The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 991 Mutation

"In the process of refining the marrow, the blood control method cannot be used. Fang Yuan's bone mana is too weak, and the repair speed is extremely low, which cannot stop the flow of blood."

The power of qi and blood in Lu Kun's body was churning, but the next moment calmed down.

"No, if my blood essence enters Fang Yuan's body, although it can lock her blood and prevent it from flowing, but in this case, this temporary demon spirit power will not be able to successfully refine the essence at all."

"After all, even a trace of my blood is difficult for an eighth-level demon cultivator to refine."

Seeing Fang Yuan's stubborn expression as she bit her lip, Lu Kun frowned even more.

This temporary demon spirit power was not easy to come by.

The practitioners of Hualingjue and their natal beasts initially combined the magic power of the fake pill with the spiritual power of the seventh-level peak demon with the help of the magic circle.

In the process of the breakthrough between the two sides, this energy successively blessed the newly promoted eighth-level demon spirit power and the power of the Nascent Soul, and only then did this eighth-level energy that the two parties can jointly stimulate.

It is impossible to find this energy in the future.

Lu Kun sighed:

"Forget it, since you dare to take risks, I will help you make up for this last flaw."

"Bone shattering and bone marrow refining, these two problems were solved by temporary demon spirit power."

"The rest is to help you control the flow of blood, and you can't hinder the marrow refining, so there is only one way!"

Lu Kun said with a serious expression, "Xiao Bai, come here."

After the little fox heard it, it turned into a pink aura and quickly came to Lu Kun's side.

"You are now an eighth-level demon cultivator, possessing the Nascent Soul-level divine consciousness and demon spirit power. I will teach you how to control blood and help Fang Yuan curb the flow of blood."

"Your blood is of the same origin as this temporary demon spirit power, and will not hinder Fang Yuan's refining of the bone marrow cavity."

The little fox said eagerly: "Pavilion master, what should I do?"

Lu Kun said solemnly: "Turn into the body, urge the blood to be released, and use these methods to control the blood that is separated from the body."

While speaking, his divine sense transmitted sound to guide him.

This blood control technique originated from the blood tooth of the Qi State Loose Cultivation Alliance. After Lu Kun's improvement, it has become a unique magical power of physical cultivation.

At this time, he returned to the original law and added a few blood control methods.

It is also fortunate that the blood essence of the eighth-level monster is not weak. If it is a cultivator of the Nascent Soul, he cannot do this at all.


Lang Qingfeng in the distance looked at the anxious few people, and there was a little change in his heart, but then Lu Kun gave him a light glance.

The gray iron ball in the body trembled faintly, and the terrifying power of destruction seemed to be vented at any time, so frightened that the wolf blue wind and the wolf hair stood upright, not daring to move at all, and honestly stayed beside the unconscious wild bear.

After a while, the destructive power disappeared again.

"Damn, I have quietly wrapped this ball with demon spirit power. It can reasonably isolate all kinds of magic spells, but why is this guy still urging it?"

Lang Qingfeng's eyelids twitched for a while, and the opponent's magical powers were mysterious and unpredictable. Unless he spit out a gray ball before he started, he could escape. Now it seems that this is impossible.


The little fox had turned into its body, lying on Fang Yuan's slightly undulating chest, eyes closed, a layer of sweat appeared on the pointed nose, and the three big tails were motionless, looking very nervous.

The pain on Fang Yuan's face eased, the blood on her skin gradually disappeared into her body, and the blood seemed to be under control and did not continue to flow.

The golden light in Lu Kun's eyes flashed away, and he let out a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, he did not deviate from his judgment. Using the blood of the little fox as a guide can also restrain Fang Yuan's blood.

The blood essence of the little fox is the same as the temporary demon spirit power in Fang Yuan's body. Although it has increased the difficulty of refining a lot, it is definitely much easier than his blood.

"Fang Yuan dares to take such a risk. It seems that she wants to completely switch to the Demon Spirit Art. She is almost 400 years old. If she wants to go further in body training, time is the most urgent."

"But the magic of the Demon Spirit Art, I can only deduce the part of the body quenching stage. After the bone treasure stage, it will be the same as the five elements of body training, I am not sure..."

"Hey, the monster around you..."

When Lu Kun raised his head, he suddenly found that the demonic energy that had dissipated before had gathered again at some point, layers of thick yellow mist, as if he had found something delicious and swarmed.

