The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 931 Blitz (Part 2)

The battle between the monks in the Nascent Soul period took place in a flash of lightning, and many disciples of the Youth League were horrified when they saw the fall of their own elders in the Nascent Soul period.

According to what the elder said, the intruder seemed to be a sword cultivator of the Yuan Ying period of Tianjianmen, and his own elders were easily killed.

If such powerhouses deal with them, these low-level monks, wouldn't it be a casual matter, so the immortal cultivators of the Youth League hid in their caves.

Especially in the area of ​​the cultivators of the Core Formation stage, they did not dare to make any movement at all. They knew the horrors of the cultivators in the Nascent Soul period very well. The enemy was still the Nascent Soul Sword Cultivator with powerful attack power. If they had any changes, they would definitely be eliminated immediately.

Just when everyone was uneasy, a deafening roar came from a distance above the silent and silent city.

It was only then that everyone discovered that at some point in the sky, a meteorite wrapped in flames appeared.

"What spell is this?"

"Is it a high-level spell that can only be performed by the strong in the Nascent Soul period?"

"No, this is a magic weapon!"

As the meteorite approached, the cultivator of the pill formation stage discovered that it was not a spell at all, but a huge magic weapon burning with flames, with a strong magic weapon aura surging on it.

Could it be the magic weapon motivated by the masters of the Nascent Soul Stage of Tianjianmen, but there is no power of Nascent Soul on it, and some are only the magic power of the Core Formation Stage.

This reassured the cultivators of the Qingmeng period. Their cave house was a one-piece defense. The defense was strong enough to withstand a blow from the cultivators of the Nascent Soul. It should not be a problem to take this attack.

But then they discovered that behind the huge flame iron ball, there were more than 20 small iron balls wrapped in flames.

And behind the high-altitude clouds, a huge battleship appeared, and hundreds of sword lights shot out from the battle boat. The ten sword lights at the front exuded a strong sword intent.

"Damn, it was Tianjianmen who attacked."

"The big iron ball and the ten Pill Sword Cultivators are obviously coming towards our cave group. Tianjianmen wants to destroy our Youth League!"

"Let the cultivators in the formation stage attack, the cultivators in the Yuan Ying stage should not take action. There are only ten cultivators in the formation stage. We may not be able to break out of the siege."

"Yes, we first rely on the ban to stick to it, and then wait for the opportunity to escape!"

When the meteorite planet, which exuded scorching flames and vibrations, rushed a hundred meters above Qingcheng, the forbidden rays of light from several cave dwellings flickered, and three cultivators of the Core Formation Stage flashed out.

There were a few sneers on their faces.

"These people are really stupid. Being attacked by Tianjianmen outside the cave will only be a turtle in a urn. It is even more difficult to escape. Now is the best chance!"

But before the smiles on their faces disappeared, the meteorite planet in the sky suddenly burst out with a strong icy aura, intertwined with the power of flame on the surface of the iron ball, and in those red-hot steel thorns, sharp swords surged. meaning.


Accompanied by countless piercing sounds, the steel thorns outside the meteorite planet turned into hundreds of golden sword lights, slamming down overwhelmingly.

On the basis of the falling speed of the meteorite planet, the steel thorn was motivated by the power of ice and fire and sword intent. The speed was so amazing. The three monks who had left the cave had no time to escape the attack range, so they could only rush. defense.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a continuous burst of sound, and the three monks at the stage of forming a pill were instantly drowned by the dense sword light. Not to mention the terrifying potential of falling from the sky, these steel thorn sword lights would explode, and their amazing power directly beat them into pieces. Grey fly.

The other self-exploding sword lights all slammed on the conjoined ban, followed by the meteorite planet with the scorching flames, smashing on the trembling ban.


Accompanied by the loud noise of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, the violent impact air swayed in all directions, and a white mist-like mushroom cloud of spiritual energy rose up.

Above the mushroom cloud, ten sword cultivators at the core stage, headed by Jiang Ting, simultaneously moved their swordsmanship, and the power of the sword intent flowed, displaying the exclusive method of Tianjianmen, the sword light shadow technique.

The natal magic sword was divided into three parts, and thirty extremely sharp sword lights blasted into the mushroom cloud.

The forbidden light curtain in the Jiedan Cave Mansion in Qingcheng was completely shattered under such an intensive offensive, and the violent energy overflowed, blowing away the white mist of spiritual energy.

Three men and one woman were revealed, and they were suspended in the four directions of the Dongfu Group.

