The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 917: The Method of Strengthening Meridians (Part 1)

Lu Kun was flying hundreds of miles away, unaware of Xu Junwen and Hunsha's plans, and even if he knew, he would only sneer.

How could the battle of the Gorefiend Mountains be allowed to rage on by the two demons.

Although in the past few years, with Lu Kun's secret help, the Blood Refinement Sect has lost quite a few cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage, and on the surface it is absolutely weak, but Qishamen and the Yin-Yang Sect do not know that Qian Jingshan has become a great cultivator .

In addition, the loose cultivator alliance did not withdraw from the battlefield like the five sects and three clans, but continued to participate in the war. On the surface, it was because of the greed of the loose cultivator, but the real reason behind it, the two demons did not know.

The Loose Cultivator Alliance is actually an ally of the Blood Refining Sect.

With these two hidden forces, coupled with the home of the Gorefiend Mountains and the heritage of the Blood Refining Sect, it will definitely be a tough battle waiting for the Seven Devils Sect and the Yin-Yang Holy Sect.

"The top officials of the Blood Refinement Sect concealed Qian Jingshan's cultivation, but it's easy to say, but Shi Jingtian of the Demon Spirit Sect didn't leak the news after being put together by the Blood Refinement Sect."

"Following this line of thinking, the Blood Refinement Sect should have appeased Shi Jingtian, or Shi Jingtian used it to coerce the Blood Refinement Sect."

Lu Kun pondered.

"No matter which one it is, they must have reached some kind of agreement. In the battle of the eight resource points, several cultivators of the Nascent Soul Stage of the Blood Refining Sect died, and their strength was greatly reduced. Then, in the battle of the Gorefiend Mountains, it is very likely that Old Demon Stone will fight. It is the biggest trump card of the Blood Refinement Sect."

"Qian Jingshan is hiding his cultivation, and the same is true of Shi Laomo. There are two great monks lying in ambush in the dark, and the Blood Refinement Sect can take advantage of the unpreparedness of the two demon gates and inflict heavy damage on them."

A icy look flashed in Lu Kun's eyes.

"So, Old Demon Shi will go to the Gorefiend Mountains in all likelihood, so I should prepare as well."

"It's only been twenty years, and the strength of the disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion is still a little bit weak. However, I have already initially understood the technique of strengthening the meridians. As long as you hook Yue Longfei, Tianjianmen will not make any small moves."

With all kinds of thoughts flashing in his mind, Lu Kun raised the magic energy in his body, accompanied by a harsh sonic boom, and galloped away in the direction of Wei State.


Half a month later, Wei State, Tianjianmen.

A lean, white-haired old man sat cross-legged in the Dongfu practice room. His face was painful, his body was trembling slightly, and his extremely sharp metallic mana was surging, with a level of perfection.

He is currently the first cultivator of Tianjianmen's core formation stage, Lin Ming.

Lin Mingming is extremely talented. He was the chief foundation-building disciple hundreds of years ago, and the first place in the sword competition. Through the sharp meaning of the sword valley, he realized the sword's meaning during the foundation-building period, and he is also proficient in the art of raising swords.

With the increase of Lin Ming's cultivation, his Sword Intent mana became more and more powerful. After entering the Great Consummation of Formation Pill, it was even sharper to the extreme.

But because of this, Lin Ming's meridians were devastated by the power of sword intent.

After he entered the late stage of forming an elixir, he had to seal 30% of his mana to prevent the too-sharp sword-intent mana from damaging the meridians.

After a long time, Lin Ming slowly opened his eyes, his face full of bitterness.

"Just releasing 80% of the mana, the meridians can't bear it, not to mention taking the Qingyuan sword wine refined by Uncle Yue, I am afraid that before the sharp power is generated, the Dantian meridians will be broken."

Thinking of this, he sighed.

"Although my aptitude is not weak, my source of blessing is shallow. Unlike Master Yue, who is fortunate to take the Earth Primordial Fruit with a thousand years of heat, the stability of the meridians is far superior to that of sword cultivators of the same level."

