The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 929 Blitz (Part 1)

Qingzhou is a vast grassland with abundant spiritual energy. There were two sects of Qingyueguan and Qingyangmen.

However, after Jianmen destroyed Jiuyoumen at the speed of lightning and flint that day, and after showing their powerful strength, the sense of crisis of these two sects increased greatly, and they had to form an alliance to resist the pressure brought by Tianjianmen and Demon Spirit Gate.

After the alliance was formed, in order to ensure that the two Nascent Soul monks could sit together, the two factions moved their places.

Relying on the forbidden magic circle obtained from Shangqingmen, a city of immortals was rebuilt, which was called Qingcheng as the sect of the Youth League.

With the years of running-in and exchange of resources, the low-level disciples within the Youth League are relatively harmonious, but the contradictions between the high-level leaders of the two factions have gradually emerged, especially after the Qingyangmen's old monster Li sat down, the internal struggle became more serious.


On this night, on the city wall beside Qingcheng, a young man in a blue robe was flying slowly, and the spiritual consciousness of the formation stage shrouded the formation nodes on the city wall, checking the formation nodes.

The disciples on duty nearby all showed respect after seeing this man, and some disciples of the Foundation Establishment stage had hidden jealousy in their eyes.

Zhuang Feng saw the expressions of the disciples below, and he was very proud. He used to be the chief foundation-building stage disciple of Qingyueguan. Not long ago, he successfully broke through and entered the elixir-forming stage, becoming the twelfth elixir-forming cultivator in the Youth League.

In this way, Qingyueguan has an absolute advantage in the strength of high-level monks. Not only do there are seven monks in the formation stage, but the elders in the Yuanying stage are at their peak.

And there are only five disciples of the Qingyangmen in the stage of forming a pill, but the elders of the primordial infant stage broke through in a partial way, so they have the power of primordial primordial infant, and the mana is much weaker than the normal primordial primal primate.

"As long as the ancestor speaks, my Qingyueguan can swallow the Qingyangmen, completely control the Qingmeng, and the power will increase greatly. At that time, Senior Sister Lu can only..."

Zhuang Feng suddenly raised his brows, stopped escaping, and turned to look at the forbidden formation not far away. I don't know if it was his illusion. There seemed to be a few figures outside the ban.

But just as he was about to release his divine sense to investigate, a dazzling silver light appeared outside the forbidden light curtain, accompanied by a terrifying wave that made him tremble.

Zhuang Feng rubbed his eyes, and after seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but look sluggish, and the few patrolling disciples not far away were also dumbfounded.

The forbidding formation in front of them, which was powerful enough to withstand the many attacks of the Nascent Soul's mid-stage, was actually punched out by a small hole.

The silver light and the terrifying fluctuations disappeared without a trace before, like an illusion.

The next moment, Zhuang Feng felt an endless squeezing force in the surrounding air.

Four figures appeared at the entrance of the cave at the same time, the leader was a strong man, and the three behind were skinny and extremely thin.

Zhuang Feng's eyes were full of horror.

"This is... the invasion of the Nascent Soul Powerhouse, I must, ah..."

As soon as he locked a certain token in the storage bag, his entire body turned into a blood mist, and the light blue golden core and storage bag flew into the hands of the strong man under the action of the power of the void.

This man is Lu Kun, and behind him are the three Nascent Soul Sword Cultivators from Tianjianmen.

Qingcheng's Forbidden Magic Formation was weaker than the Magic Formation at the Blood Refining Sect Resource Point. Lu Kunxuan Xinzhi combined with Yue Longfei's sword energy to break it easily.

Lu Kun glanced at the re-closed restriction behind him, and said in a low voice, "Brother Yue, follow the plan and make a quick decision."

After Lu Kun said this, he cast a low-level invisibility technique on himself, and the whole person disappeared in place.

Although Lu Kun and others suppressed their own breath, the movement of the banning formation still alarmed the existence of Yuan Ying in Qingcheng.

