The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 901: Scar of Death

The land of death is located between Wei and Chu. It is full of cold power and low-level dead creatures, as well as many remnants of ancient prohibitions. The general foundation-building immortal cultivator has to take a lot of risks to pass through the land of death. risks of.

Going north along the land of the dead, this area of ​​dead creatures gradually sinks, forming a death canyon that stretches for thousands of miles.

This canyon is located between the kingdoms of Chu, Qi, and Wei. The depth of the canyon is ten feet deep. It is said that the canyon is a bit reluctant, so the surrounding immortal cultivators call it the scar of death.

The end of the death mark to the north is the abyss of death that is located in the sphere of influence of the Blood Refining Sect and is famous in the state of Qi.

On this day, Lu Kun brought the corpse Taoist in the cultivation state to the junction of the scar of death and the abyss. The huge consciousness explored the surroundings and came to the mouth of an underground cave.

Lu Kun took the Taoist corpse directly into the cave. After a while, countless squeaking sounds came from inside, and a large number of gray-haired mice rushed out of the cave, and the sounds were full of horror.

Hundreds of gray-haired mice have the aura of cold power in their bodies. Except for the ten or so levels that are only at the foundation-building stage, the others are all dead creatures at the level of qi refining.

In the deepest cave of the cave, all kinds of pale bones and several unknown herbs were scattered on the ground.

In the corner of the cave, a black-haired mouse the size of a watermelon was crawling on the ground, its black tail was bent and curled up, its plump body was shivering, and its big eyes were full of horror.

Lu Kun placed the corpse in the center of the cave, feeling the strong cold power, frowned, and sighed:

"This is already the place where the dark and cold power of Death's Scar is strongest."

"From Bayongkai's memory, the abyss of death is a forbidden place for monks in the Yuan Ying period. It is full of cold and cold power, and there is no spiritual energy or magic energy. After the immortal cultivator enters, the fighting power is greatly reduced, and there are ten more in the abyss of death. The existence of this level, there have been monks in the Yuan Ying period who fell into it."

Lu Kun recalled the high-level worms he encountered in the one-dimensional secret realm.

The sharp-edged poisonous scorpion is not bad. From a purely physical point of view, it is a ninth-level worm. With his current cultivation strength, even if the scorpion is in the best state, it will not be his opponent.

What he is afraid of is another guy, the unfathomable spiritual sense, the ghost worm living in the ghost flying ant. Using the spiritual sense as a reference, that guy is likely to be a tenth-level ghost worm, comparable to the existence of a great monk.

To be safe, Lu Kun came to the scar of death. Although the power of coldness here is sparser than that of the abyss of death, it is not bad. Otherwise, the little mouse in front of him would not have the level of the formation stage.

"Little guy, you stay here, maybe it's your chance."

The little black mouse seemed to understand. It looked at the zombie behind the terrifying man, felt the violently fluctuating cold force, and showed a bit of agility in its eyes.

But Lu Kun thought in his heart, if Daoist Corpse's cold power is not enough, he can use this little mouse's inner alchemy to supplement it.

Secretly locked this fifth-level corpse rat with his spiritual sense, Lu Kun's eyes glowed with golden light, and he carefully observed the corpse Taoist.

After the power of divine consciousness entered the realm of the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Lu Kun's golden eye supernatural power was also stronger, and he could clearly see the energy operation in the body of the corpse.

I saw that the three-inch little Nascent Soul was wrapped in a large amount of cold energy in the body of the corpse. in the body of a zombie.

Seeing this scene, Lu Kun couldn't help showing curiosity.

He thought that Daoist Corpse refining Nascent Soul was to transform the power of Yin and Cold into the power of Nascent Soul, so that the corpse pill had such high-level energy, but he did not expect that the power of Nascent Soul was used to nourish the body.

The energy refined by the corpse pill first entered the bones of the corpse, causing the bones to tremble slightly. Under the nourishment of this energy, the gray-black of the bones gradually faded, and the gray-black muscles of the zombies also trembled. To have some kind of change.

