The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 908 The Broken Country

On Tianjian Peak, Lu Kun and Yue Longfei sat in the pavilion and talked with each other.

Generally speaking, when the cultivators of the Nascent Soul period get together, they will exchange their cultivation experience, verify each other, and often solve some doubts in the cultivation process. If the opportunity is good, it may even be worth decades of hard work.

However, Lu Kun's body training method is self-contained and completely out of the category of normal immortal cultivators. He and Yue Longfei have almost no common language on cultivation.

So he and the great elder of Tianjianmen talked about some secrets that only the monks in the Yuan Ying period of the Wei Kingdom knew.


Yue Longfei said: "Shangqingmen is a branch of the Taixuanzong of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Thousands of years ago, many monks of the Nascent Soul stage emerged from their sect, and they quickly unified Zhongzhou, which is related to Taixuanzong."

Lu Kun said with a stunned expression: "So, all the Yuanying cultivators in Shangqing Sect have disappeared. Did they return to Taixuan Sect?"

Yue Longfei nodded and said, "Yes, since Shangqingmen's strength expanded, Taixuanzong let him return to the original sect, but Shangqingmen has a huge influence in Wei State, sufficient resources, and the emperor is comfortable and unwilling to leave."

"Until the war of Wei Kingdom many years ago, the Shangqingmen had no choice but to return to this sect under the pressure of our factions and the blood refining sect Pang Laomo."

Yue Longfei said with emotion: "With the addition of Shangqingmen, Taixuanzong has three great monks and nearly thirty Yuanying monks, and their strength has increased greatly, from the fifth sect in Dazhou to the fourth. "

"Although the high-level monks of the Shangqing Sect are subject to stricter sect restrictions, they have also obtained a lot of top secret techniques from the Taixuan Sect.

After hearing these words, Lu Kun was shocked: "There are so many monks in the Nascent Soul stage in Taixuanzong, and they only rank fourth. The cultivator of the Great Zhou Kingdom is actually so powerful."

Yue Longfei sighed: "The Great Zhou State is located north of the Tongtian River in the Qi State, and its area is extremely vast. The Chu State, Qi State, and Wei State combined are not even 23/10 of its territory."

"There are many sects of immortality in the Great Zhou Kingdom. The top ten sects can even be traced back to the ancient times. It can be said that they have a long history. It is rumored that the top three sects of the Great Zhou Dynasty all have monks in the spiritual transformation period, and their strength is terrifying."

Lu Kun was stunned to hear it. He searched for Bayongkai's soul. He knew that Dazhou had a vast territory and abundant resources, but he didn't expect that the strength of the immortal sect there was so terrifying, and there were even several monks in the spiritual transformation stage.

It can be seen that in this world of cultivating immortals, he only came into contact with a very small part of it.

He asked curiously, "Brother Yue, Da Zhou is already so powerful, so in the north of Da Zhou, is there a more powerful kingdom of immortal cultivation?"

Yue Longfei said: "The north of Dazhou is an area full of space cracks, which is called a broken country. I heard that north of the broken country, there is an even more vast and extremely cold land."

Lu Kun asked, "A broken country, what is that?"

Yue Longfei said slowly: "Yue Mou once traveled to Dazhou, and it is rumored that it used to be the battlefield of ancient cultivators and demons."

"After repelling the Demon Race, several sects headed by the One Yuan Sect used the Heaven-reaching means to seal the space cracks completely, and then a large number of space cracks appeared in that area."

Lu Kun's expression changed and said: "As far as Lu knows, the One Yuan Sect was the main force against the demons back then, and it was almost the most powerful cultivator sect at the time. They seem to have disappeared along with them."

Yue Longfei sighed and said, "It is rumored that the Yuan Kingdom, where the One Yuan Sect is located, was also affected by space cracks when the Demon Race space was sealed, and the entire Yuan Kingdom and the ancient battlefield became a broken country."

Lu Kun's expression changed, and he recalled Hong Yuntian's notebook. According to the records in the notebook, when the Hong brothers established their own body training, it was after defeating the demons and sealing the cracks in the space.

At that time, the One Yuan Sect had not disappeared. Apart from arranging for the disciples to study the corpses of the demon race and try to create a body training method, the elders in the sect seemed to be busy with an important matter.

