The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 897 Weapons of the bone transformation period

Zhu Siming looked at Lu Kun, who was just waking up from a dream, and added: "The pavilion master has a headache about the carrying of magic energy, so other magic weapons and supernatural powers do not need to be considered."

"The way to carry magical energy, the pavilion owner can compare his own bone treasure. As for the material, you can refer to the material of the jade bone human demon."

"After all, these treasures combine the power of the five elements and the essence of the demons, and the fusion of magic and magic has the same effect."

Hearing this sentence, Qin Yushu's expression changed and he said, "After I destroyed Tian Renjie, the pavilion master still has some demon bones in my place, which should be useful."

Qin Yushu waved one hand, and eight strange purple-black skeletons appeared on the ground. The shape was similar to that of the human race, but there were some bone spurs at the joints of the bones.

Seeing these skeleton corpses, Lu Kun suddenly remembered that the half corpse of the Demon King Heisha was also in his storage ribs. It was made from the corpse of the Demon King, and maybe it could also be used as a refining material.

Seeing Lu Kun pondering, Qin Yushu and Zhu Siming looked at each other, and the latter said, "Magic energy is the unique energy of the pavilion master. We can't give any advice, so we will retire first."

Lu Kun sighed: "You have already provided ideas, and I will leave you with the matter of the spirit root."

"Haha, a family, the pavilion master is not welcome."


After Qin Yushu and the others left, Lu Kun stayed on the platform at the top of the tower and lowered his head to think.

From the end of the calamity to the present, he basically did not study the next cultivation realm, and there was no suitable cultivation place. The magic stone and spirit stone in his hand must be used sparingly.

The bone transformation stage is equivalent to the realm of the Nascent Soul stage, and Lu Kun has enough longevity. The most important thing at present is to increase the combat power to seize the territory of the Demon Sect.

In addition to the comprehension of physical training and combat skills, weapons can improve combat effectiveness.

Lu Kun looked at the Heavenly Hammer in his hand, many of the magic patterns on the surface were shattered by magic energy, not to mention the inner magic circle.

This magic weapon is a treasure of the same level as the Heaven-reaching Magic Treasure. Except for the magic pattern array, its materials are of great value. His research is a little too ambitious now.

Putting away the Heavenly Hammer, Lu Kun sank his mind into the body, running the magic energy in the bone treasure, and experiencing the state of the magic energy running in the bone treasure.

I don't know if the focus is different, but he soon noticed several details that he hadn't paid attention to before.

When the magic energy activates the bone treasure, a layer of complex lines will appear on the surface of the bone treasure, which is the original spirit magic circle depicted by Pang Laomo, the unique magic circle pattern of the psychic puppet.

When the physical body is innate and breaks through the realm, the Yuanling Array accelerates the generation of the source power of the physical body. If other body repairs want to break through to the bone transformation stage, this Yuanling Array must be portrayed.

And Lu Kun discovered another function of the Yuanling Magic Array when he realized the combat skills of physical cultivation not long ago.

It strengthens the control of the source power of the physical body, and the use of the complex force field, if there is no stability of the Yuanling array, I am afraid it will be difficult to use.

Stabilize the source of the physical body, and also stabilize the magic energy.

In addition to the primordial spirit array, Lu Kun also noticed one of the most critical points in the operation of magic energy in the body.

That is, when the magic energy is blessing the bone treasure, it does not flow directly in the bone treasure, but is carried in the blood.

Magic energy is a combination of blood magic power and chaotic magic power. It is the product of the originalization of the body, and it is also a bridge between the body and energy.

Magic energy can activate the method of concentrating flesh and blood, and it circulates throughout the flesh through blood, and it is inseparable from blood.

Could it be that Bone Treasure carries magical energy and is related to blood?

Thinking of this, Lu Kun took out a long sword magic weapon, and poured silver magic energy into it through the palm of his hand, observing the changes inside.

After the magic energy was separated from the blood, although it was under control, it seemed that something was missing. It tossed happily in the magic treasure, with a smell of destruction, hitting the miniature magic circle inside.

