The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 895 Difficulties in the Spiritual Roots

It took two days and two nights before Lu Kun taught Zhu Siming and Qin Yushu the technique of the Great Five Elements, as well as the Jade Skeleton Magic Secret Technique he had experienced.

After a long time, Zhu Siming said with admiration, "Old Demon Pang is worthy of being the number one demon cultivator in Qi State, his ingenuity is amazing, he can actually combine the technique of the Great Five Elements with the technique of melting pills of psychic puppets to improve the refining process of the Jade Bone Demon. Law."

Qin Yushu opened his eyes and sighed: "The Great Five Elements Technique is incomparably exquisite. It describes the original characteristics of gold, wood, water, fire and soil, as well as the characteristics of different types of attributes and the method of fusion. will go further.”

A strange gleam flashed in Lu Kun's eyes: "I'm afraid Old Demon Pang doesn't even know that after the power of the Great Five Elements was integrated into his bones, he unexpectedly supplemented my Five Elements spiritual roots."

When Zhu Siming and Qin Yushu heard the words, their expressions were dull.

Qin Yushu stammered: "The pavilion master means that this kind of secret technique... can generate spiritual roots out of thin air?"

Zhu Siming stared at Lu Kun with an incredible look on his face.

Lu Kun affirmed: "That's right, my Body Refinement Art has also been transformed into the Five Elements Body Refinement Art."

He ignored the shock of the two and continued: "The refining of the Jade Bone Demon is extremely difficult. If the requirements and effects are reduced and a skeletal magic weapon with spiritual root attributes is refined, then mortals will also have the possibility of refining the body and cultivating immortals. "

Zhu Siming and Qin Yushu opened their mouths slightly, and it took a long time for them to recover.

Zhu Siming took a deep breath and analyzed: "The Jade Bone Human Demon combines a variety of different attributes. In order to carry the conflicting power between the different attributes, the bone cornerstone of the mature magic weapon is used."

"If the requirements are reduced and changed to a single xenogeneic attribute, ordinary magic weapons can withstand it. If the xenogeneic power is changed to a single five-element attribute, the requirements for skeleton cornerstones can continue to be reduced."

Zhu Siming said, his eyes gradually lit up.

"The monks captured by Old Demon Pang are all in the late stage of formation of elixir. If it is reduced to the initial stage of elixir with a single attribute, then the bone cornerstone of the material of the magic weapon can completely bear it."

Lu Kun added: "I can supplement the spiritual root because the cornerstone of the skeleton is my own skeleton."

"So this spiritual root must be a part of the human body, in order to have the effect of spiritual root, refining the bones of the body into a magic weapon, in addition to the demon clan, only physical cultivation can do it."

"What I need the help of Treasure Pavilion this time is how to use the bones of mortal warriors to refine the spiritual roots of tools and break the rule that mortals cannot cultivate immortals."

After being shocked for a long time, Zhu Siming and Qin Yushu immediately discussed excitedly.

The former spirit-controlling magic weapon, when the spiritual root disappeared, could control the mana with divine sense, which is already an unprecedented unique magic tool. root.

After a meal of exercises, their thoughts gradually became clear.

Zhu Siming organized the following language: "In this way, there are still several difficulties in the refining of this spirit root."

"The first difficulty is whether the bone material of mortals can meet the requirements of the spirit root."

Lu Kun pondered and said, "Judging from the material of the magic weapon, only the bones of the bone-hardening stage body repair barely meet the requirements."

"But the spirit root of the tool is not for refining the whole body. As long as you choose a small piece of bone, such as the sternum, with the characteristics of the spirit root, the mortal warrior can transform the physical mana, and then rely on the spirit control magic tool to assist in cultivation."

"As for the material of the sternum."

"We can design a unique spirit-controlling magic weapon that fits closely to the chest, allowing the warrior to mobilize a large amount of aura to specifically temper the sternum."

Qin Yushu asked curiously: "Pavilion Master, why did you choose the sternum? There are many bones smaller than it. The smaller it is, the faster the refining progress should be."

Lu Kun explained: "If it is smaller, I am afraid that the effect of Linggen will be too weak. The sternum is located in the center of the body and is connected to the ribs. It can be removed for refining in a short time."

