The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 980: Demon Cultivator's Life Force (1)

Lu Kun's eyes radiated bright golden light, and he stared at the phantom sea monster in front of him without blinking.

The body of this ferocious big fish was slowly expanding, and the lower part of the fish's belly remained the same, only a little bigger, while the other parts had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The fins near the fish's head slowly stretched out, and flesh and blood wrapped in pale white scales gushed out from the body, turning into two human-like arms.

The flesh and blood of the upper half of the fish's belly was squirming, and the white fish scales swelled outward, dotted with a layer of dark green scales, forming the upper body of a human woman.

The flat fish head also softened, and the fin-shaped fish spines on the head spread out to the surroundings, like the hair of a human woman, extending all the way to the back.

The eyes, nose and mouth of the face are twisted. Except for the scales covered on it and the lips composed of dense teeth, the rest is very similar to the human race.

The phantom sea-monster in the shape of a human has an uneasy look in the green vertical pupils, and the green scales tremble slightly, seeming to be very nervous.

For some reason, in Lu Kun's golden eyes, the phantom sea-monster felt that his hard scales could not provide any defense.

She is like a small fish that has been stripped of its scales, everything inside is exposed to the eyes of the other party, and there is no secret at all.

"It's amazing!"

Lu Kun looked a little excited.

The power of life of the demon cultivator is contained in the power of the demon spirit. With the power of golden eyes, although he cannot feel the specific operation of the power of life, he can clearly see the entire process of the inner body of the phantom sea-monster being transformed into a human form.

In addition to the transfer of flesh and scales, what is even more peculiar is the changes in its bones and internal organs.

The entire fishbone remained unchanged except for the lower body. The horizontal torso bones of the upper body were bent and turned into human ribs. The two fishbones stretched out to the sides and turned into arms.

The skull of the phantom sea-monster, as if kneaded by an invisible force, transformed into the shape of a human skull.

At the same time, its internal organs adjusted their positions, the gills moved to the chest, the heart was wrapped in the curved fishbone, the small intestine and some other organs were transferred to the tail, and the shape and size seemed to change.

With the transfer of the organs, meridians and dantians similar to human cultivators appeared in the body of the phantom sea monster.

"This is the role of the demon cultivator's life force? Change the body." Lu Kun kept thinking.

He had a close fight with this phantom sea monster. With the blessing of the demon spirit power, those fish bones attacked the magic weapon of a monk in the Nascent Soul period, so it could be judged that the fish bones of the opponent were very strong, comparable to ordinary magic weapons. .

Such a hard material, under the action of life force, actually changes and stretches like ooze.

The transfer of internal organs is also miraculous. Although the physical body of the demon race is very different from that of the human race, the functions of the internal organs are similar. If the internal organs function is lacking, it is equivalent to the destruction of most of the physical body.

The demon cultivator does not have the power to transfer flesh and blood, and the reorganization of internal organs is very dangerous. If you are not careful, the physical body will collapse. However, the force of life can reorganize the internal organs without injury, giving birth to cultivation meridians similar to those of the human race, which is extremely wonderful.

However, the power of life in the body is completely different from the effect of the monster's modification and transformation.

At present, the role of Lu Kun's discovery seems to be only two points.

One is to maintain the stability of the magic energy. Only the magic energy with the power of life can be stored in the bones normally and stimulate the source of the physical body.

Once the power of life is lost, the magic energy will be divided into mana and magic power, and they will be destroyed by each other, resulting in a terrifying power of destruction, and the physical source power has no energy support and cannot be activated.

As for the other function of life force, it has to do with the cultivation method in the early stage of bone transformation that Lu Kun summed up.

The skeletal muscles of the whole body, after being tempered by the force of destruction, need to be nurtured through the circulation of the force of life, so as to maintain and strengthen the activity of the muscles.

The difficulty he is encountering now is that he does not know how to increase the power of life during the cultivation process of the bone transformation stage.

Lu Kun's physical muscles, in the excellent cultivation environment of Moyuan Cave Mansion, can steadily improve after a period of cultivation, but problems will soon arise.

First of all, under the condition that the reserves of life force remain unchanged, as the muscle material becomes stronger and stronger, the breeding of its activity will definitely become more and more difficult, even if it stagnates, it is very possible.

Secondly, even if the muscles are raised to the level of a mature magic weapon and can accommodate magic energy, the magic energy of the bone transformation stage cannot grow without the power of life.

Moreover, the more powerful physical source force does not have enough energy support, nor can it be used arbitrarily.

If the power of life increases simultaneously in the process of cultivation, then these two problems will be solved.

The biggest purpose of Lu Kun's coming to Chu country is to solve the problem of how to cultivate the power of life.

Thinking of this, he asked the Illusory Spirit Sea-Monster who was a little nervous in front of him: "Is the life force in your body growing at the same time as the demon spirit power?"

The Illusory Sea-Monster looked stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Lu Kun, a human race cultivator, would mention the power of life, she honestly said: "Yes, after the transformation of the thunder calamity, the power of life will be the same as that of the demon. The spiritual power is fused together, and it improves synchronously."

Lu Kun frowned. The answer was the same as the answer he got from Gui Ling'er. He asked again, "Is there any demon cultivator who can cultivate the power of life alone."

The Illusory Sea-Monster recalled, shook his head and said, "I've never heard that the difficulty in cultivating a demon is due to the improvement of the demon's spiritual power. It seems that the cultivation of the power of life has never been considered."

"If the transforming demon cultivator enters a new realm, the power of life will also change. With more abundant life force, the transformation of the demon clan will become more perfect."

Hearing this, Lu Kun lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then looked at the phantom sea monster, his eyes seemed to be looking at a cold material, which made the latter feel a biting chill.

The next moment, the surrounding air suddenly tightened, and seemingly inexhaustible mighty force emerged from all directions, binding the body of the Illusory Sea-Monster tightly.

This sea-monster's expression changed, and just as he was about to speak, he saw a drop of silver and blood rushing towards him, and it fell into his mouth with the momentum of thunder.

She immediately felt a scalding hot in her throat, and the power of qi and blood contained in this drop of blood essence was as fiery as deep-sea lava, turning into streaks of blood, spreading all over her body.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Kun's impatient voice came from her ear: "Restore your body, remember, slow down..."

Feeling the terrifying aura of the source power of the flesh, the phantom sea-monster subconsciously followed Lu Kun's instructions and slowly turned into the appearance of a big fish before.

Lu Kun's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered something peculiar, and he said eagerly, "Returning to a human form, slow down, yes, that's it..."

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