The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 942 Battle of Yunling Mountains (6)

Shi Jingtian couldn't believe his eyes, everything that Lu Kun showed just subverted his cognition.

Although I don't know how the other party did it, the halo flashing on his fist is indeed the manifestation of the power of heaven and earth. What kind of heaven-defying attribute is power?

Moreover, Shi Jingtian also felt that the magic power consumed by the magic ruler just a few times had been doubled for some reason.

At this moment, the surrounding spiritual energy suddenly boiled, and an astonishingly sharp force emerged in the air, and a strand of sword shimmering with a golden halo shot out from the sword curtain of the three major sword cultivators.

Shi Jingtian's face changed slightly, his magic trick flashed, and a faint halo was added to his outer shield, and then he was hit by the golden sword silk. Use the power of the sword.

"The sword qi that contains the vitality of heaven and earth, Yue Longfei's sword formation really has the means of the late Nascent Soul."

Shi Jingtian looked up and saw that the sword curtain outside Yue Longfei's body had disappeared, three amazing swords were superimposed on top of his head, Dugufeng and Lin Ming were sitting cross-legged behind him, their faces pale and their breath weak.

Yue Longfei's face twitched slightly, as if he was enduring some kind of pain, comparable to the mana fluctuations of a great monk circulating in his body.

He recited words in his mouth, and kept moving the sword in his hand. From the overlapping magic swords above his head, three identical golden sword threads shot out, and the terrifyingly sharp breath seemed to tear everything in front of him.

Shi Jingtian's face was extremely ugly. He pinched the magic art and used the previous secret technique to divide the magic ruler into more than ten ruler shadows, but the next moment he found that the divided ruler shadows did not absorb any heaven and earth vitality. .

And the magic ruler hidden in the dark was smashed out by Lu Kun's fist with a white halo, and the remaining ten or so illusory ruler shadows could not stop the three golden sword threads, and were torn to shreds. .

The terrifying sword silk streaked several golden beams in the air, and struck Shi Jingtian's black and white shield like lightning. A strong sword intent erupted, and most of the halo above was directly blown away.

In this moment of effort, the magic ruler in the distance turned back like a teleportation, blasting away the three sword qi that consumed a lot of power.

A bit of unwillingness flashed in Shi Jingtian's eyes. If Yue Longfei and the three of them fought against him alone, even if they successfully displayed this magical power of sword formation that inspired the vitality of heaven and earth, they would still not be his opponent.

But it was different with Lu Kun's help. This man was extremely fast, and his attack power somehow reached the level of a great cultivator. He had to concentrate on moving the magic ruler to block Lu Kun.

With Lu Kun's frontal restraint, Yue Longfei's terrifying sword qi can wait for the opportunity to attack. This level of sword qi attack is guided by vitality, so it is difficult to dodge, and its penetrating power is amazing.

At this time, he was besieged by two great monks!

"Am I, Shi Jingtian, going to run away in despair?"

Shi Jingtian's divine sense swept the battlefield in the Yunling Mountains. After a period of fighting, the disciples of the Demon Sect had been suppressed by the enemy, but they still insisted on fighting, looking forward to the victory of the elders in the sect.

Shi Jingtian gritted his teeth, and all the magic in his body was mobilized by him, and the light of the magic ruler soared again, blocking Lu Kun from the lasing, and then the bloody light flashed in front of him, and three bloody long swords appeared.

It is the blood demon sword of Pang Laomo!


A mouthful of rich blood was sprayed on the three Gorefiend swords, and the three-foot long sword quickly shrank, turning into a blood-colored needle of more than an inch, and it slashed three blood lights in the air, and slammed into the three swords in the distance. build.

Seeing the appearance of the three Gorefiend swords, Lu Kun's expression changed. A sonic boom exploded under his feet in vain. The air around his body distorted violently, and a terrifying treasure light bloomed from his body.

Like a teleportation, he appeared in front of Yue Longfei and the three of them, surrounded by a force field vortex like flowing water, his fists flickered with the halo of vitality that had just been intercepted, facing the rushing three Road blood mans.

Seeing this, Shi Jingtian snorted coldly in his heart, and forcibly stimulated a lot of blood essence. His consciousness increased by as much as 20% out of thin air. The three blood needles suddenly merged, and the speed increased sharply, shooting at Lu Kun's dantian.

"Even if you really integrate the Jade Bone Demon into your body, your physical defense will be greatly increased, but there are no bones outside your dantian. After Pang Laomo's blood demon sword is integrated into the Silver Dragon Meteorite, the penetration is amazing. Look at you. How to resist."

At such a short distance, Lu Kun couldn't react at all, so he was shot into his dantian by this ray of blood, and the whole person was stunned in the air.

Although Shi Jingtian's face was pale, he was very excited. His magic trick flashed, and the magic ruler with black and white magic light, with a terrifying power, shot towards Yue Longfei who continued to use the sword art.


With a crisp sound, the streamlined vortex force field outside Lu Kun's body spun again, and the ferocious fist exuding a pale white halo blasted away the magic ruler, exploding a shining halo.

Shi Jingtian's expression was stagnant, and his face was full of disbelief: "This is impossible, even if the three blood demon swords are hit in the dantian of the late Yuanying period, Yuanying will be instantly sealed, you..."

