The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 943 Battle of Yunling Mountains (7)

Li Wan was suspended high in the sky somewhere in the Yunling Mountains, and a round jade pendant around her waist exuded black and white auras, which kept blessing on the protective aura, dyeing the latter into black and white.

Two figures, one green and one white, flashed quickly outside the black and white shield, and it was Zhao Qingtian and Zhao Xueer.

In addition to the six poisonous claws in his hand, Zhao Qingtian also had a pair of small shields hanging on his two forearms, with black and bright lustre flashing on them, and Zhao Xueer did the same.

In addition to attacking the black and white shield, the two of them flashed their bodies and used the small shield on their arms to resist the dark golden moon blade that came from the lasing.

Whenever the Moon Blade attack was approaching, the Zhao brothers and sisters folded the small round shield into an inclined angle. While bearing part of the attack, they folded the Moon Blade towards the black and white shield through the transfer of physical strength.

However, the pair of Moon Blades are very agile, and their chances of success are not high, and they often refract successfully after a dozen or so transfers.

Li Wan had a headache on her face. Not long after she fought with the Zhao brothers and sisters, they were posted on it, like a dog skin plaster sticking to the aura of her body protection, and she became extremely passive in the battle after that.

The combined attack of the golden moon blade magic weapon is very powerful, based on her great perfection in the formation of elixir.

But who would know that the Zhao brothers and sisters relied on the small shields hanging on their arms to divert the attack direction of the Golden Moon Blade in a strange posture, so that most of the power was bombarded on the shield outside her body, and a lot of them were scattered. Aura of protection.

Facing these two guys with amazing attack speed, Li Wan didn't dare to give up the defense. She simply did not use the combined attack of the Golden Moon Blade, but focused on its manipulation, trying to find the defense flaws of the Zhao brothers and sisters.

She believed that even if the opponent's cultivation base in the early stage of forming a pill, even if the round shield was used to offset the attacks of many mature magic weapons, the physical body suffered some damage. As the number of attacks increased, their injuries would gradually erupt.

Moreover, she was stuck by the two dog skin plasters of the Zhao brothers and sisters, so it was difficult to escape and dodge, so she could only consume each other like this.

The jade pendant on Li Wan's waist is a defensive psychic magic weapon given by Shi Jingtian, the Rongyuan jade pendant.

This treasure is in harmony with the Demon Spirit's Primordial Primordial Skill. It does not consume much and has an amazing defensive power. Li Wan's pure magic power is enough to control this psychic magic weapon and a complete set of Golden Moon Blades at the same time. No matter how you look at it, she has an advantage.

The only thing she was uneasy about was the battle on Shi Jingtian's side. On the other side of Mo Yuan, the aftermath of the terrifying attack kept stirring. It was obvious that the powerhouses on both sides were fighting fiercely.

Under the interference of the aftermath of these air waves, the battlefield of the cultivator of the Core Formation Stage has long been completely separated, and she and the Zhao family brothers and sisters have gradually moved to their current positions.

"The first elder is already a terrifying powerhouse at the level of a cultivator. Why did the Yuanying Jianxiu of Tianjianmen fight with him for so long? Only when the two sides are evenly matched, such a battle scene will occur, do you say..."

At this moment, a thunderous roar suddenly came from the direction of Mo Yuan! Then circles of more violent demonic energy waves rolled around.

Even though they were so far apart, Li Wan still felt heart palpitations, and even her body trembled slightly, instinctual fear appeared in her body, and she subconsciously wanted to stay away from the terrifying battlefield.

"Who is this roar that shakes the world? Such a terrifying power is obviously some kind of unique magical power. All the exercises of Tianjianmen are related to swords. Could it be that Tianjianmen invited them here? foreign aid?

"These two guys are really annoying, even if Fei Dun is stuck outside, hey, no... they are guiding me in the direction!"

Li Wan's expression changed slightly, and she suddenly noticed that the three of them had reached the height of 5,000 meters in the air while they were far away from the aftermath of the battle, and the ground had already left the range of her consciousness. .

"It's weird!"

The power of Jiedan's great perfection of divine consciousness spread out, Li Wan raised her brows, and the Jin Yueren who had attacked the Zhao brothers and sisters turned around, the two blades merged into one, and blasted into the sky dozens of meters away.


Accompanied by a dull roar, an extremely burly man was knocked into the air by ten feet. He held an incomparably huge semi-circular shield covered with steel spikes in one hand.

This little giant-like man was Lu Kun's little disciple, Pan Yan with a thick body. He didn't know when he was lurking here and was discovered by the alert Li Wan.

