The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 936 The end of the Qi Kingdom War

Without saying a word, Lu Liang put the magic weapon in his body, turned it into a blue-black escaping light, and shot away into the distance, his face was extremely ugly: "There is an eighth-level monster sitting in Tianjianmen, and it is known for its defense. Turtle monsters."

His spiritual sense observed the back, and found that the tortoise monster had not chased out, it seemed that it was guarding the mountain gate, so he put out the idea of ​​attacking the Tianjianmen nest.

Lu Liang recalled the fight just now: "What species is this tortoise monster, and its defense is too abnormal, the full force of the green devil blade did not hurt its tortoise shell, even if Senior Brother Yu came over, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to do anything. it."

"Tianjianmen launched a blitz battle and annihilated Qingmeng and Lingzong in one breath. It's not even their full strength. Wouldn't it be even more powerful if this eighth-level turtle monster cooperated?"

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a bad premonition: "In other words, there is a Nascent Soul powerhouse hidden beside the three major sword cultivators? You don't need the help of this eighth-level monster to win the Demon Gate? "

Then he let out a cold snort in his heart: "Even if there is still a Nascent Soul Stage powerhouse, the news of the Great Elder entering the Great Cultivator is extremely confidential, and even I just found out that it is not certain who will surprise whom by then."

At this moment, the ten thousand-mile sound transmission in Lu Liang's storage bracelet lit up, his spiritual consciousness poured into it, and he communicated with Yu Liansheng across the air.

"The army of Tianjianmen entered the Yunling Mountains so quickly, and they really got mixed up with the remnants of the Yueyang Sect. Such a huge warship can only be refined by the craftsmanship of the Yueyang Sect."

"Since you can't win the Tianjianmen's nest, then go and gather all the forces of the Devil's Sect. Under the protection of this sect, the Luo family and the Ye family already have a number of monks in the formation stage, and they can make up for many of the spiritual sect's disciples. gap."

Afterwards, the direction of Lu Liang's escape light turned and flew towards the southern border of Luzhou.


Gui Linger looked at Lu Liang who had disappeared in the sky, and said with a bubble in his mouth: "The pavilion master didn't lie to me. As long as I block one of the enemy's attacks, the opponent will immediately flee without risking a fight."

After a while, a tall and blue-eyed woman appeared beside Gui Linger, who was Fang Yuan, the sect master of Hualing Sect, she slowly said: "Uncle Gui, according to the plan of the pavilion, our Spiritual Sect can also let's go."

Hearing the words, Gui Linger said nervously: "I said Yuan'er, there are so many cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage in this battle, and there are even strong men like the pavilion master and the great cultivator, so what, my eighth-level turtle It doesn't matter if the demon goes or not."

Fang Yuanyu covered her forehead with her hands, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Uncle Gui, you only need to entangle the Nascent Soul Stage just now. With your strength, you can't hurt Uncle Master at all. Besides, this is the order of the pavilion master. If If the pavilion master is to blame..."

Gui Linger seemed to be very afraid of Lu Kun, she said with a dry smile: "Let me just say, in the early stage of Nascent Soul, how could your uncle Gui can't stop it."

Afterwards, she turned into a blue light and fell into the spirit beast bag on Fang Yuan's waist. Next, the master of the Spirit Transformation Sect returned to Tianjian Peak, gathered his disciples, and prepared to rush to the Yunling Mountains.


In the southern state of Qi State, the Gorefiend Mountains, the immortal cultivators of the three major demon sects fought fiercely.

On the edge of the mountain range, there are broken prohibitions and pieces of magic tools, and there are many incomplete corpses of immortal cultivators, and the chaotic magic energy is surging everywhere.

In the middle of the mountain range, there are a large number of immortal cultivators fighting. The power of prohibition is mixed with the breath of various magic weapons. The Qishamen and the Yin-Yang Holy Sect coalition are not as powerful as they imagined, but they are in a stalemate with the immortal cultivators of the Blood Refinement Sect.

The two major demon sects did not expect that the Loose Cultivation Alliance, which originally belonged to the Yin-Yang Sacred Sect camp, suddenly turned against the water, and played a set of cooperation with the Blood Refinement Sect, and suddenly suppressed the offensive of the two sects.

The two groups of people who were evenly matched began to pay attention to the depths of the Gorefiend Mountains, a valley shrouded in a black light curtain. From time to time, powerful aftermaths of attacks erupted, stirring strong demonic energy, and the huge vibrations even spread to the Gorefiend Mountains. outside.

Obviously, the strongest of the three major demon sects are fighting in the valley. As long as the winner is determined there, the war can be said to be over. The prestige of the great monk is simply not something that ordinary monks in the Nascent Soul period can resist.

Suddenly, a wave of terrifying extremes erupted in vain in the valley, the powerful black restraint shattered like a balloon, and the sky-high air waves rolled outward.

