The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 935 Lu Liang's Strategies

"Three Dao brothers, the battle of the Gorefiend Mountains has just begun, the old demon Shi can't come back so soon, we still have at least three or four days, and Shi Yin'er has already come, let's clean up the Lingzong first, and then gather the disciples. , and attacked the Yunling Mountains."

Hearing Lu Kun's voice transmission, Yue Longfei nodded lightly, and then put away the magic weapon and storage bag that Zhang Lengfeng and the two had dropped.

With the disappearance of the Great Forbidden Array, some clever immortal cultivators sneaked away.

Yue Longfei said coldly: "We will divide into three directions and destroy all immortal cultivators in Lingzong."

"Yes, brother!"

Then they turned into three sword lights and wandered in the three directions of the Lingzong Mountain Gate. The powerful spiritual consciousness of the cultivator in the Yuan Ying period glanced at the cave below, and the golden sword qi bombarded out.

Those Lingzong disciples who were still hiding in the cave, seeing the Nascent Soul monks slaughtering low-level monks like them disregarding their face, no longer had any luck, and all rushed out and fled in all directions in horror.

After half a day, the entire Spirit Sect became extremely shattered, with broken restrictions everywhere, and there was silence.

The three major sword cultivators, plus Lu Kun and Shi Yin'er in the dark, there are five powerhouses in the Nascent Soul stage, disciples of Lingzong, whether they were hiding in the cave or trying to escape, none of them could survive.

It is impossible for a low-level monk to resist an immortal cultivator with the power of Nascent Soul. Even a pervert like Lu Kun can't help a monk in the Nascent Soul stage in the Bone Treasure Stage.

The first step in the war plan of Refining Body Pavilion and Tianjianmen is to concentrate the strongest strength and use a blitzkrieg method to destroy the Lingzong of the Qingmeng and the Devilsmen in a short period of time, as well as the branches of these two branches in Zhongzhou.

As a result, the strength of the Demon Sect was greatly reduced, and there was no helper.

Just now in Lingzong, Lu Kun and Yue Longfei did not solve the battle as quickly as the Qingmeng did, but used the magic-breaking supernatural power of the three-talented sword formation to let Yu Liansheng witness all this.

After losing the Spirit Sect, Yu Liansheng and Lu Liang alone would not be able to resist the might of the three major swordsmen, and only Old Demon Shi could turn the tide.

Moreover, due to the asymmetry of information between the two sides, Yu Liansheng naturally believed that the news of Shi Laomo becoming a great cultivator had not been leaked, and the three major sword cultivators could be caught off guard.

But how did he know that there were still Lu Kun and Shi Yin'er, and he didn't even know that the greatest magical power of the three-talented sword formation in Tianjianmen was not this magical power.


Just when Yue Longfei and others were slaughtering the Spirit Sect, a faint blue-black light flew out from the abyss of the Yunling Mountains, and inside was a middle-aged man with a cold face.

This person is the youngest cultivator of the Nascent Soul Stage in the Demon Sect. Lu Liang, who was promoted after the Battle of Yueyang Sect, has amazing aptitude. Although he entered the Nascent Soul Stage at the latest, his aptitude is amazing, and his strength is stronger than Zhang Lengfeng of Ling Sect. on a lot.

Lu Liang looked serious, carefully controlled his escape, and galloped in the direction of Zhongzhou.

"Tianjianmen is really not simple. After the third Yuanying Jianxiu appeared, he immediately raided the Lingzong."

His eyes were cold: "Even if the Spirit Sect is destroyed, it is not so easy for them to capture the Yunling Mountains. Tianjianmen must have sent most of their disciples. At this time, the defense force of their old nest must be extremely weak."

While flying, Lu Liang pondered in his mind: "Among the first batch of Yuanshen lamps that were extinguished, some of the disciples were in Lingzong, and the others were disciples from Zhongzhou. At that time, the three major swordsmen of Tianjianmen were all there. Yueyang Mountains."

"And several resource points in Zhongzhou, although there is no prohibition of the guardian of the big formation, but it is not that the monks in the formation stage can be eliminated in a short time. That is to say, the monks in the Yuanying stage of the Qingmeng still shot."

Lu Liang snorted coldly in his heart: "Those two oil-headed guys, who dare not attack the Spirit Sect with Tianjianmen, but bully the low-level disciples of this sect in Zhongzhou, are really timid as mice."

"If I tell them the news that the Great Elder has become a great cultivator and lure them for profit, I wonder if they will turn against Tianjianmen?"

Not long ago, Yu Liansheng told Lu Liang all the situation through the ten thousand li transmission. The demon entered the evidence of the great monk, forcing the Youth League to join forces and quietly kill the lair of Tianjianmen.

Although only Yu Liansheng, a cultivator of the Nascent Soul, was left in the Demon Spirit Sect, if all the disciples retreated into the Demon Abyss of the Back Mountain, Tianjian Sect would not be able to attack in a short period of time.

The Demon Abyss prohibition was originally a remnant of the ancient prohibition. It was modified by Shi Laomo and other powerhouses in the late Nascent Soul, and it was even able to use a bit of heaven and earth to defend it.

With Yu Liansheng as the host in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it is difficult for the great cultivator to break through in a short time.

During this period of time, if Lu Liang could persuade the Youth League to defect and break through Tianjianmen's nest, then Tianjianmen would be caught in a dilemma.

At that time, Shi Jingtian returned to the Yunling Mountains again, and attacked them both inside and outside, and Tianjianmen might even perish directly.

