The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 921 Sword bone and root of artifact (1)

Zhu Siming thought for a moment, frowned and said, "Although Duan Yiyun's talent is amazing, and she has reached the pinnacle of pure bone cultivation so quickly, she can't be divided into two uses, and mobilize blood essence while running the technique of raising swords."

Lu Kun said: "Don't worry about that. In the past few years, I have learned new secret techniques. I can use my blood essence as a medium to control the blood in other people's bodies. The blood essence in Xiao Yiyun's body will be controlled by me."

Hearing this, Zhu Siming finally understood Lu Kun's thinking.

This technique of raising swords, only practitioners of metallic mana can activate this secret technique, and they must be performed against the sword.

In order to understand the method of cultivating the physical body, Lu Kun should not only observe the casting process, but also test its influence on the spiritual root of the tool, both of which must be carried out at the same time.

In this way, Evian Duan is the most suitable candidate.

Duan Yiyun has the metal body mana at the peak of the initial stage of foundation building. He only needs to slightly modify the spiritual root of the sternum, and it can be transformed into the most basic sword, so that he can perform the technique of raising swords.

The sternum at this time is both a spiritual root and a sword.

Lu Kun can understand the uniqueness of the sword raising technique, while manipulating the blood essence in Duan Yiyun's body to find a way to nourish the flesh.


After a while, the prohibition of the secret room was opened, and four people walked in.

The two leaders are Huang Xiaoyun and Zhao Xueer.

Huang Xiaoyun entered the Bone Treasure Stage with the method of condensing pills with sword intent. Even if he restrained his physical mana, his whole body was still filled with an extremely sharp aura, like a sharp sword soaring into the sky, which could not be concealed.

Zhao Xue'er's breath was steady, not even a trace of icy aura leaked out. Among those present, only Lu Kun could feel the aura of two mature magic weapons in her forearm.

The latter two were Duan Yiyun and Li Qianfeng. They were very nervous when they saw so many elders at once. They were all seniors above the Core Formation Stage, and the Pavilion Master's cultivation had reached the Nascent Soul Stage.

"Duan Yiyun, Li Qianfeng, I have met the pavilion master and all the uncles!"

Lu Kun nodded lightly, first looked at Li Qianfeng, threw a jade slip over and said: "Qianfeng, your idea is very good, I have a new summary of the refining technique, you can study it first."

Li Qianfeng took the jade slip, swept it with his divine sense, and couldn't help but stunned and said, "This is... the magic way of refining weapons?"

Lu Kun nodded: "Yes, according to my inference, using the magic treasure as your right arm is the most suitable."

While speaking, he also threw a Qi-refining technique to Yuxuan, and instructed: "Yuxuan, you and Qianfeng will study this magic refining method together. I will find you later, so let's go down first."

Although Yu Xuan and Li Qianfeng had a lot of doubts in their hearts, they unconditionally believed in Lu Kun's order, and the two retreated and left the secret room.

Lu Kun looked at Duan Yiyun again, and told her what she was going to do. After the little girl heard it, her face was full of excitement, and she was obviously very excited to participate in the research of Qi Linggen in person.

Next, Lu Kun and Huang Xiaoyun pointed out Duan Yiyun's sword raising technique, and on the other side, Zhu Siming also discussed with Qin Yushu the method of refining Duan Yiyun's sternum.

During the bone-hardening stage, the bone material for body repair is extremely high, and there are more than enough spiritual roots for refining tools.

Fortunately, Zhu Siming once painted Huang Xiaoyun's sternum, but it was just a little troublesome.


Three days later, Duan Yiyun lay flat on the platform of the secret room, wearing a black inner armor with a hole in the middle, revealing the white skin in the middle of his chest.

Duan Yiyun is very clear about her mission. She only needs to use the sternum as a sword and perform the art of raising the sword, and she doesn't care about the rest.

The pavilion master will control her blood in the process, and understand the method of raising the physical body. With this secret method, the last step of the mortal warrior's fusion of the spiritual root is basically successful!


