The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 940 Battle of Yunling Mountains (4)

When the meteorite warship smashed the mountain gate, three thin figures stood opposite a middle-aged man in the high sky north of Moyuan.

Yue Longfei's expression was serious, and the sword and shield outside his body trembled slightly, as if he was under a lot of pressure.

Dugufeng and Lin Ming were only at the early stage of Nascent Soul. Even standing behind Yue Longfei, they could feel the terrifying pressure of the great cultivator, and they couldn't help showing a bit of fear.

From ancient times to the present, only the sects with the late Nascent Soul monks can be called the top sects. The great monks can mobilize the powerful strength of the vitality of the world, almost crushing the Nascent Soul period below their realm.

Shi Jingtian was quietly suspended in the air, scanning the battlefield with the divine consciousness that was enough to cover a hundred miles in the late Nascent Soul.

There was a huge warship suspended above the great formation of the mountain gate, the mysterious female cultivator fighting against Yu Liansheng, the eighth-level turtle monster who intercepted Lu Liang, and among the low-level cultivators, a large number of eccentric cultivators fighting with their bodies.

He stared at the three thin sword cultivators, and snorted coldly, "Yue Longfei, I used to underestimate you. I didn't expect that Tianjianmen secretly took in the remnants of Yueyang Sect, and hid so much strength."

"You're a powerhouse close to the mid-term peak, plus four Nascent Soul-level combat powers, if Shi did not break through, you might have succeeded."

The strong Nascent Soul power circulated in Shi Jingtian's body, and the surrounding magical energy became active. Surrounding his magical shield, the fluctuations emitted became more and more terrifying.

"Unfortunately, you still fall short..."

Yue Longfei's expression did not change, he said solemnly: "Two junior brothers, hold your breath, and run the three-talented sword formation!"

Dugufeng and Lin Ming took a deep breath and pressed their palms against Yue Longfei's back. The three swords of life spurted out of their bodies, surrounding them, swallowing countless golden sword threads, forming a unique pattern. The golden sword curtain enveloped them, and three different sharp powers were intertwined in the sword curtain.

"Hmph, sword formation, Shi will not give you time to cast it!"

Shi Jingtian held the mysterious magic in his hands, and a huge pale-black magic claw appeared in the air, wrapped in a unique halo, and the heart-pounding fluctuations spread out, slamming into the sword curtain outside the three major sword cultivators. go.

Although it is only a high-level spell, but under the blessing of the great cultivator's strong magic power and a little heaven and earth vitality, the power is amazing.

However, in the face of such an attack, the three major sword cultivators in the sword screen did not move, and did not use any defensive measures. It seemed that the sword screen alone could resist.

Shi Jingtian sneered, and increased the magic power, making the claws deeper.

But just when the claws were three or four feet away from the sword curtain, a burly man suddenly appeared in front of the three major sword cultivators.

The man's face was serious, his hands wrapped in a layer of pale silver light film became palms, and three layers of twisted force fields were wrapped around the palms, and his arms were waving like wind and electricity, making dozens of palm prints.

The twisting force fields rippled between the palm prints, forming a pale silver twisted light curtain, blocking the black magic claw money.


Along with the extremely dull vibration, the magic claws slammed into the twisted palm prints and trembled rapidly. Except for the outermost halo, the magic light inside dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shi Jingtian's pupils shrank. He never thought that a strange monk would appear. With his spiritual consciousness in the late Nascent Soul, he didn't notice it. Seeing the other party's strange magical powers, he turned his hand.

The black magic claws suddenly shrank and turned into a fist-sized black ball. The black halo outside was extremely dazzling. Then the speed of the black ball skyrocketed, and it rushed into the silver twisting force field.

The burly man didn't respond slowly, he immediately stopped waving his arms, his arms were in front of his chest, and a small silver vortex appeared on the crossed forearms.


Accompanied by a huge roar and a silver-black halo, the silver light film on the burly man's arm burst inch by inch, and the air within three feet behind him twisted into an arc, like an invisible spring, helping the man to unload.

