The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 937 Battle of Yunling Mountains (1)

The Yunling Mountains are located in the northern part of Luzhou, bordering the southern state of Qi State, mixed with magical energy and spiritual energy. Even within the territory of Qi State, it can be regarded as one of the best demon spirit veins, and it is the gate of Demon Spirit Gate.

After the battle between Shangqingmen and Yueyangzong many years ago, Molingmen established the status of the first sect of Wei State, sitting on Luzhou and nearly half of Zhongzhou.

But today's Yunling Mountains are very different from before. All the disciples of the Demon Sect who came and went have disappeared. Between the outer mountain ranges, there are a lot of broken restrictions, extending all the way to the depths. Boom.

In the depths of the Yunling Mountains, I do not know when two huge black and white aura shields rose up, covering the mountain gate of the Demon Sect and the cave of the disciples of the sect. Behind these two forbidden formations is the Demon Sect. Mo Yuan, the magic qi and spiritual qi circulate among the three, and there seems to be some kind of connection.

The low-level disciples of the Demon Spirit Sect were placed in the forbidden formations of the cave dwelling group and the mountain gate at the core stage, while the monks at the core stage entered the Demon Abyss.

Many Demon Sect disciples hiding in the Great Forbidden Array looked up in horror, where a huge warship was suspended, with a huge silver steel thorn at the front.

They witnessed with their own eyes that it was this terrifying silver steel thorn with unparalleled power to break the ban, rushing from the periphery of the Yunling Mountains to the banning formation. generally.

If it wasn't for the timely deployment of the elders in the sect and let them enter the forbidden formation one step earlier, I am afraid that many people would have died under the impact of that warship.

Compared with this huge warship, the warships of their Demon Spirit Sect are simply things of cloud and mud. I really don’t know how Tianjian Sect is refined. Yueyang Sect, who is good at refining weapons, was not destroyed early. Yet.


Accompanied by a loud noise, three magic swords exuding bright golden light, with terrifying sharpness, slammed into the black and white forbidden formation. The terrifying power shook the surrounding mountains and rivers unceasingly.

Suffering such a terrifying attack, the black and white aura on the forbidden formation dimmed for a while, but then the aura above refilled, and at the same time, the light curtain of Mo Yuan flashed.

This black and white two-color prohibition formation is weaker than that of the Yueyang Mountain Range Spirit Sect, but they are connected to the Demon Abyss prohibition under the arrangement of the Demon Spirit Gate, and the difficulty of breaking it is no less than breaking the Demon Abyss.

As for Moyuan, there were originally many prohibitions in the ancient times, and after so many years of layout of Molingmen, as well as Shi Jingtian's transformation, it can even mobilize a trace of heaven and earth for defense. enter.

Seeing that there was not much loss in the Forbidden Array, the fear of the Demon Spirit Sect disciples subsided a lot, and many doubts appeared in their hearts.

Why did the small Tianjianmen dare to attack the Devil's Gate?

It seems that there are three Yuanying-level powerhouses in Tianjianmen, but isn't there five Yuanying elders in their own sect? Why didn't they make a move and let Tianjianmen invade the Yunling Mountains?

The elders obviously knew the news of the Tianjianmen attack in advance, otherwise they would not have been arranged to enter the forbidden formation, but what should I do next, wait for the enemy to slowly break the forbidden formation, or counterattack?


A middle-aged man and two old men were suspended in front of the Meteorite Battle Ark. Although they were skinny, as if they could be blown down by a gust of wind, their bodies were filled with terrifying sharpness.

The three major sword cultivators manipulated the natal magic sword in their hands, and together they cast a terrifying golden sword energy, bombarding the forbidden formation of the Dongfu group below.

More than a dozen cultivators from Tianjianmen, a generation of disciples from the Body Refinement Pavilion, and cultivators at the cultivator stage, such as Zhu Siming, stood at the front of the Deck of the Falling Star Warship. They maintained their best mana and waited quietly. .

Behind the cultivator Jiedan, there was a dense crowd of people. Most of the cultivators who established the foundation were sword cultivators from Tianjianmen. There were only thirty-eight people who were disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

In the frenzied cultivation in recent years, the second-generation disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion have taken shape. Twelve people are in the blood coagulation stage, 26 are in the bone quenching stage, and a total of 38 are comparable to the foundation-building stage. With the help of these body repairs, the Sword Cultivators in the Foundation Establishment period can exert their strongest strength.

On both sides of the battle boat, there were more than 500 low-level practitioners, about 300 mortal warriors, and more than 100 sword cultivators in the Qi refining period.

Although the peak of the Martial Saints of the Body Refinement Pavilion can compete with the cultivators in the Qi-refining period, they are extremely weak in the war of the cultivators. Only after the war of the Youth League, the peak Martial Saints lost more than 200 people and suffered heavy losses. .

