The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 983 Mystery (Last Part)

From the mouth of the dead fish that sank to the bottom of the river, a small light blue sphere suddenly spewed out and shot into the distance from the bottom of the river, mixing in the river water, almost imperceptible.

A golden light appeared in Lu Kun's eyes. He held one hand empty, and the power of the void surged out. The turbulent water flow not far away seemed to have hit an invisible restraint, causing a lot of splashes.

The white water splash and the stopped water were locked in an invisible restriction, and a small blue ball slammed around in a hurry, but every time it reached the edge, it was bounced back.

This mass of river water broke away from the river surface and slowly floated in front of Lu Kun. He reached into it with his other hand and squeezed out the light blue ball.

The phantom of a mini fish appeared from the sphere, and there were bursts of terrified fluctuations of consciousness.

"What kind of monster are you, the bloodline is so domineering, I only absorbed a trace of blood essence, and the fleshly body was destroyed, even if the bloodline collided, it would not be like this!"

Lu Kun also had a puzzled look on his face. He brought the phantom sea-monster's dead fish-like corpse in front of him, his consciousness swept away, and his expression was amazed: "Not only did the internal organs turn into blood, but the blood vessels and meridians were also fragmented. how so?"

While speaking, clumps of pale silver blood mist gushed out of the dead fish's mouth and was sucked into his mouth by Lu Kun.

"I didn't do anything, but my blood was still missing."

"Blood pulses? Absorb blood essence? Is it related to the force of life absorbing my blood essence?"

Thinking of this, Lu Kun looked at the phantom sea demon soul on the demon pill in his left hand. The other party was still in a state of shock. He said coldly, "Since your body is destroyed, you are of no value."

"What are you doing... ah..."

Lu Kun's power of divine consciousness in the middle Nascent Soul surged out, wrapping the demon soul and the demon pill, and there were bursts of miserable screams.

The demon cultivator has a stronger body than the human immortal cultivator, the physical defense is much higher than that of the immortal cultivator in the Nascent Soul period, and the survivability is much stronger than that of the immortal cultivator.

Even so, there is no Nascent Soul in Yaoxiu's body, only Yaodan, and no teleportation supernatural power of Nascent Soul. If Yaoxiu's body is defeated or captured, it is basically difficult to escape.

Now all the internal organs of the Illusory Sea-Monster have turned into blood water, which is equivalent to the destruction of the body. Her demon soul has no other means of escape except to fly away with the demon pill.

Lu Kun can even capture Nascent Soul, not to mention an eighth-level demon soul.


Half an hour later, Lu Kun closed his eyes and sorted out the harvest of the soul search. There was only a light blue demon pill left in his hand, and the ghost soul of the ghost sea monster was put into a jade bottle by him.

Eighth-level demon souls are valuable things. Not to mention other uses, in the refining method of psychic puppets, high-level demon souls are indispensable materials.

He never let go of this phantom sea-monster, and even wanted to search his soul from the very beginning, but considering that he would use the opponent's body to test it, he didn't do it.

Now that her body was destroyed and her soul was detached, Lu Kun simply killed her, searched her memory, and verified each other with what she had sensed.

Lu Kun opened his eyes and murmured, "It turns out that this demon cultivator wanted to refine my blood essence, so he deliberately accelerated the operation of the demon spirit power."

"It seems that the demon cultivator really can't sense the life force in the internal organs. What she can control is only the operation of the demon spirit power."

"This phantom sea-monster just now accelerated the operation of the demon's spiritual power in order to refine the blood essence in a subtle way. The collapse of her internal organs seems to be caused by the conflict between my bloodline and it."

From the memory of the other party's passing, Lu Kun learned a lot of information. In the demon cultivator group, things often happen to devour each other's blood, mainly divided into two situations.

One is to devour and absorb the bloodline of the same origin. The Illusory Sea-Monster is attracted by Fang Yuan's spirit beast, and he wants to refine the bloodline of the same origin of the Heavenly Illusory Spirit Fox to improve the purity of his bloodline.

The other is to devour high-level demon bloodline, thereby improving certain cultivation qualifications, and even comprehend higher bloodline supernatural powers.