When Lu Kun thought about it, a source force field poured out from the long sword magic weapon. The twisted air wrapped around the magic weapon, exuding a palpitating coercion.

At the moment of exerting the source power of the body, the magic energy in the magic weapon immediately became more ferocious, and a slight blasting sound came out, and most of the miniature magic circles in the magic weapon collapsed.

Lu Kun seemed to understand something, and spit out another mouthful of silvery blood.

The silver blood wrapped the magic weapon, and the magic energy in the blood rushed in, but the density of the blood was too high, and it could only attach to the surface of the magic weapon. After a while, the remaining magic circles in the magic weapon were also destroyed.

Lu Kun's eyes lit up, and he sat cross-legged. He entered a state of cultivation, and transferred the life force in his body to the bone treasure. The magic energy turned into chaos magic power and blood magic power with a slight tremor, and the power of annihilation was in the bones. surging deep.

With a solemn expression, he ignored the tumbling magic energy, and carefully felt the condition of the blood and bone treasure.

The magic energy is in a state of cultivation, losing the balance of the force of life, becoming extremely violent, and the blood also lacks an aura of agility.

Gubao's solid array of light flashed, resisting the violent force of destruction, and the trace of life force wandered in Gubao, helping Gubao to temper himself.

After observing for a while, Lu Kun got out of the cultivation state, took out another long flag magic weapon, injected a magic energy into it, and observed quietly without any other movements.

After about tens of breaths, this silver energy was divided into mana and magic, which destroyed each other, and by the way destroyed most of the miniature magic circles in the magic weapon.

Lu Kun murmured: "It turns out that the key point is the power of life. Without the power of life, magic can be so domineering."

After the observation just now, he found that the place where the life force resides is the physical body rather than the magic energy. The switch between the cultivation state and the combat state is just the transfer of the life force back and forth between the bone treasure and the blood.

The magic energy that came out of the body, separated from the body, lost the balance of the force of life. The energy inside stirred with each other and became very fierce. Relying on the remaining breath of life, it was barely able to maintain dozens of breaths.

"The power of life is attached to the blood of the bones. If the magic weapon is forged according to the structure of the bones, forming a multi-layered structure such as compact bone, cancellous bone, and bone marrow cavity, storing the essence and blood in the depths, and integrating the power of life, wouldn't it be harmonious? Like a bone treasure, it can carry magical energy?"

Lu Kun's thoughts suddenly cleared up.

"As for the control of magic energy, we can start with the Yuanling Array. Gubao's Yuanling Array has been finalized, but the Yuanling Array on the weapon, I can improve it by referring to the physical training combat skills."

"If you need a defensive type, I will match the operation mode of the source force vortex. If you need the power of shock, I will adjust the Yuanling magic circle according to the changes in the source force field of the palm."

Lu Kun squeezed his fist excitedly, and there was a sound of air popping.

"In addition to the solid magic circle, other magic circles are not needed. The weapon of the bone transformation period is a magic weapon that can flexibly display the source power of the body through magic energy."

Lu Kun looked excited, as if he had discovered a new world.

If this method is feasible, it means that the weapons of the bone transformation period can cooperate with the display of physical training combat skills, and the power of combat skills can be brought into full play.

Lu Kun thought of something again, and his expression froze: "The force of life has been integrated with the body, and there is only a trace. Without it, the cultivation of the bone transformation period cannot be carried out, and it cannot be used for refining tools."


A bold idea suddenly appeared in his mind: "The power of life comes from the calamity, so whether the transformation of the demon cultivator will also produce the power of life."

Lu Kun's eyes flickered, exuding a little chill, and he had a plan in his heart.

Then he looked at the demon corpse under his feet. The structure of the weapon was obvious, so he had to choose the material. Uncle Zhu was right. The magic energy was a mixture of mana and magic. The material of the jade bone human demon was the best reference.


(PS: This chapter is from yesterday, and it will continue to be updated ten times this week.)

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