The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 975 Five Elements Formation Plate of Flesh and Blood

When Fang Xiaobo heard the words "Five Elements Force Field", he hesitated and said, "But Pavilion Master, the force field you just displayed, is the area affected by it a little too small."

Lu Kun smiled and said: "Since it is determined to be a single-directional force field array, then it is related to the primordial spirit array."

"Through the fine adjustment of the primordial spirit array, the radiation range can be expanded. Due to the material relationship, the array disk cannot be as large as the golden magnetic spirit wood, so it takes a dozen or so to combine to create a force field area."

"Original Spirit Formation..."

Fang Xiaobo cupped his hands and said: "The difficulty of the ban has been solved, and the array can be refined."

He pondered for a moment and said, "I suggest that the pavilion master carry out transformations on the basis of the double skulls to achieve self-supply of energy, design of the structure, and more convenient radiation of the force field."

"We can discuss the structure of the legal disk first."

Meng Qing stroked his beard and said, "The force field is generated by the forbidden power of the Great Five Elements and the magic power of Qi and Blood, and the forbidden power of the Great Five Elements is inseparable from the half-separated magical energy."

"So the new array plate is mainly divided into three parts, which store the five elements of mana, magic energy, and blood magic power. As for the structure..."

Lu Kun waved his hand and said, "Instead of discussing it here, it's better to refine it directly. Brother Lin and Brother Dugu are responsible for the control of Nascent Soul's True Fire. We can discuss each step."

"Yes, Pavilion Master."

Lu Kun sorted out his thoughts and said, "Let's start with the part of the mana of the five elements. The main function of this part is to absorb the spiritual energy of the five elements by itself to supplement the consumption of the mana of the five elements."

As he spoke, he waved one hand, and a multicolored jade appeared in front of him.

"Five Elements Jade!"

Everyone is a well-informed generation, and immediately recognized this famous material.

Lu Kun sighed: "When I first started researching Zhanbao, I thought about the use of five elements of materials, but unfortunately, the most suitable match for magic energy is the magic bone, but now it is simply transforming the five elements of mana, which is much simpler than Zhanbao. ."

Afterwards, Lu Kun cooperated with Nascent Soul True Fire to smelt the Five Element Jade and some other materials into a hollow sphere with multicolored luster, which looked somewhat similar to the bone ball with a double skull.

Then he spat out a mass of blood essence, and outside the semi-softened hollow sphere, a network of capillaries was outlined.

Because it only needs to transform the mana of the five elements, Lu Kun only made a layer of compact bone structure for this sphere, and the capillary network on it is the basis for transferring flesh and blood and generating external muscles.

As a well-known five-element attribute material, five-element jade is even stronger than Lu Kun's bones in channeling the mana of the five elements.

In the end, under the strange eyes of everyone, Lu Kun transferred some of his own flesh and blood essence, forming muscle fibers one after another outside the sphere, interweaving a thick layer of deformed flesh.

The somewhat disgusting flesh and blood twitched rhythmically, as if it had its own life, and the surrounding spiritual energy gradually reacted, slowly converging towards it, and a unique mana aura appeared on this deformed meat ball.

"The pavilion master's body refining is really strange. The manipulation of his own flesh and blood is unbelievable, and he can actually transfer the flesh and blood and absorb the spiritual energy of the world by himself."

"Yeah, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, Meng would not have believed it."

Everyone felt the breath of the five elements of mana, and everyone was amazed.

Lu Kun said: "This five-element meat ball is used as an outer layer outside the double-skull white bone ball to replenish the five-element mana inside."

At this time, Zhu Siming suddenly opened his mouth and said: "Five elements of mana can be absorbed and generated by itself, so here, we also need to describe the control array in the chaotic five elements, so that we can control the excitation of the forbidden power of the five elements, so as to control the forbidden power of the force field. activation."

Lu Kun pondered: "Yes, then we will refine it from here, and then it will be the white bone ball with two skulls, the part that really stores the mana of the five elements."

Zhu Siming added: "The miniature magic circle that controls the power of the five elements has been deduced by Daoyou Meng and I, but how to alternate with the magic circle in the double skull is still under the control of the pavilion master."

Lu Kun nodded lightly, and with a wave of his hand, the five-element meat ball landed on his shoulder, and the muscle fibers on it continued to beat, trying to find a way to absorb the most efficiently.

Then Lu Kun took out a level 5 magic bone, a white bone ball that stored mana. The refining method was similar to that of a double skull. The inside was a honeycomb-structured cancellous bone ball, and the outside was a dense bone shell.

There are two different places. One is the depiction of the miniature magic circle in the dense bone layer. After everyone discussed it, the Yuanling magic circle here was removed and replaced with a miniature magic circle that controls the power of the five elements.

Originally, the Primordial Spirit Array here was drawn to stabilize the magic energy in the semi-separated state. Now this is the excitation point of the forbidden power of the five elements. The more violent the mana of the five elements, the better.

The other is in the outer layer of the compact bone. Lu Kun added a layer of capillary network as the connection point between the five-element meat ball and the double skull to facilitate the transmission of the five-element mana.

After refining the white bone ball, it reaches the backbone part in the middle. This is the storage point of the semi-separated magical energy. The refining is no different from the previous one. Only the Yuanling array was readjusted by Lu Kun, which strengthened the stability of the magical energy. .