"But if the meridians don't improve next, the Nascent Soul Stage will be a huge moat."

Lin Ming pondered in his mind.

"By the way, I heard Uncle Shi said that with the help of the mysterious Body Refinement Pavilion, we have a great possibility to destroy the Demon Spirit Sect."

"Master Yue is a sword cultivator in the middle stage of Yuanying, and he will definitely not be wrong. It seems that the battle with the Demon Spirit Sect is my last chance. With the background of the Demon Spirit Sect, there may be treasures that strengthen the meridians... "

Just as Lin Ming was thinking, a crisp sword sound came from the entrance of the cave, and a sound transmission floated in from the cracked prohibition.

"Hey, Master Yue's sword qi, does the old man have any orders."

Lin Ming's consciousness swept away, showing a look of panic, he quickly got up, and shot towards the outside of the cave.

Two invisible figures flashed by, and two men appeared in the hall of the cave.

Lin Ming took a closer look and saw that one of the dark-skinned middle-aged men was the great elder of their Tianjianmen, Yue Longfei.

As for the other person, it was a burly man with a square face. For some reason, Lin Ming felt that he had seen this person before.

"Lin Ming has met Uncle Yue."

Yue Longfei said indifferently, "Lin Ming, this is Pavilion Master Lu of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

Lin Ming was startled, and respectfully saluted, "Junior has seen Senior Lu."

A glint of golden light flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, and he frowned, "Fellow Daoist Yue, is he the junior you chose?"

Yue Longfei said: "That's right, Lin Shi-nephew's sword intent is extremely pure, even a bit stronger than I was back then, and his cultivation base is also stuck at the peak of the Core Formation Stage, which is just right for Pavilion Master Lu's secret technique."

Lu Kun said a little displeased: "Fellow Daoist Yue, your nephew, your meridians have been damaged a lot, and the difficulty is not increased by a little or two."

Listening to the conversation between the two seniors, Lin Ming was a little confused.

The senior Lu in front of him should be the mysterious and unpredictable Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion, who is at the same level as the Great Elder.

The two Nascent Soul stage powerhouses came to his cave, and there seemed to be some kind of secret technique that required the cooperation of a sword cultivator of the Core Formation stage like him.

Yue Longfei seemed to see what Lin Ming was thinking. He said, "Lin Ming, Pavilion Master Lu has a secret technique that can greatly strengthen the meridians of sword cultivators. However, this secret technique is only a start-up, and it carries certain risks."

"If you fail, your meridians may be completely destroyed, but if you succeed, your meridians will become extremely tough and can easily withstand the power of sword intent. Would you like to give it a try?"

Lin Ming showed ecstasy, and he said without hesitation, "My nephew is willing."

That look is like a drowning person who has picked up a life-saving straw.

Yue Longfei was stunned for a moment, but then he thought of something, sighed softly, and said to Lu Kun, "Next, there will be pavilion master Laolu."

"Don't worry, Lu still has some confidence."

Lin Ming suppressed his excitement, turned off the ban on the cave, and said, "This is not suitable for Senior Lu to cast spells. Please move to the practice room."

After the three entered the room with the most spiritual energy in the cave, Lu Kun said, "Lin Ming, you must remember that no matter what kind of pain your body suffers, you must not use your mana to resist, otherwise your body will be completely destroyed."

Lin Ming gritted his teeth and nodded fiercely.

Lu Kun looked serious, opened his mouth slightly, and a drop of pale silver blood floated out, suspended in mid-air, exuding an amazing power of qi and blood.

When Lin Ming saw this drop of blood, his body trembled subconsciously. He inexplicably felt an evil and greedy gaze, as if he was observing delicious food.

The silver blood trembled slightly and went straight into Lin Ming's chest. The majestic qi and blood poured into his body through this drop of silver blood.

At this moment, the blood in Lin Ming's body seemed to be out of his control, turning into large or small blood streams, circulating in the meridians of the whole body. swell up...

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