The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 918: The Method of Strengthening the Meridians (Part 2)

Lin Ming had never had such an experience.

The huge power of qi and blood flows into the bones of the whole body through various small meridians and blood vessels. He can detect the itchiness of the bones and the swelling of the muscles in his body, which is an inexplicable pleasure.

In just a quarter of an hour, the boiling blood circulated in his body for several rounds, and his body not only swelled in a circle, but also exuded an extremely strong breath of qi and blood.

"This is too incredible. This drop of blood from Senior Lu can actually strengthen my body."

Lin Ming felt the changes in his body, and his face was shocked. Then he thought of something, and hurriedly used his spiritual sense to probe his meridians.

"Didn't Master Yue say that Senior Lu's secret technique can strengthen the meridians? Why are the bones and flesh stronger, but the meridians are still the same."

Lin Ming suddenly felt a little lost.

What he wants is the strengthening of the meridians. What is the use of strengthening the flesh and bones. The extremely sharp mana of Jianxiu runs in the meridians, not in the bones and flesh.

"Did the secret technique fail, or the meridians haven't started to strengthen, wait, my bones... ah..."

Lin Ming's face turned pale, and he let out a painful scream.

There was a sudden burst of strong stinging pain from the depths of his bones, as if countless ants were gnawing at the bones.

If it weren't for the fact that his body was bound by an invisible force, Lin Ming would even jump up in pain, and his body could not move. He could only divert his attention. His consciousness locked onto Jin Dan, suppressing the sword intent mana that was about to move inside.

He remembered what Lu Kun said, no matter what happens, he can't use mana resistance.

"What's the matter... my flesh... ah..."

Lin Ming's screams became more and more shrill, and his face became terribly contorted due to the enormous pain. Except for the bones, every inch of his flesh and blood felt a stronger tingling sensation.

Lin Ming felt that there was some kind of existence, swallowing his flesh and bones inch by inch. The feeling of this physical body gradually disappearing made him terrified and inexplicable.

"Is this a failed spell? The body is getting weaker and weaker. Hey, my meridians."

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a special energy rushing from the blood to the meridians. The strange thing was that this strange energy gave him a feeling of blood dissolving in water.

It seems that the meridians are being strengthened by this energy.


Lu Kun stood aside, the huge consciousness and invisible source force field enveloped Lin Ming's body. He looked at Lin Ming's shrinking body, showing satisfaction.

The method of strengthening the meridians he used was the product of the experience of many Nascent Soul period methods. This secret technique not only used the strange characteristics of Qi and blood magic, but also combined Lu Kun's perception of the flesh body in the bone transformation period.

At first, he wanted to reverse the use of qi and blood magic, and use the blood of his own flesh and blood to counter-supply others through the medium of blood, so as to achieve the effect of strengthening the meridians.

But when Lu Kun tested it, he found that the essence of his flesh and blood could only temporarily strengthen the opponent's meridians. Over time, the strengthened meridians would automatically shatter.

After repeated deliberation, Lu Kun realized that his flesh and blood essence is a different kind of energy to immortal cultivators. Immortal cultivators' physical bodies are inherently exclusive and will reject this kind of alien flesh and blood.

Back then, the brothers of the Hong family were able to devour the flesh and blood essence of demon zombies and monster beasts because they practiced the Body Refinement Technique and could control the blood and magic power in their bodies, absorbing only the essence of demon zombies and monster beasts' bodies.

Immortal cultivators don't know how to refine the body, and they don't have the magic power of blood and blood in their bodies. In the face of the essence of alien flesh and blood, they cannot take the initiative to absorb them. Coupled with the exclusivity of the fleshly body, Lu Kun's previously guessed qi and blood denial technique cannot be realized at all.

Encountering this difficulty, he did not give up, but cut in from other angles.

Alien flesh and blood essence will be rejected, so what about using the cultivator's own flesh and blood essence?

Before Lu Kun broke through the bone transformation stage, through the method of blood and blood magic and the concentration of flesh and blood, the flesh body other than the bone treasure was swallowed into the flesh and blood essence of the same origin.

Is it feasible to use his blood and blood magic as a guide to devour part of the essence of the cultivator's muscles, bones, blood and internal organs to produce the cultivator's own flesh and blood essence, which can then be used to strengthen the meridians?

Following this line of thought, Lu Kun destroyed the three Nascent Soul-stage Dharma bodies, and finally created the current method of strengthening the meridians.

