The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 967 Cultivation in the early stage of bone transformation

Lu Kun sat cross-legged in a spiritual energy column in the magic cave, the pure spiritual energy and the surrounding demonic energy poured into his body continuously.

The muscles of his whole body were tense, like lumps of iron, trembling ferociously, and a frightening aura of destruction circulated inside.

Two months have passed since the last opening ceremony. During this time, Lu Kun took advantage of the rich demonic aura in the underground cave of Moyuan to explore the path of cultivation in the bone transformation period.

After the physical cultivation has survived the catastrophe and entered the bone transformation stage, the special energy of magic energy is synthesized in the body, and the force of life is separated, and the magic energy enters the cultivation state, which destroys each other in the bones, resulting in the power of destruction. .

However, after the cultivation of the bone treasure stage, the bones of the body repair have become extremely powerful, and even the destructive power of the bone transformation stage is very slow to strengthen.

The flesh body in the bone transformation stage is of the same origin. Even if you don’t practice cultivation, the powerful cell source of the bones will subtly influence the muscles, blood, and internal organs, causing the rest of the flesh body to slowly improve.

Of course, the speed of this subtle change is just as slow. If you ignore it, it will take tens of thousands of years for obvious changes. Therefore, you need to actively cultivate to speed up this subtle process.

Based on this, Lu Kun concluded that the cultivation of bone metamorphosis is to use bones as the core to accelerate the process of assimilating muscles, blood and internal organs.

Muscle is the second most powerful part of the body after bone. It is attached to bone through tendon and is most affected by bone.

Lu Kun's current muscles, in a tense state, are no less defensive than ordinary magic weapons, and can withstand the tempering of the power of destruction.

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Kun stopped absorbing the magic energy, and his muscles relaxed. He opened his eyes and felt the changes in his muscles, revealing that he was as expected:

"Just like my previous judgment, this kind of rough muscle training will not work at all."

"Although the destructive power entering the muscles has been reduced a lot through the dispersion of the bones, it still has a strong destructive power on the muscles."

"Under the tempering of this power of destruction, the muscles are repeatedly broken and reorganized, and the material is rapidly improving, but the activity of the muscles is destroyed by the power of destruction at the same time."

"If you continue to practice like this, the material of the muscles will become stronger and stronger, but there will be a lack of activity, and the muscles will become extremely stiff, becoming dead muscles like the devil, and even the method of concentrating flesh and blood cannot be used."

Bones are inherently solid materials and can be tempered as a magic weapon.

But the muscle is different, soft as cotton, hard as iron, it is its essence, it is an active body.

When the muscles are tight and contracted, they can become as hard as magic weapons, and when they are relaxed, they can stretch freely, exhibiting amazing flexibility and elasticity.

This kind of nature is not like a magic weapon at all, but rather like a living body, it cannot be tempered in the same way as a bone treasure.

Lu Kun deduced in his heart: "Cultivation in the bone metamorphosis period is to gradually assimilate the whole body to the level of the bones. The bones are already in the mature state of the magic weapon. If the muscles are to metamorphose to this level, at least these two characteristics must be maintained."

"One of the characteristics of Dacheng's muscles is the firmness of its tight state, which is no less than the magic weapon of maturity, and the second is the muscle fibers in its relaxed state, which can stretch flexibly and even longer."

"After the Bone Treasure Stage is tempered by the power of destruction, it takes time to conceive, because bones are dead objects and have poor self-repairing ability, so they need to be nurtured and restored."

"But the activity of the muscle is extremely high. During the quenching process of the force of destruction, it can repair the broken muscle fibers by itself, but in the process, its activity is destroyed."

"If you want your muscles to be in perfect condition, you need to increase and maintain muscle activity at the same time."

"Muscle is not a magic weapon, activity cannot be nurtured by mana, and blood essence can only accelerate the repair of tendons."

Lu Kun's eyes flickered, and he muttered, "Only the energy bestowed by this heavenly robbery can do this!"

In his body, a strong breath of life suddenly emerged, and this breath circulated between muscles in a unique way.

Lu Kun murmured: "What can really maintain muscle activity is the force of life."

After entering the bone transformation stage, he has been studying the power of life, but apart from the separation and fusion of chaotic magic energy, he has not found other functions of the power of life.

Until Fairy Fang Yuan handed the Hualing Jue to him.

A jade slip appeared in Lu Kun's hand, showing emotion: "The senior of Hualingzong is really powerful, she can judge that Hualingjue has inspired my body training method, and she must have guessed the meaning of life. force."

"Physical training has survived the thunder tribulation, and the power of life appears in the body, and the same is true of the transformation monster."

"For the transforming monster, the power of life is an indispensable factor for the breakthrough of the cultivation base. In reverse, the cultivation of the body repairing the bone transformation period must also have a great relationship with the power of life."

"The thunder tribulation between heaven and earth, although trying to destroy the body repair, but after the breakthrough, the life force left behind is a precious gift."

Lu Kun looked at the "Spiritual Transformation" in his hand.

There is a method of using the force of life in the Hualing Jue, which is very inspiring to him. Lu Kun tried many times and found a method for the force of life to strengthen the muscle activity.

"In the early stage of bone transformation, the correct way of training muscles should be divided into two stages."

"In one stage, the material of the muscle fibers is tempered. At this time, the muscles of the whole body are tense, maintaining the strength of the magic weapon, and tempering it with the power of destruction radiating from the bones."

"The second stage is to restore and strengthen the activity of muscles through the operation of life force."

"If my judgment is correct, the tightness of the muscles is comparable to the magic weapon of maturity, and when its stretchability and elasticity are greatly increased, it will reach the next small realm, the middle stage of bone transformation."

Thinking of this, the smile on Lu Kun's mouth suddenly stagnated: "Wait, by that time, the muscles and bones will be at the same level, and the muscles can also contain magic energy."

"The physical strength and energy are transformed at the same time, and it is considered to have entered the next small realm."

"But the life force in my body is limited. Even if the muscles can hold the magic energy, the life force is not enough to cover more magic energy."

Lu Kun couldn't help but put away the power of life and quit the cultivation state. He stood up and paced back and forth:

"The monster's transformation from the eighth-level transformation to the middle-level transformation of the ninth-level transformation, and then into the tenth-level transformation stage comparable to that of a great monk, the power of life is becoming more and more intense, so the similarity between the appearance and the human race gradually increases."

"In order to enter the Nascent Soul Stage, Hualing Jue must rely on the life force of the transforming monsters. In the middle and later stages of Nascent Soul, it will rely on a stronger life force."

"That's why the cultivators in the Yuan Ying stage of the Spirit Transformation Sect were all spiritual beasts that followed their own."

"The breakthrough of demon cultivators above the eighth level will no longer be transformed into thunder calamities. That is to say, the practice of transforming demon cultivators will increase the power of life."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun squeezed the jade slip in his hand and frowned: "The only way to use the power of life is to use the power of life. There is no way to cultivate the power of life, and there is no record of the cultivation method of demon cultivators."

"Strange, Fang Yuan can't possibly have a secret collection, is there any taboo in the practice of Yao Xiu?"

After pondering for a long time, Lu Kun shook his head: "Forget it, anyway, I'm going to Chu country this time, and then I will catch a few demon cultivators and study it. If the cultivation method in the bone transformation period can improve the power of life at the same time, it will be counted. Really perfect."

"By the way, the prototype of the war treasure has not been repaired, it also needs the power of life..."

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