The disappearance of the One Yuan Sect must have nothing to do with the Sealed Demon Race.

Lu Kun had a faint hunch that this broken country contained the secret of the disappearance of the One Yuan Sect.

He asked again: "The Broken Country is both a battlefield in the ancient times, and a resident of the Yuan Dynasty. Even if it is very dangerous, there should be a monk in the Yuan Ying period to take risks."

Yue Longfei: "The edge of the broken country is full of huge space cracks, and it is difficult for even the seniors of the God Transformation stage to enter, let alone the monks of the Nascent Soul stage."

"However, every five hundred years, the space cracks in the Broken Country will shrink for five years. Immortal cultivators can take this opportunity to enter."

"Although there are no large cracks, there are countless invisible space cracks in the Broken Country, which can only be detected by the spiritual consciousness of the monks in the Nascent Soul stage.

Yue Longfei said with a bit of regret in his eyes: "Three hundred years ago, the Shattered Nation opened, Yue Mou just entered the Nascent Soul stage, and the chief elder of this sect was about to end his life, so he didn't dare to take risks."

"If Yue Mou dies unfortunately, there will be no Yuan Ying sword cultivator in Tianjianmen, and it will not be far from the disaster of extinction."

Lu Kun is also the leader of the faction now, and he said with some empathy: "Brother Yue, this is a wise move."

Yue Longfei said with emotion, "All the cultivators in the Yuan Ying period of Wei State thought this way, except for Shi Jingtian."

"Old Demon Stone?"

Yue Longfei said: "Three hundred years ago, Shi Laomo was still at the peak of his cultivation in the early Nascent Soul. He actually dared to bring a few disciples into the Broken Country."

"Shi Jingtian and a few people are likely to have obtained treasures that are of great help to condensing the Nascent Soul. If it wasn't for the exposure of the Yueyang Sect's battle, the rest of us would not even know that Fairy Feng and Zhang Lengfeng actually entered the early Nascent Soul."

"With Yu Liansheng and Shi Jingtian, there are four cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage, and their strength has skyrocketed."

When Lu Kun heard these names, his eyes were cold and he said, "It turns out that there is such an opportunity in the Demon Spirit Gate. Brother Yue, I will go to Qi State in a while to find a way..."

At this moment, Lu Kun and Yue Longfei turned their heads at the same time and looked in the direction of Jiangu, where the metallic aura was surging, and an extremely sharp mana aura gushed out from the Jiangu.

Yue Longfei nodded lightly, showing a look of satisfaction: "This class of disciples is not bad, and someone realized the sword intent the next day."

Lu Kun frowned slightly and seemed a little unhappy.

Yue Longfei smiled and said: "Pavillion Lu, don't mind, the disciple has not practiced the foundation-building technique of Tianjianmen, even if it is a special spiritual body, it is difficult..."

Halfway through the words, there was another sword intent breath in the sword valley, and Yue Longfei's eyes burst into surprise: "There are actually two people, this class of disciples is indeed stronger than the last one."

As soon as the words fell, the third sword intent rose into the sky, and Yue Longfei stood up excitedly.

The three disciples comprehended the Sword Intent, which not only meant that they could enter the Core Formation Stage, but also meant that the three would have more chances to condense Nascent Soul in the future.

He, Dugufeng, and even the cultivators of the Yuan Ying stage of Tianjianmen's past dynasties were all top-level sword cultivators who had learned the meaning of the sword through the Valley of Swords in the late stage of foundation building.


The aura outside the sword valley was violently agitated, and the fourth sword intent aura burst forth.


Yue Longfei's body trembled, and his eyes were full of ecstasy: "All four of them actually realized the sword intent, is this a harbinger of the rise of my Heavenly Sword Sect?"

Just when he was extremely excited, there was a fifth sword intent in the sword valley, Yue Longfei's face stiffened, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Why did this kid in the Lianti Pavilion understand the sword intent? Could it be that something has changed in the Sword Valley.

The thought in my mind flashed, the sharp meaning in the sword valley fluctuated again, and the sixth sword meaning rose into the sky!

Yue Longfei showed disbelief, and he lost his voice: "How is this possible, there are only five people, how can there be six sword intents?"

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