The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 900 The Heart Finger and the Prison Cage

"It's you!"

Bayonkai's pupils shrank, and he recognized it immediately.

It was the guy who used the power of his flesh to resist the attack of the Nascent Soul. This man still had two hundred magic weapons in his body.

"No, it's a trap."

Bayonkai's face changed, this guy with muscles all over his body could resist his Nascent Soul's power, his physical defense was even more terrifying than a bronze-armored corpse, so how could he be attacked and killed by a bronze-armored corpse?

As soon as these thoughts flashed through his mind, he felt the air around him suddenly tighten, and terrifying brute force poured out from all directions, with an unfamiliar wave, squeezing towards his body, and the magic shield outside his body even emitted. An overwhelmed crunch.

Bayonkai's body trembled, and he showed a look of fear: "What kind of terrifying magical power is this! Is there a Nascent Soul powerhouse hidden in the dark?"

With a cracking sound, a pothole appeared on the ground under the bald man, and the burly body appeared in front of him like a teleportation.

Bayonkai was taken aback for a moment, and he found that the imprisoning power of the void suddenly disappeared.

The bald man's eyes were cold, he stretched out his left hand, his index finger and middle finger stood up, an astonishing treasure light rose into the sky, and a force field swirled outside his fingers, like an invisible whirlwind.

The surface of the finger is covered with a layer of dazzling silver light, and two tiny vortices are floating at the top of the index finger and middle finger.

The bald man looked attentively, his left arm quickly expanded in a small circle, his thick muscles twisted in a unique rhythm, and the two tiny vortices on his fingertips trembled slightly before merging together.

A series of finger movements occurred almost in an instant, and a terrifying coercion spread out from it.

Bayonkai's face suddenly turned pale, no matter how slow his reaction was, he knew that there were no other Nascent Soul monks here.

It was the guy in front of him. It took decades for this person to enter the Nascent Soul stage from the middle stage of forming a pill, and the magical powers he exerted were even more unheard of.

Bayonkai felt the breath of death emanating from this finger, and he had no time to dodge, so he could only desperately inject the power of Nascent Soul into the shield.


Bayonkai's eyes widened, this finger, like a top-notch flying needle magic weapon, with a terrifying penetrating power, easily penetrated the magic shield and poked into his eyebrows.

Immediately after that, the thick palm was unfolded, wrapped in a layer of silver light film, and a semi-circular invisible vortex appeared in the palm.

The huge suction force came from it, and the remaining flesh of Bayongkai smashed apart. A large amount of flesh and blood was stirred into a blood mist by this semi-circular vortex. The storage bag was controlled by an inexplicable force and fell on the bald head. man's waist.

Nascent Soul in the blood mist looked flustered, and the sudden huge suction interrupted the teleportation magical power he was about to use.

But just as he resisted the suction and was about to activate the teleportation technique again, the bald man's right palm stretched out, and a semi-circular force field vortex was also surging on it.

The palms of the hands are facing each other, and the two semi-circular invisible force fields form a closed sphere, which wraps Bayonkai's three-inch Nascent Soul.

The little Nascent Soul showed despair. He felt that in the surrounding void, there were invisible force fields spinning rapidly, and the teleportation magical power could not be used at all.

Moreover, the suction force in the two palms formed a unique balance between each other, imprisoning the Nascent Soul, making it difficult to mobilize the power of the Nascent Soul.

When the bald man saw this, he showed a satisfied smile. His lips moved slightly, and the bronze-armored corpse turned into a gray light, submerging into his ribs.

Then the bald man turned into an astonishing ray of light and blasted away into the distance.


About a quarter of an hour later, a thin old man wearing a blood-colored robe shot from a distance. He looked at the few traces of dark green aura left in the pit with a puzzled expression.

"Isn't this Qingluo magic light? Who is Bayongkai fighting with?"

Then the skinny old man cast another exploration spell, and a few traces of gloomy power wafted out of the pothole and gathered in front of him.

"Could it be that Bayongkai encountered a bronze-armored corpse nearby, but where did the others go, why didn't they enter the city?"

The skinny old man was puzzled, shook his head, and returned to Rock City.


At the junction of Qi State's Xizhou and Nanzhou, Lu Kun stood on a bare hilltop, and the powerful divine consciousness in the middle Nascent Soul fluctuated in a unique form.

The dark green Nascent Soul between the palms kept twitching and looked sluggish.

The corpse Taoist stood beside Lu Kun, looking at this Nascent Soul eagerly, his gray-black tongue licking his lips from time to time, revealing the color of extreme desire.

What Lu Kun is urging now is the unique magical power of the monks in the Yuan Ying period, the soul search technique.

Fortunately, these secret techniques only rely on the power of divine sense to perform. If the power of Nascent Soul is needed, Lu Kun will be completely out of touch with this practical spell.

Lu Kun has entered the bone transformation stage for four years, and he has a deeper understanding of the physical training combat skills.

According to his conjecture, the whirlpool refers to the rotation and compression of the source force field on the fingertips, which is equivalent to condensing the power of the flesh into a point. Currently, he can only condense a small part of the power of the flesh, but despite this, the whirlpool refers to The penetrating power that erupted was also extremely terrifying, easily breaking through the shield in the early Nascent Soul.

And the source force cage, Lu Kun used the characteristics of the source force vortex to display the control supernatural power to imprison Bayongkai's Nascent Soul.


After half an hour passed, Lu Kun stopped using the soul search technique. The Nascent Soul in the Yuanli cage was extremely weak, and his soul seemed to be absent.

Lu Kun shook his head, and said a little tiredly: "This guy has been searched for three times by me, and his soul is on the verge of dissipating. If you come to devour and refine, there should be no accidents."

After he finished speaking, he withdrew the supernatural power of the source force cage in his palms, and threw the incomparably weak Nascent Soul towards the corpse Taoist.

Afterwards, the cold power in the body of the corpse tumbled violently, and from time to time there was a surge of the power of Nascent Soul.

Lu Kun's eyes flashed with golden light, observing the situation in the body of the corpse, thinking in his heart.

When he returned to Qi State, he had several important things to do. One of them was to help the Taoist corpse break through. If the Taoist corpse became a silver-armored corpse, then he would be more certain to destroy the Demon Sect.

According to Lu Kun's judgment, swallowing and refining the Nascent Soul is a key to the advanced silver armor corpse, so he wants to capture a Nascent Soul alive.

The Bayonkai who had played against him and whom Old Demon Pang had mentioned became his target.

He inquired about Yue Longfei and knew that Bayongkai, the Qingluo Demon Lord, was the deputy city lord of Rock City.

This person secretly cooperated with the Blood Refining Sect. When the three major demon gates are about to break out, he will definitely take action. Sure enough, as expected by Lu Kun, he only stayed in Rock City for more than a year before he caught it. Chance.

"The corpse Taoist absorbed the inner core of the sharp-blade scorpion, and the power of the cold in the body is extremely strong, but the power of the Nascent Soul is a higher level of energy, and the power of the cold consumes a lot. This is not suitable for the breakthrough of the silver armored corpse. ."

Lu Kun immediately thought of a suitable place. He wrapped the Taoist corpse into the source force field, shook his legs, and shot towards Wei Guo.

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