Thinking about how to persuade the Youth League, Lu Liang gradually went deep into Zhongzhou.

"What's the matter, isn't this the resource point of the Youth League?"

Lu Liang stopped in mid-air, with an incredible look in his eyes. He saw a spiritual mine below, with broken restraints, and many fragments of magic tools scattered everywhere, and the air was filled with a chaotic aura of mana.

Obviously, the resource point of this Youth League, like their Demon Sect, was slaughtered.

"This breath is Jianxiu?"

Lu Liang felt a little incredible. He adjusted his direction and flew to another resource point of the Youth League in his memory.

As a result, the prohibition here was also broken, but the attackers seemed to be in a hurry, and several of the Youth League's foundation-building cultivators were fleeing in a panic.

Lu Liang disappeared in a flash and appeared in front of a person. The blue-black magic hand pinched him in front of him, and directly used the soul search technique.

After a while, Lu Liang murmured: "In addition to the sword cultivators of Tianjianmen, there are also a group of mysterious cultivators. These people are armed with weapons and fight with fast speed and physical strength."

"Isn't this fighting method the same as Lu Kun of Yueyang Sect? That is to say, the remnants of Yueyang Sect were linked with Tianjianmen."

Lu Liang had a deep impression on Lu Kun. Back then, he arranged for his disciples to hunt down and kill them. Who knew that the first wave of disciples had died inexplicably.

After he sent Ling Yuetong to go, he realized that Lu Kun had entered the stage of forming an elixir. Not only did he have powerful companions, but he was also accompanied by a sixth-level monster, and Ling Yuetong returned with a feather.

After that, Tianjianmen destroyed Jiuyoumen, its strength increased greatly, and it monopolized the land of Qingzhou. Qingyueguan and Qingyangmen formed a green alliance, and formed a three-legged state with Molingmen.

The three parties competed for resource points in Zhongzhou, and Shi Jingtian was in a closed life, so Lu Liang stopped chasing and killing.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Lu Kun already had many descendants, and even hooked up with Tianjianmen.

"They left in a hurry halfway through the call. Could there be a supernatural power that can find me?"

"No, they attacked the forces in the Central Province of the Youth League, and the Qingzhou side..."

Lu Liang's expression changed, and he threw the white-eyed Qingmeng cultivator out. With a flash of light, he quickly flew to Qingzhou. On the way, he passed a Tianjianmen resource point and found that the people inside were going to the empty building, and his face became more and more ugly. .

The speed of the Yuan Ying cultivator's escape was astonishing. In just a few hours, he rushed to Qingzhou. His spiritual sense glanced at the dilapidated Qingcheng. Lu Liang clenched his fists:

"From the perspective of the fighting atmosphere, the battle was at most two days ago. The ambition of Tianjianmen is too great. After destroying the Youth League, they will immediately attack our Devilsmen. They want to dominate the entire Wei kingdom."

"The Great Elder has been a great cultivator for many years, and he still has no plan to unify the Wei Kingdom. Why does Tianjianmen have such courage? Is it that kind of sword formation?"

Lu Liang was very angry.

He didn't know that in order to seize the opportunity, Shi Jingtian went to the Blood Refinement Sect not long after he entered the Great Cultivator. …

A look of unwillingness flashed in Lu Liang's eyes, and he dashed away in the direction of Cangzhou.

"Tianjianmen destroyed the Qingmeng and Lingzong in just a few days, and implemented a blitzkrieg strategy. The disciples in the sect would definitely come out of their nests. Hmph, I heard that the sword valley of Tianjianmen is the foundation of their sect. I, Lu Liang, are going to have a look."

Now that the Youth League has been destroyed, Lu Liang's mission is only the home of Tianjianmen. If a Nascent Soul Sword Cultivator can be brought back, the threat of the three Sword Cultivators will be greatly reduced, and they only need to wait for the Great Elder. return, you can start to fight back.

After another half-day, Lu Liang came to the outside of Tianjian Peak. At this time, Tianjian Peak was very quiet.

The mountain gate of Tianjianmen is centered on the towering Tianjian Peak. The main function of the Forbidden Array is to prohibit the power of the sky. Even in the late Nascent Soul cultivation base, it is very difficult to fly on the Tianjian Peak.

If a foreign cultivator wants to break into Tianjian Peak, one way is to climb up from the bottom of the mountain. There are layers of restrictions on the ground, and the efficiency is extremely low.

Or use a powerful attack to directly break the forbidden formation. This formation does not focus on defense and cannot resist the continuous attacks of the cultivators in the Nascent Soul period.

Lu Liangfei was suspended outside the restriction of Tianjian Peak, and a pitch-black long knife appeared in front of him. The giant blade, with terrifying power, slammed forward fiercely.

The layers of cloud-like spiritual energy were all rolled over by the terrorist attack in the Yuan Ying period.


An extremely clear voice echoed, and Lu Liang was stunned for a moment. There seemed to be something wrong with the voice, and his consciousness reached forward through the clouds and mist.

I saw an ugly fat shrew suddenly appeared outside the restriction in front of her. She narrowed her eyes and looked nervously at a green turtle shell wrapped around her body.

Seeing that the tortoise shell was not damaged, the shrew let out a long sigh of relief. Then she raised her turtle-like nose and put her thick hands on both sides of the tortoise shell. Tianjianmen, the old lady here is taking care of it."

Lu Liang felt the amazing demonic aura exuding from the other party, and was stunned: "Eighth-level turtle monster..."

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