In a pavilion on the top of Tianjian Peak, Lu Kun was holding a small wine glass, which was filled with light cyan liquid.

Lu Kun smacked his mouth and said with a hint of aftertaste: "The Qingyuan sword wine brewed by Daoist Yue is really extraordinary. In addition to the mellow taste, there is a sharp aura that travels all over the body. I'm afraid it is very precious to sword cultivators."

Yue Longfei looked at the second glass of wine in Lu Kun's hand, and said with some distress: "Lord Lu, Yue Mou's Qingyuan sword wine uses the unique herbs of Jiangu, and integrates a sharp meaning into it, which can refine the sword cultivator of the pill formation stage. Sword Intent."

"Unfortunately, because of the sharpness in the wine, only a sword cultivator in the late stage of the formation of pills can barely take a sip. Otherwise, the golden pills will be damaged. Even Yue and Junior Brother Dugu can only drink at most one cup a year."

Hearing this, Lu Kun inexplicably showed a distressed expression: "In other words, Daoist Yue's Qingyuan sword wine is equivalent to Jianxiu's top elixir, and Lu Mou is too wasteful to drink it, so Daoyou Yue should change to an ordinary Jianyuan bar. "

Having said that, Lu Kun immediately took out a jade bottle, put the wine in the wine glass into it in front of Yue Longfei and Dugufeng, and put down the empty wine glass.

Facing Lu Kun's robbery behavior, Yue Longfei's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything, but quickly put away the jug on the stone table and replaced it with ordinary Jianyuan wine.

Yue Longfei took out the Qingyuan sword wine as a test. Even if he himself, he would only drink a small sip a year, otherwise his meridians would be injured. Yuanjian wine.

This Lu Kun is not a sword cultivator, but he can drink a whole cup at will. You can imagine how tough the meridians in his body are. If his Yue Longfei's meridians can be so tough, then he can use the secret technique in the door and try the late Nascent Soul. breakthrough.

Yue Longfei's mind turned and poured a glass of Jianyuan wine for each of the three: "I wonder if Pavilion Master Lu understands the strength of the Demon Spirit Gate. It is not an easy task for us to deal with them."

Lu Kun took a sip of his wine and said, "Lu has been cultivating in the country of Chu, and his understanding of the Devil's Sect is still more than a hundred years ago, but I saw Shi Jingtian's serious injury with my own eyes. Can you two introduce the current devil? The situation of Lingmen."

Yue Longfei nodded and said, "Before Pavilion Master Lu came to visit, Junior Brother Dugu happened to be discussing with me about the Devil's Sect, so I might as well let Junior Brother introduce it to Pavilion Master Lu."

"Then I will trouble fellow Taoist Dugu."

Dugufeng sorted out his thoughts and said: "Since the Demon Sect has occupied the entire Luzhou, its strength has rapidly expanded, and it has been split into two inner sects. The Demon Sect specializes in magic arts and is located in the Yunling Mountains, while the Lingzong is located in the Yueyang Mountains. ."

"The number of powerhouses in the Nascent Soul Stage of the Devil's Sect is the highest in the Wei Kingdom. In addition to Shi Laomo, there are four other monks in the Nascent Soul Stage."

"Yu Liansheng, who sits in the Demon Sect, cultivates the magic method, Senior Brother Yue met this person many years ago, and now he is likely to enter the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

"Lu Liang, a newly promoted monk at the Nascent Soul stage after the Demon Sect destroyed the Yueyang Sect. The age of condensed Nascent Soul is only 300 years old. He can be described as a genius."

Dugufeng couldn't help but glance at Lu Kun. If he was a genius, Pavilion Master Lu seemed to be only 200 years old, and he also created an unheard of body-refining and immortal cultivation technique.

He paused for a while, then continued: "Although Lu Liang's aptitude is quite high, his cultivation at the Nascent Soul Stage was very slow, and he is still at the early stage of Nascent Soul cultivation."

"In addition to Shi Laomo, these three people are all practicing in the Yunling Mountains, while the remaining two monks in the early Nascent Soul, Feng Xianzi and Zhang Lengfeng, they cultivate their mana and sit in Lingzong."

Lu Kun's expression changed, and he suddenly said, "These people shouldn't be in seclusion and cultivation all the time."

Dugufeng was stunned for a moment, then he understood what Lu Kun meant, and said with a wry smile: "With the supernatural powers of the Nascent Soul monks, even if they go out, the disciples in the sect will not notice it. It is extremely difficult to ambush the Nascent Soul monks."

Yue Longfei's eyes lit up slightly and said: "Junior brother, this is not necessarily true. Pavilion Master Lu has amazing magical powers and can easily enter Tianjian Peak, and the spirit sect of Demon Spirit Gate is located in Yueyang Mountains, so it may not be impossible..."

Lu Kun said with a smile: "Lu's practice is special, and the general air ban does not work, so he entered the Tianjian Peak. If the two of you bless other high-level restrictions on the Tianjian Peak, Lu will probably be noticed at the first time. "

"As for how to deal with the cultivators of the Nascent Soul Stage of the Demon Sect, Lu has some ideas. I will discuss with the two of them later. Now I would like to ask fellow Taoist Dugu to talk about the strength of the cultivators in the Core Formation Stage."

