The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 920 Lu Kun's Thoughts

A man and a woman were conversing in a cave house where the Body Refinement Pavilion was stationed. In front of them were several pieces of magical instruments, including long swords, fist gloves, and a few short sticks that looked similar to bones.

This middle-aged man was wearing a strong black suit, with a sturdy figure and an empty right arm. He was a one-armed man. Even so, the aura he exuded was no weaker than that of any foundation-building immortal cultivator.

The other woman looked much younger, with a slender body, extremely firm skin, and a heroic appearance, like a heroine in the secular martial arts.

The two discussed it for a long time, and the woman said with admiration, "I didn't expect the master to have such a deep understanding of the art of refining.

The middle-aged man said humbly: "Physical training studies the art of refining equipment, all for the purpose of breaking through to a higher realm. There are many similarities between body refining and equipment refining. Several uncles are studying the direction of their own cultivation, and so do I. ."

The woman looked at the few short sticks that looked like bones on the ground and the man's empty right arm, and said thoughtfully, "Does the senior brother want to make a magic weapon to replace the right arm?"

The middle-aged man's eyes flickered, and he said a little excitedly: "The arm I want to refine is not as simple as a magic weapon. If the judgment is correct, I, Li Qianfeng, even have a chance to reach the realm of the bone treasure period."

This middle-aged one-armed man is the senior brother of the second-generation disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion, Li Qianfeng.

Li Qianfeng was once a victim of the Jiuyoumen corpse refining technique. His body was transformed by the power of Yin and Cold. The cultivation speed of Canglan Jue was astonishing. Later, he was admitted to the Refinement Pavilion by Lu Kun.

Although the cultivation realm is the highest among the second-generation disciples, because he only has one arm, Li Qianfeng's physical mana reserves are much worse than other disciples.

This not only affected his combat effectiveness, but also made a breakthrough in the Gubao period in the future.

So after Li Qianfeng entered the coagulation phase, he put all his energy on the refining arm.

He heard Yuxuan say that Uncle Zhao Xueer relied on the magic weapon to bless the physical body, which led to the breakthrough of the bone treasure period.

Then why can't he, Li Qianfeng, refine a right arm that is comparable to a magic weapon, and at the same time enhance his strength, he can also help him break through the bone treasure stage?

I heard that when the pavilion master was in the body quenching period, he could join hands with the elders of the treasure pavilion to refine the magic weapon. Now that the body refining pavilion has more huge resources, why can't he, Li Qianfeng, refine the magic weapon.


Li Qianfeng calmed down and frowned, "But little junior sister, I'm not talking about you as a senior brother. You haven't reached the coagulation stage yet, and now you should focus on the breakthrough in your cultivation."

"The coagulation period is the stage in which the blood and internal organs are slowly conceived, and there is time to learn the art of refining."

Hearing the words, the woman suddenly stirred up a strong metallic mana within her body, which was at the peak level of the initial stage of foundation building.

Li Qianfeng looked dumbfounded and said, "Little Junior Sister, you were the last to start, but you have reached the peak of the bone-hardening stage so quickly?"

The woman did not show joy, but said frustratedly: "What if the cultivation level goes up, my artifact refining technique is far worse than that of the elders of the Treasure Pavilion, and I can't participate in the research of the spirit root of the instrument at all."

"Grandpa Fang also went to test the spirit root, but I Duan Yiyun can only watch."

Hearing this, Li Qianfeng sighed softly.

Duan Yiyun's family was destroyed by the immortal cultivator. The little girl witnessed the tragic death of her family. The immortal cultivator's contempt for the mortal warriors felt the huge gap between the immortals and the mortals.

The purpose of her practice is to find more ways for mortal warriors to fight against immortal cultivators. Now, many of the outer disciples' tricks for using spirit-controlling instruments were researched by Duan Yiyun.

So when she heard that the pavilion master and the elders of the Treasure Pavilion had researched the artifact spirit root, she was inexplicably pleasantly surprised, but the refining of artifact spirit root not only required extremely high requirements for the art of artifact refining, but also studied the art of the five elements, Duan Yiyun said. If the cultivation base is not enough, it is impossible to participate at all.

