The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 919 The progress of the spirit root

In a secret room in the temporary residence of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

A bald-headed monk with firm muscles, with a naked upper body, was lying on a platform. There was a small hole in the center of his chest. The flesh and blood inside was protected by a light blue aura.

The bald-headed monk looked up at the sky with a frenzied expression on his face.

There was a long, flat bone that was wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, and was burned by the reddish flame. This bone was the sternum stripped from the chest.

Yu Xuan stood not far away, his hands were burning with dark red flames, or pressing or kneading several blood clotted grasses, which turned into grains of powder at a speed visible to the naked eye, and were thrown into the air by him.

Zhu Siming and Qin Yushu were surrounded by the bald monk, and they kept pinching various magic tricks in their hands. .

Gradually, fine lines began to appear on the surface of the sternum, just like the blood vessels on the human body.

Qin Yushu and Zhu Siming looked solemn. As masters of refining, it is not difficult to describe this pattern. The real difficulty lies in protecting the sternum of ordinary material.

After about half an hour, the lines on the sternum were completely formed.

If you zoom in, these lines look like blood-red ravines that are intertwined and intertwined. The ravines all meet at the manubrium, where there is a circular groove.

After completing the depiction of the lines, Qin Yushu and Zhu Siming looked at each other, and the two spiritual thoughts of the core formation stage quickly intertwined, turning into the powerful spiritual thoughts at the peak of the core formation.

Then Zhu Siming waved one hand, and a blue and black golden pill the size of a bean emerged.

One after another, the incomparably mysterious magic tricks, under the control of the huge consciousness, hit the golden core.

The golden core trembled quickly, and black mist emerged from it. The golden core shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although the breath was weakening, it gradually exuded a pure water-attribute aura.

As soon as Zhu Siming turned around, the shrunken water-attribute golden elixir shot towards the sternum in mid-air, just stuck in the circular groove on the manubrium of the sternum.

Qin Yushu then threw out a pile of middle-level water-attribute spirit stones, surrounding the sternum. Under the spell of the two, these spirit stones turned into a rich blue mist, wrapping the sternum.

Zhu Siming's expressions became more and more serious since the two of them, Fa Jue kept changing, aura of light penetrated into the sternum, and the blue mist slowly condensed inward.

It took a whole day for the blue mist to completely merge into it, revealing a brand new sternum.

At this time, the small golden core has disappeared, and the blood-red ravines on the surface of the sternum are filled with a blue material, forming a unique vein, and the surrounding water attribute aura is very active.

Zhu Siming said solemnly, "Monk Fang, the last step is up to you."

Looking at the bald-headed monk's firm and fanatical eyes, Zhu Siming waved lightly, his sternum dropped down, and it was properly stuck in the center of his chest.

At the same time, Qin Yushu took out a jade bottle and poured the remaining blood in it around the sternum, the connection point between the bones.

The dazzling blue light rose into the sky, printing the strong body of the bald monk into blue.


The bald-headed monk let out an excited roar, his hands tightly covering his chest.

The muscles of his whole body twitched, the power of qi and blood rose up, and a large amount of bright red blood essence in the body converged towards the position of the chest, intertwined with the blue aura.

The blue aura seemed to express a strong repulsion, and if he wanted to escape, he could be held in place by the bald monk.

At this time, the surrounding water-attribute aura seemed to be extremely active, tending to converge towards the sternum.

The three of Zhu Siming watched this scene nervously, their consciousness lingering beyond the sternum.

"Kacha..." A faint sound of bone cracking came out, and the bald monk seemed to be aware of it, and a complex look of regret and satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, the blue light on his chest exploded, a burst of energy that was not weak, and the sternum exploded directly.

The bald-headed monk's strong body was torn apart by this energy explosion, flesh, bones and stumps were scattered around, and the secret room fell silent for a while.


After a while, Qin Yushu sighed: "Although we have perfected the miniature magic circle and reduced the material requirements, when the final fusion is performed, the sternum cannot withstand the energy impact of refining and fusion."

"Monk Fang's sternum is already one of the best among the outer disciples. The thirty years mentioned by the pavilion master may not be enough."

Zhu Siming reviewed the process just now and said slowly: "Yushu, the current progress has been very fast. You must know that we couldn't even refine the sternum artifact at the beginning."

"The last few disciples have all reached the stage of final refining and fusion, but these few failures, apart from the material problem, seem to have something else..."

Zhu Siming couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

Yuxuan, who was on the side, did not participate in the discussion. Dozens of dark red sparks popped out of his hands, burning the stumps in the secret room to ashes. He put these ashes in a jade bottle and put them away solemnly.

This monk Fang is already the fourteenth martial artist who volunteered to test the spirit root.

These warriors are all the top aptitudes among the outer disciples. They have already cultivated the Diamond Jutsu to the highest level, and their sternum has been tempered to a very high degree.

It is a pity that they started early, and they only began to temper their sternum in their sixties. With the practice of these two decades, their lives are coming to an end.

In order not to leave any regrets, these top warriors all took the initiative to request to test the spirit root of the tool. Even if they failed, the experience of integrating the spirit root of the tool can be left to future warriors.

As long as there are warriors who successfully generate spiritual roots and cultivate their bodies with mortal bodies, their sacrifices will not be in vain!

It is also thanks to Lu Kun that he fished in troubled waters in the Qi Kingdom War and sent back a lot of golden pills. Otherwise, even if there are warriors willing, it would not be possible, because in addition to various materials, the refining of the spirit root also requires the consumption of golden pills.

In the past six months, although there were fourteen Martial Saints whose combat power was comparable to that of the late qi refining stage, and fourteen golden pills were destroyed in the test, the success was remarkable.

The generation of the spirit root is stuck in the final fusion stage.

Zhu Siming suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up: "By the way, did you feel just now that Monk Fang aroused the surrounding spiritual energy at the last moment."

Qin Yushu was stunned for a moment, and murmured: "Yes, the water attribute aura has been guided, and this can only be done by true spiritual roots. The previous few warriors did not have this phenomenon."

Zhu Siming frowned: "How did Monk Fang do it, he is obviously one step closer than others."

At this moment, a terrifying spiritual thought descended into the secret room: "Could it be because of blood essence?"

"The pavilion master is back?"


Zhu Siming made a move in his hand, opened the forbidden room, and a burly figure appeared in front of everyone.

Lu Kun walked in, looked at the jade bottle in Yuxuan's hand, and sighed: "Not long after I came back, I happened to observe the whole process."

"Monk Fang seems to have created some kind of physical method by himself, condensing the essence and blood of the whole body in his chest, trying to use the strong essence and blood to speed up the fusion of the sternum and the spiritual roots."

Lu Kun regretted: "Unfortunately, when Monk Fang is in his twilight years, his blood essence is not strong enough to resist the power of the spiritual root, and the material of the sternum is not enough.

When Zhu Siming heard Lu Kun's analysis, his expression changed and he said, "Essential blood, did the pavilion master think of a solution?"

Lu Kun shook his head: "I have no clue about the specific refining and fusion method."

He paused, then continued: "But there is a disciple who is very suitable for the test of the spirit root. If this person comes to the test, even if he fails, his life is not in danger. It will definitely give us more inspiration."

The others looked at each other, not knowing who Lu Kun was talking about.

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