"At the moment, the sternum is the best fit."

Zhu Siming concluded: "If you look at it this way, the first difficulty depends on the tempering of the martial artist's sternum."

Lu Kun nodded and said, "I will arrange for the second-generation disciples and the Treasure Treasure Pavilion disciples to study the spirit-controlling magic weapon to speed up the tempering of the sternum together, and then let all the warriors of the Diamond Judgment complete the tempering of the sternum."

"According to my estimation, using spiritual energy to temper the breastbone for about 30 years, the material should reach the level of the material of the magic weapon. This difficulty is not a big problem."

Zhu Siming said again: "The second difficulty is another material of Qilinggen, Jindan."

"If you research the refining method of the spirit root, there is a certain probability of refining according to the difference of each person's bones and Jindan attributes."

"The number of warriors is extremely large, and the number of cultivators in the formation stage is rare. It is impossible for us to hunt down a large number of cultivators in the formation stage of other sects. Jindan limits the number of spiritual roots."

Lu Kun said coldly: "The most important thing now is to take the first step. In the next Wei Kingdom war, the Youth League and the Demon Sect will have a lot of elixir formation, and these elixir will be used to test the first batch of artifact spirits. root."

Then he added: "The golden pill of immortal cultivators has the attributes of the five elements, and the same is true of the demon pill of monsters. If the golden pill test is successful, we can try the possibility of using the demon pill."

"Chu State is about to face the invasion of the monster clan, and there will be a large number of overseas monsters above the fifth level.

"If the research on the refining method of the spirit root is successful, let Fairy Fang Yuan help and study the method of replacing the demon pill together."

Zhu Siming nodded lightly and continued: "The third difficulty is the material of the miniature array."

"The pavilion master's physical array is depicted with blood marrow powder. The refining of blood marrow powder requires the essence and blood of practitioners in addition to blood coagulation grass."

"The material recorded in the psychic puppet requires the essence and blood of the pill formation stage. The body repair qi and blood in the bone quenching stage is amazing and can meet the requirements, but for the warriors who are the great achievements of the King Kong Jue, the strength of the essence and blood is still poor. A lot."

Lu Kun pondered for a moment and said: "This is easy to solve, the warriors of the Great Achievement of King Kong Jutsu can recover their blood essence faster than the cultivators."

"They can accumulate the blood essence every year. After accumulating the blood essence for 20 to 30 years, we will cast spells to concentrate the blood essence to meet the refining requirements of blood marrow powder."

Zhu Siming pondered for a while, and said slowly: "These can be solved. The next part is the part of designing the magic circle, the technique of the five elements and the method of merging the pills of the psychic puppet. It needs to be adjusted according to the size of the sternum."

Lu Kun said solemnly: "Then I will trouble Master Zhu and Brother Qin."

Qin Yushu smiled and said, "If Artifact Linggen were born, I'm afraid the warriors in the Body Refinement Pavilion would be crazy."

Lu Kun's eyes were full of golden light, and he said: "The top martial artists in the world all have a heart to pursue the strong, and their spiritual roots are like a moat, blocking them in front of them. If they have a spiritual root, it means breaking The law that mortals cannot cultivate immortals."

"Even if the chance of refining the spirit root is low, these top warriors will not give up."

Lu Kun looked out, all the warriors were still cultivating hard, and no one was slack, he muttered: "Mortal warriors practice the Vajra Art, temper the sternum, refine the spiritual root of the tool, transform the physical mana, and refine the muscles. Bone quenching period, breaking through the limit of lifespan..."

"If the spirit root of the tool is researched, then the Body Refinement Pavilion will open a door to immortal cultivation for all mortal warriors."

"At that time, countless top martial artists will gather in the Body Refinement Pavilion. Martial artists with spiritual roots can be accepted as formal disciples. Martial artists without spiritual roots, as outer disciples, also have the possibility of refining their bodies and cultivating immortals."

"With the addition of a large number of low-level disciples, the Body Refinement Pavilion can develop rapidly."

Qin Yushu and Zhu Siming listened to Lu Kun's words, and countless scenes of cultivating in the immortal world flashed in their minds, and their breathing became rapid.

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