Lu Kun stood not far away, with three bottles of qi and blood churning jade bottles suspended in his hands, which were Duan Yiyun's blood essence.

Physical practitioners all have the habit of storing blood essence. If they do not enter the coagulation stage, their fighting endurance is slightly worse. Storing blood essence can ensure their endurance in battle.

"Are you ready?"

Duan Yiyun settled down and said, "Pavilion Master, get ready."

As soon as the words fell, the little girl felt an invisible force acting on her chest, like peeling off a cocoon, delicately peeling off her sternum.

Then a drop of silver blood the size of a thumb sank into the gap in her chest, and a layer of silver light film appeared on the bones and flesh, protecting her body.

The pain of the sternum being pulled out was nothing to Duan Yiyun, her attention was all in mid-air.

The calcined sternum, and the refining spells cast by Zhu Siming and Qin Yushu.

But after observing for a while, Duan Yiyun's eyes showed frustration, and she couldn't understand the refining method of Qilinggen at all.

Whether it is the technique of the Great Five Elements or the depiction of the miniature array, it is not something that cultivators in the Foundation Establishment period can comprehend.

Time goes by...

Unlike Monk Fang, Duan Yiyun's sternum was refined very quickly. After only half a day, a sternum artifact surrounded by pale golden lines was revealed in front of everyone's eyes.

After completing the integration of Jindan, Zhu Siming controlled the huge consciousness again, and carefully depicted a delicate and delicate sword-fighting formation in the spare space, and a faintly sharp breath emanated from the sternum.

Lu Kun said solemnly, "Evian, use the technique of raising swords."

Duan Yiyun's eyes condensed, his mana surged rapidly, and a pale golden aura shot out of his body, which sank into the sternum above her.

The sternum trembled immediately, Ruowu Ruowu's sharp breath and this aura violently stirred, as if fighting within the sternum, but after a while, the sternum gradually stabilized, and a pale golden light spot lit up inside.

Lu Kun's eyes flashed and he observed carefully.

The first step in raising a sword is to condense a mana seed in the sword. This seed is the sharp aura of the sword itself and a bridge to communicate with the metallic mana.

The key to condensing mana seeds is to find the balance between swords and metallic mana.

Duan Yiyun has a body of Yuanjin, and the metallic mana she has cultivated is very special, and the sword is made from her own bones. The condensation of the mana seeds is extremely easy, and there is almost no obstacle.

When the pale golden mana seeds were completely formed, Lu Kun said, "Evian, put the sternum back in place, and run the method of pregnancy."

Duan Yiyun nodded excitedly. After condensing the mana seeds, there was an additional connection between her and her breastbone. When her mind moved, the breastbone returned to her chest.


With the return of the sternum, the metallic mana in Duan Yiyun's body suddenly became active, gushing out from the original bones of her body, and revolving back and forth on the sternum.

This is the second stage of the technique of raising swords, gestation.

Through the bridge of mana seeds, the metallic mana alternates in the sword, using the sharp breath of the sword itself to purify the metallic mana, and the sword itself will gradually increase its power under the long-term blessing of mana.

Duan Evian entered the pregnancy stage almost instantly.

The golden light flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, showing a thoughtful look.

At this time, the fusion of Evian and the sternum was only at the level of mana. The flesh body did not have the spiritual power of the fusion device's spiritual root, and only used the sternum as a sword.

"Swordsmanship formation, sword raising, so that's the case..." Lu Kun murmured.

At this moment, Duan Yiyun suddenly felt that the blood in her body was not under her control, the rich blood essence spontaneously condensed into her chest, and was subdivided into slender red silk threads by invisible force, and the complex pale golden lines on the sternum were directed towards the sternum. rush away.

The sternum seemed to sense something, a golden light lit up in the center, and a rich metallic aura erupted.

It trembled wildly, as if it wanted to escape Duan Yiyun's body, but was suppressed by an invisible force in the distance, making bursts of crunching noises in vain.

The red silk thread that the blood essence turned into seems to have been greatly hindered and stagnated at the port of the pattern.

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