The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 939 Battle of Yunling Mountains (3)

In another battlefield of the cultivators in the formation stage, a golden sword light and black flying knives intertwined, and Jiang Ting, a sword cultivator in the late stage of formation of the dan, was fighting against a black-robed woman with an enchanting figure.

This woman is the most advanced cultivator in the Demon Spirit Sect, Shen Mengyao.

She was wearing a long lavender dress, and her cold face exuded a strange charm. If she was fighting against a male cultivator, I am afraid that her combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

Although Shen Mengyao entered the late stage of forming pills for a short period of time, when Ling Yuetong's lifespan was exhausted, she inherited many magic weapons. The real strength is even similar to that of Li Wan.

At this time, she deliberately concealed her strength, and acted like a cultivator who was just entering the late stage. Facing Jiang Ting, a veteran sword cultivator, she looked reluctant to parry.

While controlling the magic knife to deal with Jiang Ting's attack, she thought in her heart.

"Strange, in such a tragic war, Tianjianmen actually let the Qi-refining sword cultivators join in. Do they feel that they have a certain victory and use it to train their disciples?"

"There are still a lot of mortal warriors in the team. Could it be related to Lu Kun?"

Thinking of this, Shen Mengyao's consciousness probed around.

"Zhao Qingtian and Zhao Xue'er? Lu Kun really perfected his technique. The big man has an unfamiliar face. This man holds both giant shields and magic weapons, and at the same time resists several attacks from the Core Formation Stage. He must also be Lu Kun's disciple."

"The strong man who used multiple diamond circles should be Xiao Hongfei, who was mentioned by the master. He is worthy of being the chief foundation-building disciple of Shangqingmen. He broke through the method of ancient knots, and his strength is amazing."

In the battlefield of the Core Formation Stage, she and Li Wan were restrained, and the strong men like Xiao Hongfei and Xue Fengqiu entangled the four Core Formation Stages.

In the early stage of the remaining Pill Formation, they fought with other sword cultivators. The cultivators of Tianjian Sect, under the protection of the sturdy physique with dual giant shields, recklessly displayed various swordsmanship, and they were defeated steadily. .

Shen Mengyao repeatedly scanned the battlefield at the Core Formation Stage several times, but did not find Lu Kun, she frowned: "When Master went to chase and kill, that guy was already at the Core Formation Stage, what state has he reached now?"

"The mana in the body refiner's body is obscure, and it's hard to detect if it's hidden on the side. Is Lu Kun planning to sneak attack?"

A series of questions popped up in her mind.

"I used the Primordial Devouring Technique back then to devour its cultivation base, so that the body of Sunflower Water transformed into the body of the most yin, and the cultivation base advanced greatly. If Lu Kun made a sneak attack, the first one to strike would definitely be my enemy."

Shen Mengyao made a move, her eyes turned into vertical pupils, and a dark aura flashed in her eyes, secretly activating some kind of pupil technique.

"Hmph, if I hadn't used the Primordial Devouring Technique back then, I wouldn't have reached the realm I am now, and I wouldn't have killed the enemy with my hands. Even if Lu Kun entered the late stage of Pill Formation, the increase in the body of the yin to the Concubine Forgetting Jue is beyond that. Imagine, I may not be his opponent."

After Shen Mengyao's great revenge was avenged, the concubine Wangqing Jue entered a new realm, completely abandoning the emotions and desires, she now has only strong jealousy towards Lu Kun.

Lu Kun's revenge against a strong alchemist is the price of her rapid improvement in cultivation over the years.

At this moment, in the high sky in the north of Moyuan, a terrifying air wave suddenly rose up, rolling in all directions, and the magic aura in the deepest part of the Yunling Mountains was stirred up.

The base-building cultivators who fought on the ground were fine, and the Moyuan restriction blocked the air waves, but the pill-forming cultivators in the sky were not good enough. They were greatly affected and had to move the battlefield to other places.

Shen Mengyao felt the terrifying battle fluctuations in the distance, and she was shocked. It seemed that the Great Elder had already fought against the three major swordsmen, and the residual prestige generated was so terrifying.

However, in the aftermath of this continuous battle, the strength of the two sides seems to be not much different.

"Could it be that the three-talented sword formation can exert the power of a great monk?"

Thinking of this, she looked around again and found that Jiang Ting, who was fighting against her, and the eyes of other Core Formation Stages, did not have any worries, and seemed to have full confidence in her own elders.

Shen Mengyao's heart moved, and she quietly guided Jiang Ting, gradually moving them away from the battlefield.


In the middle of the Yunling Mountains, the immortal cultivators of the Luo and Ye families rushed to the battlefield.

Among them, there are four members of the Luo family, headed by Luo Tianyue, a former disciple of the Yueyang Sect, who has joined the Demon Sect with the patriarch Luo Yueqi, and now also has a cultivation level in the middle stage of the formation of the pill, and the other three are in the early stage of the formation of the pill. A new disciple of the Luo family.

After the Luo family rebelled against the Yueyang Sect, they gained huge benefits. With the development of Luo Yueqi, although they were vassalized by the Demon Sect, they could also be said to be the first immortal-cultivating family in Wei State.

As for the couple of the Ye family, if Lu Kun was here, they would definitely be able to recognize them. The two were the surviving disciples of the Ye family in Qingzhou, the brothers and sisters Ye Shui and Ye Tao.

After the demise of the Yueyang Sect, the Ye family brothers and sisters stayed in Luzhou all the time. If they wanted to occupy the spiritual veins in Luzhou, they had to vassalize the Demon Spirit Gate.

Ye Zishui knew in her heart that if they became loose cultivators, the road to cultivation would be even more difficult. For the stable development of the family, Ye Zishui made a row and exchanged the only remaining family resources for a place to survive in Luzhou.