Of course, there is a certain risk in swallowing higher bloodlines. The most afraid of encountering races that are born with mutual restraint, such bloodline phagocytosis, the bloodline is chaotic, the cultivation base is regressed, and the physical body collapses.

The reason why the Illusory Sea-Monster dared to devour directly is because she understands that she can absorb at most a trace of Lu Kun's blood essence, even if it is a race that is born with mutual restraint, this amount is hardly a problem.

The result can be...

Lu Kun couldn't help thinking of the information revealed by the Lingming Stone Monkey. He knew that the ancient demon ape and the sea clan were not on the right track. It seems that the bloodline clashing is also one of the reasons.

"I have the bloodline of the Tong-arm Demon Ape, maybe it is related to the Demon Race. I am a Human Race, and I have practiced my body for many years, and the bloodline has already formed its own line."

"Monster emperor, demon clan, human clan, body repair bloodline, these kinds of combination, I am afraid that led to such a result, but Shi Yin'er refining my blood essence seems to be another way..."

Lu Kun shook his head, putting the issue of blood essence behind him, and pondered another question instead.

"Accelerating the operation of the demon spirit power can slowly refine the blood of different species. During the refining process of the opponent, the few strands of my blood were inhaled into the internal organs, and along with the blood energy deep in the opponent's blood vessels, Absorbed by the force of life together."

Light flashed in his eyes.

"Then if my blood is not added, the power of life should work like this."

"The operation of the demon spirit force makes that blood energy appear in the blood vessels around the internal organs, and what the life force absorbs is this blood energy."

"Is the improvement of life force just circulating and absorbing these qi and blood energies in the internal organs?"

Lu Kun felt that he had caught the key. He carefully reviewed the memories of the phantom sea monster, especially the part related to the cultivation of the monster clan, trying to find some answers.

"Hey, the improvement of the demon cultivator's physical body is different from the eighth level and below."

"In the first few years of entering the eighth level, the physical body of the demon cultivator has improved significantly, and then it will stagnate. In the late eighth level and the early eighth level, the physical strength has not changed much, only the demon spirit power has changed. How many."

Lu Kun was a little excited, and he found a piece of information that the phantom sea monster didn't take in his heart.

"As far as I know, the demonic power of a monster is similar to the magic power of the demon race, and it will nourish the body. From the first level to the seventh level, the physical body of each realm of the monster will increase with the growth of the demonic power."

"Just like the monsters in the late seventh level, the physical body is much stronger than the early seventh level."

Lu Kun quickly deduced in his heart.

"If the qi and blood energy in the internal organs is the energy that the demon cultivator truly tempers the body, then it makes sense!"

"The energy of qi and blood is motivated by the power of the demon spirit. The function of this energy is to improve the physical body, but when it reaches the realm of eighth-level transformation, this energy is cut off by the force of life."

"So in the eighth-level realm, the physical body of the monster will be stagnant, but the power of life is subtly increasing."

"If the transforming demon cultivator enters the ninth level, the ninth level demon spirit power after breaking through will bring more powerful blood energy, and this energy will continue to be absorbed by the force of life after the body is initially nourished."

The thoughts in Lu Kun's mind were running fast.

"Instead of doing body training, I can actively mobilize the power of life, and through the spine, I can circulate a trace of the power of life into the internal organs and explore a circulatory route."

"Monster beasts absorb the energy of qi and blood to nourish the flesh, so what do I have in my body to absorb the force of life?"

"Physical cultivation, mana and even magic power before the Bone Treasure Stage can be regarded as the energy to nourish the body, but after the Bone Treasure Stage, the body cultivation uses destructive energy to temper the body as a treasure, rather than nurture it."

"How can the power of life absorb the power of destruction, and these violent energies, not to mention the internal organs, I dare not even send the blood vessels."

"Qi and blood-like energy, is it essence and blood?"

His expression changed, thinking that the blood essence that disappeared in the body of the phantom sea-monster was absorbed by the life force of the other party.

"Whether the life force of body repair can absorb blood essence, I have to use my own body to test it, but its operation route in the internal organs, just relying on a phantom sea monster is far from enough to scrutinize."

Lu Kun waved his hand, put away the fatty fish corpse on the ground, looked to the west, and said in his heart, "I need more transformational monsters to test!"

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