In the spellcasting just now, he separated the magic energy into mana and magic power, both of which have the characteristics of devouring flesh and blood. Lin Ming is a cultivator who cultivates magic power, so Lu Kun concentrated his blood and mana into blood essence.

This drop of blood essence is the primer for devouring the essence of Lin Ming's body.

Lu Kun merged the blood essence into the opponent's blood, and controlled the blood flow in his body, so that the blood mana was dispersed into Lin Ming's bones and muscles, in preparation for devouring the essence of the flesh.

The swelling of Lin Ming's body was nothing but muscle congestion, and his body was not strengthened.

Next, Lu Kun used the newly realized blood control method to control the qi and blood mana, swallowing most of the essence of his bones and muscles, and condensing the essence of Lin Ming's own flesh and blood.

Finally, the flesh and blood essence is integrated into the meridians to achieve the effect of strengthening the meridians.

As for the blood and visceral essence, it is the foundation for the cultivator to maintain the physical body and cannot be swallowed, otherwise the physical body will rapidly age or even die.

If it wasn't for Xu Junwen's failure of a secret technique of yin-yang intercourse, Lu Kun would not have discovered this.


Three days later, Lin Ming became a skinny old man, but his skin was not withered, but he was still in good spirits.

Lu Kun withdrew the power of consciousness and the source field that enveloped Lin Ming, and said, "Fellow Daoist Yue, the secret technique is over. As Lu said before, there is no risk."

Yue Longfei did not answer Lu Kun, but looked at Lin Ming eagerly: "Junior Nephew Lin, how do you feel?"

When Lin Ming heard this, just as he was about to stand up, he felt a moment of weakness in his legs and fell to the ground with a thud, and the seat bones that collided with the ground made a slight clicking sound.

He couldn't help but said, "How did my flesh become so fragile?"

Yue Longfei couldn't help looking at Lu Kun,

Lu Kun chuckled and said, "It's just broken bones. Your fragile body can be healed with any recovery spell. Let's feel the meridians."

Lin Ming mobilized the mana of Sword Intent according to his words, and then he was ecstatic.

At the moment when the sword intent's mana was running, he found that the meridians became extremely tough. Facing 70% of the mana, the meridians did not even feel any pressure.

Then he moved the magic art, lifted a certain seal in the golden core, and an incomparably thick sword intent mana surged out, running freely and freely in the meridians.

"It's unbelievable..."

Lin Ming felt like he was dreaming. A few days ago, he was only able to run 70% of his mana, but the master of the mysterious Body Refinement Pavilion just performed a secret technique, which greatly strengthened his meridians and could easily withstand it. Ten percent of mana.

Even if the physical body becomes more fragile, as long as the meridians become stronger, the high mountain in the Nascent Soul period is no longer a moat that cannot cross the realm, and he can use the more powerful kendo secret techniques freely.

The more Lin Ming thought about it, the more excited he became. His thoughts were incomparable.

Yue Longfei felt this aura and showed a look of surprise. Aura flashed in his hand, and a wine gourd appeared: "Junior Lin, this is an opportunity for the generation of sharp power, hurry up and take the Qingyuan sword wine and sprint to the Nascent Soul stage with all your strength. !"

Lin Ming also felt the mutation of the mana in his body. He immediately took the wine gourd and poured the sharp drink into his mouth.

Yue Longfei turned his head to look at Lu Kun, and said with some gratitude: "I also ask Pavilion Master Lu to protect the law outside the cave and help cover up the fluctuations."

Lu Kun didn't expect Lin Ming's aptitude to be so high. As soon as the meridians were strengthened, there was an opportunity for a breakthrough. If other immortal practitioners who had completed the formation of elixir knew about it, they would definitely go crazy with jealousy.

Yue Longfei understood the reason.

After his junior nephew Lin entered the late stage of forming a pill, he had been sealing 30% of his mana. This extremely sharp metallic mana had been suppressed for more than a hundred years.

Now that the meridians have been greatly strengthened, it is equivalent to opening the gate, and the energy that is ready to be released will burst out at one time, thus showing a sign of breakthrough.

Yue Longfei couldn't help but think:

"The strengthening of Lin Ming's meridians has found an opportunity to condense Nascent Soul. If I, Yue Longfei, get this kind of strengthening, what earth-shaking changes will occur in my strength."

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