The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 987 The Three Sources Monument!

Lang Qingfeng was thinking about running away, but he didn't notice that the three rectangular boulders that he had avoided, somehow formed a triangular orientation.

One side of each boulder is facing his wolf body. Just as Lang Qingfeng's body is about to burst out, a few invisible giants blasted out of the three boulders in vain.


Lang Qingfeng let out a painful howl, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were tightly closed, the cyan hair instantly converged, and his body seemed to be locked in the center of the three boulders as if he had been immobilized.

"What the hell is this!"

Lang Qingfeng felt that his body was hit by nine invisible fists, and the power contained in it far exceeded the power of his physical body.

If it weren't for his quick reaction and closed his eyes immediately, I'm afraid his eyeballs would be bombed.

But even so, the body of the eighth-level monster was also severely damaged.

Afterwards, these nine invisible forces continued to blast out from three directions, as if they were going to crush their body.

At the same time, these nine forces intersected each other, forming a tight space that made him unable to move.

The demon spirit power in Lang Qingfeng's body surged rapidly, and the blue aura was blessed outside the wolf's body. With the help of the eighth-level demon spirit power, he was still unable to move, and only relieved the pain on his body.

If at the beginning of the battle, the invisible restraint he and the wild bear suffered was an instant burst, and at this time it was a force field that continued to act on Lang Qingfeng's body.

No matter how powerful his fleshly body was, how much demon spirit power surged, it was difficult to break free from this force field.

After the three boulders were thrown, it seemed that there was no interference from external forces, but they always maintained a positive triangle orientation.

Lang Qingfeng seems to have become one with the boulder, turning with the rotation of the boulder, drawing an arc in the air.


Accompanied by a huge roar, this triangular phalanx slammed into a mountainside, and all the grass, trees and rocks within a range of ten feet were instantly turned into powder, as if there was an invisible force radiating to the surrounding.

Three boulders, like three ancient stone tablets, stood on the ground.

Although the surrounding dust could not get close to the ten-zhang range of the stone monument, there seemed to be no interference from the sky. A large amount of dust fell from the sky and entered the center of the three stone monuments, sketching a strange outline.

It seems that three thick beams of energy are blasted out from the three stone tablets, and they converge in the middle to form a circular force field.

Lang Qingfeng was in the center of the force field, and the muscles on his body twitched slightly, as if he was enduring great pain.

Suddenly, a blue aura flashed on one of his wolf paws and shot downwards.

At first, the speed of the blue aura was slow, but as it moved away from the force field in the middle, the speed became faster and faster.


The next moment, the soil burst, and a slender blue wolf finger appeared at the bottom of a boulder.

This attack seemed to have no effect. The aura above dissipated and fell into the soil. The boulder seemed to be stabilized by other forces and was suspended there.

The corner of Lang Qingfeng's mouth twitched, four wolf claws flashed in succession, and a dozen wolf fingers squeezed out the force field from below and bombarded the bottom of this suspended boulder.

But such a terrifying attack only cut out some stone chips, and the demon spirit power attached to the wolf finger collapsed the moment it touched the boulder.

Those stone chips were still cut away by the sharp wolf fingers and the accompanying power.

"The material is so strong?"

When Lang Qingfeng saw this scene, his consciousness jumped violently: "Could it be the Broken Dragon Stone?"

After he was trapped, he continued to investigate and found that the power that imprisoned him came from these three monuments. The combination of the three monuments formed a unique force field restriction.

Moreover, he also noticed that the upper and lower positions were the weak points of this force field, so he stimulated the out-of-body attack magic power of Wolf Finger, trying to destroy one of the stone tablets.

Before the hasty attack, Lang Qingfeng didn't feel much. Now think about it, this kind of stone is extremely hard and can isolate the spiritual energy, it can only be the broken dragon stone.

"Impossible, Broken Dragon Stone is not compatible with any magic power, how can it carry the forbidden magic circle!"

"Little wolf cub, stop struggling. The power of the Three Origins Monument's imprisonment is not something that an eighth-level monster like you can break free. It can save some demon spirit power and relieve the pain of the body."

When Lang Qingfeng heard the voice, his divine sense poked outwards, and he couldn't help feeling hopeless.

I saw the burly man flying from a distance, with a comatose big white bear suspended beside him. The bear's face was covered with fist marks, and his skull was slightly deformed.

In such a short period of time, the wild bear was defeated, and he was still stunned. With such terrifying strength, he had no chance of escaping.


This burly man was naturally Lu Kun. He looked at the three boulders below which were imprisoning Wolf Qingfeng, showing satisfaction.

More than half a year ago, after he and others refined the Five Elements Formation Plate of Blood and Flesh, they began to arrange them in the center of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

During the layout process, several people found that the five elements of flesh and blood were combined together. Although they can form various unique force fields, they still have many defects.

First of all, the force field of the Great Five Elements is formed by the handover of the power of the void. At the edge of the handover, the force field is greatly weakened, and it is easy to become a breakthrough point.

Secondly, because the power of the void is a single-directional force, it is easy for people to detect the source, so as to find the position of the five elements of flesh and blood.

As long as these two points are used, the trapped person can attack the five elements of flesh and blood through the weakness of the force field.

In the end, after everyone discussed it, they found that the formation plates that stimulated the invisible force field were a match made in heaven with the Dragon Broken Stone. They could completely put the five-element formation plate of flesh and blood, the spirit stones and magic stones that provided energy into the Dragon Break Stone.

The power of the void stimulated by the five-element array of flesh and blood is not the magic of immortal cultivators, but the unique source power of body cultivators, and the Dragon Broken Stone cannot be isolated at all.

In this way, the trapped people discovered the five elements of flesh and blood, and what was the use?

The secret technique inherited from the Yueyang Sect can make the Broken Dragon Stone into the mold of the magic weapon, and now the five-element array of flesh and blood is embedded in it, which is naturally extremely simple.

The three broken dragon stones in front of them were carefully refined by Lu Kun and Zhu Siming. They were independent of traditional immortal cultivators and belonged to the treasures of physical cultivation.

The Three Source Monument!

Each Dragon Broken Stone tablet contains six five-element array disks of flesh and blood, and there are three release ports for the power of the void on both sides. The front side is relatively closed, and the back side is relatively scattered.

When the three broken dragon stones are in a triangular orientation, the nine beams on the front converge to form a great five-element force field, and the nine beams on the opposite side provide reaction force and stabilize the triangular structure.

In order to ensure its power, the main materials of these eighteen flesh and blood five-element array plates are all eight-level magic bones.

Integrating into Lu Kun's flesh-and-blood array, the source power generated is equivalent to the realm of his physical body. The sixth-level demon bone can generate 300,000 kilograms of void force, and the seventh-level is 400,000 kilograms.

The eighth-level demon bones made up to 800,000 kilograms. Nine bundles of powerful void power gathered together, forming a terrifying force field of the Five Elements.

Even the powerful eighth-level monsters were forcibly imprisoned!

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