The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 977 Illusory Spirit Kraken

In the high-altitude clouds dozens of miles away from Tianfu Gate, there is a half-human half-fish creature floating.

It is slender, with a fishtail-like lower body, covered with dark green scales, and the fishtail is a yellow fishbone the thickness of several fingers, with many tiny barbs growing on it, making it cold.

The upper body of this creature, like a glamorous woman, was covered with a layer of dark green scales, and the scales on other parts were pale white. From a distance, it looked as white as a girl's skin.

On the head are short yellow hair like steel needles, like countless inch needles, extending from the top of the head to the back.

Under the green vertical pupil, there is a very upturned nose, and the pale yellow lips are densely covered with some kind of complicated lines.

A unique wave, with a trembling mist of water, kept pouring out of his mouth and lingering around his body.

This creature is the well-known sea-monster among the sea-monsters, possessing unique magical powers.

"The elders are right. The cunning of this group of old monsters is no less than that of the human race."

"They have been acting recklessly and brutally for so many years in the war. At this time, they suddenly played a sinister trick, which caught the people off guard."

"As soon as the Tianfu Gate is destroyed, the low-lying southwest coastline of Xiyuanzhou will completely fall into our hands, and then we will activate the Great Array of Ten Thousand Tides, and the tide will submerge this land, making the heaven and earth of the Inner Sea and Xiyuanzhou full of vitality. Gradually blend."

"As long as the entire Xiyuan state becomes the ocean, with the cultivation of the great elder, he will definitely be able to lead the young patriarch and enter the realm of the demon king."

"At that time, its Flood Dragon Clan will be able to... Hey, this breath..."

Just when the phantom sea-monster was in a thousand thoughts, the blood in her body throbbed, comparable to the divine consciousness in the early Nascent Soul, and probed inland.

At the edge of her divine consciousness, two men and one woman appeared,

The head is a short-haired man, with a burly stature and a faint white aura on his body. He has only the cultivation base in the early stage of forming a pill, and on his head is a little monkey with golden hair all over his body.

A young man behind him looks ordinary, but his cultivation is not weak, and he has the level of the late stage of forming a pill.

As for the third woman, she was very eye-catching, with fair skin and beautiful appearance, tall stature, and the highest cultivation base, achieving the Great Perfection of Forming Pills.

However, the ghost sea-monster was not interested in these three people, and her consciousness was concentrated on a white spirit fox on the shoulder of the beautiful woman.

"It's actually a phantom fox!"

A surprise flashed in the phantom sea-monster's vertical pupil.

"I didn't expect that when I entered the inland for the first time, I encountered the almost extinct phantom fox. It was still a seventh-level peak cultivation base. If I swallowed it, I might not be able to awaken the true Tianhu bloodline."

The water mist outside the phantom sea-monster swayed, and the whole body shook slightly, turning into a slightly invisible twisted ripple, and flew away in a hurry.

At the same time, the fur of the white spirit fox in the distance exploded, revealing the color of a great enemy. The beautiful woman seemed to sense something, her lips moved slightly, and she said something through voice transmission.

Afterwards, the three of them joined the escaping light in a panic and fled to the distance.

"Tsk tsk, it also senses my bloodline. The mere cultivators at the stage of forming pills still want to escape from my palm. The taste of human golden pills has not been tasted for a long time."

The Illusory Sea-Monster stretched out a small pink tongue and licked his lips. From the slightly opened mouth, a dense circle of fangs could be vaguely seen, which was chilling.

Although the three elixir-forming stages were not slow to escape, they were still a bit worse than the eighth-level monsters.

After chasing for more than 50 miles, the ghostly sea-monster's faint light came behind the three people, its pale yellow lips were slightly upturned, the countless lines on it were twisted, and a rippling yellow halo spit out. , covering the front.

The three immortal cultivators trembled and stopped abruptly. The light escape shield seemed to be affected and trembled violently, as if it would collapse at any time.

The phantom sea-monster's eyes flashed with a playful look, the demon spirit power surged in her body, and the short yellow hair on her head that looked like sharp needles turned into dozens of flying needles and shot forward.

The demon spirit power of the eighth-level monster is no less than the power of the Nascent Soul. Before the flying needle could attack, the powerful aura completely suppressed the trembling Jie Dan Escape Light, revealing the figure inside.

The pair of men and women with a high level of cultivation had a serene expression on their faces, as if they had fallen into some kind of illusion, and were not aware of their own danger at all.

And the burly man with the low cultivation base turned around at some point. He didn't seem to be affected. He was so interested in looking at the phantom sea monster, as if he had seen some rare treasure.

A silver vortex appeared out of thin air in front of his chest, and a terrifying suction force that made heart palpitations came out.

Those dozens of powerful attacks like flying needle magic weapons, trembled slightly, were sucked into the vortex, and then turned into a mass of yellow light, circled around the burly man's body, and turned back at an even more astonishing speed.

All this happened between the electric light and flint. The Illusory Sea-Monster did not expect such a change at all, and was caught off guard.

The burly man clicked his tongue and said: "The illusion of the sea-monster is really interesting. It actually attaches the magic to high-frequency sound waves. I am afraid that the mana shield of the monks in the Nascent Soul period can't stop the invasion of this illusion."

"Originally, Lu's target was the old bear, but he didn't expect to meet the ghost sea monster. He was lucky."

The Illusory Siren heard the other party's words, and felt a biting chill for no reason.

Although the attack she just attacked was very ordinary, any cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage could follow it, but the illusion she released before was her own divine power.

The person in front of him doesn't seem to have any signs of medium illusion. This kind of consciousness is at least the peak level of the middle Nascent Soul.

"He said that the target was the old bear. Could it be the eighth-level sea bear beast fighting in Tianfumen? This man has a strong sense of consciousness, and he must have discovered my investigation and lured me here. Could it be that the other two are also..."

Thinking of this, the phantom sea-monster flicked its tail, and the powerful demon spirit power surged endlessly, and the whole body was wrapped in a thick mist of water.

But just as she was about to activate the escape technique, she felt that the surrounding air became thicker, and all directions were filled with invisible terrifying brute force, squeezing her body, and the scales on her body made a creaking sound.

At the same time, a flash of precious light flashed, and the burly man appeared in front of her as if teleporting, and the unremarkable thick palm pressed against her neck.

Although there was no magic fluctuation, the phantom sea-monster felt a palpitating strange power, which made her feel cold throughout her body.

The strong sense of crisis made the pale green vertical pupils of the phantom sea-monster turn red, and the demon spirit energy in her whole body boiled.

The dense lines on the pale yellow lips trembled slightly, and they actually split apart. The lips turned into countless tiny fangs, and the mouth was turned into a terrifying mouthpart, which was extremely frightening.

One after another dense corrugated pale yellow light curtain spewed forward.

This invisible attack was like countless wind blades, slamming on the burly man's body. On the skin of the palm and arm at the front, there were dense bloodstains, and the bones in the flesh and blood were faintly visible.

An incredible color flashed in the phantom sea-monster's vertical pupils, as if she didn't believe what she saw, and then the broken palm pressed against her neck, and suffocating power emerged.

From her hideous mouthparts, she let out an extremely sharp roar, the fish tail swayed violently, and the spikes on it stabbed the man's lower abdomen fiercely.

"Puchi", the Illusory Sea-Monster felt that the fish tail had stabbed into the soft seabed and stabbed directly into it, but then the soft seabed turned into hard steel, and the fishtail was stuck in it and could not move.

Before she could continue to struggle, the other palm of the burly man turned into afterimages, slapped all over her body, and the invisible power of shock was transmitted inward through the scales.

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