Many immortal cultivators who were still fighting were even blown to the ground, everyone stopped fighting spontaneously, and the Gorefiend Mountains seemed to be quiet.


In the depths of the Gorefiend Mountains, in the valley where the Gorefiend cave is located, the restrictions are shattered, and there are countless ravines on the ground. Incomparably pure magical energy emerges from the ravines, forming black columns of magical energy.

The immortal cultivators of the three major demon sects have become a powerful force.

There are always five figures in Xuelian, and the one headed is Qian Jingshan. Although he has a smile at the corner of his mouth, there is a look of regret in his eyes.

In front of Qian Jingshan stood a demon with bone spurs and purple scales, and on both sides were Situ Hao, Le Yanjun and his wife, and the great elder of the Demon Sect, Shi Jingtian.

In front of the three of them, there were six blood demon swords that were swirling with demonic energy, with thick blood on them, as if they had just launched a terrifying attack.

The head of the Qisha Sect was a long-bearded old man with gray eyes. He covered his chest with one hand, and there was a blood hole on it, which was bleeding dark blood. This person was the elder of the Qisha Sect, the old demon Yuansha.

There were seven people around him, forming a phalanx, protecting him in it, and a thick gray-black shield enveloped them.

There are only three people in the Yin-Yang Holy Sect. The pair of middle-aged men and women with ordinary appearance is the famous Yin-Yang Holy Master. At this time, outside the dantian of the Yang Holy Master, there is a blood hole just like Yuan Sha, and they are already seriously injured. The Lord seemed to be fine.

Xu Junwen stood behind the two, with black and white magic lights flashing in his hands, pouring into the main body of the yin and yang saint, seemingly helping them heal.

Sacred Lord Yin looked at Qian Jingshan and Shi Jingtian exuding the coercion of the great cultivators, and couldn't help sighing: "Qian Jingshan, you really are not simple, I originally thought that you would use the prohibition of the Gore Demon's Cave to fight us, but I didn't expect you to hide so many things. back."

"We didn't even expect that after the Magic Demon Zi Mu Gong entered the realm of the great cultivator, the illusion would be so powerful that even we all knew it."

The magic light flashed in the hands of the old demon Yuansha on the side, treating the injury, he said hoarsely: "These six blood demon swords should be the magic weapon of Pang old demon, this old guy is really powerful, even if you can only play Seventy percent of its power is also so terrifying."

Qian Jingshan shook his head and said, "Qian still miscalculated. He didn't have the budget for Qi Shazi and this Xu Xianzi, and they would have such a great auxiliary effect. Otherwise, the two attacks just now would not have been as simple as seriously hurting you."

"The battle has come to this point, I don't know if several of them will continue. Although Brother Shi and I are also in the realm of great cultivators, after all, the breakthrough is not long, and there is no certainty in a head-to-head battle."

Yuan Sha snorted coldly: "New cultivators like the rich Daoist friend of the Blood Refinement Sect, and Daoist Shi from the Devil's Sect to help, we are not sure that we can beat you guys in our current state, so let's just let it go. "

Saint Lord Yin glanced outside the valley and said, "The Loose Cultivation Alliance is also your ally, Qian Jingshan, this time we're the one who planted it."

The next few people seemed to have negotiated well and fled outwards. At the same time, the two cultivators in the Gorefiend Mountain Range also received some kind of order to withdraw from the mountain range. "

No one noticed that when the two sects left, the eyes of True Monarch Hunsha and Xu Junwen touched them intentionally or unintentionally, and an imperceptible strange color flashed in the depths of their pupils.


Looking at the two cultivators who were evacuating quickly, Qian Jingshan sighed softly and said, "Seven Fiends and Xu Junwen, who are both yin and yang, can actually enhance the strength of the three old guys."

"We have deliberately erupted, and we have not killed any of them. This time the Qi Kingdom war, our blood refining sect suffered the most losses."

Shi Jingtian flashed the magic light in his hand and put away the three blood demon swords. He was about to say something, but his expression suddenly froze, and he looked at the storage bracelet, and the color of anger flashed in his eyes.

He clasped his fists at Qian Jingshan and said, "Brother Qian, Mr. Shi has something important to return to the sect. Soon, Mr. Shi will visit and complete the transaction between us."

After speaking, Shi Jingtian turned into a flash of light, galloping away in the direction of Luzhou of Wei State at a very fast speed.

Looking at Shi Jingtian's hurrying figure, Qian Jingshan frowned. He couldn't figure out what this guy had to leave in a hurry, and he didn't even care about the reward.

"Junior Brother Situ, you will send a clever disciple to Wei State to investigate. Shi Jingtian is so nervous, there must be something big happening in his Demon Spirit Sect."

"Yes, Great Elder."

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