The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 896 The Magic Tool and the Treasure of Heaven

After Lu Kun and Zhu Siming finished their discussions, they invited Huang Xiaoyun to arrange the refining of the sternum spiritual control magic weapon and the cultivation of the King Kong Jue Dacheng martial artist, and then threw a bag of spirit stones to Huang Xiaoyun.

At present, there are more than 200 warriors in the Great Achievement of King Kong Jutsu, and they have to refine a large number of spirit-controlling instruments. In addition to the cost of instrument materials, cultivating in this aura-barren mountain range also consumes a lot of spirit stones.

In the past few days, Lu Kun can say that he has arranged the training of everyone in the Body Refinement Pavilion.

Among the disciples of the generation, who entered the Bone Treasure Stage to enhance their combat power, several others made an all-out attack on the Bone Treasure Stage.

In the past few days, Zhu Xiaofeng has arranged all the ground flints in the Treasure Pavilion, and more than a dozen second-generation disciples have begun to use the ground flints to practice.

Zhao Qingtian and Pan Yan set off a few days ago to go to the Holy Poison Gate in Xizhou of Qi State, and wait for the first batch of poison to be transported.

Now the Holy Poison Sect has plenty of poisonous materials, which must be fully utilized to speed up the cultivation speed of the disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

The more than fifty young warriors with spiritual roots also gathered near the caves of Da Hei and the corpse Taoist during this time, using the power of demon energy and coldness to improve the efficiency of body quenching.

The remaining hundreds of warriors, if they knew that they had the possibility of mortals cultivating immortals, I am afraid they would practice even more crazy than the official disciples.

And all of this will consume spirit stones. If Lu Kunshun hadn't taken away most of Pang Laomo's belongings, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to support these 30 years of expenses.


After discussing the details of the spirit root of the lower tool, Lu Kun took out a hammer with a dim magic pattern and placed it among the three. The ground made a slight vibration as the hammer fell.

"Brother Qin, Uncle Zhu, this is the Heavenly Hammer, a top-level magic weapon. Unfortunately, it was damaged during the tribulation process."

Zhu Siming's spiritual consciousness at the top of the core came out through his body, glanced at the magic weapon, and then moved the magic, and the Heavenly Hammer trembled and levitated.

He tsk tsk said: "It's so heavy, it must contain extremely dense materials, but unfortunately the texture inside is different from the miniature magic circle, the mana of the immortal cultivator cannot exert its power."

Lu Kun said: "At the beginning, I took a fancy to the heavy weight and hard material of the Hantian Hammer, and I won it at the auction house. These two points can maximize the physical brute force and greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the Bone Treasure Period."

"I didn't expect that by chance, I could barely use a little power of the magic weapon."

Qin Yushu was also observing this weapon, which was completely different from the magic weapon, and couldn't help but ask, "How did the pavilion master activate it? Could it be using magic power?"

Lu Kun said: "Ordinary magic power cannot be activated. My blood magic power at that time, because of refining the meaning of true magic, has undergone unusual changes, and coupled with the magical power of the magic arm, I can barely activate it."

Zhu Siming asked: "The meaning of the real devil? Could it be the brutal idea contained in the real devil pool?"

Lu Kun nodded and said, "That's right, Pang Laomo also got this weapon later, it seems that he can use the magic weapon with the supernatural power of the Blood Devil Art, and the Gore Devil Art is a technique that relies on the will of the real devil to break through. "

"This shows that the meaning of true magic is a condition for using magic tools."

Zhu Siming nodded and continued to look at the magic pattern on the Hammer. He said lightly: "Pavilion Master, the magic pattern on this magic weapon does not look like it was destroyed by external forces."

Lu Kun was slightly taken aback and said, "How did Uncle Zhu see it."

Zhu Siming pointed to one of the dim magic lines and said: "Look, the fine lines here burst from the inside out. If it is caused by external force, there will definitely be inward cracks on it."

Lu Kun also used his divine sense to investigate and found that it was indeed the case. He frowned and said, "Is it because of magic energy?"

"Magic energy?" Qin Yushu and Zhu Siming asked in unison.

Lu Kun simply explained: "After entering the bone transformation stage, the energy in the body is composed of mana and magic. It is a domineering energy that can temper bones."