The terrifying Yu Wei floated to both sides of the man's body, but did not affect the sword curtain behind.

The halo dissipated, and the burly man stood quietly in the distance. Not only did he have no scars on his body, he did not even move his position, and he blocked a spell attack from the great monk unscathed.

Shi Jingtian watched this scene, carefully observed the man's face, and said incredulously: "You are Lu Kun of Yueyang Sect, how is it possible, after so many years, you have such strength?"

Shi Jingtian was shocked for the first time. He naturally knew that Lu Kun, the chief remnant of Yueyang Sect, had lost three cultivators in the Core Formation Stage inexplicably in order to hunt down this son.

Combining everything, he immediately thought that Lu Kun was probably a secret disciple of Yueyang Sect, and he practiced some kind of physical exercise that had never appeared in the world of immortality.

Lu Kun did not rely on magic weapons, but only relying on strange physical supernatural powers to block his full-strength annihilation hand.

Those weird cultivators who are currently fighting with the disciples of the Demon Sect, obviously also practice this technique.

But why such a powerful practice, Yue Yangzong has never revealed it. After more than a hundred years of annihilation, new disciples were recruited to practice. Could it be that this practice has huge flaws and was later perfected by Lu Kun?

Lu Kun looked at Shi Jingtian whose expression changed, shook his slightly swollen arm, and said with a chuckle, "I didn't expect that fellow Daoist Shi would recognize Lu, the great cultivator's supernatural powers are really amazing, just one spell can destroy Lu. s method."

Shi Jingtian looked at Lu Kun with a calm expression, and suddenly felt a little bit out of control.

Lu Kun seemed to know what the other party was thinking, hehe smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Shi, do you think it's strange, why did I take action now, if I take action in Lingzong, I'm afraid Juliansheng hadn't arrived yet, these two old fellows destroyed."

Shi Jingtian's face sank. Hearing what Yu Liansheng said, Zhang Lengfeng and Zhang Lengfeng were first surrounded by the sword formations of the three major sword cultivators, and then the forbidden formation suddenly failed, and they were destroyed by accident.

Thinking about it now, the timing was too coincidental, why did Lingzong's banning formation fail sooner rather than later, but it was because Liansheng arrived and lost its effect when he saw the opponent's sword formation supernatural powers.

Shi Jingtian quickly analyzed in his heart: "In other words, the sword formation is just a mix of food and sound, so that we can focus on the three major sword cultivators, and the opponent's real killer is Lu Kun in front of us."

"Wait, sword formation... Lu Kun wants to delay time."

Shi Jingtian laughed loudly: "Lu Kun, even if you are a killer, I want you to know that the great cultivator's magical powers are not something you can resist."

His magic power surged, and a black and white jade ruler floated out in front of him, with a black and white two-color halo lingering on it, blasting out with a destructive aura.

Lu Kun's eyes were full of intense fighting intent, blood surged into the sky, muscle fibers on both arms swelled up, blue veins wrapped around his arms like pythons, and there seemed to be some kind of physical force field outside his arms. change, the air becomes more distorted.

He raised his huge and ferocious arm and rushed towards the black and white jade ruler, a terrifying and arrogant aura permeated the air, even through the magic shield, Shi Jingtian felt a tinge of coolness in his body.

The watermelon-sized fists collided directly with the black and white jade ruler, and the air seemed to thicken at this moment.


The next moment, the violent air wave burst with a destructive aura, and the source force field around Lu Kun was violently distorted. Flesh fist.

On the white jade-like hand bones, black and white auras were intertwined, and destructive energy was beating on it, but then, an astonishing treasure light erupted from the thick hand bones, and the residual energy was blasted away.

The flesh and blood of the palm of the hand showing the bones also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shi Jingtian stared at Lu Kun's hands and said dumbfounded: "This breath... the bones of your palm are actually a magic weapon for maturity!"

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