The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 892 The Secret Information of Hualing Sect

In Dongchi Prefecture, on a red cliff peak on the edge of the land of death, Zhu Siming and Xiao Hongfei stood beside Fairy Fang Yuan, and the three of them chatted casually.

Fairy Fang Yuan said, "Fellow Daoist Zhu, Pavilion Master Lu is a cultivator at the Nascent Soul stage, and his concubine is only a cultivator at the stage of forming pills. It is not good for Pavilion Master Lu to come over in person."

Zhu Siming said meaningfully: "Fairy Fang Yuan, it is the temporary residence of the Body Refinement Pavilion. If the fairy and the pavilion master Lu have a smooth talk, it will be fine. If there is some unpleasantness, I am afraid it will be difficult for the fairy to come out."

Fang Yuan understood as soon as she heard it. According to what her ancestor said, the Body Refinement Pavilion was in a dormant stage. If she rushed forward, wouldn't that place be exposed?

Fairy Fang Yuan said softly, "Thank you for reminding fellow Daoist Zhu, it's really inappropriate to go directly."

Zhu Siming suddenly raised his head and looked towards the west, with a strange look in his eyes: "He's here, hey, what kind of escape technique is this."

After a while, Fang Yuan and Xiao Hongfei also sensed something, and their expressions were amazed.

I saw a figure running in the sky in the distance, running like a mortal, the air under his feet was like a solid ground, and every step spurred a distance of dozens of meters, and the speed was amazing.

After ten or so breaths, the burly man with a strong wind fell on the peak of Chibi, and a strange pressure filled the air.

Goosebumps appeared on the skin of the three of them unconsciously, their hearts beat faster, and their chests were dull, as if there was an invisible pressure squeezing their fleshly bodies.

This feeling only lasted for one breath, and then disappeared without a trace, as if it was an illusion.

Lu Kun took two steps forward, looked at Zhu Siming who was full of energy, and said with respect in his eyes: "Uncle Zhu, you are finally back."

Zhu Siming said with a sullen expression: "My old bone is considered to have survived, but it's a pity that Nie Wufeng..."

Then he shook his head and said, "We'll talk about it later, by the way, Lu Kun, you are already a cultivator at the Nascent Soul stage, you don't need to call me uncle, we should do it the other way around."

Lu Kun said solemnly: "Uncle Zhu, the Body Refinement Pavilion is only about seniority, regardless of cultivation level, and the Treasure Pavilion is a sect that inherits skills, so naturally, seniority comes first. Without the help of you and Uncle Nie, Lu may not be able to get to where he is today. this step."

"You have always been my uncle."

When Zhu Siming heard the words, his expression was very emotional. He couldn't help recalling the days of Yueyangzong's Item Refining Peak more than a hundred years ago. He helped Lu Kun, and Lu Kun helped him.

With the perfect sense of spirit, he made a thrilling breakthrough and entered the stage of forming a pill when his life essence was about to end.

Zhu Siming said with relief: "Okay, but I can't say the name of the nephew. I will call you Pavilion Master Lu in the future."

Lu Kun did not refute, and after saying hello to Xiao Hongfei, he looked at the tall and slender woman, and he said lightly: "This is Fairy Fang Yuan from the Spiritual Transformation Sect, I heard from Senior Brother Qin, Fairy has something important to call Lu. A negotiation, I don't know what it is."

As soon as Fang Yuan appeared in Lu Kun, she carefully looked at the founder of the body refinement that the ancestor said. With her supernatural powers, apart from the coercion at the beginning, she could not feel any breath of the pavilion master Lu.

Even if it is the running and escape technique in the air, there is no fluctuation of the spell. Could it be that the so-called cultivation of the body has completely separated from the category of immortal cultivators, so it has caused the catastrophe to come?

Fairy Fang Yuan, who was thinking wildly, settled down, she bowed slightly and said, "My concubine is Fang Yuan, I have seen Pavilion Master Lu, and I take the liberty to visit. There is indeed something important to discuss."

While speaking, her pale blue eyes glanced at Zhu Siming and Xiao Hongfei.

Lu Kun frowned and said, "Uncle Zhu, Brother Xiao, you go to the meeting point first. It's a bit rough there, and you need the help of the two of you to improve it."

Zhu Siming and Xiao Hongfei understood what Lu Kun meant. Their mana surged and turned into two rays of light, rushing away into the distance.

When the two of the Treasure Pavilion left, Lu Kun said expressionlessly: "Before Fairy Fang Yuan said, can you tell me where the fairy heard about the Body Refinement Pavilion, and how did she know Lu Kun's cultivation base?"

