The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 974 The Great Five Elements Force Field

After the discussion was over, Lu Kun sighed:

"I didn't expect that the most critical place is actually this miniature five-element array. Attracting the five-element spiritual power is only one of its characteristics. Its actual function is to convert the five-element mana into the forbidden power of the five-element."

Meng Qing rubbed half of the white bones in his hands and said, "Because of the semi-separated state of the magic energy in the two skulls, the magic power of the five elements contained in them has become very chaotic and violent."

"This kind of spiritual power of the five elements just fits the main point of the chaotic five elements array, and this has successfully transformed the power of the five elements of prohibition."

Speaking of which, he also showed a sigh of emotion: "Back then, the demon gatekeeper took out the Chaos Five Elements Great Array and shared our understanding with us. The most difficult thing was how to transform the five elements of mana in a violent state."

"After all, only the existence of the late Yuan Ying and above, after disturbing the vitality of the world, the five elements will become crazy, but the magic energy in the semi-separated state of the pavilion master directly satisfies this condition."

Meng Qing looked at Lu Kun, with a look of amazement flashing in his eyes: "The pavilion master's body training method is really strange. The magic power attribute it contains is actually the attribute of the five elements."

"If it is a single attribute, dual attributes, or four attributes, the double skull cannot activate the forbidden power of the five elements."

Others also showed the same expression. In the immortal world, how to cultivate the mana of the five elements is not to mention. Those who have the spiritual roots of the five attributes are extremely difficult to cultivate, and I am afraid that they will not be able to pass the test of foundation building.

Lu Kun chuckled and said, "The Body Refinement Pavilion now has a method of generating spiritual roots. The spiritual roots can be replenished the day after tomorrow. Other body practitioners will also be able to cultivate the magic power of the five elements in the future."

Meng Qing showed a bit of regret, Qi Linggen needed to start with the body training method, and he missed him, he shook his head and continued: "In addition to the five elements of mana, the fusion magic stone in the double skull also makes the big The forbidden power of the five elements can be transmitted smoothly, so that it can directly connect with the blood and magic power at the other end."

"The black bone where the blood and magic power is located is where the source power is activated."

Lu Kun nodded: "The source power of the physical body is the product of the integration of the physical body. Naturally, it depends on the physical body. The black bone ball contains the essence of my flesh and blood, which provides a medium for the generation of the source power."

"The forbidden power of the five elements, under the agitation of qi and blood magic power, and the transformation of the Yuanling magic circle, it was a coincidence that inspired the source power!"

"However, because the primordial spirit array on the double skulls is not designed to stimulate the source force, the source force's divergence direction is chaotic and spreads inward, thereby breaking the structure in the backbone and destroying the semi-separated state of the magic energy, resulting in The power of destruction exploded."

"Since the reason for the generation of source power has been explored, then we can deduce it in the direction of the forbidden circle."

Lu Kun looked at a young man in a blue robe. This man was Fang Xiaobo of Hualing Pavilion. This guy broke into his place of tribulation and was almost killed by Shi Yin'er.

He asked, "Xiaobo, you know the most ancient texts on formations, so I don't know what advice you have."

Fang Xiaobo had seen the terrifying scene of Lu Kun's tribulation, and had an instinctive fear of this pavilion master, he took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "Qi, pavilion lord, to create a new restraint method. There are actually only two problems to solve.”

"One of them is the energy source of the forbidden circle."

"From the results of our discussion, the source of energy prohibited by the source force is the semi-separated magic energy injected by the pavilion master."

"It is this kind of energy that provides the frantic five elements of mana, thus activating the forbidden power of the five elements, and stirring up the magic power of blood and blood to generate the source power."

"This process constantly consumes magic energy."

"For the forbidden magic circle, the energy absorbs the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth, or absorbs the spiritual stone and magic stone to generate it. If the pavilion owner needs to inject magic energy all the time, it can only be regarded as a magic weapon."

When Fang Xiaobo said this, he paused and said with a wry smile: "The pavilion master's magic power is a mixture of the five elements of mana and the magic power of qi and blood. There are almost no exercises to refer to for the transformation of the magic power of the five elements, and the magic power of qi and blood is used for reference. It is unheard of.”

"So the difficulty of this problem is how to generate the five elements of mana and blood magic power by yourself."

Lu Kun pondered: "This is not difficult."

While speaking, he took out a deformed piece of meat wrapped in gray-black muscles. The muscles on it were squirming slightly, and the surrounding demonic energy spontaneously gathered.