The most striking one was a burly man. He was eight feet tall, and his body was full of thick muscle pimples. He held two giant shields about the size of his body in both hands, looking extremely hideous and terrifying.

The two giant shields are semi-circular, exuding a strong earth-attribute aura, and the surrounding air is slightly distorted, obviously containing high temperatures.

This huge man was Lu Kun's little disciple, Pan Yan.

After this guy entered the Bone Treasure Stage, his body of thick earth was activated to some extent, and his entire body was filled with a strong earth-attribute aura. His bones and muscles were inexplicably thicker, like a giant humanoid beast.

The other three were Yuxuan with fiery red gloves, Zhao Xueer with dual ice swords, and Huang Xiaoyun with weird short swords. In addition to the weapons in their hands, they also had two small round shields hanging on their forearms.

The meteorite planet is a combined magic weapon jointly refined by Lu Kun and Treasure Treasure Pavilion. It is almost tailor-made for these disciples. When combined, it can form a huge meteorite planet. After being split, it can be used as their own defense magic weapon.

Several people cooperated with each other, fell from a height of ten thousand feet, and launched this extremely terrifying attack.


The forbidden light curtain just shattered, and seven or eight magical treasures flashing with various auras shot out from below. , play their own natal magic sword.

The powerhouses of Tianjianmen and physique cultivators encircled and suppressed the cultivators of the Qingmeng at the formation stage with their excellent formations, and their violent energy was tumbling endlessly.

At the same time, the twenty-six meteorite planets with slightly slower speeds fell in the area of ​​the cave mansion in the foundation-building period. With the continuous explosion of the cloud-piercing rock, more than 20 small mushroom clouds rose into the sky, and countless caves in the foundation-building period were banned. , was bombed dimly.

In each mushroom cloud, there is a bone-hardening stage body repairer, and they crouch in a semi-circular three-foot shield.

Different from the meteorite magic weapons, these meteorite planets launched by the meteorite warships are all self-destructing magic weapons. Only the small shields that slow down the impact force inside are the intact third-level psychic magic tools.

The bone-hardening stage body cultivators quickly stood up, swallowed the Qi and Blood Pill for a little healing, then held the shield in one hand, took out various weapons in the other, and assumed a fighting stance.

The hundred base-building sword cultivators from Tianjianmen also arrived with their swords, and every four or five people followed a body cultivator and launched an attack on the dim restrictions around them.

The outer city area of ​​Qingcheng flew into the spirit boats, and a large number of warriors and sword cultivators in the Qi refining period flocked to the outer city.


In Zhongzhou of Wei State, a certain resource point in the Demon Gate was damaged, and the war was raging inside.

A woman with gray skin and a dignified and beautiful appearance floated in the sky, exuding an extremely cold aura.

There was a little monkey with golden hair lying on the woman's head. It squinted its eyes and occasionally shook its ears twice.

After a meal, the battle below calmed down, and three cultivators of the Core Formation Stage flew from below.

One of the middle-aged men with double swords is the head of the Xue family of Tianjianmen, Xue Fengqiu, the peak of the middle stage of the formation of Dan. Due to the birth of a set of natal magic swords, his fighting power is even higher than that of Jiang Ting in the later stage of the formation of Dan. Be stronger.

The other two were Qin Yushu and Xiao Hongfei. Qin Yushu was already in the middle stage of forming a pill, and Xiao Hongfei had reached the peak of the middle stage. With the pure magic power formed by the ancient method of condensing pills, his combat power was comparable to that of Xue Fengqiu.

Qin Yushu said respectfully, "Senior Shi, the last Demon Sect resource point in Zhongzhou has been cleared."

This gray-skinned beautiful woman was Lu Kun's silver-armored corpse, Shi Yin'er. She stretched out her fingers and scratched the head of the little monkey, who squeaked comfortably twice.

Shi Yin'er's ears twitched, and she seemed to understand the little monkey's words, she said coldly: "Very good, all the disciples of the Demon Sect in Zhongzhou have fallen, and the other forces are not your opponents at all, and within three days, Clear all the resource points in Zhongzhou, and Xiaojin will assist you."

After she finished speaking, she ignored the reluctant eyes of the little monkey, and threw it out, turning it into a gray escaping light, and blasting away in the direction of Yueyang Mountain Range.

Qin Yushu looked at Dunguang who soon disappeared from sight, and said with a serious expression: "Brother Xiao, Brother Xue, it's not too late, let's convene the disciples quickly."

"Even if we have twelve body cultivators in the coagulation stage and thirty sword cultivators who are in the middle stage of foundation establishment, the three-day time is a little tight. It's better than this, we..."

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