But at this moment, Taoist corpse's thoughts suddenly trembled. Although Bayongkai's soul was weakened to the extreme, it did not dissipate after all. The instinct to survive made his remnant soul resist subconsciously.

Lu Kun pondered for a moment, waved with one hand, an eight-foot-long yellow coffin appeared on the spot, and he put the body of the corpse into it.

This coffin is made of ghost wood, which has the effect of nourishing the soul. The mind of the corpse is supported, and it immediately has the upper hand, suppressing Bayongkai's weak soul.

But then, I don't know if it was because of the resistance of the Nascent Soul, or because the cold power of the corpse pill was consumed too quickly, the speed of refining the Nascent Soul became very slow, the energy that nourished the flesh appeared a fault, and the color of the bones deepened again. signs.

Seeing this, Lu Kun stretched out his palm without hesitation. The fat mouse on the side was sucked into his hand by the power of the void, and the five fingers were lightly closed, squeezing the fat mouse's head, and he took out an inner elixir from its body. , and threw it into the mouth of the corpse.

This inner alchemy is only at the level of five, but it is the essence of the cold power. It immediately added a lot of energy to the corpse Taoist, and the speed of refining Nascent Soul was barely accelerated.

But Lu Kun knew that this was just drinking poison to quench thirst, and the fifth-level inner alchemy would soon be exhausted.

In Death Scar, the dead creatures above the fifth level are extremely scattered, and many are hidden underground. He can't hunt and kill many in a short period of time.

"At the beginning, Qian Jingshan's demonic clones used the bodies of demonic body refiners. These bodies themselves are demons above the eighth level, and they should not need the nourishment of energy."

"And the magic power of blood, blood, and darkness in the demon zombie is much more domineering than the power of cold and cold. Coupled with Qian Jingshan's secret technique, he quickly refined Old Demon Pang's Nascent Soul."

Lu Kun thought quickly in his mind.

"The body of the corpse is weaker than that of the devil. In addition to stripping off the power of the Nascent Soul, the Corpse Pill has to spend the power of Yin and Cold to refine it and nourish the body, so refining the Nascent Soul is so slow."

"But Daoist Corpse has absorbed the inner alchemy of the ninth-level worm, which contains the cold and cold power of the middle stage of Nascent Soul. The energy of the corpse dan should be more than that. Could it be that the inner alchemy of the sharp-blade poisonous scorpion has not been completely Refining?"

Lu Kun thought of this, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "By the way, try it with the sacred relic of the Underworld Zerg!"

Aura flashed in his hand, a white crystal with clear edges and corners and eight smooth surfaces was suspended in the air, and a strange breath spread out, the corpse Taoist seemed to have been affected in some way, and a strong burst of strong energy burst out from the corpse pill in vain. the cold power.


Lu Kun placed the sacred relic of the underworld insect race on the chest of the corpse, close to the position of the corpse in its body.

Under the influence of the breath of the sacred worm, a turbulent force of gloomy cold poured out from the corpse pill, and the gloomy and cold breath in the cave was oppressed.

Lu Kun showed a look of surprise. The power of cold and cold that reappeared was actually at the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Sure enough, as he had guessed, the inner alchemy of the sharp-blade poisonous scorpion was not completely refined, and was activated immediately under the stimulation of the sacred worm.

Under this level of cold power refining, the little Nascent Soul shrinks at a speed visible to the naked eye, the power of Nascent Soul is quickly refined, and the corpse pill swallows a lot of energy, nourishing the body of the corpse Taoist.

In addition to the color of the bones turning gray, the corpse's stiff muscles also began to wriggle, pieces of black carrion fell off in turn, the color of the remaining muscles turned gray, and a layer of gray skin grew outside.

The ghastly zombie face of the corpse man gradually softened as the facial muscles wriggled and the carrion fell off.

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