The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 886 Body Cultivation and Sword Cultivation

There was still a look of terror in Yue Longfei's eyes. He seemed to have walked around the edge of life and death. If the other party hadn't kept his hand and changed the direction of the attack, his Nascent Soul might not have been able to escape.

What he just performed was a secret technique passed down from generations of Tianjianmen, which could temporarily bless the sharpness of the sword valley in the Nascent Soul, so that the attack of the power of the Nascent Soul could attract the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and the supernatural power would increase sharply.

With his mana in the middle stage of Yue Longfei's Nascent Soul, after blessing the vitality of heaven and earth, his strength directly approached the great cultivator, and the ten thousand swords of Tianque Sword returned to one supernatural power, and his attack power was even higher.

Yue Longfei believed that the power of his blow was absolutely no less than that of any great cultivator.

But this kind of terrifying attack, but the master of the body refining pavilion is forcibly charged by him with a strange magical power, and his ten thousand swords are bound to the fist of the flesh.

The attack containing the vitality of heaven and earth, coupled with the opponent's terrifying physical strength, how terrifying the power is, it easily knocked off his defensive magic weapon, and smashed the defensive shield after wiping it.

The astonishing precious light emanating from Lu Kun's body also made him understand why the Tianque Sword warned him with the sound of the sword.

This person actually has more than 200 mature magic weapons in his body. How exactly so many magic weapons were conceived is unheard of. Could these mature magic weapons be the real legacy of Yueyang Sect?

But why didn't he use it to attack during the battle? Even at the last moment, it was just exuding a lot of treasure light. Could it be that he used the power of the magic weapon to strengthen the body's defense?

When Yue Longfei's thoughts turned sharply, Lu Kun's bone-deep wound was squirming quickly, the flesh and blood inside was stitched together like sutures, and muscle fibers appeared on the bone hand.

Dugufeng hurriedly flew in front of Yue Longfei, he looked like he was facing a great enemy, staring at Lu Kun, three cyan long swords hovering in front of him.

Lu Kun chuckled, he waved with one hand, and the six flying swords around him were suspended by an invisible force.

Seeing this scene, Yue Longfei hesitated and did not move. He let Lu Kun control his natal magic sword and took out several recovery pills to take.

After a while, his complexion gradually turned rosy, and he said slowly, "Thank you, Pavilion Master Lu, for your mercy, Yue Mou admits defeat."

Hearing this, Lu Kun waved lightly, and threw the six small bronze swords at Yue Longfei. As soon as the latter received the magic, the set of magic swords were combined one by one, turned into a generous sword light, and submerged into Yue Longfei's body.

Then the air in Lu Kun's legs twisted, a phantom flashed, and the burly body came to Tianjianmen before the two Nascent Soul swords cultivated, and the pressure of the wild beasts rushed out.

Dugufeng looked terrified. He didn't expect Lu Kun to have such a terrifying speed. The bracelets on his hands lit up with a khaki halo, instantly covering him and Yue Longfei.

The three cyan long swords trembled slightly, turning into cyan sword light and submerging into the defensive halo.

Seeing Dugufeng's series of actions, Yue Longfei showed a wry smile and said: "Junior brother, if Lu Ge is mainly bad for us, he will kill me just now, put it away."

Dugufeng hesitated for a while, then looked at Lu Kun in front of him, and removed the defensive spell, the cyan long sword magic weapon also turned into a sword light and disappeared into the body, but he and Yue Longfei's own mana shield did not withdraw.

Lu Kun looked at Dugufeng's magic weapon that could be turned into a sword light, and said with a tsk tsk: "Tianjianmen's sword-refining technique is indeed unique, which opened Lu Mou's eyes to see that since fellow Daoist Yue admits defeat, then the condensed sword core of the noble faction is truly unique. Famen?"

Yue Longfei sighed lightly: "These methods are the core exercises of this sect. Yue Mou admits the bet and accepts the loss, and it can be handed over to Pavilion Master Lu, but I hope fellow Taoists will not spread it."