Pan Yan grinned, his body flashed, and he flew forward.

Li Wan's face was gloomy, and she could feel that the combined attack of the Golden Moon Blade did not cause any damage to the big man, but only knocked him flying.

But even so, she continued to push the Golden Moon Blade's combined attack, she didn't want to be stuck by this third body repair.


Pan Yan held the meteor shield and was blown away again. He shook his arm without hesitation, and a giant shield of the same size appeared on the other hand.

Then he shrank his arms and wrapped the shields on both sides that were almost as tall as him. While flying forward, he used his body as the axis to rotate the two giant shields.

When the golden moon blade bombarded, Pan Yan's figure flickered slightly, and the latter rubbed against the edge of the shield. The huge attack power did not knock him back, but made the rotation of the double shields faster.

Next, no matter which angle Li Wan's golden moon blade attacks from, the spinning iron lumps can transfer it into a rotating speed, and even form a small tornado, with huge wind pressure, attacking the black and white shield.

Li Wan snorted coldly. Although she was unable to repel the opponent, she tested the truth of this big man. The mana aura of the earth attribute was only in the early stage of formation, and the physical strength was similar to that of the Zhao brothers and sisters.

Only relying on the pair of weird giant shields has a strong defense.

Li Wan's mind was spinning rapidly.

"The cultivation base in the early stage of the formation of pills, holding a defensive magic weapon, even with his siege, the defense of the Rongyuan Jade Pendant will not be broken."

"This guy and his magic weapon are extremely huge. After I was approached, the space for the Zhao brothers and sisters to move and dodge became much smaller. In this way, it was easier for me to deal with these two people."

Thinking of this, Li Wan ignored the Zhao brothers and sisters behind her, the magic trick flashed, and the golden moon blade in the distance was divided into two, turning into two golden lights, one left and one right facing the human figure with the whirlwind attack. Great shield.


A series of crisp sounds flashed, and the two golden moon blades rubbed fiercely with the rotating meteor shield, and an astonishing spiritual pressure erupted. With the power of a mature magic weapon, the power of rotation was stopped.

With the remaining power, the giant shield bombarded the black and white shield. The aura on it just flickered slightly, and then returned to normal. Obviously, the damage caused by this blow was not high.

But at this moment, the pair of giant shields suddenly turned to one side, and the inside of the shields faced the black and white shields. With the huge shadow, the double shields were pressed tightly outside Li Wan's body protection aura.

Pan Yan's two giant shields are eight feet high and semi-circular.

Then Li Wan's eyes darkened, and the Zhao brothers and sisters held a pair of small shields in their hands and pasted them.


The four small shields and the edges of the two giant shields seem to have some kind of mechanism, which are directly inlaid together to form a gray-black iron ball.

All this happened almost between the electric light and flint. Li Wan's magic weapon was still outside, and she was locked in the meteorite planet composed of the meteorite shield.

"Their shields are actually inlaid magic weapons, are they going to trap me in them?"

Li Wan looked extremely uneasy, but because of the shield, she could only barely sense her golden moon blade, but she couldn't control it freely.

"Damn." The spell in Li Wan's hand kept twitching, and she took out another long sword magic weapon, and a lot of magic light flashed.

But in the next moment, a strong sense of weightlessness came. Li Wan, together with the black and white shield, squeezed the edge of the inner iron wall of the meteorite. She was horrified to find that there seemed to be a forbidden space inside the shield, and the technique of controlling the sky was affected. great hindrance.


Outside of the shield, Pan Yan and the Zhao brothers and sisters were extremely excited. Their hands pressed several inlaid points, and the force of flying in the sky plus gravity accelerated the meteorite.

Faster and faster speed, squeezing and rubbing the air, flames even burned outside the meteorite planet, with the rumbling sound of air blasting, crossing an arc and smashing downwards.


Many disciples of the Foundation Establishment period raised their heads and stared blankly at this terrifying iron ball, which smashed into the forbidden formation outside the Dongfu Group from the air. The hot wind pressure brought by the fall of the falling planet made them feel chest tightness , with horror flashing in his eyes.

Just when the meteorite planet was about to hit the forbidden light curtain, Zhao Qingtian and the three took the meteorite planet apart again. The shield was scattered in three directions under the body, and a few flame-like aura scratches were drawn on the light curtain.

And the black and white shield in the middle, with terrifying inertia, slammed directly on the forbidden formation, and a hot gray-black magic light rose up, like a huge flower, blooming on the forbidden light curtain...

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