Over the years, the brothers and sisters of the Ye family have been practicing hard, and coupled with their extremely high aptitude, they have been practicing to the peak of the initial stage of formation of pills. With the cooperation of the brothers and sisters, they can even compete with the mid-stage powerhouses. Apart from being controlled by the Demon Gate, the overall strength of the Ye family is higher than that of the Ye family. Even stronger then.

With several aggressive escaping beams approaching, the six supporting cultivators immediately summoned their magic weapons and prepared to meet the enemy.

Luo Tianyue stared at the two of them, showing a bit of shock: "Zhu Xiaofeng, Lu Xiao? It's you!"

Zhu Xiaofeng looked at this former classmate, sighed softly, and Lu Xiao and the other two controlled the magic weapon to surround him, and the three sword repairmen of Tianjianmen urged the sword light to attack the rest of the Luo family.

The remaining figure with a sturdy figure, holding a fiery red glove, rushed to the Ye family brothers and sisters alone.

The pupils of the Ye brothers and sisters shrank. This person attacked with a magic weapon. They were very familiar with this fighting method, and there was even a hint of hatred in Ye Zishui's eyes.

"Lu Kun's person has already entered the stage of forming an elixir, and this person's fighting style must be Lu Kun's disciple!"

The two brothers and sisters are connected in spirit, and the mana in their bodies surges rapidly. The two of them are wrapped in a thick pale golden shield, and then a pair of golden halberds appear in front of them. Booming towards Yuxuan.

In the face of this enemy, the Ye brothers and sisters did not have any contempt, and while the defense was wide open, they directly used the maximum power of the magic weapon.

The expected bombardment did not come, and Yu Xuan's hands turned into afterimages, grabbing directly in the middle of the double-headed giant axe.

The faces of the Ye brothers and sisters changed, and the spells changed rapidly.

Yu Xuan showed a cruel look at the corner of his mouth. He didn't care about the blazing blade. Instead, he took a deep breath. His lungs and vocal cord muscles contracted violently. Instantly affected the opponent's shield.

Ye Zishui snorted coldly. This violent sound was directly blocked from the shield and had no effect on them, but the Luo Family Immortal Cultivator in the distance was startled.

Ye Zishui had a good relationship with Ling Yuetong of Demon Spirit Gate. They had spent a lot of resources exchanging information about Lu Kun. This one does not contain mana, and pure sonic attack is one of them. Therefore, their body protection spiritual light has long been blessed with a soundproof shield.

Yu Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then he shook his body indifferently. Most of those powerful golden blades pierced his skin for an inch before exhausting their power. Some powerful blades cut into pale red bones at most. completely dissipated.

The physical body of physical cultivation is the most powerful means of defense.

The next moment, the muscles of Yu Xuan's arms twisted wildly, pressing the two-headed axe fiercely. A dark black flame erupted from the fiery red gloves, and terrifying heat floated in the air.


Yu Xuan let out an angry roar, and abruptly ripped the two-headed axe back to the two halberds. The strange fire quickly spread over, and then with strength, he threw it at the Ye brothers and sisters.

Although the brothers and sisters of the Ye family heard Ling Yuetong say that their physical training was terrifying, they still felt incredible when they were fighting against Yuxuan. The human race's physical body could actually be so strong.

They mobilized their mana and tried their best to control the halberd thrown from the counter-throw. Although a lot of the throwing force was offset, the strange fire above still fell on the shield, and the aura trembled violently.

At this moment, behind the Ye brothers and sisters, a man suddenly appeared. He was holding a strange short sword in each of his hands.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the strong fluctuation of sword intent. The purity of this sword intent was almost the same as that of the late sword cultivator. The sharp aura seemed to tear everything apart.

Along with a series of golden sword lights and astonishing sword intent fluctuations, the seemingly powerful mana shield of the Ye family brothers and sisters was directly shattered.


The Ye family brothers and sisters burst out with a strong spiritual light, and their bodies flashed extremely fast, rushing towards the outside of the Yunling Mountains.

"Damn, what kind of terrifying metal attack is this, it has such terrifying penetrating power."

Ye Zi Tao's two arms had disappeared, his face was pale, and in the face of this lightning and flint-like terrorist attack, he only saved his life by relying on the supernatural powers for the robbery.

Ye Zishui's eyes were extremely frightened: "Is this also Lu Kun's disciple? The attack power is actually stronger than Jianxiu..."

It was Huang Xiaoyun who broke through with the Sword Intent Condensation Pill and switched to Swordsmanship.

Originally, the attributes of his sword intent were so amazing that it was almost difficult to hide, but when he studied Lu Kun's technique of raising a body, and after condensing the blood essence seeds in each sword bone, the sword intent completely converged.

In conjunction with the sneak attack on the newly refined shuriken magic weapon, Huang Xiaoyun made an astonishing explosion.

He looked at the fleeing enemy, snorted coldly, his body spun in place, strong sword intent poured into the two short swords, and his arm slammed.

A dazzling golden light flashed in the air, catching up with the Ye family brothers and sisters who were flying at the speed of thunder, and a terrifyingly sharp sword intent rose up.

Ye Zi Tao's head was directly smashed to pieces, but Ye Zi Shui still had magical powers for the robbery and saved her life. She absorbed the surrounding blood mist and fled at a faster speed.

Huang Xiaoyun took the returned shuriken, smiled at the Luo family cultivator, flickered, and disappeared in place.

Yuxuan did not chase Ye Zishui, but rushed to the other battle groups. At the edge of the Yunling Mountains, there was an ambush of the powerhouses of the Spirit Transformation Sect. A merely injured in the Core Formation Stage could not escape at all.

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