The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 982 Mystery (1)

Lu Kun showed a bit of annoyance.

"I also overlooked the most crucial point. Since the power of life will change as the demon spirit power enters the ninth level, why don't I use the blood essence to explore the cultivation process of the demon spirit power, maybe there will be more discoveries. ."

He thought about it.

"If a demon cultivator's life force is improved through cultivation, then the spine and internal organs where it resides are equivalent to the meridian dantian where mana flows."

"Demon spirit power will definitely have some kind of unique influence on life force in the process of cultivation. I haven't discovered this kind of influence yet."

"If this is found, then the life force stored in my spine and internal organs can also be used as a reference to find a way to improve."

Lu Kun suppressed the excitement in his heart and said in a calm tone, "Go ahead and practice."

The Illusory Sea-Monster looked at Lu Kun, whose face changed for a while, showing a bit of doubt. She didn't know what this person meant, but she still practiced according to what he said.

No matter what, it's always right to keep the demon spirits full of power.


Lu Kun closed his eyes and pushed the blood secret technique to the extreme. Through the blood essence scattered in the body of the phantom sea monster, he sensed the operation of the demon spirit power.

"The humanoid state of the demon cultivator has meridians similar to those of the human race. The demon spirit power flows from the demon pill in the dantian to the meridians around the body, and the running route is quite strange."

"These meridians, like the human race, are connected to many tiny blood vessels, and these blood vessels, in turn, connect the bones and internal organs..."

"Hey, the demon spirit power did not enter the internal organs from the blood vessels, nor did any bones enter."

"It should be..."

Lu Kun frowned, showing a puzzled look. If the demon spirit power is not related to the power of life during the cultivation process, then why does the power of life change when the demon cultivator enters the ninth level?

He thought for a while, clenched a fist with one hand, hammered his chest, opened his mouth slightly, and a mass of silver blood the size of a double fist appeared in front of him.

"Don't move!"

The power of the void lingered around the Illusory Sea-Monster, and this mass of blood essence turned into a pale silver blood mist, which poured into the gaps between her mouth, nose and ears under the terrified eyes of the Illusory Sea-Monster.

The Illusory Sea-Monster felt a scalding heat flow that spread out to all parts of her body. In the thick blood essence, she felt a terrifying pressure, and her body trembled unconsciously.

"This is... the bloodline of the Demon Emperor? How is this possible!"

The Phantom Sea-Monster couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Before Lu Kun only released a small amount of blood essence, she only felt the power of blood essence, but now, as a large mass of blood essence entered her body, she could even feel the trembling deep in her own blood vessels.

"How can a human race have such a powerful demon bloodline? Could it be that he is also a demon race? Or is it the royal bloodline of the same level as Jiaolong?"

This kind of pressure on the bloodline is like facing the emperor in the Jiaolong family, which makes the phantom sea-monster terrified.

Lu Kun snorted coldly: "What are you in a daze, these blood will not affect you, continue to practice."

The Illusory Sea-Monster cultivated obediently, with a terrified expression on his face, but deep in his heart there was a bit of excitement and excitement.

For the bloodline of the royal family, the bloodline of the Heavenly Magical Fox is not worth mentioning at all. The other party will never devour the bloodline of the lower level. She might be able to absorb some of the bloodline of the emperor in her body.

This is a great opportunity.

Thinking of this, Illusory Sea-Monster's body's demon spirit power is running faster and faster. Although she doesn't dare to take the initiative to refine these blood essence, there should be no problem if she accelerates the cultivation of demon spirit power.


Naturally, Lu Kun didn't know what the Illusive Sea-Monster was thinking, and he focused all his energy on sensing.

With the blood essence scattered in the opponent's body, he suddenly found something wrong. The blood essence seemed to have decreased by a few strands. If it weren't for his amazing control over the blood essence, he probably wouldn't have discovered it.

"what happened……"

Lu Kun's expression was solemn, and he sensed it several times before he realized the clue.