They all flocked to the little fox, no, it was Fang Yuan's body, and the speed of convergence was astonishing.

"What's going on, even if Hualing Jue broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, the demonic energy is not so crazy, wait, these demonic energy..."

Lu Kun's pupils dilated, and Jinmu's supernatural powers clearly saw these surging demonic energy, which entered the bone marrow cavity along the gaps in Fang Yuan's bones that were still cracked!

And then... these demonic auras disappeared!


At the same time, Lu Kun felt a unique blood aura overflowing from Fang Yuan's body, and the gathered demonic energy was distorted and outlined the illusion of a three-tailed spirit fox!

This three-tailed spirit fox seems to be exactly the same as Xiaobai in terms of appearance and temperament.

The little fox looked at it blankly, with a dazed expression on his face.

"How is this going!"

Lu Kun's expression became extremely strange.

How familiar is this scene.

When he broke through to the blood coagulation stage on the Demon Island, the same scene happened. All the demonic energy poured into the bone marrow cavity and disappeared without turning into any energy.

As for the demonic beast illusion manifested by the demonic energy, he has also appeared several times, but his is a giant ape.

When Lang Qingfeng, who was not far away, saw such a scene, he couldn't help crying.

"Blood awakening, half-demon clan! How is it possible, this race has not long since been wiped out in the river of history, how could it appear here."

"Half-demon clan?"

Hearing Lang Qingfeng's howl, Lu Kun couldn't help but think that in Lingming Demon Valley, the first time the Lingming Stone Monkey senior saw him, he regarded him as a "half-demon".

He turned to look at Lang Qingfeng and said coldly, "Little wolf cub, you actually know the half-demon clan, let's take a look at what you know."

Lang Qingfeng's eyes kept turning on Fang Yuan and Lu Kun, and the ghost fox illusion outside Fang Yuan's body evoked a long-cherished memory in his blood.

He smiled bitterly and said, "I should have thought of it long ago, the human race that has the bloodline of the giant ape, can mobilize strange magic weapons, and knows so much about demon spirit power, can only be a half-demon!"

"Only this human race with the blood of the monster in its body can use the magical powers of the monster, and can even cultivate mana and monster spirit power at the same time!"

But the next moment, Lang Qingfeng showed a dazed look again.

"No, it is rumored that it is extremely difficult for the half-demon clan to cultivate, and the use of the demon clan's supernatural powers will consume a lot of blood essence, making the flesh body more fragile than the average human clan."

"But your strength has reached the Nascent Soul level, and your physical body is still so terrifying. Wait, physical cultivation, is it a cultivation technique for cultivating the physical body, if the physical body of the half-demon clan becomes as powerful as a monster..."

Lang Qingfeng couldn't help his scalp go numb, and the look in Lu Kun's eyes became even more frightened.

After listening to Lang Qingfeng's words, Lu Kun connected a lot of information in his mind. He seemed to think of something, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

He took a deep breath and looked at the gradually thinning demonic energy around him.

"When I broke through the coagulation period, the demonic island was full of demonic energy, and it was absorbed all day and night. The demonic energy here was only stimulated by the eighth-level bear demon, and the stock is running out."

"Moreover, the appearance of the transformation thunder tribulation and the formation of the baby celestial phenomenon at the water bear mountain must have attracted the attention of people who are interested, and it is not suitable to stay for a long time."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun said with a solemn expression: "Xiaobo, put these bear demons in the spirit beast bag, Xiaobai, clear the traces here, we will leave immediately."

Then he held it with one hand, grabbed Lang Qingfeng and Man Xiong beside him, stuffed a few spirit stones into the wolf's mouth of the former, and said coldly: "Now give me all my strength to generate demonic energy, if you dare to slack off, immediately Let your soul be destroyed."

Lang Qingfeng shivered, and without saying a word, he honestly ran the demon spirit power in his body, absorbed these spirit stones, and began to emit a demonic energy from his body.

The generation of demonic energy, Lu Kun had learned from the old mountain black ape back then, that monsters above the seventh level peak, can use the powerful demon spirit power to transform the aura into demonic energy. In other words, it's simpler.

After dozens of breaths, Lu Kun waved with one hand, with his body as the center, forming an invisible force field with a range of ten feet, shrouding everyone inside and isolating them from the outside world.

The demonic energy transformed by Lang Qingfeng poured into Fang Yuan's body, and in a burst of pale pink aura, everyone disappeared where they were, as if they had never appeared.

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