Lu Kun showed his white teeth at Shi Jingtian, and a milky white jade bottle floated out of his ribs, which was a little bit of true demon water that he exchanged with Soul Sha a few years ago.

The jade bottle was opened, and a pool of purple-black liquid flowed into the blood vessels. At the same time, the blood essence in Lu Kun's body converged to his chest in a unique way, mixed with the meaning of a brutal true demon.

Lu Kun raised his huge fist, with strange fluctuations, and thumped it towards his chest.

The surrounding demonic energy gathered, and the figure of a black giant ape more than ten feet tall appeared behind Lu Kun. The figure of the giant ape and Lu Kun were extremely similar, with the same ferocious and thick arms, and both opened their mouths at the same time. .


A sky-shattering roar, with invisible fluctuations, like a huge wave, rushed forward, and the surrounding rich magical aura seemed to be frightened, and turned into layers of clouds and mists.

The immortal cultivators who were fighting in the Yunling Mountains all heard the roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth, and almost everyone stopped fighting and looked at the source.

After Lu Kun entered the bone transformation stage, Tongtian Roar could already be precisely controlled. He concentrated all the sonic power in front of him, drowning the black and white shield.

Being hit by Tongtian Roar, Shi Jingtian's eyes all bulged, and blood flowed from the seven holes. His body seemed to have been hit by a body-fixing spell, and he couldn't move at all. Even the Nascent Soul in his body was sealed. Magic can't be mobilized.

The terrifying sound wave also carried an unparalleled attack power, no less than the attack of the great cultivator. Shi Jingtian's black and white shield trembled violently, and the halo above dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment of crisis, Shi Jingtian suddenly flew out of two three-inch-sized jade figures, one of which was the black jade he had shot into his body before, and the other was a white jade figure.

The two jade figures were suspended above Shi Jingtian's head, emitting a black and white aura at the same time, and a halo shield that was thicker than before appeared.

Shi Jingtian's eyes were full of horror. If it weren't for the Rongyuan Jade Baby Body Protection of the Demon Hunyuan Gong, he might have died in the sound wave just now.

The thunderous roar seemed to be some kind of signal. The sharp force in Yue Longfei's body tumbled violently, and nine golden sword threads emitting a halo of vitality were shot out from the magic sword, three times as many as before.

Lu Kun took advantage of the gap between Shi Jingtian's control and came to Shi Jingtian's side, the huge arms hugged the black and white shield, followed by nine amazing sword threads, slamming towards the black and white shield, terrifying. The power of the shroud shattered the vitality halo on the shield.

Fortunately, at this time, Shi Jingtian's power of Nascent Soul could already be mobilized. He did not hesitate to consume the original source of Nascent Soul, and the strong magic power poured out, and the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth gathered towards the shield.

Lu Kun narrowed his eyes, frantically mobilizing the magical energy in his body, and the streamlined vortex of source power circulated outside his body, forcibly robbing half of the heaven and earth's vitality.

The domineering of the Jeet Kune combat technique is undoubtedly revealed. Under this predatory interception, only half of the vitality of the heavens and the earth is absorbed on the black and white shield, and the defense power is greatly reduced.

Shi Jingtian looked at Lu Kun, who was stuck on the shield, and felt a strong crisis. An astonishing black command flag appeared and quickly wrapped his body.

The nine sword qi outside, after the first round of bombardment, had consumed most of their power, but they did not continue to attack, but rushed towards Lu Kun.

The pale golden sword silk, along the vortex force field, was transferred to Lu Kun's right fist, intertwined with the captured heaven and earth vitality, blooming a white-gold halo, exuding monstrous terrifying power.

Lu Kun's giant fist with open arms couldn't bear the power, and his flesh and blood were silently destroyed, leaving only a white jade-like bone fist, with a white gold halo of vitality, and hammered it down fiercely.


The dazzling halo shone in the air like a scorching sun, and the terrifying residual power surged in all directions. The powerful air wave carried a large amount of rock and dust in the mountain range and rolled outwards, and the restrictions of the demon abyss that were affected were desperately flashing.

At the center of the explosion, a Nascent Soul several inches tall disappeared with a pair of jade figurines in his arms.

Lu Kun snorted coldly, the golden light flashed in his eyes, he stretched out the palm of his bones, the terrifying power of the void appeared ten feet away, and Shi Jingtian's Nascent Soul was blown out.

A look of terror flashed in Yuan Ying's small eyes, and then it threw out the black jade in its hand, and the thick magic power exploded, forcibly breaking the confinement of the power of the void, and hurriedly continued to teleport into the distance.

At this moment, a strange thing the size of a brick appeared in Lu Kun's other hand, twisted with twisted muscle fibers, like a deformed piece of meat.

Lu Kun raised the deformed piece of meat, and the domineering magic energy poured into it, and smashed it into the distance.

Under the terrifying force of 1.2 million catties, the deformed piece of meat had a terrifying speed, made a blasting sound of air tearing, and blasted into the air dozens of feet away, and a huge shock force emerged.

Shi Jingtian's Nascent Soul villain staggered in the void, was shaken out of teleportation state, and was then slammed into the front by a deformed piece of meat carrying a huge force, turning into a little aura and dissipating in the air.

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