The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 930 Blitz (Part 2)

Hundreds of feet above Qingcheng, there is a huge black warship suspended in the sky, with a length of 80 feet. The surface is covered with a layer of unique restrictions, making it hidden in the clouds, even if it is a cultivator at the stage of forming pills. Divine consciousness is difficult to detect.

This huge warship has a unique shape. There are nearly a hundred cyan boats hanging on its sides, and the bottom is covered with dense black steel thorns, which looks extremely hideous.

On the deck of the warship, there were nearly a thousand people.

Near the edge of the small flying boat, there are more than 700 people standing. Most of these people are disciples from the outer sect of the body training pavilion dressed as warriors, and the rest are disciples of the Tianjianmen qi refining stage. Famous Swordsman.

The qi refining disciples of Tianjianmen were excited and talked in small voices. They looked at Zhanzhou very curiously. They had never seen such a huge Zhanzhou before in Tianjianmen, but when they glanced at the surrounding warriors With contempt and disdain in his eyes.

The warriors in the Body Refinement Pavilion are very quiet. Some of them are testing the weapons in their hands, some are contemplating, and everyone's eyes are flashing with determination and determination.

In the center of the deck sat more than a hundred sword cultivators of the foundation-building period with astonishing momentum, and they excitedly exchanged the news just released inside the door.

Uncle Lin Ming broke through the entrance and became the third Yuanying sword cultivator in Tianjianmen!

Tianjianmen wants to join forces with a sect called the Body Refinement Pavilion to destroy the Youth League and the Devilsmen in one fell swoop, and unify the Wei Kingdom's Immortal Cultivation World!

This series of information made all the disciples of Tianjianmen boil, and they could finally raise their eyebrows and show the power of sword cultivation to other immortal cultivators.

However, what puzzled them was the Body Refinement Pavilion, which they had never heard of before.

These foundation-building sword cultivators looked at the front of the battle boat from time to time, and found that the elders in the sect respected the people in the body training pavilion and treated them on an equal footing. Some people even felt that the attitude of their own elders was a little low.

To know that Tianjianmen has three Yuanying sword cultivators with amazing attack power, the elders still have this attitude. Does that mean that the strength of the Refinement Pavilion is stronger than that of Tianjianmen?

But after entering Zhanzhou for such a long time, apart from the two predecessors of the Body Refinement Pavilion, they did not see any foundation-building disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

What surprised them even more was that the Body Refinement Pavilion actually allowed mortals to participate in the war of immortal cultivators. No matter how they looked at it, the Body Refinement Pavilion was not like a sect.


At the forefront of the battleship deck, twelve cultivators stood against the wind.

Ten of them were all sword cultivators at the Tianjianmen stage. The leader was a slender young woman who was carrying a bronze long sword. Her name was Jiang Ting. After Lin Ming broke through, she was the only sword cultivator at the late stage.

The other two are Zhao Qingtian and Zhu Siming.

Zhao Qingtian's breath became deeper. He was wearing a cyan robe, and his hands were covered with a layer of sharp claw gloves made of unknown scales. Toxic.

Jiang Ting looked at Qingcheng, who had just lost the ban, and frowned:

"Junior Brother Zhao, Master Uncle Yue and the others should leave. Our mission is to completely destroy the Youth League, but until now, none of your disciples in the foundation-building stage have appeared, and there seems to be only Junior Brother Zhao in the body-cultivation stage."

"You wouldn't say that they all went to Zhongzhou with your seniors."

Zhao Qingtian rubbed his sharp claws and didn't answer, but asked, "Senior Sister Jiang, I don't know how Senior Yue and the others introduced us to physical training."

Jiang Ting was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Uncle Shi said that the physical training is strong in defense, and the swordsman focuses on attacking.

Zhao Qingtian sighed lightly, he looked up at the sky, and muttered: "No wonder Master said that if we want to show our true strength, you can't imagine what kind of changes it will bring to the world of immortal cultivation! "

Listening to Zhao Qingtian's arrogant tone, Jiang Ting wrinkled Qiong's nose unhappily, and then she seemed to sense something, raised her head, and looked at the sky.

