The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 932 The Angry Demon Gate

In the north of Luzhou, Molingmen Yunling Mountains.

A beautiful young woman sits cross-legged in a secret room near Moyuan. She is running some kind of exercise, and she breathes out the strong magic around her. Underneath is a mysterious magic circle. appear.

This is the well-known and well-known Demon Spirit Sect elder, Li Wan, who has a psychic body.

If any other monks from the Demon Sect at the Core Formation Stage saw Li Wan at this time, they would be extremely surprised.

Logically, she failed to break through the Nascent Soul stage. Even if she saved the golden core by virtue of the special psychic body, at least her vitality would be severely damaged.

But now, she has a strong and pure magic power surging in her body, which is even a bit stronger than the ordinary Pill Great Perfection.

Li Wan failed to break through the Nascent Soul, and her magic power did not diminish, but she actually became more pure?

I don't know how long it took, she slowly opened her eyes, feeling the full golden core in her dantian, and her eyes flashed with excitement: "The Demon Spirit Hunyuan Jue is worthy of being the top practice in this sect. Stimulate the practice of magic."

"It's no wonder that the first elder wants to drive out the Qingmen and kill the Yueyang Sect. This secret technique to increase the speed of cultivation is burning spirit stones."

"Although I lost my psychic energy and failed to condense the Nascent Soul, my cultivation base has recovered to its peak after years of cultivation, and due to the re-cultivation, the magic power is much purer than before, and the second time I hit the Nascent Soul stage. The odds are greatly increased.”

"I'm already like this. The Great Elder and his old man have sufficient resources. I wonder if there is any further progress..."

More than 30 years ago, Shi Jingtian found Li Wan and exchanged her psychic energy with Li Wan in order to teach the Demon Spirit Primordial Primordial Art, many cultivation resources, and the status of a disciple in power at the stage of forming a pill.

In this way, even if Li Wan fails to form an infant, with her physique and the magical powers of the magic spirit, she can quickly recover to the peak, which is equivalent to having two chances to hit the primordial infant stage.

Li Wan knew in her heart that even with the help of psychic energy, her chances of having a baby would be at most 30%, so it would be better to use psychic energy to exchange it with the Great Elder.

Now it seems that this transaction is very cost-effective. With the experience of having a baby once, with the purer magic power and the auxiliary secret method of the magic mix, the probability of the second baby formation has greatly increased, at least as much as 50%. .

And she got the news that with the help of psychic energy, Elder Yu had successfully broken through, that is to say, the Demon Spirit Sect had two mid-Nascent Soul powerhouses, and their strength completely crushed the other forces in Wei State.

Li Wan looked excited: "If I enter the Nascent Soul Stage, there will be six strong men in the Nascent Soul Stage in the Devil's Sect. How prosperous this is, we can completely unify the Wei Kingdom's Immortal Realm and occupy..."

Just when she was in high spirits, a sharp sound suddenly came from the secret room deep in the cave, and even the light black forbidden light curtain on the wall shook violently.

Li Wan was stunned for a moment, and then her expression changed: "This alarm, this sect's cultivator has fallen!"

She flickered and came to the depths of the cave. The walls here were covered with thick black restraints. As Li Wan moved the magic tricks in her hands, the restraints gradually dissipated, revealing a stone wall.

The stone wall is all gray, looks dull, exudes an icy aura, and the surrounding magical energy doesn't seem to be able to get close, like the material of broken dragon stone.

A flash of light flashed in Li Wan's hand, and a diamond-shaped token appeared, which she pressed into the groove in the middle of the stone wall.


The Broken Dragon Stone made a heavy sound and slowly rose, exuding a gloomy aura.

Behind the broken dragon stone, there is a stone room ten feet long and wide. It is covered with black jade lotus. On each jade lotus, there is a lavender aura flame, and thousands of flames exude a dim light.

This is the place where the Demon Sect stores the imprint of the disciple's soul, the Soul Hall.

A sect of the size of the Demon Sect must use some means to restrain its disciples and maintain their loyalty.

The Oath Stone is the most suitable treasure.

But although there is a method for refining the stone of oath, the refining materials are rare in the world. The magic door has not been found until now, and the stone of oath used by other sects is very ineffective and cannot be used. Used by over a hundred people.