The sword cultivators who also participated in the battle during the Qi refining period only lost more than 30 people. It can be seen that there is still a huge gap between the mortal warriors and the real cultivators.

Although the loss was huge, the remaining warriors had calm eyes and exposed suffocation. It was obvious that after experiencing the war of the cultivators, they had transformed and their combat effectiveness became stronger.

The sword cultivators of Tianjianmen did not look at these warriors with disdain, but placed them on the same level.

After experiencing the Qingmeng war, they all know that these warriors in the body refining pavilion can rely on spirit stones to control strange magical instruments, and with the strength of their physical bodies, they can even kill the late stage of Qi refining under special circumstances.

Lu Kun asked mortal warriors to join the war of immortal cultivators. The biggest purpose was to select excellent warriors' smelting tools and spiritual roots. To survive in such a war, both strength and luck were indispensable.

Another purpose is to speed up the fusion of the two disciples. You must know that in battle, the physical training is helping the swordsman to resist the attack. The two sides will naturally form a certain friendship, and then reveal the physical training and swordsmanship. The connection of the law, the integration of the two cases will be smoother.


Yu Liansheng sat cross-legged in one of the eyes in the Demon Abyss, feeling the attack of the ban, and couldn't help but say: "No wonder Yue Longfei is so confident, not to mention the other two, his strength has improved so much."

"The three sword cultivators attacked with all their strength, and even surpassed the peak of the middle Nascent Soul. Except for the inability to bless the vitality of heaven and earth, they are no different from ordinary great cultivators."

Yu Liansheng circulated the magic power in his body, and the rich power of Nascent Soul was injected into the magic circle of the formation eye, and there was a small pile of magic stones under him, which continued to restore the magic power.

It takes a lot of Nascent Soul's power to connect Mo Yuan's forbidden power with the two forbidden formations. In order to cope with the next battle, he must keep the magic power abundant.

Yu Liansheng already knew that there was an eighth-level tortoise monster in Tianjianmen's old nest through the ten thousand li transmission. .

"What if there is a secret hand, the first elder is already on his way back, and Junior Brother Lu has also summoned the cultivators of the Ye family from the Luo family."

Hearing the huge roar from the banning formation outside, Julian Sheng sneered: "The uninterrupted attack is obviously trying to force us out. The three-talented sword formation and the secret Nascent Soul cultivator make a move, if the elder does not break through. , it's really dangerous, but unfortunately..."

At this moment, Julian Sheng suddenly raised his head and looked towards the north, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

I saw the sky in the north, an amazing black escaping light galloping towards here, that turbulent and violent aura, even if it is far away, can make people feel the terrifying atmosphere of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, full of anger. The voice came from afar:

"Yue Longfei, you are so daring. You dare to attack my Demon Spirit Gate. I'm afraid you didn't expect that I entered the realm of a great cultivator decades ago, and you are all dead!"

Yue Longfei and the three sword cultivators had unbelievable expressions in their eyes, as if they did not expect Shi Jingtian's cultivation realm.

Yue Longfei gritted his teeth and said, "Shi Jingtian, even if you enter the great cultivator, let the three-talented sword formation of this sect meet you, the great cultivator for a while."

After finishing speaking, the three major sword cultivators formed a sword light and greeted Shi Jingtian's escape light.

The demon door guard cut off the disciples in the great formation, and when they heard the conversation outside, the originally sluggish momentum all surged up.

"The Great Elder is actually a powerhouse in the late Nascent Soul!"

"No wonder the elders in the sect asked us to hide and stick to it. It turned out to be waiting for the elder to come back."

"Haha, the chops of Tianjianmen, you are finished now."

At the same time, Yu Liansheng's voice reached all the disciples through the banning formation: "The disciples of the Demon Sect, the Tianjian Sect launched a battle to destroy the sect while the Great Elder was away."

"Now that the Great Elder is here, the Yuan Ying stage of Tianjianmen is nothing to worry about, let's all go to battle, destroy the Jianxiu of Tianjianmen and snatch their resources. After this battle, this sect will be able to dominate Wei and become the The only cultivator of the Wei Kingdom."

After finishing speaking, Mo Yuan and the banning formation outside all opened a gap, and a large number of disciples from the Demon Sect poured out. At the same time, the meteorite warship also flew out a large number of sword lights and went away.

After giving birth to the order, Julien also flew out of the Demon Abyss, but as soon as he left the restriction, he stopped in mid-air.

In front of him, at some point, a beautiful woman with gray skin and a strong aura appeared.

Feeling the chills coming from the flesh, Yu Liansheng couldn't help showing a look of vigilance. Obviously, this mysterious female cultivator was the Nascent Soul powerhouse hidden by Tianjianmen.

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