A sharp female voice came out: "Who dares to break into my Youth League station!"

Yue Longfei sneered, and shot a few sword lights at random, killing the surrounding low-level monks, and taking the other two, turned into a golden sword light, and shot towards the center of the city.

They didn't hold back any breath, the terrifying sharp power of Yuanying Jianxiu was unscrupulously revealed, and the entire Qingcheng was filled with terrifying pressure, and all the disciples who were cultivating were all awake.

Feeling such a terrifying aura, the sharp voice stagnated, and then said incredulously:

"Old Monster Yue! How is it possible that there is a third Yuan Ying-level sword cultivator in Tianjianmen!"

As soon as she finished speaking, an old woman carrying a flower basket and living with a cane flew out of the city. A thick layer of cyan escaping light surged out of her body, and shot in another direction.

Just kidding, she is only a cultivator in the early stage of Yuanying, even if Yue Longfei is alone, she is no match, let alone three Yuanying level sword cultivators.

These guys with abnormal offensive power actually broke the forbidden formation and entered the city. If they hit her, it would not cost her life.

The strength of Tianjianmen has greatly increased. Obviously, she wants to deal with their Youth League like Jiuyoumen. For now, the only way is to take the best strategy. She doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of Jiuyou old monster.

The escaping speed of the Nascent Soul was astonishing, the old woman quickly flew to the other end of Qingcheng, she took out a magic plate, and her consciousness poked backwards.

"Hey, Li Xiaozi's reaction is not slow..."

I saw another red light flew out from the center of the city, and fled in the other direction.

"Great, this kid just buys me time."

The old woman was overjoyed, and the magic in her hand changed. Originally, she only planned to rush the magic plate in her hand. Qingcheng's banning formation flashed slightly, and it completely dissipated.

But at this moment, a fist exuding silver light appeared in front of her eyes, exuding suffocating pressure, and bombarded her body protection aura.

The body-protecting aura just trembled, and then it shattered directly. The flower basket behind the old woman suddenly burst into light, and the psychic wandered to the extreme, wrapping her silver fist.

The blue light on the flower basket trembled violently, as if it was about to be shattered at any time.

The old woman had a frightened look on her face, but before she could make a new move, a silver vortex appeared above her head out of thin air, and a terrifying suction force came from above, and her head was instantly shattered by the invisible force in the vortex.

The silver fist quickly threw the flower basket, turning the fist into a palm, a semi-circular silver vortex appeared in the palm, and the other palm appeared above the old woman, the silver vortex was close to the palm, and it also turned into a semi-circle.

The two semi-circular force field vortices squeezed each other, annihilating the old woman's body, forming a closed space and imprisoning the terrified Nascent Soul.

Lu Kun swept his consciousness and took the flower basket, crutches and several storage bags to his side.

At this time, Yue Longfei and the three of them also solved the pseudo-Nascent Soul guy and flew over.

Looking at the controlled old woman Yuanying, Yue Longfei sighed: "Pavillion Lu's magical power can actually limit Yuanying's teleportation. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Yue would not have believed it."

Lu Kun ignored this compliment, but said with a serious expression: "Brother Yue, please keep this Nascent Soul imprisoned and sealed, now that the banning formation has disappeared, and the Qingmeng's Nascent Soul period has been resolved, we immediately head to Luzhou and sneak into Yueyang. Mountains, destroy the two guys of Lingzong."

With a flash of light in Yue Longfei's hand, he cast several forbidden talismans on the old woman's Nascent Soul, and put them in a sword box.

He frowned and said, "Aren't we going to clean up Qingcheng? Fairy Shi took some of his disciples to Zhongzhou, and if the remaining disciples attack..."

Lu Kun said lightly: "The war in Luzhou will be more intense, so the Youth League will train the disciples."

Yue Longfei looked up at the pitch-black sky and nodded lightly, "Okay, just follow what Pavilion Master Lu said."

Afterwards, a few of them, driving the faint light, lashed away in the direction of the Yueyang Mountains in Luzhou.

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