Lu Kun said sternly: "Fellow Daoist Yue, don't worry, Lu is using it as a reference. He wants to incorporate the essence of it into the body training method. Even if it is passed on to the disciples of the body training pavilion, it is already completely different from the practice of your sect."

Yue Longfei nodded lightly, expecting this. Judging from the magical powers of this Body Refinement Pavilion Master, Body Refinement Jue is definitely an incomparably powerful technique, how could he practice the Sword Jue of Tianjianmen, he said: " Then Yue Mou passed his spiritual knowledge to Pavilion Master Lu."

Lu Kun smiled and said, "Since Daoyou Yue agreed, he is not in a hurry. After the discussion just now, I don't know what Daoyou Yue thinks of Lu's strength."

Yue Longfei saw that Lu Kun's physical body had recovered in a few words, and even the flesh and blood of his hands had regenerated to its original state.

"Pavillion Lu's physical defense and inextinguishable body supernatural powers, coupled with his terrifying speed, Yue Mou believes that Pavilion Master Lu can completely entangle Shi Jingtian."

He paused and said: "This time, Pavilion Master Lu was almost on the defensive, and only finally used Yue Mou's Wanjian Guiyi magical power to counterattack, but Yue Mou believes that Pavilion Master Lu's physical attack power is probably not weaker than any Yuan. middle infancy."

The corners of Lu Kun's mouth twitched slightly, and he asked again, "Fellow Daoist Yue, if we join forces, what kind of combat power do you think we can display?"

Yue Longfei was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became a little excited.

Tianjianmen has many top-level kendo supernatural powers, and even powerful sword formations, but the casting of these supernatural powers is very long, and they are hardly used in the lightning and flint battles of the cultivators in the Nascent Soul period.

And Lu Kun not only has amazing defensive power, but the speed of the outbreak is probably faster than that of the big monk. With such a person to protect him, Yue Longfei has enough time and opportunity to display the powerful kendo magical power.

By the way, he can even bless the powerful kendo attack on Lu Kun's body to enhance his attack power. If the two join forces, the supernatural power will definitely not be as simple as one plus one!

Dugufeng next to him also showed an excited look. If he joins forces with the master of the Body Refinement Pavilion, he can even calmly play the kendo supernatural powers of the middle Nascent Soul.

Looking at the expressions of the two of them, Lu Kun said meaningfully: "What would happen if it was a body training disciple from the Body Refinement Pavilion and teamed up with the Tianjianmen swordsman?"

The expressions of Yue Longfei and Dugufeng were completely moved.

Judging from the magical powers of the Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion, the disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion must also have amazing defensive power and speed. Sword cultivators and physique cultivators of the same realm can join forces to kill the enemy across two small realms.

The early stage of foundation establishment can deal with the late stage of foundation establishment, and the early stage of formation of pills may also be able to deal with the latter stage of formation of pills.

Yue Longfei sighed heavily and said, "I finally understand why Pavilion Master Lu has come to see me in Tianjianmen. Jianxiu is powerful in attacking and defensive in physical cultivation. When the two factions join forces, their strength is more than doubled. How many disciples."

Lu Kun laughed and said, "Since Daoyou Yue has thought of this, we can continue to discuss in detail. This is not a place to discuss."

Yue Longfei cupped his hands and said, "Please, Pavilion Master Lu, follow me back to Tianjian Peak. There are several unique wines in this sect, and I just invite Pavilion Master Lu to taste one or two."

"Then there are two of Laos."

Afterwards, the two sword cultivators of the Yuan Ying period of Tianjianmen led Lu Kun to the sky of Jiangu.

In the discussion just now, Yue Longfei tried to kill the opponent with a ruthless hand, but Lu Kun spared his life, which made Yue Longfei extremely uneasy.

Even if it is extremely difficult to deal with Demon Spirit Sect, he has to recognize it, otherwise he and Dugufeng will probably be killed on the spot by the other party if they anger such terrifying powerhouses.

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