"This is a weapon exclusively used for body transformation in the bone transformation stage. One of its characteristics is that it can absorb magic energy on its own, convert it into magic energy, and carry out self-pregnancy and repair."

Except for the two Yuan Ying Jianxiu and Zhu Siming, everyone else's eyes were extremely surprised. This looked like a brick of some kind of deformed creature, but it was actually a magic weapon.

"There is pure magic in the war treasure, but to convert it into evil energy such as blood magic, in addition to magic, it also needs to absorb the essence of flesh and blood, which is not difficult to do."

"As for the five elements of mana..."

Lu Kun thought for a moment and said, "If you just transform mana, you can use the five elements to refine a skeleton structure. Using my flesh and blood as a guide, it can also generate the five elements of mana."

Fang Xiaobo looked at Zhan Bao in amazement, and when he heard Lu Kun's affirmative answer, he breathed a sigh of relief: "In this way, the problem of the source of energy is solved. The second problem is the design of the array."

"The solution to the energy source of momentum is also part of the design of the array plate. In addition, the array pattern and structure in the array plate are closely related to the attributes of the power of prohibition."

Having said that, Fang Xiaobo looked at Lu Kun and said respectfully, "The pavilion master's physical source power is special, since it is to be transformed into the power of prohibition, please confirm which kind of prohibition to refine, defense, trapping the enemy, or not. Attack Prohibition."

"After confirming this, you can deduce the refining method of the magic plate around it, and then test the arrangement of the magic circle."

Lu Kun shook his head and said, "Xiaobo, this is too complicated, you can't judge by ordinary restraint."

"You must know that the source power of the flesh is essentially an invisible force field. It has no attributes and has nothing to do with the magic of the cultivator."

He paused and said, "You can compare it with the magical power of golden magnetism and heavy light. The array plate we want to refine is actually equivalent to the golden magnetism spirit wood."

Fang Xiaobo frowned and said, "Golden Magnetic Spirit Wood?"

Zhu Siming on the side heard this, and suddenly his eyes lit up and said: "I understand what the pavilion master means, the formation plate we refine only needs to have source energy, and as for how to arrange the forbidden array, we only need to make multiple arrays. Just a combination of plates."

"The magical power of golden magnetism heavy light, if there is only one golden magnetism spirit wood, then within the range of its divergence, it will bless a portion of gravity."

"But if two golden magnetic spirit trees are placed next to each other, their gravitational fields will be superimposed. Three or four, depending on the position of the superposition of the gravitational fields, there will be many more changes in the prohibition."

"Why don't we imitate the golden magnetic spirit wood and design a single-directional force field array, and through the layout of the array, different types of restrictions can be changed!"

Lu Kun laughed loudly and said, "Elder Zhu is right. The force field in one direction corresponds to the spiritual array, which is much simpler and can improve our success rate."

"If you imagine my palm as a refined dharma plate, then after they are intertwined, it will look like this."

While speaking, Lu Kun stretched out his hands, palms facing each other, the two void forces radiated outward from the palms, interweaving into a squeezing force field in his chest.

"Brother Dugu, you control the flying sword into this force field."

Dugufeng nodded, waved with one hand, and a pale golden long sword shot out at an astonishing speed, but after entering this force field, the speed slowed down in vain, as if it was subjected to great resistance.

At this time, the palms of Lu Kun's opposite left and right suddenly changed direction, becoming one in front and one behind, with the palms facing the sword tip and the hilt respectively.

The long sword seemed to escape the resistance and stabbed directly into Lu Kun's palm. Lu Kun held the long sword with five fingers and said to everyone:

"In the beginning, two force fields were on both sides of the long sword, which put pressure on the side of the sword, so that it received strong resistance, and then I changed the direction of the force field, the direction of the force field and the flying direction of the flying sword. Consistent, the resistance disappears.”

"If I remove a force field, Feijian will either use the power of a single force field to increase its speed, or be pushed back."

"These are just two magic disks, the scope of action is small, and the direction of the force field is somewhat single, but if there are more than ten magic disks arranged in all directions, it will be even more different."

Everyone is extremely talented, and when they imagined that scene, they couldn't help sweating.

The force field composed of a dozen or so discs is simply a terrifying prohibition that combines attacking and trapping the enemy. If the cultivator falls into it, the weak and weak will be directly crushed into flesh by the endless power around him.

The powerful monks will be trapped by the force field, unable to move an inch.

"This kind of prohibition is accidentally inspired by the prohibitive power of the Chaos Five Elements Great Array, so it's better to call it the Great Five Elements Force Field!"

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