The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 979 Bloodline and Inheritance

In a high sky hundreds of miles away from Tianfumen, three figures are suspended, and they are surrounded by a light curtain, hidden in the clouds.

The man is burly, with a little golden monkey lying on his head. His palms are facing each other, and he is holding a sphere formed by a silver light curtain. Countless invisible vortices circulate on the light curtain.

Inside the vortex ball, there is a fat green fish, its back and tail are covered with yellow steel needle-like thorns.

Behind the burly man, a man and a woman looked curiously at this hideous-looking big fish.

The three of them were Lu Kun, Fang Yuan and Fang Xiaobo who came here from Wei.

Lu Kunyao looked into the distance, a cautious look flashed in his eyes, and suddenly, Xiao Jin, who was lying on his head, squeaked and pointed in the direction of Tianfu Gate.

Lu Kun was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "What magical power does that wolf demon possess, even if my restrained breath was discovered, I could still detect the blood aura of the gibbous ape."

The little monkey continued to call, with a look of resentment.

Lu Kun said with a cold expression: "Hmph, this wolf demon also had a share in what happened to the black ape clan in the mountains back then. These demon cultivators all know the prestige of the giant ape, and obviously inherited the bloodline memory to perfect the body refinement. Gongfa, it couldn't be better."

After thinking for a while, Lu Kun looked down at the big fish trapped in the Yuanli cage and asked, "Fang Yuan, this is the phantom sea monster you mentioned."

Fang Yuan nodded lightly, her voice a little excited: "Yes, Pavilion Master."

As she spoke, a white light flashed from the spirit beast bag on her waist, and a small white spirit fox rushed to Fang Yuan's shoulder, with a look of longing in her big blue eyes, mixed with a bit of fear.

Fang Yuan stroked the soft hair on the back of the white fox's neck, and continued, "Xiao Bai has a little bloodline of the celestial fox. Although the celestial fox is not as good as the giant ape, it is also famous among the demon clan."

"And the phantom sea-monster is also a monster with the bloodline of the phantom spirit fox. The number is rare, and they all live in the depths of the outer sea. I didn't expect to come to the land, and it is still at the transformation level."

Lu Kun asked curiously, "After sensing Xiaobai, this phantom sea-monster rushed over desperately. Is it the bloodline of Xiaobai's phantom fox, which is equally important to it?"

Fang Yuan explained: "The stronger the bloodline of the monster beast, the harder it is to awaken. Whether it's the Illusory Spirit Kraken or a spirit fox like Xiaobai, the bloodlines in their bodies are all incomplete. "

"For a demon cultivator, this is an irresistible temptation."

Fang Yuan's face flashed an excited blush: "If Xiaobai can swallow the magic pill of the ghost sea monster and refine its blood, in addition to awakening the blood inheritance of the ghost fox, he can even enter the eighth level in one go. realm!"

"No wonder this phantom sea monster is so excited..."

Lu Kun thought about it and contacted his own situation.

From another point of view, he is very similar to these monsters with unique blood, except that he is a human.

Lu Kun owns the bloodline of the Tongji Demon Ape. At first, he could only rely on the power of the blood to use the golden eyes and the magic power. There is no other bloodline memory and inheritance, including the first use of Tongtian Roar in the Dead Sea Devil Cave, which was also carried out unconsciously.

It was not until he entered the one-element mystical realm and absorbed the new blood of the Armored Demon Ape that he awakened some bloodline memories, learned the terrifying supernatural power of Tongtian Roar, and his strength increased greatly.

It was because of this magical power that he survived the terrifying thunder tribulation.

Later, Lu Kun and the senior Lingming Stone Monkey jointly refined the Mountain of Oaths, and they also integrated a little of the blood of the Lingming Stone Monkey, so that Jinmu had more attacking supernatural powers.

It can be seen that the blood essence of the same bloodline is so important to the demon cultivator. If the memory of inheritance can be awakened, it means that the strength will be greatly enhanced, and the breakthrough of the realm in the future will be easier.

Thinking of the attacking supernatural power derived from Jinmu, Lu Kun sighed in his heart.

"Without strong strength, even if you have these bloodline magical powers, you can't use them. The most important thing today is to improve the body training method and make the body go further."

He calmed down and said, "Fang Yuan, Xiao Bai only needs the magic pill and blood essence of the phantom sea monster, right?"

"Yes, pavilion master."

A trace of cruelty flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, and he said coldly, "Find a safe place. First, I have to study this transformed monster."

After he finished speaking, a lot of treasure light poured out of his body, wrapped Fang Yuan and Fang Xiaobo inside, and Yu drove the fleshy bone treasure and shot away into the distance.


Due to the invasion of the demon clan, the small sects and families in Xiyuan Prefecture have all moved to the vicinity of the ten major sects in order to protect themselves. Those areas that have not been occupied by the demon clan are also quite desolate.

Lu Kun didn't spend too much energy, just in the east of Xiyuan Prefecture, near Nanmaru Prefecture, he found a valley with quite suitable aura.

Arranged Fang Yuan and the others to set up a cover formation around them. Lu Kun came to the river in the valley and dispersed the Prison Cage. Like a powerful magic weapon, he clasped the fish head of the phantom sea-monster without caring about the steel needle above it. of spikes.

After the source force cage disappeared, the ghost sea-monster's consciousness was released, exuding a panicked mood: "Fellow Daoist spare your life! As long as fellow daoists let me go, Huanyue is willing to exchange a lot of treasures..."

Lu Kun ignored the trembling consciousness, with golden light in his eyes, and carefully observed the body of this phantom sea-monster, from the scales on the outside, to the flesh and bones, and the internal organs.

As a monster at the transformation level, Lu Kun has only seen the eighth-level tortoise monster in the Hualing Pavilion, and the turtle Linger with the blood of the mysterious turtle. Now that Gui Linger is the elder of the body refining pavilion, he will not use it for research.

The Illusory Sea-Monster in his hand is the first transformational monster that Lu Kun has caught, so he has to study the life force inside the transformational monster.

Thinking of this, the golden light in Lu Kun's eyes dissipated, and he said blankly, "Do you want to live?"

Hearing this sentence, the dead fish-like eyeballs of the phantom sea-monster glowed with vitality, and his spiritual sense was surging: "Fellow Daoist, are you willing to let me go?"

Lu Kun said: "Then it's up to you to cooperate or not."

"As long as Huanyue can do it, fellow Daoist will do whatever you want."

Lu Kun released the palm that held the fish head, and said, "I want you to slowly change back to human form. The slower the process, the better."

The Illusory Sea-Monster was stunned for a moment, and then found that the invisible force that suffocated her disappeared, and her body regained its freedom.

"Returning to human form, the process slows down?"

The fish body of the phantom sea-monster twisted uncomfortably, and an inexplicable color flashed in his eyes.

"What does this person want to do, I heard that there are many perverted guys in the human race, coveting the female clan in the sea clan, is this person one of them?"

Lu Kun didn't know what the Phantom Sea-Monster was thinking, so he frowned and said, "Why, is it difficult to change back into a human form?"

Feeling the terrifying invisible force around him, the phantom sea-monster quickly moved the fish's head, shook his head and tail, and changed according to Lu Kun's instructions.

Facing this burly human man, the ghost sea-monster felt deeply powerless.

She has never heard that the human race can cultivate the body so powerfully that its strength is comparable to the eighth-level powerhouse in the sea whale race, and its physical defense is comparable to that of the turtle race.

She did everything she could, but she couldn't even hurt the opponent.

She couldn't beat her, she couldn't escape, she couldn't escape. In order to survive, she could only endure temporarily and let the other party manipulate her...

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