The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 978 The Frightened Demon Cultivator

In the sky above the Tianfumen Mountains, terrifying fluctuations surged around, and the thick demon clouds rolled with the strong magic aura. It seemed that the battle was extremely fierce.

But inside the demon cloud, it was just the opposite.

Six different figures were quietly suspended inside.

Four of them were half-human and half-beast, with human bodies and faces, but only some of the characteristics of monsters remained. One after another, the strong monster energy emanated from their bodies and supplemented the yellow monster clouds around them.

The other two were a black-haired old man and a hunchbacked old woman. The old man was holding a magic plate in his hand, and strange waves emanated from it, blessing the surrounding demon energy.

From time to time, the old woman played a magic talisman, stirring all kinds of powerful spells in the demon cloud.

I don't know how long it took, a half-demon man with cyan hair suddenly twitched his black wolf nose, he looked southeast, and said hoarsely: "The smell of sea water mixed with stinky smell should be that guy Huan Yue, Hai Hai. The clan actually arranged for the phantom sea-monster of the transformation level."

A look of worry flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Old man Zhang, is this magic circle of yours working? The eighth-level Illusory Sea-Monster is extremely sensitive to illusions. If it is discovered, our plan will be a complete failure."

The black-haired old man chuckled and said: "Daoist Qingfeng has been worrying too much, this illusion formation of Xingyue Pavilion has been tested by Brother Dao himself, even if it is Nascent Soul's late stage consciousness, it is difficult to find the clues. , not to mention an eighth-level sea monster."

Another demon cultivator with an extremely strong body and a bear head said in a sincere voice: "It's best for Huan Ling to come here. As long as she confirms the situation of Tianfu Gate, the sea clan will enter in large numbers without hesitation. That old guy will also leave the ocean, by the way, the disciples of Tianfu Sect are almost scattered, and the two fellow Daoists also... Lao Lang, what's wrong with you!"

The bear demon looked at the wolf demon beside him, and the latter looked suspicious.

The wolf demon murmured: "Why did Huan Yue go inland? It seems that she is still flying at full strength."

When Xiong Yao heard this, his bushy eyebrows furrowed: "Old wolf, you heard it wrong, the ghost sea monster is a pure sea clan, it will be extremely uncomfortable when it leaves the sea, it is good to be here, how can it be? Go deeper inland."

The wolf demon shook his head and said, "Barbarian bear, don't you understand my magical powers? How could you smell it wrong? Huan Yue must have discovered something very important to her, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

The black-haired old man played another magic trick to control the magic plate. He hesitated: "You mean, the eighth-level sea-monster who was monitoring us, left the Tianfu Mountains?"

The wolf demon man shook his nose and said slowly: "There are still two low-level phantom sea-monsters around, no matter what, we will continue this scene, two fellow Daoists, the time is almost up, and we will proceed as planned. "

The black-haired old man and the old woman looked at each other, nodded lightly, and each took out a talisman exuding a strong blood essence and patted each of them.

The thick energy of qi and blood surged out, wrapping them into a blood sphere, exuding powerful mana fluctuations, directly tearing the demonic cloud, and lasing away into the distance.

Through the gaps in the incomplete demon cloud, the four demon cultivators could be seen with their furious expressions.

But at this moment, an extremely sharp and extremely high-frequency hissing sound came from a distance. Although this sound is difficult for ordinary people to catch, the four demon cultivators have a very high physical body and spiritual sense, and they all heard it, and their faces were one of them. Change.

"Huan Yue's voice of the tide, this is her supernatural power!"

"She has encountered a strong enemy! How long has it been since Huan Yue was forced to this level."

"Oops, the end of the voice is asking us for help, no, Huan Yue can't die now!"

"Go and save her!"

The expressions of the four monsters changed for a while. They ignored the blood-colored light fleeing in the distance, and flew in the direction of the source of the sound.

As a demon cultivator, the speed itself is no less than that of a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage. After the light escaped together, the speed was even more astonishing, and they soon came to the sky above a mountain range.

The bear demon looked around, puzzled, "Old wolf, why don't you move? There is no magic fluctuation here."

The wolf demon twitched his nose, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes. He murmured: "Most of the aura of the magic moon has disappeared here, and only a very thin part has gone in that direction."

As he spoke, with sharp claws, he pointed to the east: "She seems to have been captured alive..."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's hurry up."

At this time, another hawk-mouthed demon Xiu noticed that the wolf demon's expression was a little off, and couldn't help asking, "Old wolf, what else did you find?"

The wolf demon was silent for a moment, with a trembling voice in his voice: "In the residual breath here, I... I discovered..."

"Old wolf, when did you become so moan?"

The wolf demon calmed down his heaving chest and took a deep breath, but the fear in his eyes became more intense: "It's the breath of the giant ape."

When the other three demons heard the words, they were stunned for a moment, and then they all showed disbelief.

"Gibbon-giant ape!"

"This is impossible!"

"The bloodline of the giant ape has been cut off since ancient times, how can it appear here!"

"Old wolf, your nose is broken."

The wolf demon closed his eyes, his black wolf nose loosened twice, and his voice began to tremble again: "This kind of terrifying ancient demon ape breath is deeply engraved in the blood, how could I smell it wrong..."

There was a look of fear in his eyes: "There is no residual demonic energy or aftermath of the battle. This gigantic giant ape captured the eighth-level phantom sea-monster alive in one face. Maybe it was a ninth-level existence."

"A giant ape of this level, the supernatural power is not even lower than the tenth-level monster..."

The bear demon's body also trembled slightly. He forced himself to calm down and said, "Although the giant ape has a terrifying talent, it is more difficult to cultivate than me, not to mention in the land dominated by humans."

"With golden eyes and a powerful body, the magical powers of the phantom sea-monster are almost restrained, and the eighth-level gibbon can also capture the phantom moon alive."

Hearing this, the old wolf didn't look much relieved, and he said with a worried look: "Old Xiong, we bloodbathed the mountain black ape family for the sake of the demon soul tree. They are the branch blood of the giant ape, you said this demon ape. Will it be..."

The old bear squeezed his hairy palm and snorted: "The human race also intervened in the past, even if this giant ape knows about it, it will definitely start with the human race."

The other two demon cultivators showed a bit of gloating in their eyes. They did not have any conflict with the giant ape lineage, and they were extremely curious in addition to being frightened.

In their respective bloodline memories, the gibbous giant ape can be said to be the top race among the demon races, and its supernatural powers are extremely terrifying, but after the war between the demon races in the ancient times, the bloodlines were completely cut off.

Unexpectedly, in this world, the bloodline of the giant ape still exists.

The old bear looked around and said solemnly: "Go back, Huanyue is missing, we have to think about what to say, and about the giant ape, we must tell the old Kui Niu."

After a pause, he added: "Old Wolf, move your tribe to Water Bear Mountain in a couple of days, and we also take care of each other."

The wolf demon looked at the east, with a hint of hesitation flashing in the depths of his pupils, and nodded lightly.

Then the four demon cultivators rode the demon wind and returned the same way.

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