A roar from far to near was heard in everyone's ears after a while, and a bright red dot appeared in the dark sky, falling down at an extremely fast speed.


The roar became louder and louder, and everyone in the battle boat looked up at the sky. There seemed to be a strong airflow in the sky, and the surrounding clouds were all pressed into the distance.

As the bright red dot gradually enlarged, many monks in Tianjianmen discovered that it was a black iron ball wrapped in flames.

The ferocious steel thorns outside the iron ball were all burned red, and a heat wave rushed toward the face, which seemed to be no ordinary flame, and the direction of its falling was the Qingcheng below.

Zhu Siming's face was illuminated by firelight, and he said with a frenzy: "Fellow Daoist of Tianjianmen, this is the magic weapon of war created by our body refining pavilion, the meteorite planet!"

"It has a diameter of 2.3 meters and is made of a variety of high-density materials. It can accommodate up to five physique practitioners inside. The power of the magic weapon combined with the power of falling from the sky is a perfect siege weapon!"

Zhao Qingtian added: "Senior Sister Jiang, my four junior brothers are in the meteorite planet. With their cooperation, the meteorite planet can erupt with the most powerful power."

"After they have made an impact on the inner city, you can follow closely and attack the cultivators of the Youth League from inside and outside!"

All the sword cultivators at the Core Formation Stage were dumbfounded.

The magic weapon can still be smashed from the sky?

How does the body repair in the meteorite planet activate the magic weapon?

If it goes on like this, aren't they committing suicide?

Jiang Ting felt the strong vibration in the air and couldn't help but said: "Are your junior brothers dying? Even a seventh-level monster can't resist such a big impact!"

The corners of Zhao Qingtian's mouth curled slightly and said: "If it was before, I wouldn't dare to let them fall from a height of ten thousand feet, but after the younger brother entered the Bone Treasure Stage, his defense was stronger than that of the master, and with him leading, a few people can fully withstand this. A terrible shock."

Jiang Ting stared blankly at the fall of the meteorite planet, unable to understand what Zhao Qingtian said, when can the human body be stronger than the monster?

Seeing that the meteorite planet was about to reach the height of the battle boat, Zhao Qingtian said softly: "By the way, Senior Sister Jiang, I forgot to tell you, the battle boat under our feet is also called the meteorite!"

At the same time as he spoke, Zhu Siming played a series of magic tricks against the magic plate in front of him. As soon as the invisible restraint outside dissipated, the entire battle boat began to tremble violently, and there was a powerful energy brewing inside the battle boat.

Zhao Qingtian said proudly: "Everyone, this is the twenty-six foundation-building disciples of our Body Refinement Pavilion!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ferocious steel thorns at the bottom of the battle boat burst into flames, and a continuous roar came from the bottom. Twenty-six iron balls wrapped with ferocious steel thorns, with a strong whistling sound, followed. With the huge meteorite planet, it smashed towards Qingcheng.

Jiang Ting, including other sword cultivators, still had a shocking look in their eyes. They had never seen such a scene before. Immortal cultivators were all casting magic weapons and attacking from a distance.

And the body repair of this group of body training pavilions, together with the magic weapon, turned into meteorites from outside the sky, and rushed into the formation. Even if they resisted the force of falling, they also entered the enemy's hinterland. Why should they resist the enemy's intensive offensive? .

Although there are such concerns, Jiang Ting has to admit that a rushing formation like Tixiu is of great help to Jianxiu's siege. It can completely disrupt the enemy's defensive formation and focus the enemy's attention on Tixiu. , to provide them with an excellent opportunity to attack the sword repair!

Jiang Ting took a deep breath, and the spiritual consciousness of the late stage of the formation of the core filled with air. After a while, the ten swordsmen of the formation stage, including her, and the hundred swordsmen of the foundation stage all flew out of the falling star warship.

The Qi-refining period sword cultivators and warriors around the deck also entered the edge boat in turn, and their battlefield was the outer city of Qingcheng.

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