The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 944 Battle of Yunling Mountains (8)

In the high sky in the northern part of Moyuan, the violent energy fluctuations gradually calmed down.

Lu Kun was suspended in the air, his arms were restored to normal, his left hand was holding a storage bracelet and a small jade figure, and his right hand was holding the prototype of the war treasure in the shape of a deformed piece of meat.

The muscles on the war treasure are still twitching slightly, and the breath is a little weird, and it seems that some kind of change has occurred.

Lu Kun's expression moved slightly, just as he was about to investigate, his expression suddenly changed, an astonishing bloody glow erupted from his abdomen, and three blood-colored long swords appeared out of thin air and were inserted into his waist.

Shi Jingtian had already fallen, and the Gorefiend Sword, which had the shape of a thin needle, lost its source of casting and returned to its normal size.

Lu Kun put away the things in his hands, held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and pulled out the three Gorefiend swords directly. No blood was spattered, and the wounds above healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The Gorefiend Sword was held in Lu Kun's hand, and it made a spiritual screeching sound.

Lu Kun snorted coldly, a little chaotic magic energy poured out of his body, submerged in it, and the bloody light scattered for a while, the blood demon sword seemed to have been severely injured, let out a whimper, and completely quieted down, and then it was made by Lu Kun with Absolute Spirit Ore. The stone box was wrapped in the rib.

At this time, Yue Longfei and others also recovered from the state of the sword formation. They looked at Lu Kun with awe. Although they were urging the three-talent sword formation, they were watching the entire battle process.

Unexpectedly, Lu Kun's strength is stronger than they imagined. Not to mention the perverted physical defense, that ferocious and terrifying giant arm magical power can actually absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and unleash the power of the great cultivator.

That roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth was also extremely terrifying. They had never heard of a sonic attack that could arouse the vitality of the heavens and the earth.

In the end, the strange magic weapon that killed Shi Jingtian's Nascent Soul made them even more terrified. Such a long distance can shock the Nascent Soul out of the teleportation state. Does that mean that if Lu Kun wants to kill them, they will run away. don't fall...

The ternary sword energy stimulated by the Three Talents Sword Formation is also a powerful magical power, but it pales in comparison with Lu Kun.

Yue Longfei slowly flew to Lu Kun's side. Thinking of the agreement he had made with Lu Kun, he said with a wry smile: "No wonder the pavilion master is so confident. It turns out that the supernatural powers are so powerful that they completely possess the fighting power of a great cultivator."

"Yue is willing to keep his promise and merge Tianjianmen into the Body Refinement Pavilion."

Yue Longfei unknowingly removed the word "Lu" from Pavilion Master Lu, and his expression was very respectful, as did Dugufeng and Lin Ming. They were unwilling to Yue Longfei's decision before, but now they are convinced.

With this great cultivator-level pavilion master in charge, coupled with the method of strengthening the meridians and the sword stance described by Yue Longfei, how powerful the future of Tianjianmen will become!

Lu Kun looked at Mo Yuan and said lightly: "The war is not over yet, and it is not the time to negotiate. Dugufeng and Lin Ming have suffered great losses. First, go to the Falling Star Warship to heal and sit in town."

After he finished speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared in place, his voice lingering in Yue Longfei's ears.

"Brother Yue still has a three-dimensional sword energy in his body. Lu Liang will give it to you. Julian Sheng has already escaped, so I will kill him."

Yue Longfei didn't dare to neglect, turned into a sword light, and involved Dugufeng and Lin Ming, who looked sluggish, and shot towards the position of the falling star warship.


In the middle of Nascent Soul, the elders fled and fled, and Li Wan, the first person in the elixir stage, also fell into a muddy flesh, and the remaining elixir cultivators of the Demon Sect cast their life-saving magical powers and fled outside the mountain range.

Those cultivators who were still holding on to the Demon Spirit Sect's foundation-building stage were beaten to the brink by body and sword cultivators.


Somewhere in the Yunling Mountains, a pale-faced one-armed woman hid in a rock, holding a few spirit stones in her hand, trying her best to restore the mana in her body.

Under Huang Xiaoyun's sneak attack, she managed to escape by virtue of her supernatural power, and then met the disciples of the Spirit Transformation Sect who had been in ambush for a long time at the edge of the Yunling Mountains.

The elixir-forming disciples of the Hualing Sect are accompanied by spirit beasts of the fifth rank or higher, equivalent to two elixir-forming stage. The fighting power is amazing, and Ye Shui, whose vitality is severely damaged, is naturally not an opponent. Confused the other side, sneaked back to the Yunling Mountains.

