The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 891 Development before the war

Sun Ergou is the king of hunters in Qingshi Town. When he was young, he was taught by a senior martial artist. He is the only second-rate martial artist in the town, and he is still the pinnacle of second-rate.

Recently, Sun Ergou felt that it was very strange that there were many strange warriors in Qingshi Town, which is usually only accessible by caravans.

Although these warriors did nothing and left after a big meal, as a native of Qingshi Town, Sun Ergou had great vigilance against the sudden appearance of warriors, so he tried to follow them.

Who knew that he was thrown away not long after he left the town. Sun Ergou was not reconciled. Every wave of warriors tried to track him, but what made his hands and feet cold was that the results of the tracking were the same.

In addition to his second-rate peak strength, he is also a hunter, and even a first-rate warrior can hardly escape his tracking technique.

That is to say, every warrior passing by here is a super-first-class master.

Hell, how come there are so many masters, Sun Ergou is considered to have seen the world, there are at least 200 super-first-class masters who have passed by these days, and the top-notch warriors in the entire Dongchi Province are probably not that many.

After discovering the strength of these warriors, Sun Ergou didn't follow them either. If they angered the other party because of the tracking, they might not know how they died.

After a few days, a thick fog gradually swelled up in the mountains west of Qingshi Town, covering the entire mountain range. The hunters in Qingshi Town found that if they accidentally walked into the fog, they would only come out inexplicably and could not. into the mountains.

After all, Sun Ergou had seen the world. He knew that there were immortals in this world, and he could perform the magic of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea. This dense fog was probably some kind of immortal magic.

For some reason, he felt that the dense fog fairy method was related to those warriors, and then he felt that it was impossible. No matter how powerful warriors were, they were mortals, so how could they be related to immortals.


In a valley deep in the mountains, there was a lot of shouting and bombardment. The top warriors Sun Ergou met, wielding a variety of weapons, flashing a little aura, smashed the walls on both sides of the valley and opened up. with their own temporary caves.

On the trees on both sides of the valley, many strong chimpanzees tumbled and jumped, making excited whining sounds. Among them, there were two small figures, one gold and one silver, scurrying around, and from time to time there were happy squeaks and squeaks. cry.

At the very center of the valley, there is a towering tower with a height of two hundred feet. A powerful force of restraint surges around the tower, which is enough to resist the cultivators of the Core Formation Stage.

The top of the tower is an incomparably wide platform, on which sit five men and one woman.

These six people are Lu Kun and his five disciples.

Lu Kun looked at these disciples, and his pupils flashed with relief. He alone stepped out of the path of body cultivation and immortality, and his disciples were also on this path, walking out of their own unique body cultivation direction.

Zhao Qingtian, relying on the combination of wood-attribute mana and poison, condenses the poisonous wood imprint, and enters the Bone Treasure Stage with the Secret Technique of Six Poisons in One. Ferocious poison is attached to the physical attack. , I am afraid that the body will be completely necrotic.

With Zhao Qingtian's experience, the disciples of the next generation of Primordial Wood Refinement Jutsu can also use Poison Wood Refinement Refinement Jue to break through, relying on the terrifying toxins in mana to exert their unique combat power.

Zhao Xueer, relying on Wang Ruobing's secret technique, integrated the pair of magic weapons, the Frost Ice Sword, into the arm bones, and used the power of magic weapons to break through the bottleneck of the bone treasure period. Even stronger than Xiaojin.

With the help of magic weapons, this gave Lu Kun a lot of new training ideas.

Yuxuan, Primordial Fire Body Refinement, is ready to break through the bottleneck with the help of the Secret Fire of Different Fire. If it is successful, the refining of the Different Fire may have some kind of unique change.

Huang Xiaoyun, who is comprehending the method of condensing the sword pill, the Yuanjin Body Refining Jue is perfectly matched with the Tianjianmen practice, plus the body of magic gold and Qingyuan sword wine, if he comprehends the sword intent, he will form six swords in the flesh. The imprint of meaning, with the method of condensing pills with sword intent, greatly increases the chance of breakthrough.

Lu Kun looked at Pan Yan, who was bigger than him, and couldn't help but have a headache.

His little apprentice can be said to have the best aptitude among the disciples, with a thick soil body and a six-star physique, but it is precisely because of this thick soil body that his cultivation speed is the slowest.

It seems that the earth attribute is particularly favored by this physique. Under the tempering of the Yuantu Refining Jue, Pan Yan's physical defense is stronger than that of his previous years, and the effect of the poison is extremely low. He even wants to shake Pan Yan up and smash it. Dragon stone, look how strong it is.

After a while, Lu Kun said, "My teacher plans to formally attack the Demon Sect and seize Luzhou in thirty years."

Everyone raised their heads and looked at Lu Kun excitedly. They had been dormant for too long, and they had never dared to easily reveal their magical powers, and they had hardly fought happily.