I don't know if it was because he injected too much blood essence, or because the phantom sea-monster accelerated the operation of the demon spirit power, the blood essence floating around the internal organs was attracted by an inexplicable force.

A trace of blood essence was sucked into the depths of the opponent's blood vessels, and then lost the induction.

The bone-transformation stage body repair has a very high density of blood essence and amazing control. Even if it is divided into various parts of the body of the phantom sea-monster, it is completely controlled by him. I did not expect such a situation to occur.

But when Lu Kun found out that the blood that lost his senses was entering the blood vessels connecting the internal organs, he couldn't help getting excited. The blood in his body surged, and a large group of blood was stimulated, which was sent into the sea of ​​​​phantoms in the same way. inside the demon.

He tried to increase the concentration of blood essence to sense the disappearing part.

But the result was the same, the blood essence continued to be lost bit by bit, and the disappeared part was still unable to be sensed.

Lu Kun's face sank, and he vomited several times in a row, consuming 40% of his blood essence and compressing the blood essence sent to the opponent to the extreme. Only then did he barely sense the part that disappeared, and the blood essence did not flow anymore.

And after the phantom sea-monster swallowed so much blood essence, the gaps between her exposed scales were all covered with silver light, her face showed a complex color of pain and excitement, and her body kept trembling. .

"what is this?"

Lu Kun ignored the changes in the phantom sea-monster's body. He sensed it with concentration. In the depths of the blood vessels around his internal organs, in addition to his disappearing blood essence, he also found a unique energy aura.

This kind of energy gave him a very similar feeling to the power of qi and blood, but different from the power of qi and blood, these energies were not fused with the blood of the phantom sea-monster, but were stored deep in the blood vessels, and the two seemed to be one.

With the rapid operation of the demon spirit power, this blood energy undulates regularly, creating a unique suction force, trying to absorb his blood essence.

It was these qi and blood energies, wrapped in blood essence, that made him lose his senses.

Lu Kun was lost in thought.

"This qi and blood energy has not appeared before, or it is in a sleeping state, and it was not activated until the demon spirit power started to run at a high speed?"

"Hey, the power of life seems to be working!"

With the strengthening of the induction, Lu Kun discovered that the life force in the internal organs of the phantom sea-monster was circulating inside at a slow speed.

"Sure enough, there is a connection!" Lu Kun was refreshed.

The life force in the internal organs was too scarce and the speed of operation was extremely slow, so Lu Kun had to be patient.

They travel through tiny blood vessels from the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, to the stomach.

Every time the life force passes through a blood vessel, it absorbs the energy of blood and blood inside, and the few traces of his blood essence are also absorbed by it.

Although the qi and blood energy in the blood vessels was absorbed by the force of life, it quickly recovered under the rapid operation of the demon spirit power, and it seemed that the demon spirit power gave birth to the qi and blood energy.

"Is this the secret of life force cultivation?"

Lu Kun eagerly kept the connection between life force and qi and blood energy, the running route, and the law of vibration and fluctuation in his mind.

But just after the power of life completed a round of rotation, the internal organs suddenly trembled, and pale silver spots appeared on it, which conveyed the power of blood that Lu Kun felt familiar.

The color of pain on the face of the phantom sea-monster was even more intense, and the fleshly body was twisted, constantly transforming from the main body and the humanoid state, and black hairs faintly appeared in the gaps between the scales.

Her face was full of pain, and she let out a strange roar. The voice changed from a high-frequency silent voice to a deep and deep voice, accompanied by strange visions all over her body.

With an inexplicable look on his face, Lu Kun stretched out his palm, and a huge power of the void penetrated his body, intending to bind it.

But the next moment, the internal organs of this sea-monster collapsed in an instant, turning into a cloud of blood, as if some terrible energy erupted in the internal organs.

This eighth-level demon cultivator, who was comparable to a monk in the Yuan Ying period, turned into a dead fish and sank to the bottom of the river...

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