The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 976: Chu State's

Among the several major states in Chu State, Xiyuan State is the most prosperous. In addition to its vast territory, it is also close to the boundless sea area and has many resources. Four of the ten major sects are stationed in this state.

But today's West Won State has long lost its former prosperity.

In many famous mountains and rivers near the sea, the pure aura disappeared, replaced by an extremely rich pale yellow demonic energy, and the roars of various unknown beasts came one after another.

On this day, in a large mountain range in the west of West Won State, a lot of forbidden light flickered, dividing the mountain into dozens of areas, exuding the unique atmosphere of the forbidden formation.

The roars of countless beasts and the screams of human immortal cultivators filled the mountain range. Demonic energy and various colorful spells and auras kept flashing. In the center of the mountain range, there were several more terrifying auras churning.

Through the hazy forbidden light curtain, the battle between the monster and the immortal cultivator was very fierce, and the immortal cultivator barely blocked the attack of the monster with the help of the formation.

Just as the battle between the two sides heated up, a large area of ​​demonic energy suddenly burst out from the periphery of the mountain range, and the thick demonic energy even dyed half of the sky yellow.

The ground rumbled and vibrated, and countless monsters rushed towards the center of the mountain range, roaring excitedly, and there were two incomparably deep breaths inside.

"It's impossible. Your monster clan's army is clearly attacking Lieyang Sect, so why did you come here?" An incredible voice came from the middle of the mountain range.

A rude voice laughed wildly: "Hahaha, the strategy of attacking the east and the west, we monsters will also use it, old guy, the end of your Tianfumen has come, hey, this magic talisman..."


A terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly erupted from the center of the mountain range, and two spiritual lights, one green and one yellow, shot out quickly, flying in the direction without demonic energy.

And in the mountains and rivers without any demonic energy, two figures filled with demonic energy suddenly flew out and intercepted them directly, as if they had been ambush here long ago.

The two figures, one green and one yellow, had to fight with them, and the surrounding monster beasts also poured into the areas in the mountains where the forbidden auras flickered. The immortal cultivators inside seemed to be fighting the beasts. become tragic.

If there are other immortal cultivators of Chu State here, they will be exclaimed in amazement. This mountain range is exactly where one of the ten major sects of Chu State, Tianfu Sect, resides.

In today's scene, it all means that Tianfumen is being besieged by a large number of monsters, and it is in jeopardy.


Somewhere in the Tianfumen Mountains, in a forbidden light curtain, there are three azure-haired demon wolves with amazing breath.

Surrounded by them were a pair of men and women. The man was plain looking, but his skin exuded a faint golden light. The whole person was filled with an extremely sharp aura. It was obvious that he had practiced some kind of metallic technique.

The woman on the side was beautiful, wearing a fiery red dress, proud of her figure, and exuding a scorching aura. They were the well-known masters of making pills, Jin Feng and Huo Meiniang.

Facing the three level-5 demon wolves that were shuttled back and forth, they had no nervousness on their faces, and they moved the magic tricks at will. A golden long sword and a fire fan were flying around, occasionally hitting a few talismans and making a few noises in their mouths. exclamation.

What's even more strange is that the three level-5 demon wolves are obviously faster and can avoid the magic weapon, but they actively use their bodies to resist.

At the same time, they bared their teeth and made a roar of excitement and rage, but their eyes were very lazy, completely inconsistent with the roar, and very strange.

At this time, the exclamations of the monks in the Yuan Ying period came in, and Huo Meiniang cheered up: "Lao Jin, can we withdraw?"

While speaking, she looked at a simple magic circle behind her.

Jin Feng shook his head and said, "Junior sister, normally, we who are in a desperate situation should overdraw our golden core and fight back desperately, and the battle should become more intense."

Huo Meiniang was stunned for a moment, shook her head and sighed, and said a little bored: "Senior brother is right."

During the conversation, the momentum of the two rose in vain, the magic weapon's light increased greatly, and they threw a dozen talismans, but they were all mid-level top-level talismans, and their power was ordinary.

The three blue-haired demon wolves seemed to cooperate very well, their roars were mixed with a bit of pain, and they looked at Jin Feng and the two with smug eyes.

Jin Feng and Huo Meiniang seemed to have exploded in strength, but their expressions were still very relaxed, and they were still transmitting their voices.

Huo Meiniang said through a voice transmission: "Lao Jin, after being in contact with them over the years, the land monsters above the second level have much higher spiritual intelligence than the sea monsters of the same rank. Just like this, they are still overwhelmed by the sea monsters?"

Jin Feng replied, "Junior sister, although most of the Krakens will only become wise after the eighth-level transformation, but the number of the Krakens is extremely staggering. Under the leadership of the eighth-level Krakens, the number is at an absolute disadvantage. The terrestrial monster clan, it is impossible to fight against it."

"Besides, the Flood Dragon Clan and some unique Kraken bloodlines have also turned on their spiritual wisdom at the second level. The Land Monster Clan can only be ruled by the Sea Monster Clan in the sea."

"If it wasn't for that, they wouldn't have chosen to work with us."

Huo Meiniang nodded lightly, she looked at the restrictions around her, and sighed: "Xingyue Pavilion is indeed a great formation, and even this kind of phantom formation can be arranged."

"But Senior Brother, the Sea Monsters in the dark really can't see through this illusion?"

Jin Feng glanced at the screaming demon wolf, nodded lightly and said, "I heard from my uncle that the sea monsters sent by the sea monsters are phantom sea monsters. This kind of monster has a special bloodline. Not only is it extremely intelligent, but it is also naturally proficient. illusion."

"It is possible to forbid a large-level illusion magic formation. Even the ninth-level Illusory Sea-Monster may not be able to see through it, not to mention that a monster with a special bloodline like the Illusory-Spirit Kraken exists only at the eighth level."

Huo Meiniang said curiously: "Senior brother, we and the land monster clan made such a play for the sea monster clan to see, in the end for..."

Jin Feng interrupted with a positive expression: "Junior sister, don't ask more, the time is up, and the two uncles will naturally tell us, okay, we can withdraw."

Then he said to the demon wolf: "Three demon brothers, there will be a future."

Hearing this sentence, the demon wolf with the weakest breath narrowed its eyes, flew towards it, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed the golden long sword.

The whole wolf's breath was sluggish, and it fell to the ground. The blood from the wound on its mouth soon dyed its cyan hair red.

The other two wolves also fell down. In the process of receiving the magic weapon and the talisman, they had already suffered a lot of wounds, and they looked like they were victorious after a fierce battle.

Jin Feng and Huo Meiniang were stunned for a moment. They didn't retrieve their magic weapon, they dropped two blood-stained robes and a few storage bags, and stepped into the teleportation circle behind them.

The next moment, the figures of the two of them and the pattern of the magic circle disappeared, and the aura of forbidden grand formation that enveloped them also dissipated, revealing three demon wolves licking their wounds, and the robes stained with blood.

With the passage of time, the spiritual light in all parts of the mountain gradually disappeared, revealing the "tragic" scene inside. Almost all the disciples of Tianfu Sect had no bones and were eaten by monsters.

In addition to the Nascent Soul powerhouses who were besieged by several disguised demon clan in the sky, there were only a few escaping lights with astonishing speed that escaped from the mountains...

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