In order to bind the disciples, the Devil's Gate established the Temple of Souls.

The Demon Sect will cast some kind of secret method on the entry-level disciples, extract a breath of divine soul, make it into a primordial lamp, and store it in the hall of divine soul.

If there are people from other sects disguised as low-level disciples, then the Primordial Spirit Lamp will reflect the true cultivation base. If a disciple betrays, the Primordial Spirit Lamp can also be used as a tracking tool to hunt down these traitor disciples.

The Divine Soul Temple opened by Li Wan was filled with the Primordial Spirit Lamps below the late stage of Core Formation, as well as the Primordial Divine Lamps of the elders in the late phase of Core Formation, all in the depths of Shijingtian Cave Mansion.

"how so!"

Li Wan's expression was sluggish, and she saw that more than a hundred primordial lamps were extinguished in the Divine Soul Hall, even including three in the early stage of forming a pill.

This means that the hundreds of disciples of their Demon Spirit Sect and the three monks at the Core Formation Stage have all fallen.

She carefully identified the Yuanshen lamp, and her face became more and more ugly: "Junior Sister Wang, Junior Brother Shen, Junior Brother Song..."

"Aren't they stationed in Zhongzhou? It seems that these foundation-building disciples also went to Zhongzhou. Could it be that the resident's station in Zhongzhou was wiped out?"

"There must be a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, is it the Youth League or Tianjianmen?"

Li Wan showed a look of anger. In her opinion, there were five Nascent Soul cultivators in the Demon Sect. The Great Elder and Elder Yu were both strong in the Nascent Soul Stage. They were much more powerful than the other two. How could they dare to attack? , or that these two forces are united.

"It's only been less than two hundred years, and there is going to be another war. I have to report to the elders quickly."

She swept away her sleeves, put away the extinguished Yuanshen lamp, and turned into a flash of light to leave the cave.

Li Wan is now the ruler of the Core Formation Stage, the closest to Mo Yuan, and just after passing through a few complicated restrictions, she came to the outside of Mo Yuan, and she quickly made a sound transmission.

After a while, a black-haired old man flew out of the Demon Abyss, and his eyes flashed with disbelief: "Li Wan, is what you said true?"

This person is not the Great Elder Shi Jingtian, but Yu Liansheng,

Li Wan was stunned for a moment, and then said respectfully, "Yes, Elder Yu, the primordial spirit lamps of all the disciples in Zhongzhou have all been extinguished, and there must be a cultivator in the primordial infant stage."

While speaking, those extinguished primordial spirits were suspended between the two.

Seeing this, Yu Liansheng's face was extremely gloomy: "Old man Li of the Qingmeng has just died, and the infighting is serious, they will never take action, is it Yue Longfei from Tianjianmen?"

He looked at these Yuanshen lamps, raised his brows and said, "Wait, this kid Shen Shang has also fallen. He returned to Lingzong a few years ago."

At this moment, Yu Liansheng's face changed, and the jade bracelet on his wrist shook violently, and a panic voice came out as the aura flashed.

"Brother Yu, it's not good."

"Lin Ming from Tianjianmen has entered the Nascent Soul Stage, and now the three major sword cultivators have sneaked into the Spirit Sect. Their attack power is too strong, and Junior Sister Feng and I can only rely on the Great Banning Formation to protect ourselves, and we won't be able to last for long!"

"Senior brother, come to support with the elders..."

Li Wan opened her mouth slightly. She was shocked by the information in this sentence. The breakthrough of Jianxiu's Yuan Ying stage is much more difficult than that of ordinary monks. What luck did Tianjianmen go, and the guy from Dugufeng didn't say, Lin Ming actually also broke through.

Yu Liansheng clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes flashed with fury: "Yue Longfei is so bold, three sword cultivators in mere mere mere want to invade my Demon Sect, he's just courting death!"

He made a sound transmission to Moyuan, and then instructed: "Li Wan, you arrange the disciples in the sect to enter the state of preparation, the elder is in retreat, don't disturb, Junior Brother Lu will come out to take charge."

Then Yu Liansheng turned into a black escaping light, lasing away in the direction of Yueyang Mountain Range.

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