the size of a slap, like a fossil, with a sense of vicissitudes of time, she said slowly: "Xiaobo, go back and notify Yuan'er, transfer the core disciple, be sure to All of them will leave Chu State within half a year."

Fang Xiaobo was stunned for a moment, then said in horror, "Old Ancestor, is it possible that some disciples in the sect offended your elders and made you angry? You..."

The middle-aged woman threw the fossil tortoise shell over and sighed: "My life is about to expire, and there are only ten years left. The monster clan in the outer sea is just about to move, and there is a good chance that they will invade the mainland of Chu."

"With the strength of the ten major sects of the Chu State, it won't be able to resist for a long time."

Fang Xiaobo was shocked and said, "Old Ancestor, you live in symbiosis with the Mysterious Turtle Demon King, and you have enough life expectancy, how could you..."

A hint of guilt flashed in the middle-aged woman's eyes: "30,000 years have passed. Even if the Xuan Turtle Demon King's life span is astonishing, after living with me, it will be greatly reduced. Besides, I have lived enough for so many years."

She went on to say: "The exercises of the Hualing Sect are all related to monsters. With the help of the monster's spirit power, the cultivation can be improved, and there is a secret technique for enslaving the demons. The exercises of this sect are beneficial to the monsters The threat is the greatest, after the invasion of the demon clan, I will first destroy the Spirit Transformation Sect, so you should evacuate quickly."

"Give this instrument to Yuan'er, she knows how to do it."

Fang Xiaobo's eyes flashed with unwillingness, he took the tortoise shell magic tool, hesitated for a moment and said:

"But the ancestor, for so many years, the transformation-shaped monsters above the eighth level have been hidden in the open sea, and it is difficult to capture, our Spirit Transformation Sect has declined, and the highest cultivation level is only the consummation stage. If the monsters invaded, Isn't our chance here?"

The middle-aged woman said lightly: "Without me in the Spirit Transformation Sect, do you think the secret techniques of this sect can still be preserved?"

Fang Xiaobo was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile, and put the tortoise shell-shaped magic tool into the storage bag.

When the demon clan invaded the continent of Chu State, a large number of high-level demon beasts would appear, and the ancestors were no longer there. The Hualing Sect was able to enslave the demon cultivators in the form of transformation. With the help of the powerful techniques of demon spirit power, they would definitely be defeated by the top ten sects. coveted.

The middle-aged woman said again: "By the way, how have you gotten along with Treasure Pavilion over the years?"

Fang Xiaobo was stunned for a moment, not knowing why the ancestor asked this, he answered honestly: "Ancestor, you personally instructed that the disciples will naturally cooperate with the Treasure Pavilion with all their strength, their artifact refining skills are indeed superb, and the overall strength of this sect is somewhat increase."

"The relationship between Zhu Xiaofeng of Treasure Pavilion and his disciples is also good."

The middle-aged woman nodded with a look of reminiscence in her eyes and said: "Du Ruoqiao's temperament is very similar to when I was young, and I was also on a whim, but now it seems that it has given the Spirit Transformation Sect a way back."

Seeing that Fang Xiaobo was a little confused, the middle-aged woman waved her hand and said, "Okay, you can go back, Yuan'er knows what to do."

"Yes, old man."

Fang Xiaobo, wrapped in the blue light of the middle-aged woman, flew away in the direction of the land, leaving the middle-aged woman alone in a daze on the clouds.

The middle-aged woman looked at the Demon Spirit Island below, as if she could see Lu Kun in the distance, she shook her head and sighed: "With the nature of immortal cultivators fighting infighting, the body training pavilion may not be so easy to develop. Knowing by the sects of Da Zhou, they will definitely try their best to seize it."

"It is said that there has been a change in the space cracks of the demons. Without the help of the demons, the cultivators are not the opponents of the demons. This practice of cultivating the flesh is simply the life-saving straw for those sects."

She looked in the direction of the outer sea again, and her eyes flashed with complex colors: "In those days, the cultivators relied on the help of the demon clan to defeat the demon clan, but after the One Yuan School and the top demon cultivators ascended, the cultivators were overcast. A monster."

"The cycle of cause and effect, I have been in office for 30,000 years, and I have done my best."

Then she muttered a few words to herself, and with a flash of blue light, she disappeared in place.


A hundred miles away, True Monarch Sanyang, who was surrounded by flames, finally breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that no one was chasing after him. The dim three-color flame was absorbed into his body, and he swallowed several recovery pills. His face turned red.

True Monarch Sanyang was very fortunate in his heart. If it wasn't for the fact that he had exploded with the power of the source of the different fire, which greatly increased the power of the different fire, I am afraid that he would not be able to break free from the terrifying power in the void.

The teleportation fire escape technique he used, in addition to consuming the power of the Nascent Soul, would overdraw the source of the different fire, and it would take several years to recover from seclusion.

True Monarch Sanyang recalled the previous battle, still having lingering fears, as if he had walked around the edge of death.

Although Tu Tiancheng's strength is relatively weak, he is also a cultivator of Nascent Soul. He did not expect to be killed as easily as a slaughtering dog. Even Nascent Soul did not escape. He had never heard of such a ferocious offensive.

Thinking of the scene where he took the opponent's blow hard, he swallowed and his heart was still beating violently.

"This brute force is too terrifying. Throwing out Tu Tiancheng's magic weapon has the peak attack power of the middle Nascent Soul. If it weren't for my power of different fire, and the psychic magic weapon of Chihuo Shield, I'm afraid this Can't take a hit."

"The body of the Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion is definitely stronger than that of a ninth-level demon cultivator."

"What kind of cultivation method is it that can make the cultivator's body cultivate to this level, and what kind of strength will his disciples have."

"By the way, what happened to the terrifying transformation thunder tribulation before, does he still have a top-level spirit beast?"

"No, the Body Refinement Pavilion is so powerful, I have to report to my senior brother quickly!"

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