The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 988 The robbery formation

Lang Qingfeng smelled the aura of the demon ape inherited in his blood, looked at the unconscious wild bear, suddenly thought of something, and quickly said: "This fellow daoist of the giant ape, we are the subordinates of Kui Niu boss, Lao Xiong. There is also a token of Kui Niu boss."

"In ancient times, Kui Niu and the giant ape were closely related. We were wrong about the mountain black ape family. For the sake of Kui Niu's boss, please be merciful."

"Kui Niu? This is what you're talking about?" Lu Kun raised his arm, and a piece of kraft paper exuding the power of qi and blood floated on his palm.

Lang Qingfeng's expression was stagnant: "Why is it in your hands, did the wild bear show you, but why..."

Lu Kun turned his hands to put away the cowhide, and said lightly: "You made a mistake, although I have some connections with the Gigantic Ape, it is not a monster, but a human, and there is no friendship between the human and the monster. "

Langqing Feng Divine Consciousness jumped violently: "This is impossible! I will never hear the blood of the giant ape. Besides, the body of the human race immortal cultivator is extremely fragile, how can it have such a strong physical strength."

"What's more, you have also used the psychic giant arm magical power..."

Lu Kun shook his head and said, "I'm not a human being, but I'm not an immortal cultivator as you say, but a body cultivator!"

"Physical repair?" Lang Qingfeng looked blank, obviously he had never heard of physical repair, but literally, it seemed to be a cultivator's name.

At this moment, the invisible force ejected from the three broken dragon stones suddenly dissipated, and the force field in the middle disappeared, but before Lang Qingfeng could react, the air around him was tense again.

Unlike the Three Origins Monument, the binding force at this time is squeezed from all directions, without any dead ends.

And I don't know if it's Lang Qingfeng's illusion, this new force field that squeezes and binds him is more terrifying than the one that just fought.

If the other party used it from the beginning, they would certainly not be able to break free so easily.


This is naturally not the illusion of Lang Qingfeng.

The power of the void brought about by Lu Kun's physical source has a great relationship with the distance. The farther the distance is, the more magic energy is consumed. If it exceeds the range of ten feet, it cannot even be used. On the contrary, the closer the distance, the stronger the power. big.

However, if the power of the void is used, the effect of borrowing from the void of the body's source power will temporarily disappear.

Therefore, Lu Kun usually first uses the power of the void to simply restrain the opponent at the farthest distance, and then relies on the speed of the bone treasure in his body to quickly approach.

After getting close, he revokes the power of the void, and relies on the void of the physical source to use the magical power to vent the 800,000 jins of terrifying brute force.

And with the Three Origins Monument, Lu Kun can use this treasure to remotely activate the power of the void, and his magical powers go further.

"As expected, the physical strength of this wolf monster is similar to that of the phantom sea monster."

Lu Kun could feel the strength of the opponent's struggle.

"Now it seems that the physical strength of most of the eighth-level monsters is about 400,000 kilograms, and this eighth-level sea bear beast is more focused on strength, almost 500,000 kilograms."

Lu Kun was thoughtful.

"Transfiguration Demon Cultivator has a powerful physical body, strong demon spirit power, and body parts comparable to magic weapons. The fighting method is very similar to the body repair of the bone treasure period."

"If these monsters don't change shape and break through with their physical bodies, the physical power will definitely go beyond that, why do they have to transform into human forms?"

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Kun shook his head, put the doubt in his heart, and looked at the three broken dragon stone tablets. Seeing that there was not much damage on the surface, he waved one hand and put it away.

The consumption of such a powerful treasure is equally astonishing. In addition to spirit stones and magic stones, it is also necessary to replenish the essence of flesh and blood.

Originally, Lu Kun didn't plan to use this newly-trained treasure. He came here, on the one hand, because of the demonic energy here, and on the other hand, he waited for the wild bear to deliver it to the door.

But who knew that in addition to this eighth-level sea bear beast, another eighth-level wolf demon also came. To capture two eighth-level demon cultivators alive, he would have to use the three-source monument.

This forbidden treasure for exclusive body training did not disappoint him.

Looking at the blue wind wolf demon who was still trying to struggle, Lu Kun's expression turned cold.

A small grey ball appeared out of thin air and quickly fell into the mouth of the wolf demon.

Lang Qingfeng's eyes stared, his body stopped struggling, and his eyes revealed a look of horror. With his spiritual sense and spiritual sense, he could clearly perceive that there was a terrifying destruction in this small gray ball. Power.

If this destructive force erupts outside the body, he may be able to resist it by relying on the defense of the flesh and fur. If it is inside the body, he will be completely destroyed...

Lu Kun withdrew the power of the void and said lightly: "The explosive power of this ball of destruction is equivalent to the peak of Nascent Soul, follow it honestly, don't have any thoughts, otherwise my mind will move, and your years of cultivation will be in vain. ."

After speaking, Lu Kun mentioned the huge white bear next to him, as if his body had no weight, he flew towards the mountain not far away.

There was a flash of struggle in Lang Qingfeng's eyes, then he lowered his head slumped, and followed him with his tail drooping.


During the battle between the two sides, the mountain under the thunder robbery experienced two more rounds of destruction. The mountain that was originally towering into the clouds was cut off by the violent force of destruction.

On the top of the mountain, apart from the charred rocks and soil, only Fang Yuan and her spirit beast, the phantom fox, remained.

Fang Xiaobo, who was previously assisting him, was now suspended on the edge of the mountain. He looked at the gradually dissipating robbery clouds in the sky, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

Back then, the non-aggression contract between the inner and outer seas protected the inland cultivators, but it also harmed their spiritual transformation sect. Without high-level monsters as their natural beasts, their sects would not be able to give birth to cultivators in the Yuan Ying stage.

The array he had previously helped Fang Yuan maintain was called the robbery formation.

This robbery formation has not been born for tens of thousands of years. Once it appears, it means that the cultivator of the Yuan Ying stage will soon appear in the spiritual transformation sect.

This magic circle has two main functions. One is to slightly weaken the power of the thunder tribulation. Although it is not weakened much, it can only be used on the first thunder tribulation, but it is also very precious to the demon clan. .

The second is that it can share the mana of the monk with his spirit beasts to form a temporary demon spirit power, which means that the spirit beasts who transcend the calamity have twice the demon spirit power at once, greatly increasing the success rate of transcending the calamity. .

Coupled with the fact that the phantom fox devoured the demon pill and blood essence of the eighth-level phantom sea-monster, the power of the bloodline soared, and the help of the ghost wood, Fang Yuan's natal beast, successfully survived the transformation thunder tribulation.


The phantom fox was crawling in the center of the peak, and its body was covered with a layer of pale pink aura, and new white hairs grew from the skin.

The spiritual energy and demonic energy of the entire Water Bear Mountain gathered together, turning into a yellow and white funnel cloud, frantically flocking to the Illusory Spirit Fox, a unique coercion of an eighth-level monster, slowly spreading around. .

At the same time, the spiritual light of the magic circle under the ghost fox flickered, and a stream of pale pink spiritual power flowed into the pattern of the magic circle and flowed in the other direction.

There was a three-foot-sized magic circle on which the pale fairy Fang Yuan sat, and those pink auras poured out of the magic circle and entered her body.

The surrounding spiritual energy and demonic energy attracted by the phantom spirit fox seemed to be attracted by some kind, and suddenly split out and turned to Fang Yuan...

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