Dugufeng took a sip of Jianyuan wine and continued: "In the past few years, because of the strength of the Demon Sect, the monks in the formation stage have nothing to hide. There are twenty-two people, of which there are four in the late stage of formation, and Pavilion Master Lu should see them all. Pass."

Lu Mou said curiously: "I don't know who they are?"

Dugufeng paused and said, "Song Li is the one with the highest cultivation level among the four. It is said that because of the fact that he was undercover in the Qingmen, he has been in retreat and transforming cultivation techniques for all these years. Maybe he has already cultivated the Great Perfection of Pill Formation. for."

"The second is Li Wan, who sneaked into Yueyang Sect back then. According to the news of the disciples of this sect, Li Wan failed to break through the Nascent Soul Stage, but due to the special psychic body, her cultivation was barely maintained at the late stage of the formation of elixir."

"The third person is Luo Yueqi. After the Luo family betrayed the Yueyang Sect, they merged into the Demon Sect. Luo Yueqi should have received great benefits, otherwise it would not have taken more than a hundred years to From the early stage to the later stage."

Having said this, Dugufeng's face was a little weird and said: "The fourth magic cultivator in the late stage of the formation of elixir is Shen Mengyao from the Demon Sect. It is said that this woman has the body of the yin, and she has just been promoted to the late stage of elixir formation not long ago. He is the most potential cultivator at the stage of forming pills in the Demon Sect."

Dugufeng said while observing Lu Kun's expression. He once heard the following disciples say that Lu Kun of Yueyangzong's Item Refinement Peak seems to have some kind of special relationship with Shen Mengyao.

Lu Kun's expression didn't change, he poured another glass of Jian Yuan wine and said: "It should be said that it is the late stage of the three Dan Dan, Lu met Song Li in Qi many years ago, and has already killed him, so it seems that our Together, the cultivators in the Core Formation Stage should not be weaker than the Demon Sect."

Yue Longfei didn't know about the rumors about Lu Kun and Shen Mengyao. He said with great interest, "I don't know how many practitioners there are in the Refinement Pavilion."

Lu Kun drank the wine in the cup and said, "Although there are only three cultivators in the body-refining pavilion, but in terms of combat power, they are not weaker than those in the middle stage of cultivating dans. Lu has three other disciples who are in the state of great perfection in foundation-building. , will try to break through in the next few years.”

Yue Longfei and Dugufeng showed surprises. The new sect of the Body Refinement Pavilion should have only been established for more than a hundred years. Except for Lu Kun, the Nascent Soul-level powerhouse, there are actually several people in the formation stage. Obviously, the development is extremely smooth.

Lu Kun added: "In addition to the Body Refinement Pavilion, the Treasure Pavilion that inherits the tradition of Yueyang Sect, there are also four monks at the stage of forming pills, no, it should be five, and one of them is the above ancient condensing pill method. A powerhouse with peak cultivation in the mid-dan stage."

He suddenly remembered that Old Demon Pang had already let Zhu Siming out, and he might have joined Qin Yushu and the others.

A look of surprise flashed in Yue Longfei's eyes: "This sect has fifteen sword cultivators, plus Pavilion Master Lu's manpower, and they are already on a par with the Devil's Sect based solely on the realm of cultivation."

"As long as we suppress the Nascent Soul monks from the Demon Sect, we might have a chance to destroy them."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Lu Kun's mouth and said, "Daoyou Yue's words are too bad. We don't need the help of the Youth League."

Yue Longfei seemed to have thought of something, and his face changed slightly: "What does Pavilion Master Lu mean?"

Lu Kun's voice was extremely cold: "Don't you think this is a good opportunity to reshuffle the cards? If there is no Youth League and Demon Spirit Sect, the resources occupied by each of our sects will probably exceed that of Shangqingmen back then."

Hearing this, Yue Longfei felt a chill in his heart, and then he saw a flash of light in Lu Kun's hand, and a black stone the size of a watermelon appeared, surrounded by an inexplicable aura.

Yue Longfei took a look at his spiritual sense, and his pupils shrank slightly: "Is this the stone of the stone of oath, or is it forbidden by blank?"

Lu Kun nodded and said: "Yes, if the time is controlled within a hundred years, this stone can form a contract restriction with multiple conditions. With this, Daoyou Yue should rest assured to form an alliance with us."

Yue Longfei took a sip of Jianyuan wine, and his expression became a lot more relaxed. He was indeed worried, whether this Pavilion Master Lu would attack Tianjianmen under the guise of Demon Spirit Gate. After all, from the perspective of strength, he and Dugufeng teamed up. Not this man's opponent.

If he made a covenant with the stone of the Oath Stone, he would feel a lot more at ease. Even the monks in the spiritual transformation period would have difficulty disobeying the prohibition of such exotic treasures.

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