On the top of Tianjian Peak, on a platform shrouded by restrictions, there is a magic circle with a diameter of one zhang. Two cultivators in the formation stage are debugging on it, checking the spiritual disk in their opponents from time to time.

A scrawny old man with sword-brows stood not far away, exuding an aura that was not angry and self-possessed.

After the Body Refinement Pavilion dominated Wei, the internal positions were readjusted. As the founder of the sect, Lu Kun was the well-deserved ruler of the Body Refinement Pavilion and the owner of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

Below the pavilion owner are the deputy pavilion owners and elders.

Immortal cultivators in the Body Refinement Pavilion can be promoted to elders as long as they enter the Nascent Soul stage, and the sect resources they enjoy are greatly improved, while the disciples below the Nascent Soul stage, only the pavilion master has the right to appoint.

Although Zhu Siming and Fairy Fang Yuan were in the cultivation stage, they were appointed by Lu Kun as the elders of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

As for the deputy pavilion master of the Body Refinement Pavilion, in charge of the major sub-pavilions, he must have a cultivation base of Nascent Soul Stage or above. Since the Six Body Refinement Pavilion has just begun to develop, the current deputy pavilion owner is only Yue Longfei.

Behind Dugufeng, there were eight sword cultivators standing quietly, with sharp metallic mana flashing on their bodies, all of whom had the kendo cultivation in the early stage of foundation building.

The most striking is the first middle-aged man. This man has a plain appearance and sharp eyes. Although his cultivation is also in the early stage of foundation establishment, his mana is more than twice as pure as the others.

The incomparably pure metallic mana gives the impression that it exudes an extremely sharp aura, just like the mana of the sword.

Dugufeng looked at the teleportation formation that was about to be debugged, and said slowly, "Yiming, have you decided to go to the Holy City of Martial Artists?"

The middle-aged man affirmed: "That's right, if the disciple does not practice the Vajra Jue, the Heavenly Sword Jue cannot continue to practice."

With a bit of fanaticism in his eyes, he said: "And only by personally experiencing the body training exercises, will the disciples have the opportunity to find ways to strengthen the meridians, the way of sword cultivation, and will be able to restore the glory of the ancient times!"

Dugufeng sighed softly: "Compared with the ancient times, there has been some change in the world of immortal cultivation today. Many herbs cannot grow, especially those that strengthen the meridians, which makes the way of sword cultivation extremely difficult."

"Although the pavilion master's meridian strengthening method will exhaust the essence of the sword's physical body and can only be strengthened once, but under these secret techniques, Junior Brother Lin Ming has entered the Nascent Soul Stage in one fell swoop. Senior Brother Yue and I also have Opportunity to go further."

"What we lack in the Tianjian Jue practice is a method to continuously strengthen the meridians."

When the middle-aged man heard the words, his eyes became firmer: "Patriarch, don't worry, after the disciple has practiced the Diamond Art, he will definitely look for the method to strengthen the meridians!"

Dugufeng said: "The basic exercises of the Body Refinement Jutsu will initially strengthen the meridians, and your kid will also be saved from a crisis. Otherwise, with the ultimate mana that you have broken through by your ancient foundation building method, you will rush to practice the Heavenly Sword Art, and the meridians will not be able to bear it at all. "

"Your aptitude and character are the strongest among the disciples of this generation of Tianjiange. It is important to find ways to strengthen your meridians, but don't delay your cultivation."

"Remember, if you can't find it, switch to Sword Art. With your solid foundation, if the meridians cannot continue to strengthen, it will be difficult for Tianjian to go further."

The middle-aged man was silent for a moment and said, "Ancestor, is this 'Sword Body Jue' really stronger than the Heavenly Sword Jue?"

Dugufeng frowned and said: "The two are not very good to compare, the sword body is definitely a start-up technique, and only Huang Xiaoyun has reached the stage of cultivation. , its breakthrough in the Nascent Soul stage is much more dangerous than Tianjian Jue."

"Although Tianjian Jue is weaker than Sword Body Jue in terms of combat power and is hindered by fragile meridians, this path has been traversed by countless seniors, leading directly to the realm of God Transformation, and the cultivation method is perfect."

