The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 902 Silver Armor Corpse

On this day, the chilling power at the junction of the scar of death and the abyss suddenly fluctuated violently, as if attracted in some way, and turned into a gray fog vortex that converged to a cave.

A gigantic coercion that was completely different from the human monks spread out around the cave with the cave as the core. The dead creatures within 30 miles all showed fear and crawled unconsciously, as if to congratulate the birth of the king.

The creatures thirty miles away fled into the distance in extreme terror, wishing to have two more legs, and the scars of death soon appeared in the phenomenon of large numbers of dead creatures fleeing in groups.

Some low-level immortal cultivators who ventured in the scars of death stared at the changes of the dead creatures, not knowing what happened.

Several of the cultivators were quite clever and immediately returned to the sect to inform their elders about the vision of the scar of death.

The abyss of death is only fifty miles away from here, and many high-level dead creatures are aware of the vision here, and the eighth-level creatures in the depths even have some sense of it.

Those dead creatures above level 8 felt incredible after discovering that the fluctuations came from the scars of death.

The scars of death and the land of death, because of the thinness of the cold power, are often haunted by cultivators. At most, there are some fifth-level dead creatures. If they want to continue to break through, they must enter the abyss of death and rely on the more pure cold and cold. force.

Now the vision of the death scar is obviously that a certain existence has broken through to the eighth level.

Where did this guy come from, how could he break through by relying on the thin cold power, a few high-level dead creatures couldn't help but urge the escape technique to shoot towards the edge of the abyss.


Inside the underground cave.

The Taoist corpse was still lying in the coffin, and a large amount of cold power was inhaled into the body, and the body exuded the coercion comparable to the monks in the early Nascent Soul.

A powerful power of divine consciousness sublimated in the body of the corpse, and proceeded to the level of the Nascent Soul. As long as this power of divine consciousness stabilized, the corpse would completely enter the realm of silver armored corpses.

Lu Kun stood outside the coffin with a serious expression. As the Taoist corpse's spiritual thoughts rolled, a thought of resistance, accompanied by a strong bloodthirsty meaning, impacted his spiritual soul.

When he took over the corpse Taoist, he used Jiuyoumen's method of dividing the soul and controlling the gods. This secret method controls the zombies of the bronze-armored corpse at most. In the face of the silver-armored corpse that is about to break through, there is a problem.

Lu Kun came out this time for the breakthrough of Daoist Corpse, so he naturally expected this situation.

Three years ago, all the core disciples of the Hualing Sect migrated to Dongchi Prefecture. Fairy Fang Yuan made the disciples of the Hualing Sect belong to the Body Refinement Pavilion through the forbidden power of the Stone of Oath.

Lu Kun and Fairy Fang Yuan wanted to come to control the magical power of the eighth-level monster.

This secret technique of the Spirit Transformation Sect is extremely powerful. As long as the eighth-level monsters are in a weak state, then the cultivators of the Spirit Transformation Sect can use this secret technique to subdue them.

The eighth-level monster and the silver-armored corpse have something in common. Neither of them has Nascent Soul, only the inner alchemy, and the soul is also at the level of the Nascent Soul. Since this secret technique can be used on eighth-level monsters, it should also be effective on the silver-armored corpse. .

Lu Kun recalled this method in his mind, patted his chest, and spat out a thick mass of blood essence. For a moment, the majestic power of blood and energy filled the small cave.

Then he mobilized the power of life in his body to temporarily split the magic energy into mana and magic power, and the power of divine consciousness worked rapidly.

This secret technique is to form a unique control rune through spiritual consciousness and blood essence. The magic power of the pill formation stage can be exerted. After Lu Kun splits the magic power, it can barely be activated.

After a while, this thick mass of blood essence was transformed into a mysterious blood essence rune under the blessing of the secret technique.

Lu Kun waved one hand, and while the soul of the silver armored corpse was still transforming, he penetrated into its body.

If it is an eighth-level monster, the blood essence rune will be printed on the outside of the demon pill. Although the corpse is not a monster, he also has a corpse pill, but one is the power of the demon spirit, and the other is the power of the cold.


At the moment when the blood essence rune was printed on the corpse pill, a miniature scorpion phantom emerged from the corpse pill, escaped the rune mark, and shot towards the sacred worm outside.

Lu Kun was startled, but he didn't move slowly. An invisible force field appeared around the sacred worm. The miniature scorpion phantom was crushed by the power of the void as soon as it left the body of the silver armored corpse.

"I didn't expect that the sharp-blade poisonous scorpion still has a trace of its soul hidden in the inner alchemy. If it weren't for the secret technique of the Spirit Transformation Sect, I'm afraid it would still be lurking."

Lu Kun whispered a word, and continued to activate the secret technique. A layer of rune marks gradually emerged outside the corpse pill, and then a force of restraint came out from the corpse pill and submerged in the transforming soul.

Lu Kun frowned. Although the resistance thought in his soul disappeared, there was still a strong bloodthirsty tumbling. This bloodthirsty thought did not decrease, but became stronger.

Lu Kun's mind moved, and he suddenly remembered Hong Yuntian's notebook. In order to understand the magic power of the underworld, the guy cultivated the power of cold and cold, and later resisted the bloodthirsty thought by swallowing the flesh and blood of the devil.

"Zombies are transformed from the corpses of immortals absorbing the power of cold. After I control the soul, they are connected to the soul of the silver armored corpse, so bloodthirsty will affect me."

"The corpse of the demon race contains the breath of magical energy and the power of huge blood, and my blood, Lu Kun's blood, is even stronger."

He spit out a mouthful of blood essence and sent it directly into the mouth of Yinjia Corpse.

Almost in an instant, the blood essence was digested, and the rich energy of qi and blood surged on the gray body of the silver armored corpse, and the somewhat dry gray skin gradually appeared a bit moist.

"Sure enough!"

Lu Kun felt that the bloodthirsty thought in his mind had dropped by more than half, and spit out a mass of blood essence, which fell into the mouth of Yinjia corpse, and the next moment, the bloodthirsty thought completely disappeared.

Lu Kun practiced the Gorefiend Bone Refinement Technique during the Bone Treasure Period. This secret technique was born out of the Gorefiend Art, which can increase the density of blood. what impact.

"In Bayongkai's memory, the Blood Refining Sect has a Nascent Soul-stage elder and a servant of a silver-armored corpse. Does this guy also eliminate bloodthirsty thoughts through blood essence? I will have the opportunity to communicate with him in the future."

Thoughts flashed through his mind, Lu Kun looked at the silver-armored corpse in the coffin.

The fluctuation of the soul of the silver-armored corpse has been completely stabilized, exuding the power of divine consciousness in the early Nascent Soul, but the body of the zombie has undergone new changes.

In the process of refining Nascent Soul, the face of the zombie had already detached from its original hideous appearance. After absorbing his blood essence, it turned into the appearance of a dignified and beautiful woman.

The dry and stiff gray body of the Shining Armor Corpse became very agile under the nourishment of the power of qi and blood.

The shriveled gray muscles on the chest quickly filled up, and the rich corpse aura completely disappeared, exuding an extremely cold and gloomy aura.

The woman's eyes trembled slightly, and she opened her eyes, revealing a pair of silver eyes, exuding a bright luster, her mouth opened slightly, and a clear voice came out: "Master..."

Lu Kun looked stunned.

He did not expect that the body would undergo such a big change after the silver armor corpse absorbed the majestic blood essence.

Moreover, the corpse is actually a female zombie.

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