The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 945 Battle of Yunling Mountains (9)

Leaf water flew out from the rock hole with an incredible look on his face.

She originally thought that the full blow of the halberd magic weapon could kill these three Lu Kun disciples in one breath, but who knew that only one person was seriously injured, and the man was physically resisted.

"Wait, the arm bone of this foundation-building cultivator is actually a magic weapon! How is it possible...cough..."

The blow of the magic weapon with all her strength just now affected the injury, causing a colic in her dantian. She hurriedly used the mana to suppress the injury in her body.

At this moment, two golden sword lights shot out with a strong and sharp aura, and bombarded the mana shield outside the leaf water, causing the metallic aura above to tremble.

A trace of hatred flashed in Ye Zishui's eyes.

"It's Sword Intent again. The little girls in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment have Sword Intent magic power. What kind of exercises are these disciples of Lu Kun practicing?"

She hurriedly swallowed an elixir. Although the opponent had Sword Intent, the mana was too weak to break the defense. When she suppressed the injury, she first killed the girl.


On the forest floor, Li Qianfeng's expression was extremely solemn. The palm bone of his demonic arm was stuck on the front blade of the halberd, and the lava glove in his left hand firmly held the handle of the halberd, desperately suppressing the violently beating magic weapon of the stage of forming a pill.

The young woman with a scar was weak, lying under a giant tree, her left arm was twisted into a weird angle, and she fainted.

Not far away, Duan Yiyun stood there, took the returning long sword with both hands, and thought calmly:

"It's not surprising that the senior brother has the magic arm refined by the master, and it is not surprising that he can block the frontal attack of the magic weapon, but he can also suppress the opponent's magic weapon, which means that the enemy is severely injured, the mana in the body is disordered, and even the magic weapon cannot be controlled."

"I have to seize this opportunity. If she waits for her magic power to stabilize and activates the magic weapon again, we are not opponents at all!"

Duan Yiyun never thought of escaping. In this case, the opponent would have enough time to recover. With the speed of the Core Formation Stage, he would definitely be able to catch up with them. It would be better to fight with all his strength while the opponent was healing.

"This pair of long swords cannot exert the maximum power of the sword's magic power. The other party is practicing metal skills. Only by condensing the strongest sword will and breaking the face can it be possible to break the opponent's defense!"

Duan Yiyun put his double swords under his feet, the blood mana with sword intent in his body, as well as the rich blood essence, all converged towards the position of his chest, and the more and more pure sword intent breath permeated out.

A ruthless look flashed in her eyes, she raised her right hand, and stabbed it into her chest.


The sternum that looked like a short sword was pulled out by Duan Yiyun, and the incomparably sharp sword intent and the rich blood essence filled it.

"The sword bone has been refined by the seniors of the Treasure Pavilion. It is not only mixed with a variety of precious materials, but also blended with metallic golden pills. The material is no worse than the top magic weapon. After condensing all the sword intent in my body, it is used to deal with the magic shield. , couldn't be more suitable!"

The muscles of Duan Yiyun's whole body contracted rapidly, the slender and tall body spun rapidly on the spot, and the sword-bone dagger turned into a golden beam, bombarding away into the distance.

The strong sword intent breath condensed in the sword bone, emitting a strong golden light. Ye Zishui, who was healing, was startled by this breath and opened his eyes.


The sword bone slammed on Ye Zishui's shield, and the metallic defensive aura seemed to be forced by this pure sword intent, the aura scattered, and the sword bone penetrated halfway at once.

Ye Zishui felt chills all over her body, and the biting sword intent seemed to point between her eyebrows, as if she was about to break through the shield in the next moment.

She didn't care about healing, opened her mouth, and a golden aura ball was spit out by her, and slammed directly on the sword bone, and the sword bone was directly blown out.

At this moment, Li Qianfeng in the distance controlled the magic weapon of the halberd, and threw it violently, with a whistling wind sound, precisely slammed into the small gap in the shield.

But who knows, the golden ball of light is divided into two, one of which is fused with the halberd, controlled and suspended in front of Ye Zishui, and the other group of golden light is integrated into the mana shield to strengthen the defense.

Ye Zishui's eyes flashed with anger. She just inspired the power of Jindan's origin. Even if the injury recovers in the future, her cultivation will go backwards.

She activated the power of the source, and although the mana in her body was disordered, she could also control the magic weapon. The golden halberd shot out again with a terrifying power.

Duan Yiyun took back the dimly lit sword bone, the sword intent mana in it had been used up, her eyes showed a bit of despair, her strongest blow failed, and the other party regained the control of mana, are they going to fall this?

At this moment, Li Qianfeng's tall figure stood in front of Duan Yiyun, grabbed his shoulders, and threw it out.

He looked at the powerful and terrifying magic weapon of the formation stage, and Lu Kun's voice transmission flashed in his mind.

"Qianfeng, the magic arm is your greatest opportunity. When you congeal the pill and melt your bones in the future, you can let the blood and magic power in the magic arm swallow up the flesh and internal organs of the whole body, and make it soar to the great consummation of foundation building."