Finally, it is the part of the black bone ball where the blood and magic power is located.

At this point, Lu Kun stopped and let Dugufeng and Lin Ming maintain the strength of Nascent Soul's real fire, so that the double skulls were in a semi-softened state.

He frowned and said, "The place where the blood and blood magic energy is stored is where the force field is excited. In addition to refining a layer of meat balls that transform magic energy, it is also necessary to adjust its Yuanling magic array to ensure that the force field radiates the widest range. "

Everyone looked at each other, unable to speak for a while.

Although the Yuanling Magic Array originated from the psychic puppet technique, it has changed since it was used by Pang Laomo on the Jade Bone Demon.

Later, Lu Kun entered the bone transformation stage. Through the operation skills of the physical source, he modified the Yuanling magic circle. This is already a bone miniature magic circle dedicated to the bone transformation stage. Others simply cannot getting Started.

"While making the radiation range of the force field as wide as possible, we must also ensure the strength of the force field."

Lu Kun pondered, his palms sometimes clenched into fists, sometimes into palms, and vacantly clenched into claws.

It didn't take long for a hint of enlightenment flashed in his eyes, and he continued to refine it.

As time passed, everyone discovered that the shape of the black bone ball that Lu Kun refined this time was very different from before.

This is a semi-concave honeycomb ball structure, as if a piece of the black bone ball was dug inward.

While constructing a compact bone outer layer on the outside, Lu Kun said: "This is similar to a bone structure at the knee, called the intercondylar fossa, but the one I made is concave compared to the intercondylar fossa. part is more uniform.”

"The force field emitted in this way will radiate out in a hemispherical range, and due to the shape of the intercondylar fossa, the arc of the force field will converge inward, and the force will be relatively concentrated and will not be scattered."

"If the Yuanling Formation is concerned, it won't be too complicated..."

Although everyone didn't know what the "intercondylar fossa" looked like, they glanced at the connection between their knees and thigh bones with their spiritual sense, and they were a little surprised.

The Yuanling magic circle depicted by Lu Kun only needs to stimulate the power of the void, not a combat skill, so it was completed quickly. After careful inspection, he took out the magic bones and began to refine the meat balls that transform the blood and magic power.

No, it should be a meat ring.

This is the excitation point of the force field, and the "intercondylar fossa" must be exposed, so Lu Kun smelted a circular bone structure, and after transferring the flesh and blood to it, a deformed flesh ring was formed.

Lu Kun exhaled and said solemnly, "You two, keep 30% of Nascent Soul's true fire."

With a wave of his hand, the five-element meat ball and the magic meat ring, under the action of the power of the void, landed on the semi-softened ends of the double skulls, and Lu Kun simultaneously forced out two balls of blood essence to assist the fusion of the two sides.

Gradually, a strange object with both ends wrapped in flesh and blood, with a backbone in the middle, appeared in front of everyone.

Lu Kun held the backbone and injected magic energy into the inside bit by bit, carefully feeling the state of the inner magic energy, he breathed a sigh of relief: "For this array, only a small amount of semi-separated magic energy exists. That's it."

He looked at the flesh and blood that was squirming at both ends, and the surrounding spiritual energy and magic energy were slowly inhaled into it, and converted into mana and magic power respectively, but the formation of blood and blood magic was still absorbing the essence of the flesh and blood he put inside.

With the passage of time, the magic energy in the semi-separated state gradually reached a saturation state. Due to the existence of the control circle of the power of the five elements, the force field did not erupt.

This control array is derived from the chaotic five-element array. The activation method is the same as the traditional forbidden array. It can be activated by either using the law or by the related trigger array.

Since the dharma plate contains Lu Kun's blood essence, he can also be motivated by the blood essence.

"You prepare defensive means, I will try to activate it and see. If my calculations are correct, the strength of the force field is the level of the initial stage."

Seeing everyone put on the mana shield, Lu Kun's mind moved, and an invisible force field quickly spewed out from the notch of the array, and a huge force bombarded out.

Except for Lin Ming and Dugufeng, the other mana shields that existed in the Core Formation Stage all flickered violently. Many people were even knocked into the air, and the protective aura was on the verge of collapse.

"Cough, this is the peak attack in the middle stage of Formation Core!"

"Pavilion Master, your judgment is wrong."

"Fortunately, I used the magic weapon to defend."

The lowest cultivation base here is in the middle stage of forming an elixir. After this force field was released, it was closed by Lu Kun, and no one was injured.

"The range is ten feet away, and the strength has reached 200,000 catties..."

As if he had discovered something, Lu Kun frowned and said, "The fifth-level demon bone material should logically correspond to the initial stage of bone treasure, a normal physical training disciple. The strength of this realm is about 100,000 kilograms."

"When I used the sixth-level double-skull test before, the power that burst out was 300,000 kilograms, which was not normal. It matched the strength of my realm back then. Could it be because it contains the essence of my flesh and blood?"

As if he had figured out something, Lu Kun ignored the disgraced people and said excitedly: "Let's divide the labor, and then refine a dozen of these five-element arrays of flesh and blood. After the end, everyone will be rewarded with medicinal pills, you know. The magic pills that improve cultivation have no effect on physical cultivation."

When everyone heard the words, their spirits were lifted.

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