Just when Duan Yiyun was depressed, a huge divine sense appeared out of thin air.

"Haha, little Evian, who said that you can't participate in the test of the spirit root of the tool, your current cultivation realm and the art of refining tools are the most suitable."

After Li Qianfeng and Duan Yiyun heard this voice, they all stood up excitedly and bowed respectfully to the void.

"Li Qianfeng, Duan Yiyun, have seen the pavilion master."

Lu Kun's spiritual sense said again: "Little Evian, you should come to the refining room of Treasure Treasure Pavilion now. By the way, Qianfeng, you should come too."

Duan Yiyun was extremely excited, his figure flashed, and he shot out, and Li Qianfeng was the same. The pavilion master is the ancestor of body cultivation, the founder of body cultivation and immortality, and it was a great honor to be summoned by the ancestors.


Lu Kun Shennian notified Duan Yiyun and Li Qianfeng, and also informed Zhao Xueer and Huang Xiaoyun. Currently, there are only three disciples of the first generation in the valley, and Zhao Qingtian and Pan Yan are both in the Holy Poison Sect.

Then there was a flash of inspiration in his hand, a jade slip appeared, and he threw it to Zhu Siming.

Zhu Siming swept away his spiritual thoughts, and said with a light voice: "The technique of raising swords? Isn't this a secret technique that Tianjianmen does not spread?"

Lu Kun said: "Originally, I planned to give this secret technique to Xiaoyun, but after researching it, I found that it is of great help to the research on the spirit root."

Zhu Siming simply checked the jade slip and said puzzled: "This should be a secret technique of cultivating swords and using swords to denounce metallic mana. What does it have to do with the spiritual roots of the sword..."

The golden light flashed in Lu Kun's eyes: "The spirit root of the tool is a magic weapon made from the sternum. Why can't the body repair be like the sword repair, and use some kind of secret technique to nurture the breast bone magic tool."

"Now the refining of the spirit root is no longer a problem, we are stuck in the stage of the spirit root of the fusion device."

"However, even after the initial fusion, how to nurture the spiritual root of the tool, ensure that the sternum and the body are integrated into one, and how to improve the spiritual root effect of the spiritual root of the tool, these are the problems that the body cultivator has to face."

Zhu Siming said thoughtfully: "The pavilion master's meaning is to create a secret technique for cultivating the spiritual root of an instrument by referring to the sword raising technique of Tianjianmen?"

Lu Kun said: "That's right, the bones of the Gubao period body repair have already been finalized, and the second-generation disciples need to test this secret technique. I chose Duan Yiyun."

"Duan Yiyun?"

"The body of Yuanjin?"

Lu Kun said: "This period of Evian's qualifications is extremely high, and now it has reached the peak of the bone-hardening stage. The next step is to break the bone and coagulate it to cultivate blood mana."

"Her sternum has been strengthened during the bone quenching period, and the strength far exceeds the refining requirements of the spirit root of the tool. The physical body in the bone quenching period has extremely high resilience. The fusion of the spirit root of the test tool is not life-threatening."

Listening to Lu Kun's words, Yu Xuan seemed to understand: "Bone-hardening peak blood is the same as that of mortal warriors, it does not contain mana, but the blood is many times stronger. If Duan Yiyun can use the essence and blood fusion device Linggen, then mortals A warrior is just as feasible."

Then Yu Xuan frowned and said: "But Duan Yiyun's cultivation realm, to create this secret technique, I am afraid it is very difficult."

Lu Kun smiled mysteriously: "Have you observed what the sternum bone looks like?"

Several people were stunned for a moment, and said in unison: "Dagger!"

Lu Kun's eyes exuded inexplicable color: "Yes, the sternum at the top of the sternum is the hilt of the sword, the sternum in the middle is the body of the sword, and the bottom is the tip of the sword. The bones in the human body, the sternum and the sword are the most similar."

He continued: "With Duan Yiyun's cultivation and the body of Yuanjin, she can fully understand this technique of raising swords. She only needs to use the sternum as a sword to practice the technique of raising swords."

"While she is using the technique of raising swords and raising her breastbone swords, I will observe and guide the movement of her blood in her body, and try to create a method of raising her body."

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