"Magic power and mana are repelled. There is pressure from the outside of Qi and blood magic, and the chance of mana crystals melting into bones greatly increases. After that, with the skeleton mana of the Core Formation period, the Qi and blood magic power of the Foundation Establishment period is still under your control."

"Remember, you can only let go of your qi and blood magic when you condense the pill and melt your bones. In other cases, qi and blood magic will devour your bones in all likelihood. At that time, you can only practice Yuntong Body Refinement Art. A flawed technique."


The palm of Li Qianfeng's demonic arm, whose flesh and blood disappeared, once again blocked the golden halberd. Although the enemy in front of him was seriously injured, he was still at the stage of conjuring pills. Got kicked out again.

However, his demonic arm and bones were stuck on the blade of the halberd, and an extremely greedy magic power spread out. Li Qianfeng murmured in his heart:

"Master, Qianfeng has lived up to your expectations. I'm afraid that we won't be able to wait for the day when the pill condenses and melts into the bones. Without the blessing of strong blood and magic power, the magic arm can't resist the power of the pill-forming cultivator at all."

"Little Junior Sister's sword bones are just beginning to form, which is related to the establishment of the art of cultivating tools, spiritual roots, and tools, so nothing can happen!"

"Only in this way can I resist the power of the cultivator at the Core Formation Stage!"

Li Qianfeng, who was slid on the ground with the halberd stuck in it, trembled violently in the muscles of his whole body, his eyes glowed red, and his face was crazy.

"Come on, devour it, blood magic power!"

"Devouring my flesh and blood!"

There seemed to be a scream of excitement from the magic arm. The greedy magic energy spread all over the body, and the trembling muscles of the body shriveled down at a speed visible to the naked eye. The magic energy in the mountains and forests seemed to sense something and gathered towards him. come.

The muscles on the magic arm that were smashed by the halberd treasure light recovered in a blink of an eye, and then continued to expand. Thick muscles were intertwined. The originally relatively thin magic arm grew into its original shape in a few breaths. Three times the size of the deformed giant arm.

The rest of Li Qianfeng's body turned into a skinny appearance, and his body was mixed with mana and magic, both of which fluctuated at the peak of the initial stage of foundation building.

Then an astonishing force of destruction appeared in the palm of the magic arm, injected into the golden halberd, the latter trembled violently, and the aura above it gradually dimmed.

Ye Zishui was stunned when she saw it, and she felt that the Jinling War Halberd was injected with a force of destruction, which seemed to destroy something. In addition, she was seriously injured, and she lost the sense of magic for a while.

The magic arm was filled with a strong treasure light, and its strength almost doubled, from the original 30,000 jins to 70,000 jins. Li Qianfeng held onto the halberd and threw it fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, a force of destruction erupted under his feet, blasting deep pits on the ground and running towards the distance.

The golden halberd slammed on the shield of Ye Zishui like an electric light, and the light on it flickered slightly. It seemed that the damage it received was limited, but the huge power attached to it sent him and the shield to the rocky mountain wall behind him. .

After getting close to Ye Zishui, Li Qianfeng's expression became more and more crazy. The mana in the initial stage of foundation building in his body and bones poured into the magic arm, and an even more terrifying aura of destruction rose into the sky.

The deformed and thick muscles on the devil's arm twitched violently, overflowing a lot of blood, and a strange aura suddenly appeared in it.

The hairs on Ye Zishui's whole body stood up, and she lost the induction of the magic weapon. She could only inject the mana that she could control into the mana shield.

The next moment, the huge deformed magic arm fist, with an inexplicable vibration and fluctuation, slammed into the shield filled with golden aura.

"What kind of magical power is this..."

Ye Zishui stared blankly at a deformed magic arm. The next moment, her eyes burst open. The huge power on the magic arm seemed to penetrate her mana shield and acted on her flesh, the flesh and blood in her body. Together with the golden core, it was instantly shattered.

Ye Zishui couldn't believe that she would die in the hands of a foundation-building cultivator inexplicably.


With a thud, Li Qianfeng fell to the ground, the muscles on the demonic arm quickly atrophied, and the blood and magic energy rushed towards the bones in other parts of the body greedily.

Li Qianfeng's eyes were calm, he had expected this scene, the bone mana was completely lost in the just eruption, the blood and blood magic power fell into a weak state, and it was in urgent need of replenishment, and naturally he would devour his bones.

Li Qianfeng is in the blood coagulation stage. After so many years of tempering, his bones are already equivalent to the material of magic weapons.

At this time, the bloody body wrapped in the skin of Ye Zishui slipped from the mountain wall and collapsed on the magic arm. In this bloody body, there were also shattered golden pills mixed with spiritual power fluctuations.

Qi and blood magic seemed to have found another food, and all of them poured back into the magic arm.

At the same time as the recovery of the blood and magic power, the power of annihilation was spit out and spread out of the bone marrow cavity.

In a short time, Ye Zishui's flesh and blood were completely swallowed up, and even the remnants of Jindan disappeared. The muscles on the magic arm were completely atrophied, and the greedy magic aura gradually disappeared.

Li Qianfeng's skinny body was lying on the ground, and had already fallen asleep. If it weren't for the slightly undulating chest, it looked no different from a mummified corpse that had been dead for many years.

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