In his impression, only the True Monarch Sanyang of the Lieyang Sect knows about this. Could it be that True Monarch Sanyang has completely spread his news?

Fairy Fang Yuan said calmly, "The cultivation of the Body Refinement Pavilion and Pavilion Master Lu was informed by the ancestors of this sect."

Lu Kun frowned and said: "As far as Lu knows, the Spirit Transformation Sect seems to only enshrine an eighth-level demon cultivator, and there is no Nascent Soul Stage. Who is this ancestor?"

Fairy Fang Yuan said with a proud look: "The ancestor of this sect is the only monk in the state of Chu State."

Lu Kun chuckled and said, "If Daoyi said that they have monks in the spiritual transformation stage, Lu would believe it a little bit, but the spirit transformation sect is an ordinary sect in Chu, how can there be monks in the spiritual transformation stage?"

Fairy Fang Yuan knew that Lu Kun couldn't believe it, and she said slowly: "Pavillion Lu turned into a gibbous ape, and when the last thunder tribulation was over, the ancestor was in the sea of ​​chaos."

"Her old man witnessed Pavilion Master Lu using the magical powers possessed by the Demon King to kill Tu Tiancheng and scare away True Monarch Sanyang. His strength is comparable to that of a great monk."

Hearing this sentence, Lu Kun's face changed slightly. Fang Yuan could actually tell the scene where he turned into a demon ape. With his physical characteristics, a great cultivator's prying eyes can sense it. .

The arm demon ape, the demon king's supernatural powers, these are the secrets of the One Yuan Sect. This person actually knows that there is some connection between the Spirit Transformation Sect and the One Yuan Sect?

Lu Kun said solemnly: "Lu is a little puzzled. Since there are monks in the spiritual transformation stage in your faction, why have there been no monks in the Nascent Soul stage."

Fairy Fang Yuan smiled bitterly and said, "Pavillion Lu doesn't know something. The stone of oath of this sect stipulates that the disciples of this sect can only practice their own exercises, and the ancestor also insisted on this."

"The practice of this sect is closely related to monsters. If you want to cross the big realm, you must tame an eighth-level monster. But now the inner and outer seas are separated, and the high-level demon cultivators are all in the outer seas, even if they are big monks in the Taoist sect. , and dare not go into it easily.”

Lu Kun wondered: "Since this is the case, it is even less likely that there will be monks in the Spirit Transformation stage."

Fairy Fang Yuan paused for a while, showing a proud look: "Pavillion Lu doesn't know that, 30,000 years ago, my Spirit Transformation Sect was the most powerful of the Chu Kingdom, and it was the first sect that deserved it. There are as many as twenty monks in the divine stage and elders in the Yuanying stage."

"And the elders of this sect, with the help of their respective monsters, are able to rival two strong men of the same rank, and they can completely fight beyond the ranks."

"During that glorious period, we led the world of immortal cultivation in the state of Chu, headed overseas, and seized a large number of cultivation resources."

"I didn't expect that a Flood Dragon awakened the bloodline of a true dragon, broke through the bottleneck of level ten, and reached the legendary realm of the demon king."

"This Flood Dragon's fighting talent is amazing. Even if the ancestors had the help of the mysterious tortoise demon king, they would still be on a tie. After countless years of war, the demon cultivators and immortal cultivators suffered heavy casualties. Finally, they had to make a truce treaty."

"Since then, the immortal cultivators of the Chu country and the overseas demon cultivators are bounded by the inner and outer seas, and neither the ancestor nor the dragon can cross the border. The war between the human race and the overseas monster race has completely come to an end."

Speaking of which, Fairy Fang Yuan showed a helpless look:

"After more than a thousand years, the ancestors discovered that the Spirit Transformation Sect was designed by the demon king."

"The high-level monsters have all withdrawn into the outer sea. As long as the immortal cultivators enter the outer sea, the Dragon King can make a move. Therefore, the Spirit Transformation Sect can only capture those monsters who are not open in the inner sea, and maintain the number of monks in the formation stage. "

"If you know that the demon cultivator has no inheritance, unless you refine the eighth-level demon pill, it is impossible to enter the eighth-level or higher. "

Fairy Fang Yuan showed admiration and said: "In a fit of anger, the ancestors coexisted with the mysterious turtle demon king at a great price, which made the lifespan soar, and wanted to use the mysterious lifespan of the mysterious turtle to consume the dragon king to death. , and then go to the open sea."

Then she looked strangely and said: "The dragon king is also a violent temper. After knowing what the ancestors did, he actually burned the blood of the real dragon, locked the demon king's cultivation base, and extended his lifespan."

"This person has spent 30,000 years like this..."

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