The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 907 Huang Xiaoyun's Thoughts

On the third day after the end of the Sword Competition, Huang Xiaoyun and four other sword cultivators, led by the white-haired old man, came to the sky above the Sword Valley.

At this time, the entrance has been opened, and everyone faintly felt the sharpness.

The white-haired old man said lightly: "I will open the entrance again in three days. If you come out late, the sharpness here will increase by more than ten times, and the consciousness will be severely damaged, and the consciousness will be confused. Remember."

Then he waved his hand, and several people from Tianjianmen sent flying swords under their feet and entered the Sword Valley impatiently, while Huang Xiaoyun controlled his flying instrument and slowly followed behind.

As soon as the four sword cultivators from Tianjianmen entered the Sword Valley, they hurriedly flew to the ground, scattered their consciousness, sensed the sharpness around them, and seemed to be choosing a suitable position.

Only one of them is in the late stage of foundation establishment, and the other three are all complete foundation establishment, and the metallic mana is very strong, but there is a lack of an opportunity to condense the imprint of sword intent.

This opportunity means sharpness.

The sword valley is filled with rich metallic aura, and the aura contains the meaning of sharpness. By attracting the metallic aura, they can gather the sharp meaning around the body, comprehend the true meaning of it, and find the opportunity for the condensing of the sword mark.

This kind of comprehension also has great risks. If you accidentally inhale the spiritual energy here, the sharpness will severely damage the meridians. If you accidentally inhale the dantian, it is very likely that your cultivation will be destroyed.

In order to reduce the risk, they must choose a suitable position according to the sword marks on the ground, and find a balance point of sharpness.

As long as you find a suitable area, you can maintain a stable sharpness around the body, and find opportunities through the subtle manipulation of metallic aura.

Huang Xiaoyun landed on the ground and looked curiously at the sword marks on the ground. These sword marks were chaotic, as if they had been hit by a strong man at will.

The sharpness of the entire Sword Valley is derived from the sword marks. This attribute, which is more advanced than the sword intent, has not decayed after so many years, which shows the horror of this powerhouse.

Huang Xiaoyun closed his eyes and felt the strong meaning of sharpness. The metallic mana in his body seemed to be active. He muttered: "The meaning of sharpness is really extraordinary. It seems that I have a new understanding of sword-fighting."

Then he stayed away from the other disciples and found a place with a strong sense of sharpness. The sword art in his hand flashed, as if he was using the most basic sword-fighting technique of Tianjianmen.

"Swordsmanship is a spell that fully utilizes metallic mana and the power of swords. If you cultivate swordsmanship to a certain level, you can also use sword-like instruments to display the magical power of sword qi."

Although Huang Xiaoyun's aptitude for Linggen is not high, he has the body of magic gold, and has extremely precise control of metallic mana.

The cultivation of body cultivation is to temper the physical body.

If he uses the Sword Intent Condensing Pill method to enter the Bone Treasure Stage, then his future cultivation will be to cultivate the bones into a kendo magic weapon.

No, it should be said that all the elongated bones are refined into sword bones, and the object of Yu Jianshu is his own sword bones.

After obtaining the method of condensing Jiandan, Huang Xiaoyun specially studied the sword-like instruments of Tianjianmen, and found that the sword-fighting technique can be blessed on the sword and exert the sharpness of metallic mana, because of a special miniature magic circle on the instrument. .

This miniature magic circle perfectly communicates the metal magic power and the kendo magic weapon. If you are skilled in the swordsmanship, you can also use the magic tool to display the powerful magical power of sword qi.

After discovering this, Huang Xiaoyun immediately had a bold idea.

His master Lu Kun, because of his hidden spiritual roots, painted a spirit-controlling magic circle on his bones when he was quenching his body. The array is completely superfluous.

Why can't he depict this unique sword-fighting formation on the bones, the bone strength of the perfect body quenching is no less than that of any magic weapon, and it can fully bear it.

So Huang Xiaoyun went to ask Zhu Siming and Qin Yushu for advice. With their help, it took half a year to depict the Imperial Sword miniature array on all the elongated bones in the body.

When Zhu Siming was in Yueyang Sect, he was well-known for his ability to portray miniature magic circles. Now that he has entered the middle stage of forming a pill, this secret art of refining is even more proficient.

Based on the size of each elongated bone and the direction of skeletal muscle force, he modified the Imperial Sword Formation to make it more suitable for bones. Even Lu Kun's art of refining tools is far less than that.

In the sword competition, Huang Xiaoyun's sword-fighting skills were very poor, because he had revised it, trying to find the tricks of the imperial envoy's bones.


Suddenly, a slight sword energy shot out from Huang Xiaoyun's little finger, but it dissipated when it was ten feet away, and it seemed that the power was extremely small.

Huang Xiaoyun looked at the small blood hole exposed at the tip of his little finger, his face full of surprise.

Surrounded by sharp intentions, Huang Xiaoyun gradually found the trick to using his swordsmanship.

He just activated the mana in the little thumb bone, condensed the sword-fighting array of several knuckles into a line, and played this sword energy.

Since the little thumb bone has very little mana, the power of the sword qi is extremely low. If it weren't for the sharpness of the surrounding to strengthen the edge of the sword qi, I am afraid that even the flesh and blood of the fingertips would not be able to break open.

After bowing his head and pondering for a while, Huang Xiaoyun raised his right arm, the whole arm exuded thick metallic mana fluctuations, muscles intertwined, and a large number of bloodshots emerged.


An incomparably condensed sword energy shot out from the little finger and slammed into the ground in front of it, creating a small pothole. The flesh and blood of the little finger was completely destroyed, revealing the bones.

Huang Xiaoyun showed excitement:

"Master is right, the bones are connected together, it is a natural inlaid magic weapon, the combined force of the bones of the right arm is equivalent to a combined kendo magic weapon, the power of this sword qi is even comparable to the third-level psychic The magic weapon is that the consumption of mana is too much."

Then the power of qi and blood surged in his body, the missing flesh and blood on his little finger quickly recovered, and the metallic mana in his body stirred up again.

One after another, sword qi of great or small power shot out from his fingertips, criss-crossing everywhere.

The four sword cultivators in Tianjianmen were all concentrating on comprehending the sword intent. No one paid attention here. If they saw this scene, they would probably think that Huang Xiaoyun had understood the sword intent.

The sword qi supernatural power of Tianjianmen can only be used by the disciples of the foundation-building stage with swords. As for the sword qi from the air, apart from the sword cultivator of the core-forming stage, only the sword cultivator of the foundation-building stage who understands the meaning of the sword.

About a quarter of an hour later, Huang Xiaoyun wiped the sweat from his forehead, a look of excitement remained on his face, and twice the mana of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment in his body was used up.

In this short time, he has completely understood the essence of the sword-fighting technique, the skeleton of the imperial envoy, if it weren't for the special environment here, Huang Xiaoyun would even want to experience the thrill of flying in the sky.

"The following is to comprehend the sword intent and condense the sword seal."

Huang Xiaoyun had already thought of a way.

In an environment full of sharpness, the chances of Tianjianmen disciples comprehending swordsmanship are still so low, because the energy is too sharp, and it is easy to damage their fragile meridian dantian.

"Hey, the Qingyuan sword wine refined by the monks in the Yuan Ying period can't damage my body, it's just a metallic aura with a sharp meaning, I use it to wash my body, I can't believe I can't find the sword imprint condensation. opportunity.”

(PS: Ahem, last week's tenth shift task is only completed now, continue this week...)

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