The middle-aged man clenched his fists and said, "The disciple does not believe that the ancient swordsmanship will be weaker than other side-sect swordsmanship. I heard that there is a fellow of the foundation-building stage in the swordsmanship. This time, the disciple will go to Luzhou and have a discussion with her."

Dugufeng smiled dumbly and said: "Yiming, although your mana and consciousness far surpasses your same level, Duan Yiyun has not only entered the middle stage of foundation building, but also realized sword intent. You are not her opponent."

"I realized the sword intent during the foundation-building period! That's great!" The middle-aged man not only had no fear, but instead was full of fighting spirit.

Seeing this, Dugufeng shook his head helplessly.

This seemingly middle-aged man is actually only thirty-three years old. His name is Dugu Yiming. He is a disciple of the Dugu family.

The most commendable thing is that Dugu Yiming still has a rebellious and unruly character in his bones, and his cultivation is extremely hard.

At the age of eighteen, he entered the Great Perfection of Refining Qi and could break through to the Foundation Establishment stage at any time, but Dugu Yiming was extremely stubborn and wanted to imitate the ancient immortal cultivators, but he refused to take the Foundation Building Pill and required the above-mentioned ancient foundation building. French foundation.

During the Great War of Wei Kingdom, Dugu Yiming obtained a lot of treasures that enhanced his consciousness. Finally, half a month ago, he successfully broke through and entered the foundation-building stage.

Dugu Yiming, who had broken through the above ancient foundation building method, had extremely pure metallic mana.

Therefore, Dugu Yiming decided to enter the Holy City of Martial Artists. On the one hand, he practiced the Vajra Art to improve the strength of the meridians, and on the other hand, he found a way to continuously strengthen the meridians.

In Dugu Yiming's mind, a real sword cultivator can take a person's head from a distance of thousands of miles, and can control a sword formation from a distance. With one enemy and many, he is dashing and wishful. What is the use of refining his body into a sword. This is simply barbarian. do.

That sword body art is just a partial sword cultivation technique, and it is not orthodox at all. As long as he finds a way to continuously strengthen the meridians, the ancient swordsmanship will definitely shine.

After a while, the white-haired old man who debugged the magic circle respectfully said, "Uncle, the magic circle has been debugged and can be teleported at any time."

Dugu Yiming nodded lightly, took the group of foundation-building disciples up, activated the teleportation formation, played nine teleportation talismans, and disappeared into the formation.

The current state of Wei is dominated by the Body Refinement Pavilion, and even those small families and loose cultivators are all included in the Body Refinement Pavilion.

In the immortal-cultivation country around Wei State, Qi State's Blood Refinement Sect has reached an alliance agreement with the Refinement Pavilion, and they will not attack each other for three hundred years.

The eastern part of the Wei state is the Jin state with barren spiritual energy, and the southern part is a vast desert country, and there are very few immortal practitioners.

The only threat is the state of Chu to the west.

Just in case, the Body Refinement Pavilion used the remaining ethereal crystals to establish a teleportation formation in the four states of Wei State. If there is a special situation, the powerhouses of the Five Elements Pavilion, Hualing Pavilion and Yunling Mountains can all support at any time. Heavenly Sword Pavilion.


Accompanied by a white aura, Dugufeng and others appeared in a secret room with a huge teleportation formation with a diameter of three feet under their feet.

Dugufeng shook his head and woke up from a slight dizziness.

"I've seen Elder Dugu!" Pan Yan's incomparably strong body stood outside the teleportation formation and saluted respectfully, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

Dugufeng asked, "Nephew Pan, the pavilion master asked you to come?"

Pan Yan nodded and said, "Yes, Master is waiting for you to come over in the Refining Hall."

Dugufeng said: "Nephew, Tianjian Pavilion is just these foundation-building disciples to go to the Holy City of Martial Artists, you take them there, I will go to the pavilion master."

"Yes, elder!"

Then Dugufeng turned into a flash of light and quickly left the secret room.

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