Ye Zishui slowly opened her eyes, and after a short breath adjustment, she barely stabilized her injuries. In such a dangerous battlefield, she would not dare to heal her injuries for a long time. With her current state, any cultivator at the stage of condensing pills can heal her injuries. the kill.

"Damn, that guy attacked with a magic weapon, and he is obviously Lu Kun's disciple, but why is the sword intent contained in his body stronger than the Jianxiu of Tianjianmen? If it wasn't for my brother who sacrificed his life to save me, I'm afraid I would have perished."

She was extremely frightened. Back then, in the Lingming Demon Valley, Lu Kun was only a qi-training cultivator like her, and he was almost killed by her. Unexpectedly, she couldn't even beat the opponent's apprentice.

Ye Zishui took a deep breath and calmed down. Lu Kun was no longer something she could deal with. All she had to do now was to find a way to survive.

"I don't know what's going on with the battle outside. Senior Shi is already a powerhouse in the late Nascent Soul. After so long, he should have solved the opponent's cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage."

"Hey, isn't this a disciple of the Foundation Establishment Stage of the Demon Spirit Sect, who fled in such a hurry. Could it be that the numerous disciples of the Foundation Establishment Stage of the Demon Spirit Sect were also defeated?"


In the mountains and forests not far away, two disciples of the Demon Sect at the late stage of foundation establishment were commanding a spirit boat. They seemed to be afraid to emerge from the forest, just flying low in the forest.

Behind the two, a man and two women followed closely. These three people were dexterous and fast. They moved quickly in the mountains and forests, swaying smoke and dust. The flying boat is even faster.

The middle-aged man at the head has a somewhat unique figure, with both hands wrapped in fiery red gloves. Compared with the thick left arm, his right arm is small, thin, and extremely uncoordinated.

A young woman with a scar on her face ran beside the man, holding a pair of pale yellow knives in her hands. The last person was a slender young woman with two three-foot long swords pinned to her waist.

The young woman judged the distance between the disciples of the Demon Sect and them, and suddenly drew her sword with one hand. With a bright golden light, the three-foot long sword was thrown by her.

An extremely sharp aura flashed through the mountains and forests, and the surrounding leaves and vegetation were pressed down by this powerful sword intent.

The faces of the two of the Demon Sect changed drastically. They hurriedly sacrificed an umbrella-shaped magic weapon and placed it behind them, and then the long sword with bright golden light slammed over.

Intense auras were intertwined, and the umbrella-shaped instrument barely blocked the long sword, but the next moment, another strong sharp breath appeared, and the second long sword spurted.


The attack of the double swords not only contained extremely sharp metallic mana, but also was accompanied by strong brute force. superior.

This will be a delay, just like a man and two women of warriors, before they came to the mountain wall, they were holding weapons, the mana fluctuations and powerful brute force in the middle stage of foundation building were surging, swords and swords flashed, and the two reached the building. The disciples of the Demon Sect in the later period of Ji were broken and their souls were destroyed.

Just as the three of them were about to pack up the spoils, the rocks not far away shattered, and a golden halberd emitting a strong treasure light blasted with the terrifying power of the cultivator of the Core Formation Stage.

With such a close distance, coupled with the amazing speed of the magic weapon, the scarred young woman who was closest to the halberd only had time to raise the two knives in her hands.


The golden halberd was accompanied by a metal attack with amazing destructive power. The young woman did not have the strength to compete. The moment the two sides made contact, the pale yellow short knife was shot and flew out, and the golden treasure slammed into the young woman's mouth and cracked. on the arm.

At this moment, the middle-aged man had already reacted. He kicked the young woman out with one foot. The thin right arm muscle swelled up like air, and the fiery red glove grabbed the front end of the golden halberd.

A strong metallic aura erupted.

The middle-aged man pressed his left hand against his swollen right forearm, and the whole person was repelled by the terrifying power, and he scratched a dozen feet away on the rocky soil on the ground.

The fire-red glove on his right hand was ripped apart by the powerful metallic aura of the golden halberd, and most of the flesh and blood in his hand evaporated, revealing the incomparably pitch-black palm bone, with a bright black color flowing on it, without the slightest cracking. signs.

This amazing halberd magic weapon, which destroyed two magic weapons in a row, was forcibly blocked by the small palm bones of the middle-aged man!

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