Over the years, although they have been sitting on the Demon Spirit Island, they have always felt a little uneasy in their hearts. After all, they are surrounded by immortal cultivators from the Chu country, and there are a large number of ten major sects.

As for the immortal cultivation world of the Chu State, Lu Kun and others are complete outsiders, and the occupation of Chu State's resources will definitely make the ten major sects unite.

On the other hand, Wei State was different. The area was smaller than that of Chu State. The large-scale cultivation sects, apart from Moling Sect, only had Tianjian Sect and Qingmeng, and they were in a stalemate among the three factions.

If they can destroy the Demon Sect and regain their own territory, the Body Refinement Pavilion will not only have a real sect station, but the strength displayed will also shock the surrounding immortal kingdom. Take a good look at it.

Lu Kun asked, "Qingtian, how is the situation of the Holy Poison Sect now?"

Zhao Qingtian respectfully said: "Master, now the monks of the Holy Poison Sect at the stage of forming pills have all been banned from poisonous drugs, and Du An is already in control."

Lu Kun added: "The poisons that promote body refinement have all been counted."

Zhao Qingtian nodded and said: "The statistics have been completed. There are 138 types of poisons suitable for the muscle refining phase, 21 types of poisons in the bone quenching phase, none in the coagulation phase, and 16 types in the accelerated visceral calcination phase."

"The poisonous material reserve of the Holy Poison Sect is also abundant."

Lu Kun thought for a moment, then said slowly: "Next, you and Xiao Du will arrange that I want all the disciples of the Holy Poison Sect to refine the poison in the muscle refining and bone quenching stages."

"Seventeen of the second-generation disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion have already entered the bone-hardening period. If you give them enough poison, I will also ask the Treasure Pavilion to prepare a large amount of flint, so that they can practice together."

"In 30 years, I will see half of the people enter the coagulation stage. When this state is reached, the physical training will have a more lasting fighting power."

Lu Kun glanced at everyone: "You have all experienced the bone-hardening period. With so many resources, it should be no problem."

Zhao Qingtian said solemnly: "Master, don't worry, we will definitely supervise these disciples."

Lu Kun added: "In addition to the second-generation disciples, there are more than fifty young warriors with spiritual roots in the warrior's family."

"Prepare them with sufficient poison, and I will also let Da Hei and Daoist Zombie control the demonic energy and the power of cold to assist. If these people can enter the bone-hardening stage within 30 years, they will be promoted to second-generation disciples!"

Speaking of this, Lu Kun's expression became serious: "Our Body Refinement Pavilion is different from other immortal cultivators. Remember, with the development of the previous generation of disciples, the Body Refinement will become more and more perfect."

He looked around at the disciples and said solemnly: "Tell the descendants of the disciples that the Body Refinement Pavilion is only about seniority, regardless of cultivation, and you have all gone your own way. Even if the cultivation of second-generation disciples surpasses yours, you have to be honest. I really call you uncle and uncle, if there is someone who doesn't respect the teacher, I, Lu Kun, will kill him first!"

The five disciples nodded heavily.

Lu Kun continued: "Qingtian, in addition to supervising the disciples, you will need to study the refining method of the poisonous treasure for 30 years. If you don't have the materials in the Holy Poison Sect, I will help you to find the materials for you to improve your combat power as soon as possible."

"Yes, Master!"

Lu Kun looked at Zhao Xue'er again and said: "Xue'er, there is no excess real magic water now, so you can concentrate on nourishing the Frost Sword with skeletal mana. According to my observation, this pair of magic weapons is not far from the maturity stage. In this period, you can completely match the late stage of Formation Pill."

"Yuxuan and Xiaoyun, I won't talk about you, there is a way to break through, you must give me a breakthrough to the bone treasure stage."

Yuxuan and Xiaoyun nodded firmly.

Finally, Lu Kun looked at Pan Yan, who shrank his neck and said reluctantly, "Master, I will also work hard to cultivate and make a breakthrough as soon as possible."

Lu Kun shook his head: "You can go to the Holy Poison Sect to practice later. The abyss of resentment is very suitable for you. Your use of poison is too wasteful."

"By the way, the little silver silkworm is also on the verge of breaking through. Maybe it can successfully break through there. If it becomes a golden silkworm worm, the increase in poison will further increase."

Lu Kun's voice gradually became severe: "In 20 years, you must complete the internal organs repair, or I will smash the surrounding mountains with you!"

Pan Yan couldn't help shivering and nodded again and again.

Lu Kun stood up and walked to the edge of the platform. He looked at the enthusiastic warriors in the valley and murmured, "In addition to the improvement of the first and second generation disciples, there is one most important secret technique to be researched."

"With it, the foundation of the Body Refinement Pavilion will become extremely strong!"

(ps: This chapter was played on the high-speed rail with a mobile phone. There are still 6 chapters left this week. Well, the dark room will be closed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.)

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