"Back then, I used magic energy to motivate Tu Tiancheng's magic weapon, and with just one blow, the inner magic circle of this magic weapon was completely destroyed, and the Hammer of Heaven was also damaged by magic energy. It is inferred that the magic energy of body repair is definitely better than that of body repair. The magic power of the Demon Race is much more domineering."

Qin Yushu and Zhu Siming were a little inexplicable. The combination of mana and magic, the demons also have similar energy in their bodies, magic?

After a pause, Zhu Siming asked again: "Pavilion Master, how did you use the Heavenly Hammer in the process of transcending the calamity? The material of this instrument is extremely strong and should not be easily damaged."

Lu Kun recalled: "At that time, I used a bloodline supernatural power to absorb the remaining real magic water in the devil's cave. I originally wanted to use the meaning of the real devil to motivate the Heavenly Hammer, but who knew the magic energy in my body, but it was accidentally activated. The greatest power of the magic weapon."

"The greatest power of the magic weapon?"

Lu Kun said slowly: "Under the injection of magic energy, the Heavenly Hammer not only contains terrifying power, but also absorbs the magic energy, and its power increases sharply, dispelling a lot of thunder tribulations."

Zhu Siming's eyes widened, and he lost his voice: "Magic vitality! Is this magic weapon a magic weapon that reaches the sky?"

"The magic weapon of the sky?"

Zhu Siming seemed to know the devil's vitality, and hurriedly asked: "Pavilion master, are you sure it's the same level of devil's vitality as the heaven and earth vitality?"

Lu Kun affirmed: "That breath is very similar to the thunder calamity with the vitality of heaven and earth, I will not feel wrong."

He then asked, "Uncle Zhu, could it be that the magic weapon that can arouse the vitality of heaven and earth is the legendary magic weapon that penetrates the sky?"

Zhu Siming settled down, looked at the Tiantian Hammer with dim magic lines and said: "Yes, I have seen the description of the heaven-penetrating magic weapon in the sect classics. These exotic treasures actually belong to the category of psychic magic weapons, but they are the most important ones. Top psychic magic weapon."

"The biggest difference between it and the ordinary psychic magic weapon is that it can use the vitality of heaven and earth to display all kinds of incredible magical powers."

Zhu Siming sighed: "According to the records in the classics, such powerful magic weapons can only be refined by monks in the spiritual transformation period. After all, using the vitality of heaven and earth is the magical power of the monks in the spiritual transformation period."

"The normal Tongtian magic weapon is almost impossible to use in the early Nascent Soul, while the monks in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul can barely use it after paying some price. Only the great cultivator can use the Tongtian magic weapon normally."

"The cultivators in the middle Nascent Soul have such amazing magical powers to help them, and their strength is by no means weaker than that of the great cultivators."

"Not to mention the great cultivator, with the Heaven-reaching Magic Treasure, his strength has almost reached the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul period."

Lu Kun said thoughtfully: "The Heavenly Hammer can use the magic energy, it seems that it is a weapon of the same level as the Heaven-reaching Magical Treasure."

Zhu Siming looked at the Tiantian Hammer with dim magic lines, and said with a distressed look in his eyes: "This magic weapon should be made by a powerhouse at the level of the gods in the demon race. Pavilion Master, your magic energy is so overbearing, even This top magic weapon will be destroyed."

Lu Kun said with a headache: "It involves the monks of the transformation stage. I'm afraid this Hammer can't be repaired, and the magic weapon is not suitable for the magic energy of the body. It seems that the weapons of the bone transformation stage are far away."

Qin Yushu heard the words and asked, "Does the pavilion want to refine a weapon that can withstand magical energy?"

Lu Kun sighed and said, "That's right, if I have a weapon that carries magical energy, my combat power will be even better, and I will have a greater confidence in dealing with Old Demon Stone."

"Hey, I didn't expect that magic weapons at the level of heaven-penetrating magic weapons could not carry domineering magic energy."

Qin Yushu suddenly said: "Pavilion Master, your bones are bone treasures, how do they carry magical energy?"

Lu Kun's expression was stunned, and then he showed a look of surprise: "Yes, why didn't I think of it, you can refer to your own bone treasure."

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